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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Mathematics in 2023

Moving Boundary Pde Analysis: Biomedical Applications in R by Schiesser, William
Die Homotopie Der Sphären: Eine Einführung in Spektralsequenzen, Lokalisierungen Und Kohomologie-Operationen by Toenniessen, Fridtjof
Comparison Principles for General Potential Theories and Pdes by Harvey, F. Reese, Cirant, Marco, Lawson, H. Blaine
Comparison Principles for General Potential Theories and Pdes by Harvey, F. Reese, Cirant, Marco, Lawson, H. Blaine
Numbers: 10 Things You Should Know by Stuart, Colin
Mess with Math: Over 70 Hands-On Projects for Kids by Claybourne, Anna
The Invention of Imagination: Aristotle, Geometry, and the Theory of the Psyche by Humphreys, Justin
Stochastic Transport in Upper Ocean Dynamics II: Stuod 2022 Workshop, London, Uk, September 26-29 by
Stochastic Transport in Upper Ocean Dynamics II: Stuod 2022 Workshop, London, Uk, September 26-29 by
Advances in Best-Worst Method: Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Best-Worst Method (Bwm2023) by
Integral Representation: Choquet Theory for Linear Operators on Function Spaces by Roth, Walter
Distributed Transfer Function Method: One-Dimensional Problems in Engineering by Yang, Bingen, Noh, Kyoungrae
Applications of Heuristic Algorithms to Optimal Road Congestion Pricing by Graham, Don
Byrne's Euclid: The First Six Books of the Elements of Euclid with Coloured Diagrams by Byrne, Oliver
Byrne's Euclid: The First Six Books of the Elements of Euclid with Coloured Diagrams by Byrne, Oliver
Computational Methods for Biological Models by
Engineering Mathematics and Computing by
Production and Operations Management: Poms Lima, Peru, December 2-4, 2021 (Virtual Edition) by
Analytic Projective Geometry by Penttila, Tim, Bamberg, John
Direct and Projective Limits of Geometric Banach Structures. by Cabau, Patrick, Pelletier, Fernand
Complex Analysis by Mel'nyk, Taras
Symmetric Cycles by Matveev, Andrey O.
Understanding Structural Equation Modeling: A Manual for Researchers by Verma, Priyam, Verma, J. P.
Isoperimetric Inequalities in Riemannian Manifolds by Ritoré, Manuel
Infinite Dimensional Analysis, Quantum Probability and Applications: Qp41 Conference, Al Ain, Uae, March 28-April 1, 2021 by
Multivariate Statistical Analysis in the Real and Complex Domains by Provost, Serge B., Haubold, Hans J., Mathai, Arak M.
Introduction to String Theory by Cecotti, Sergio
Handbook of Geometry and Topology of Singularities IV by
Random Walk and Diffusion Models: An Introduction for Life and Behavioral Scientists by Schwarz, Wolf
Regular Non-Additive Multimeasures. Fundaments and Applications by Gavriluţ, Alina, Pap, Endre
Chain Conditions in Commutative Rings by Benhissi, Ali
The Virtual Element Method and Its Applications by
Normalization Techniques in Deep Learning by Huang, Lei
Theory of NP Spaces by Mashreghi, Javad, Khoi, Le Hai
Nonlinear Analysis, Geometry and Applications: Proceedings of the Second Nlaga-Birs Symposium, Cap Skirring, Senegal, January 25-30, 2022 by
The Daring Invention of Logarithm Tables: How Jost Bürgi, John Napier, and Henry Briggs simplified arithmetic and started the computing revolution by Truemper, Klaus
An Introduction to Optimization: With Applications to Machine Learning by Chong, Edwin K. P., Lu, Wu-Sheng, Zak, Stanislaw H.
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the Computational Social Science Society of the Americas by
Interfaces: Modeling, Analysis, Numerics by Bänsch, Eberhard, Deckelnick, Klaus, Garcke, Harald
Wave Scattering by Small Bodies: Creating Materials with a Desired Refraction Coefficient and Other Applications by Ramm, Alexander G.
Computational Intelligence-Based Optimization Algorithms: From Theory to Practice by Zolghadr-Asli, Babak
Computational Intelligence-Based Optimization Algorithms: From Theory to Practice by Zolghadr-Asli, Babak
Mechanics Department in Physics Lessons and Problem Solving Methodology by Begmuradov Shohzod
Equivalents of the Riemann Hypothesis by Broughan, Kevin
Lesson Study with Mathematics and Science Preservice Teachers: Finding the Form by
Finite Volumes for Complex Applications X--Volume 2, Hyperbolic and Related Problems: Fvca10, Strasbourg, France, October 30, 2023-November 03, 2023 by
Functional Estimation for Density, Regression Models and Processes (Second Edition) by Pons, Odile
Calculus by Arora, Jagdish Krishanlal
Lectures on Analytic Function Spaces and Their Applications by
Analyticity and Sparsity in Uncertainty Quantification for Pdes with Gaussian Random Field Inputs by Nguyen, Van Kien, Dũng, Dinh, Schwab, Christoph
Partial Differential Equations and Functional Analysis: Mark Vishik: Life and Scientific Legacy by
Axiomatic Thinking I by
Integral Methods in Science and Engineering: Applications in Theoretical and Practical Research by
Spherical Functions of Mathematical Geosciences: A Scalar, Vectorial, and Tensorial Setup by Schreiner, Michael, Freeden, Willi
Functional Analysis Tools for Practical Use in Sciences and Engineering by De Moura, Carlos A.
AMC 8 Preparation by Kvasov, Roman
Scientific Legacy of Professor Zbigniew Oziewicz: Selected Papers from the International Conference Applied Category Theory Graph-Operad-Logic by
Photonic Neural Networks with Spatiotemporal Dynamics: Paradigms of Computing and Implementation by
Fuzzy Logic Applications in Computer Science and Mathematics by
Photonic Neural Networks with Spatiotemporal Dynamics: Paradigms of Computing and Implementation by
Advanced Mathematical Analysis and Its Applications by
The Splendors and Miseries of Martingales: Their History from the Casino to Mathematics by
Deep Learning in Big Data, Image, and Signal Processing in the Modern Digital Age by
A Primer of Mathematical Analysis and the Foundations of Computation by Seldin, Jonathan, Kamareddine, Fairouz
Physik Und Finanzen by Ziemann, Volker
New Trends in Geometric Analysis: Spanish Network of Geometric Analysis 2007-2021 by
Integral Equations and Integral Transforms by Mandal, Birendra Nath, Banerjea, Sudeshna
Optimal Fractionation in Radiotherapy by Ghate, Archis
Modern Numerical Nonlinear Optimization by Andrei, Neculai
Spreadsheet Problem Solving and Programming for Engineers and Scientists by Chapra, Steven C., Clough, David E.
Sudoku Puzzles: Medium & Hard Sudoku Puzzles Suduko Books for Adults with Full solutions. by Salmatics
Kant's Mathematical World by Sutherland, Daniel
Analytic Projective Geometry by Bamberg, John, Penttila, Tim
Mathematical Quantum Physics: A Foundational Introduction by Tornetta, Gabriele Nunzio
Dark and Bright Mathematics: Hidden Harmony in Art, History and Culture by Huylebrouck, Dirk
The Lucas Sequences: Theory and Applications by Ballot, Christian J. -C, Williams, Hugh C.
Arbeitsbuch Höhere Mathematik: Aufgaben Mit Vollständig Durchgerechneten Lösungen Und Verweisen Auf Entsprechende Videos by Hoever, Georg
Operations Management for Environmental Sustainability: Operational Measures, Regulations and Carbon Constrained Decisions by Ma, Lijun, Dou, Guowei, Wei, Kun
Online Capacity Provisioning for Energy-Efficient Datacenters by Chen, Minghua, Chau, Sid Chi-Kin
El Mundo del Álgebra: Desde los Enteros hasta los Complejos: Introducción al Algebra by Cortes Salazar R. Cort, Ricardo Javier Ja
Compressed Sensing in Information Processing by
Nonlinear Dynamics and Complexity: Mathematical Modelling of Real-World Problems by
Partial Differential Equations by Dibenedetto, Emmanuele, Gianazza, Ugo
Cameron Loves Cats and Cameron Loves to Count by Smith M. Ed Ph. D., Edward G.
Linear Models and the Relevant Distributions and Matrix Algebra: A Unified Approach Volume 2 by Harville, David A.
Introduction to Elementary Mathematics Grades 2 and 3 by Fisher, Richard W.
The Structure of Compact Groups: A Primer for the Student - A Handbook for the Expert by Hofmann, Karl H., Morris, Sidney a.
Logic, Rationality, and Interaction: 9th International Workshop, Lori 2023, Jinan, China, October 26-29, 2023, Proceedings by
Quantities and Units: The International System of Units by Krystek, Michael
Numerical Methods for Black-Box Software in Computational Continuum Mechanics: Parallel High-Performance Computing by Martynenko, Sergey I.
Learning Data Science: Data Wrangling, Exploration, Visualization, and Modeling with Python by Gonzalez, Joseph, Nolan, Deborah, Lau, Sam
Fuzzy Optimization, Decision-Making and Operations Research: Theory and Applications by
Learning and Intelligent Optimization: 17th International Conference, Lion 17, Nice, France, June 4-8, 2023, Revised Selected Papers by
From Classical Analysis to Analysis on Fractals: A Tribute to Robert Strichartz, Volume 1 by
Sudoku Large Print with Solutions: 120 Easy to Hard Sudoku Puzzles for Adults & Seniors by Publishing, Harrington
Finite Element Analysis: A Primer by Musa, Sarhan M.
Marcelo Viana - Selected Works by Viana, Marcelo
Sudoku 16x16 Large Print with Solutions: 100 Hard Sudoku Puzzles for Adults & Seniors by Publishing, Harrington
Applied Mathematics for Scientists and Engineers by Raffoul, Youssef
Applied Mathematics for Scientists and Engineers by Raffoul, Youssef
An Introduction to Discrete Dynamical Systems and their General Solutions. 4th Edition by Oliveira-Pinto, F.
Mathematics of the Weather: Polygonal Spline Local-Galerkin Methods on Spheres by Steppeler, Jürgen, Li, Jinxi
Equivariant Cohomology in Algebraic Geometry by Anderson, David, Fulton, William
Mathematical Physics with Differential Equations by Yang, Yisong
Mathematical Physics with Differential Equations by Yang, Yisong
Well-Posed Nonlinear Problems: A Study of Mathematical Models of Contact by Sofonea, Mircea
Spectral Measures and Dynamics: Typical Behaviors by Carvalho, Silas L., de Oliveira, César R., Aloisio, Moacir
Grundkurs Topologie by Szymik, Markus, Laures, Gerd
Recent Advances in Alexandrov Geometry by
Model-Based Fault Diagnosis: Methods for State-Space Systems by Wang, Zhenhua, Shen, Yi
Function Spaces and Operators Between Them by Bonet, José, Jornet, David, Sevilla-Peris, Pablo
New Trends in Lyapunov Exponents: Ntle, Lisbon, Portugal, February 7-11, 2022 by
Analytical Methods for Solving Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations by Arrigo, Daniel
Practical Chemical Process Optimization: With Matlab(r) and Gams(r) by Kookos, Ioannis K.
Cross Sums Uncovered: Mastering the Intricacies of a Classic Math Puzzle by G, Wieslaw
Scalable Algorithms for Contact Problems by Dostál, Zdeněk, Kozubek, Tomás, Sadowská, Marie
Introduction to the Tools of Scientific Computing by Smith, Einar
Recent Advancements in Computational Finance and Business Analytics: Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Finance and Business by
Multiplicative Partial Differential Equations by Zennir, Khaled, Georgiev, Svetlin G.
Declarative Models of Concurrent Cyclic Processes by Bocewicz, Grzegorz
Mycorrhiza Optimization Algorithm by Castillo, Oscar, Carreon-Ortiz, Hector, Valdez, Fevrier
Gas Dynamics with Applications in Industry and Life Sciences: On Gas Kinetic/Dynamics and Life Science Seminar, March 25-26, 2021 and March 17-18, 202 by
Eratosthenes and the Measurement of the Earth's Circumference (C.230 Bc) by Matthew, Christopher A.
Das Eigene Und Das Fremde: Eine Untersuchung Zum Fremdverstehen Von Lehrkräften Im Mathematikunterricht by Günther, Claudia-Susanne
4000 Jahre Zahlentheorie: Geschichte - Kulturen - Menschen I. Von Babel Bis Abel by Lemmermeyer, Franz
Maximum-Entropy Sampling: Algorithms and Application by Fampa, Marcia, Lee, Jon
Analysis, Applications, and Computations: Proceedings of the 13th Isaac Congress, Ghent, Belgium, 2021 by
Optimization, Simulation and Control: Icosc 2022, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, June 20-22 by
Design of Heuristic Algorithms for Hard Optimization: With Python Codes for the Travelling Salesman Problem by Taillard, Éric D.
Neue Wege Im Mathematischen Unterricht: Auf Den Spuren Mathilde Vaertings by Werth, Gerda
How to Writeë"edit Your Scientific Article by Smith?, Stacey
A Comprehensive Textbook on Metric Spaces by Kainth, Surinder Pal Singh
Measure Theory, Probability, and Stochastic Processes by Le Gall, Jean-François
Math Puzzles and Logic Problems Two: A Cipher and Sage Large Print Edition by Charles, Elizabeth
Empire of the Sum: The Rise and Reign of the Pocket Calculator by Houston, Keith
How to Writeë"edit Your Scientific Article by Smith?, Stacey
The Math You Need: A Comprehensive Survey of Undergraduate Mathematics by Mack, Thomas
The Algorithm of Creation: Universalism's Algorithm of the Infinite and Space-Time, the Oneness of the Universe and the Unitive Vision, and a The by Hagger, Nicholas
People, Places, and Mathematics: A Memoir by Ward, Thomas
Sliding-Mode Control and Variable-Structure Systems: The State of the Art by
Integral Methods in Science and Engineering: Analytic and Computational Procedures by
Tree Balance Indices: A Comprehensive Survey by Herbst, Lina, Kersting, Sophie, Fischer, Mareike
Brückenkurs Mathematik Für Den Studieneinstieg: Grundlagen, Beispiele, Übungsaufgaben by Imkamp, Thorsten, Proß, Sabrina
Digitale Mathematikschulbücher in Der Sekundarstufe I: Eine Deskriptive Und Empirische Studie Zur Struktur Und Nutzung Digitaler Schulbücher Durch Ler by Pohl, Maximilian
A Practical Arithmetic by Quackenbos, G. P.
Mathematical Geography in the Eighteenth Century: Euler, Lagrange and Lambert by
American Rocket Math: English and Spanish Edition by Campodonica, Carol
Trivalent Discrete Surfaces and Carbon Structures by Naito, Hisashi
ACT Math Test Prep: A Quickstudy Laminated Reference Guide by Reiss, Stephen
Zur Geschichte der Zahl PI: Die Quadratur des Kreises als Näherung by Piontzik, Klaus
Behavior of Materials Under Impact, Explosion, High Pressures and Dynamic Strain Rates by
Machine Learning and Metaheuristics: Methods and Analysis by
Exercises in Cellular Automata and Groups by Ceccherini-Silberstein, Tullio, Coornaert, Michel
Hypergroups by Zieschang, Paul-Hermann
Analysis at Large: Dedicated to the Life and Work of Jean Bourgain by
Multi-Dimensional Control Problems: Robust Approach by Jayswal, Anurag, Preeti, Treanţӑ, Savin
A Study on Effects of Free Convection on MHD Flows through Porous Medium by Subbanna, K., Gouse Mohiddin, S., Bhuvana Vijaya, R.
Dot to Dot Book for Kid Ages 4-8 by Publication, Mohsin
Mathematik: Grundlagen für die Mittelstufe by Rueff, Andreas
"Sudoku Solver's Paradise: A Challenging Collection of Puzzles" by Cheema, Simranjeet Singh
Graph Theory and Additive Combinatorics: Exploring Structure and Randomness by Zhao, Yufei
Frontiers in Computational Fluid-Structure Interaction and Flow Simulation: Research from Lead Investigators Under Forty - 2023 by
Enumerative Combinatorics by Stanley, Richard
Maurer-Cartan Methods in Deformation Theory by Dotsenko, Vladimir, Shadrin, Sergey, Vallette, Bruno
Algebraic Groups and Number Theory: Volume 1 by Rapinchuk, Andrei, Rapinchuk, Igor, Platonov, Vladimir
Enumerative Combinatorics: Volume 2 by Stanley, Richard
Einführung in Optimierungsmodelle: Mit Beispielen Und Real-World-Anwendungen in Python by Sudermann-Merx, Nathan
Optimal Fractional-Order Predictive Pi Controllers: For Process Control Applications with Additional Filtering by Hussin, Fawnizu Azmadi, Ibrahim, Rosdiazli, Panneer Selvam, Arun Mozhi Devan
Building Math Confidence: A Self-Paced Curriculum Using Intuitive Strategies by Cutts, Jay B.
Geschichten Zur 0: Eine Szene Und Diverse Theorien by
Some Musings on Theta, Eta, and Zeta: From E8 to Cold Plasma to an Lnhomogeneous Universe by Williams, Floyd L.
Numerical Solution and Applications of Fractional Differential Equations by
Advancements in the Practical Applications of Agents, Multi-Agent Systems and Simulating Complex Systems by
Python Machine Learning: Leveraging Python for Implementing Machine Learning Algorithms and Applications (2023 Guide) by Bowman, Roberta
Automata: Theory, Trends, and Applications by Kozar, Tomas, Meduna, Alexander
Christmas Sudoku Seasonal Number Puzzles: Unlock Joy One Page at a Time with this Puzzle Book for Adults, Seniors & Teens Easy to Medium to Hard Puzzl by Knowles, Sarah
Spatial Econometrics: Spatial Autoregressive Models by Lee, Lung-Fei
Building Math Confidence: A Self-Paced Curriculum Using Intuitive Strategies by Cutts, Jay B.
Metric Spaces and Related Analysis by Kundu, Subiman, Aggarwal, Manisha
Números multidimensionales: Una forma diferente de concebir los números by Rodríguez Carmona, Hugo
Thanksgiving Mental Math Activity Book Puzzles for kids: 351 Fun Puzzles to solve with solutions (English Edition) by Publishing, H. B.
Mathematical and Computational Models of Flows and Waves in Geophysics by
Handbook on Blockchain by
Numerical Methods for Solving Discrete Event Systems: With Applications to Queueing Systems by Tavakoli, Javad, Grassmann, Winfried
Measure-Valued Processes and Stochastic Flows by Dorogovtsev, Andrey a.
Metamaterial Analysis and Design: A Mathematical Treatment of Cochlea-Inspired Sensors by Davies, Bryn, Ammari, Habib
Geometric Harmonic Analysis I: A Sharp Divergence Theorem with Nontangential Pointwise Traces by Mitrea, Dorina, Mitrea, Irina, Mitrea, Marius
Limit Theorems of Probability Theory by
Optimal Control of Odes and Daes by Gerdts, Matthias
Flatland by Abbott, Edwin
Visualization Psychology by
Representations of Su(2,1) in Fourier Term Modules by Bruggeman, Roelof W., Miatello, Roberto J.
Complex-Valued Neural Networks Systems with Time Delay: Stability Analysis and (Anti-)Synchronization Control by Wang, Zhen, Chen, Jian, Zhang, Ziye
Knowledge Graphs and Semantic Web: 5th Iberoamerican Conference and 4th Indo-American Conference, Kgswc 2023, Zaragoza, Spain, November 13-15, 2023, P by
Guide to Modern Physics: Using Mathematica for Calculations and Visualizations by Rohlf, James W.
Guide to Modern Physics: Using Mathematica for Calculations and Visualizations by Rohlf, James W.
Geschichten Aus Der Mathematik: Indien, China Und Das Europäische Erwachen by Strick, Heinz Klaus
Around the World in Eighty Games: From Tarot to Tic-Tac-Toe, Catan to Chutes and Ladders, a Mathematician Unlocks the Secrets of the World's Greatest by Du Sautoy, Marcus
Starborn: How the Stars Made Us (and Who We Would Be Without Them) by Trotta, Roberto
Beyond Measure: The Hidden History of Measurement from Cubits to Quantum Constants by Vincent, James
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