• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Mathematics in 2024

Suprematism in Harmonic Analysis by Córdoba, Antonio
Applications of Optimal Transport to Economics and Related Topics by
Applied Mathematical Analysis and Computations I: 1st Sgmc, Statesboro, Usa, April 2-3, 2021 (Virtual) by
Mathematical Methods in Medical and Biological Sciences by
Sur la programmation bi-niveaux linéaire by Radjef, Mohammed Said, Anzi, Aicha
Дослідження засміченос&# by Korchak, Mykola
Graph Vision: Digital Architecture's Skeletons by Vardouli, Theodora
Hyperdimatry: A Novel Mathematical Approach to Exploring and Understanding Higher Dimensions by Akhtar, Mohammad Amir Khusru
Scalable Uncertainty Management: 16th International Conference, Sum 2024, Palermo, Italy, November 27-29, 2024, Proceedings by
Logarithmic Norms by Söderlind, Gustaf
The Best of All Possible Worlds: A Life of Leibniz in Seven Pivotal Days by Kempe, Michael
4th Grade Math Practice Workbook and Full-length Online Assessments: ISASP Study Guide by Learning, Lumos
The Impossible Man: Roger Penrose and the Cost of Genius by Barss, Patchen
Differential Equations and Data Analysis by Beltukov, Aleksei
Simulation und Analyse von Antennenarrays by Singh, Jagtar, Kaur, Mandeep
Simulation et analyse des réseaux d'antennes by Singh, Jagtar, Kaur, Mandeep
Symulacja i analiza ukladów antenowych by Kaur, Mandeep, Singh, Jagtar
Simulação e análise de matrizes de antenas by Kaur, Mandeep, Singh, Jagtar
A Concise Introduction to Financial Derivatives by Maré, Eben
Case Studies in Mathematical Modeling for Medical Devices: How Pulse Oximeters and Doppler Ultrasound Fetal Heart Rate Monitors Work by Crowe, John
Théorie et applications des méthodes d'intégration analytique by Mbobi, Aimé
MATLAB Und Simulink Schnellkurs Für Ingenieure by Hossain, Eklas
Lights and Shadows on Generalizations in Fixed Point Theory by Rezapour, Shahram
The Art of Working with the Mathieu Group M24 by Curtis, Robert T.
Spectral and Spectral Element Methods for Fractional Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations by Wang, Li-Lian, Shen, Jie, Zayernouri, Mohsen
Bifurcation Theory of Pattern Formation in Economic Geography by Ikeda, Kiyohiro, Takayama, Yuki
Die Rolle Des Fachlichen Und Fachdidaktischen Wissens Beim Pädagogischen Argumentieren: Expertenstudien Mit Mathematiklehrpersonen by Pilous, Roland
Aufgabensammlung für die Oberstufe zur Analysis by Schuchmann, Marco
An Introduction to Kms Weights by Thomsen, Klaus Erik
O manual perfeito para a ciência: guia essencial para termos-chave by Jawale, Devang
Das perfekte Handbuch für die Wissenschaft: Unverzichtbarer Leitfaden für Schlüsselbegriffe by Jawale, Devang
Le parfait manuel des sciences: Guide essentiel des termes clés by Jawale, Devang
Il Manuale perfetto per la scienza: Guida essenziale ai termini chiave by Jawale, Devang
Analyse Du Dispositf Du Controle Interne by Bah, Oumar, Sacko, Adama
Analytical Methods in Applied Mathematics by Capelas De Oliveira, Edmundo, Maiorino, José Emílio
Brownian Motion and Potential Theory, Modern and Classical by Rao, Murali, Tian, James, Jorgensen, Palle
Brownian Motion and Potential Theory, Modern and Classical by Rao, Murali, Tian, James, Jorgensen, Palle
Reflective Boundary Conditions in Sph Fluid Dynamics Simulation: Two and Three-Dimensional Validation and Applications by Fraga Filho, Carlos Alberto Dutra
Illustrating Digital Innovations Towards Intelligent Fashion: Leveraging Information System Engineering and Digital Twins for Efficient Design of Next by
Applied Mathematical Analysis and Computations II: 1st Sgmc, Statesboro, Usa, April 2-3, 2021 (Virtual) by
Nonlinear Acoustics by
Minimization Problems for the Witness Beam in Relativistic Plasma Cavities by Hagedorn, Melinda
Continuous Parameter Markov Processes and Stochastic Differential Equations by Bhattacharya, Rabi, Waymire, Edward C.
[Set: Differentialgleichungen Band 1-6] by Oprandi, Adriano
Practice Tests for CASAS Math GOAL 2 Level C, Forms 925M and 926M by Coaching for Better Learning
Differentialgleichungen in Der Fluiddynamik: Grenzschichttheorie, Stabilitätstheorie, Turbulente Strömungen by Oprandi, Adriano
Data-Driven Models in Inverse Problems by
Decision Superhero Book 1: Driving Informed Decision-Making with Probability, Explainable Models, and Decision Science by Torkia, Eric, Klimack, William
Algebraic Topology: Constructions, Retractions, and Fixed Point Theory by Djebali, Smail
Linear Algebra: Vector and Inner Product Spaces by Maury, Saurabh Chandra
Calculus to Analysis: An Introductory Transition by Portnoy, Arturo
Topics in Infinite Group Theory: Nielsen Methods, Covering Spaces, and Hyperbolic Groups by Rosenberger, Gerhard, Fine, Benjamin, Moldenhauer, Anja
Modelling Stochastic Uncertainties: From Monte Carlo Simulations to Game Theory by Elmusrati, Mohammed
Algorithmic Aspects of Discrete Choice in Convex Optimization by Müller, David
Bayesian Nonparametric Statistics: École d'Été de Probabilités de Saint-Flour Li - 2023 by Castillo, Ismaël
Stochastic Transport in Upper Ocean Dynamics III: Stuod 2023 Workshop, Plouzané, France, September 25-28 by
Magische Quadrate Und Ihre Konstruktion: Ein Ausführlicher Überblick Zu Bekannten Konstruktionsverfahren by Danielsson, Holger
Geophysical Fluid Dynamics: Understanding (Almost) Everything with Rotating Shallow Water Models by Zeitlin, Vladimir
Some insights on surface calculus by Vieira, Luís, Gonçalves, Rui
Mathematics: An Illustrated History of Numbers (100 Ponderables) Revised and Updated by Jackson, Tom
Basic Concepts of Global Optimization by Stein, Oliver
Fourth International Handbook of Mathematics Education by
Geometric and Analytic Aspects of Functional Variational Principles: Cetraro, Italy 2022 by
Riemannsche Zahlensphäre Und Möbius-Transformationen by Wiecha, Maximilian
Two-Dimensional Single-Variable Cubic Nonlinear Systems, Vol II: A Crossing-Variable Cubic Vector Field by Luo, Albert C. J.
Probability for Dummies by Rumsey, Deborah J.
Reading the Mind of God: Johannes Kepler and the Reform of Astronomy by
Probability Theory, An Analytic View by Stroock, Daniel W.
I-Function and Its Applications by Bhat, Altaf Ahmad, Saxena, Vinod Prakash, Agarwal, Praveen
The Theory of Countable Borel Equivalence Relations by Kechris, Alexander S.
Étude Des Anomalies Physico-Chimiques de la Sous-Unité Lagunaire Aby by Stanislas Assohoun, Egomli, Jérémie Koua, Kpangni Alex, Lazare Akpetou, Kouamé
The Reasoning of Quantum Mechanics: Operator Theory and the Harmonic Oscillator by Beyer, Horst R.
Mathematics Strategies for Tier 1 and Tier 2 Interventions in a PLC at Work(r): (Develop Your Students' Grade-Level Mathematical Reasoning and Problem by Deinhart, Jennifer, Schuhl, Sarah, Toncheff, Mona
Automaten Und Sprachen: Theoretische Informatik Für Die PRAXIS: Mathematik, Anwendung, Intuition by Müller, Andreas
Mathematics of Engineering and Science: Practice Problems, Methods, and Solutions by Rahmani-Andebili, Mehdi
Created For His Glory, "Life Intimate Conversations With The Father" by
Advanced Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists with Worked Examples by Zakariyah, Shefiu
Advanced Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists with Worked Examples by Zakariyah, Shefiu
Intermediate Poker Mathematics by Bollman, Mark
Intermediate Poker Mathematics by Bollman, Mark
Multidisciplinary Approaches for Sustainable Development: International Conference on Multidisciplinary Approaches for Sustainable Development in Scie by
Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists with Worked Examples: Two Volume Set by Zakariyah, Shefiu
Mathematische Formelsammlung: Für Ingenieure Und Naturwissenschaftler by Papula, Lothar
Created For His Glory, "Life Intimate Conversations With The Father" by Lewis, Angela Denise
Statistical Analysis of Molecular and Genomic Evolution by Gu, Xun
Foundation of Probability Theory by Mao, Yong-Hua, Wang, Feng-Yu
Análise estatística da preferência dos alunos na seleção de uma bicicleta by Vedulla, Venkata Krishna
Analyse statistique des préférences des élèves dans le choix d'un vélo by Vedulla, Venkata Krishna
Statistische Analyse der Präferenzen von Schülern bei der Auswahl eines Fahrrads by Vedulla, Venkata Krishna
Analisi statistica delle preferenze degli studenti nella scelta di una bicicletta by Vedulla, Venkata Krishna
Statystyczna analiza preferencji uczniów przy wyborze roweru by Vedulla, Venkata Krishna
Wahrnehmung von Polizeibeamten gegenüber Kriminalitätsanalysten by Matthews, Eugene
Perception des analystes de la criminalité par les policiers by Matthews, Eugene
Postrzeganie analityków kryminalnych przez funkcjonariuszy policji by Matthews, Eugene
Percepções dos agentes de polícia sobre os analistas de criminalidade by Matthews, Eugene
La percezione degli agenti di polizia nei confronti degli analisti di criminalità by Matthews, Eugene
Game Theory Mastery: The Practical Guide to Master Every Decision, Anticipate Others' Moves, and Ensure Success in Work and Life Become the Leader Who by Publications, Strategic Thought
Graph Neural Network for Feature Extraction and Classification of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Images by Zhang, Zhili, Hu, Haojie, Ding, Yao
Model Optimization Methods for Efficient and Edge AI: Federated Learning Architectures, Frameworks and Applications by
Phase Type Distributions: Theory and Application by Horváth, András, Telek, Miklós
Introduction to Financial Mathematics by Hastings, Kevin J.
Biobanks in Healthcare: From the Collection of Biological Samples to Digital Health by Arrighi, Nicole, Hofman, Paul
Nonlinear Systems and Matrix Analysis - Recent Advances in Theory and Applications by
The Finite Element Method: Its Basis and Fundamentals by Zienkiewicz, O. C., Taylor, R. L., Govindjee, S.
Random Number Generators on Computers by Nakazawa, Hiroshi, Nakazawa, Naoya
Numerische Methoden by Canul Ek, Julio Cesar, Vela Avila, Antonio Alberto
Numerical Methods by Canul Ek, Julio Cesar, Vela Avila, Antonio Alberto
Méthodes Numériques by Canul Ek, Julio Cesar, Vela Avila, Antonio Alberto
Metodi Numerici by Canul Ek, Julio Cesar, Vela Avila, Antonio Alberto
Métodos Numéricos by Canul Ek, Julio Cesar, Vela Avila, Antonio Alberto
Math Mammoth Grade 3-A Worktext, Canadian Version by Miller, Maria
Math Mammoth Grade 3 Tests and Cumulative Reviews, Canadian Version by Miller, Maria
Math anxiety and teacher SELF-EFFICACY by R. Robinson, Joshua
Math Mammoth Grade 3 Answer Keys, Canadian Version by Miller1, Maria
Math Mammoth Grade 3-B Worktext, Canadian Version by Miller, Maria
Probabilistische Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse der Installation von Gründächern by Abdullah, Arham, Mahdiyar, Amir, Yahya, Khairulzan
Simulazione e analisi di array di antenne by Kaur, Mandeep, Singh, Jagtar
Analyse probabiliste des coûts et bénéfices de l'installation de toits verts by Abdullah, Arham, Mahdiyar, Amir, Yahya, Khairulzan
Analisi probabilistica costi-benefici dell'installazione di tetti verdi by Abdullah, Arham, Mahdiyar, Amir, Yahya, Khairulzan
Análise Probabilística de Custo-Benefício da Instalação de Coberturas Verdes by Mahdiyar, Amir, Yahya, Khairulzan, Abdullah, Arham
Ein kurzer historischer Überblick über den Begriff der Zahl by Chinchilla Valverde, Jorge Luis
Brief historical overview of the concept of number by Chinchilla Valverde, Jorge Luis
Un bref aperçu historique du concept de nombre by Chinchilla Valverde, Jorge Luis
Breve panoramica storica sul concetto di numero by Chinchilla Valverde, Jorge Luis
Krótki historyczny przegląd koncepcji liczby by Chinchilla Valverde, Jorge Luis
Uma breve panorâmica histórica do conceito de número by Chinchilla Valverde, Jorge Luis
Optimization and Optimal Control in a Nutshell by Munasinghe, Sudath Rohan
Year 6 Selective school style test questions for Maths by de Silva, Sam
Every Bit Counts: Posit Computing by Gustafson, John L.
Count to 5 with Palmar and Friends by Mims, Grandma
Every Bit Counts: Posit Computing by Gustafson, John L.
Practical Artificial Intelligence for Internet of Medical Things: Emerging Trends, Issues, and Challenges by
Mathematical Modelling: Simulation Analysis and Industrial Applications by Belkhode, Pramod, Maheshwary, Prashant, Borkar, Kanchan
Digital Twin: A Dynamic System and Computing Perspective by Ganguli, Ranjan, Adhikari, Sondipon, Chakraborty, Souvik
Numerical Methods for Fractal-Fractional Differential Equations and Engineering: Simulations and Modeling by Khan, Muhammad Altaf, Atangana, Abdon
A Stitch in Line: Mathematics and One-Stitch Sashiko by Seaton, Katherine
Special Functions in Fractional Calculus and Engineering by
Modeling and Simulation of Environmental Systems: A Computation Approach by
A Stitch in Line: Mathematics and One-Stitch Sashiko by Seaton, Katherine
Complex Analysis by Sabra, Ramadan
Design Load Allowables for Composite Plates Exposed to Thermomechanical Loads by Liebisch, Martin
Einführung in Die Spektrale Graphentheorie by Pankrashkin, Konstantin, Naderi, Kiyan
Mathematics Before and After Pythagoras: Exploring the Foundations and Evolution of Mathematical Thought by Agarwal, Ravi P.
Inevitable Knowledge by Sarbo, Janos J.
The Friction of Life: An Investigation on Renato Caccioppoli's Life by Foschini, Lorenza
Capi, Sciamani, Tiranni, Dittatori, Imperatori E Presidenti: Verso La Comprensione Matematica Dei Gruppi Sociali by Dell'isola, Francesco
The Statistical Analysis of Small Data Sets by Neuhäuser, Markus, Ruxton, Graeme D.
The Statistical Analysis of Small Data Sets by Ruxton, Graeme D., Neuhäuser, Markus
Ratgeber "Virale Hepatitis A: Diagnose und Behandlung" by Maroua, Gargouri, Chakib, Marrakchi
"Viral hepatitis A: Diagnosis and management" guide by Maroua, Gargouri, Chakib, Marrakchi
Guida "Epatite virale A: diagnosi e gestione" by Chakib, Marrakchi, Maroua, Gargouri
Guia "Hepatite viral A: Diagnóstico e tratamento" by Maroua, Gargouri, Chakib, Marrakchi
Fractional and Fractal Derivative Models for Anomalous Sediment Transport by Li, Zhipeng, Nie, Shiqian, Sun, Hongguang
P-Adic Analysis: Stochastic Processes and Pseudo-Differential Equations by Zúñiga-Galindo, W. A.
Maths for Computing: A Beginner's Guide by Charatan, Quentin, Kans, Aaron
Artificial Intelligence Research: 5th Southern African Conference, Sacair 2024, Bloemfontein, South Africa, December 2-6, 2024, Proceedings by
Seitenwege in Der Mathematikgeschichte: Potentiale Und Grenzen Alternativer Zugänge by Kirfel, Christoph
The Four Corners of Mathematics: A Brief History, from Pythagoras to Perelman by Waters, Thomas
The Four Corners of Mathematics: A Brief History, from Pythagoras to Perelman by Waters, Thomas
GED Guía de Estudios de Matematicas by Coaching for Better Learning
Décodage Du Sarcophage de Toutankhamon by Louembet, Eric
Analyse Des Internen Kontrollsystems by Bah, Oumar, Sacko, Adama
Analysis of Internal Control Procedures by Bah, Oumar, Sacko, Adama
Analisi del Sistema Di Controllo Interno by Sacko, Adama, Bah, Oumar
Análise Do Sistema de Controlo Interno by Bah, Oumar, Sacko, Adama
Codes for Adversaries: Between Worst-Case and Average-Case Jamming by Dey, Bikash Kumar, Jaggi, Sidharth, Langberg, Michael
Output Tracking in Non-Minimum Phase Systems: A Reduced Order Sliding Mode Design Approach by Bandyopadhyay, Bijnan, Patil, Machhindranath
Hereditary Models of Dynamic Processes in Geospheres by
The Golden Ratio: Geometric and Number Theoretical Considerations by Walser, Hans
Flows in Networks by Ford, Lester Randolph, Fulkerson, D. R.
Advances in Computing Systems and Applications: Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Computing Systems and Applications by
Computational and Experimental Simulations in Engineering: Proceedings of Icces 2024--Volume 2 by
Proceedings of the Cambridge Unsteady Flow Symposium 2024 by
Much ADO about Numbers: Shakespeare's Mathematical Life and Times by Eastaway, Rob
Business Sustainability with Artificial Intelligence (Ai): Challenges and Opportunities: Volume 1 by
The Secret Formula: How a Mathematical Duel Inflamed Renaissance Italy and Uncovered the Cubic Equation by Toscano, Fabio
Abstract Algebra Via Numbers by Tuset, Lars
Multiscale, Nonlinear and Adaptive Approximation II by
The History of Correlation by Zorich, John Nicholas
The Ultimate Quiz Book: Develop Focus and Aptitude with Engaging Quizzes by Hasan, Zeenat
Mathematical Research for Blockchain Economy: 5th International Conference Marble 2024, Malaga, Spain by
Mathematische Strukturen: Von Der Linearen Algebra Über Ringen Zur Geometrie Mit Garben by Hilgert, Joachim
Python Programming for Mathematics by Guillod, Julien
Python Programming for Mathematics by Guillod, Julien
The History of Correlation by Zorich, John Nicholas
Numbers and Computers by Kneusel, Ronald T.
Tutorium Mathematik für Naturwissenschaften: Tipps, Tricks und viele Beispiele by Krizic, Hrvoje
Paradoxes Between Truth and Proof by
Research in History and Philosophy of Mathematics: The Cshpm 2023 Volume by
Approximation Algorithms for Traveling Salesman Problems by Traub, Vera, Vygen, Jens
René Descartes: The Complete Correspondence in English Translation, Volume I: From the Early Years to the Discourse on Method, 1619-1638 by Ariew, Roger, Bos, Erik-Jan
Problemi di Cauchy per il sistema generalizzato di equazioni di Maxwell by Mahmudov, Komil Olimdzhanovich
An Introduction to Naïve Set Theory and Its Applications by Srivastava, Shashi Mohan
Applied Probability by Lange, Kenneth
Prandtl Equations and Related Boundary Layer Equations by Wang, Xiuqing, Qin, Yuming, Dong, Xiaolei
MATLAB Lessons, Examples, and Exercises: A Tutorial for Beginners and Experts by Rahmani-Andebili, Mehdi
Richard Dedekind: What Are and What Should the Numbers Be? Continuity and Irrational Numbers by Müller-Stach, Stefan
Women in Mathart: Research, Creativity, and Teaching by
Solution of Ancient Greek Famous Construction Problems in classical Geometry: unique works on Euclidean geometry by Ghoshal, Manoranjan
Mathematik: für die (technische) Welt by Rathgeber, Carsten
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