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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Mathematics in 2024

Try It! Even More Math Problems for All by Kaplan, Jerry
Try It! Even More Math Problems for All: Student Workbook by Kaplan, Jerry
Mathematical Modelling of Continuum Physics by Giorgi, Claudio, Morro, Angelo
Kakuro Puzzle Book for Adults - 200 Puzzles (9x9): Cross Sums Brain Games to Sharpen Your Mind - Ideal for Number Logic Puzzle Enthusiasts by Blake, Julian
Decision-Making in Design, Maintenance, Planning, and Investment of Wind Energy by Borissova, Daniela
Building a Low-Carbon Future: Adaptive Control Strategies for Distributed Energy Networks by Zhai, Meina, Sun, Jiayue, Liu, Shu
Siam International Meshing Roundtable 2023 by
High Performance Computing in Biomimetics: Modeling, Architecture and Applications by
Hybrid and Networked Dynamical Systems: Modeling, Analysis and Control by
Modellreduktion: Eine Systemtheoretisch Orientierte Einführung by Faßbender, Heike, Benner, Peter
Higher Mathematics for Science and Engineering by Kumar, Abburi Anil, Mishev, Dimitar P., Haghighi, Aliakbar Montazer
Polytopes and Graphs by Pineda Villavicencio, Guillermo
Investigation of Maintenance Activities Using Mathematical Modelling by Belkhode, Pramod, Borkar, Kanchan
Athanasius Kircher, the Mysteries of the Geocosmos, Magnetism, and the Universe by Udías, Agustín
A First Course in Fuzzy Logic, Fuzzy Dynamical Systems, and Biomathematics: Theory and Applications by Lodwick, Weldon A., de Barros, Laécio Carvalho, Bassanezi, Rodney Carlos
The Digital Revolution: A Short History of an Ideology by Balbi, Gabriele, McClellan-Broussard, Bonnie
Smart Spaces by
My Mathematical Life: Yuan Wang in Conversation by Wang, Yuan
Polyadic Groups by Dudek, Wieslaw A.
Solving Optimization Problems with the Heuristic Kalman Algorithm: New Stochastic Methods by Toscano, Rosario
Topology Tales: Journey through the Shapes of Space by Kumari, Mina
Unnützes Wissen Mathematik: 77 verblüffende Rätsel und Geheimnisse aus der Welt der Zahlen by Moon, Lindsay
Intermediate Algebra by Yegoryan-Yegoryan
Probability and Statistics: Theory and Exercises by Abderrahmane, Horimek
Homage to Evangelista Torricelli's Opera Geometrica 1644-2024: Text, Transcription, Commentaries and Selected Essays as New Historical Insights by Dhombres, Jean, Radelet de Grave, Patricia, Pisano, Raffaele
Spectral Theory of Localized Resonances and Applications by Liu, Hongyu, Deng, Youjun
Artificial Intelligence in China: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in China by
A Modern Introduction to Mathematical Analysis by Fonda, Alessandro
Advances in Pairwise Comparisons: Detection, Evaluation and Reduction of Inconsistency by Mazurek, Jiri
Math Got Easy - Number Sense by M, Nisha
Cooperative Control of Multi-Agent Systems: A Hybrid System Approach by Cui, Hailong, Hua, Changchun, Zhao, Guanglei
Kakuro Puzzle Book for Adults - 200 Puzzles (11x11): Cross Sums Math Brain Games - Number Logic Puzzle to Sharpen Your Mind by Blake, Julian
Analytical Properties of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations: With Applications to Shallow Water Models by Shanghai Maritime University, Cheviakov, Alexei
The Steady Navier-Stokes System: Basics of the Theory and the Leray Problem by Korobkov, Mikhail, Pileckas, Konstantin, Russo, Remigio
Physikalische und physiologische Analyse von Sojasaatgut aus der Ernte 2016/2017 by A. Sexto, Paloma, Urio, Elisandra, Dal Gallo Maschio, Larissa
Physical and Physiological Analysis of Soya Seeds from the 2016/2017 Harvest by Dal Gallo Maschio, Larissa, A. Sexto, Paloma, Urio, Elisandra
Analyse physique et physiologique des graines de soja de la récolte 2016/2017 by Urio, Elisandra, Dal Gallo Maschio, Larissa, A. Sexto, Paloma
Analisi fisica e fisiologica dei semi di soia del raccolto 2016/2017 by A. Sexto, Paloma, Urio, Elisandra, Dal Gallo Maschio, Larissa
Физико-физиологический & by &#1040. &#1057&#1077&#1082&#1089&#1090&#1086, Па, Урио, Элиз&#, Даль Галл&#1
Sudoku for beginners - 50 puzzles from Mio - think for yourself: For true thinkers and calculators. Optimal entry for everyone. by Welik, Jakob
Collected Works of Anatole Katok, the (in 2 Volumes) by
Collected Works of Anatole Katok, The: Volume I by
Collected Works of Anatole Katok, The: Volume II by
The Congruences of a Finite Lattice: A Proof-By-Picture Approach by Grätzer, George
100 Sudoku Large Print Puzzles for Seniors: Suitable Sudoku Games Book For Adults And Seniors. Hard, Levels Puzzle Large print, With Full Solutions. O by Book Publishing, Mt Mir
Mathematics of Music: Harmony, Rhythm, and Melody in Numbers by Kumari, Mina
Morality and Mathematics by Clarke-Doane, Justin
3rd Grade Multiplication Games by Putman, Laura
Numerical Adventures: Explore, Learn and Have Fun. Math activities for children from 8 to 12 years old. Multiplication, division, fractions, by Tovar, Mariledys
Creative Puzzles to Ignite Your Mind by Gupta, Shyam Sunder
An Introduction to Finite Element Analysis Using MATLAB Tools by Das, Shuvra
Theory of Periodic Conjugate Heat Transfer by Zudin, Yuri B.
The World of the Abbaco: Abbacus Mathematics Analyzed and Situated Historically Between Fibonacci and Stifel by Høyrup, Jens
A Spectral Theory of Noncommuting Operators by Yang, Rongwei
L'Art de la Sécurité Cryptographique: Illustration Python by Harzalla, Driss
Functional Equations and Inequalities by An, Ly Van
Mathematics and Philosophy: Exploring the Deep Connections by Kumari, Mina
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus Complete and Unabridged by Wittgenstein, Ludwig
The Land Between: A History of Slovenia by Sasel Kos, Marjeta, Svoljsak, Petra, Luthar, Oto
Sacred Geometry in Ancient Goddess Cultures: The Divine Science of the Female Priesthood by Heath, Richard
Perplexing Paradoxes: Unraveling Enigmas in the World Around Us by Szpiro, George G.
Mind-Blowing Kusudama Origami: The Art of Modular Paper Folding by Loper, Byriah
Figurierte Zahlen: Veranschaulichung ALS Heuristische Strategie by Ziegenbalg, Jochen
Advances in Discrete Dynamical Systems, Difference Equations and Applications: 26th Icdea, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, July 26-30, 2021 by
Geometry of Submanifolds and Applications by
Nested Simulations: Theory and Application by Klein, Maximilian
Basic Mathematics for Students of Air Pollutants by Maynard, Robert, Atkinson, Richard
Order of Operations (PEMDAS): 30 Days to Master the Order of Operations (Answer key Included) by Aghlyas, Hassan
Geometric Gems: An Appreciation for Geometric Curiosities - Volume I: The Wonders of Triangles by Posamentier, Alfred S., Geretschlager, Robert
Математическая игра by Магальха&#10
Mathematisches Spiel by Magalhães, Amanda
Jeu mathématique by Magalhães, Amanda
Gioco matematico by Magalhães, Amanda
Mathematical Game by Magalhães, Amanda
Data Science Odyssey: Navigating the World of Mathematical Modeling by Kumari, Mina
Fuzzy Transportation Problem of Trapezoidal Numbers: It's Optimization by Gupta, Rajshri
Complex Analytic Geometry: From the Localization Viewpoint by Suwa, Tatsuo
Advances on Mathematical Modeling and Optimization with Its Applications by
Fractional Integral Transforms: Theory and Applications by Zayed, Ahmed I.
The Legacy of Indian Mathematicians: Pioneers of Modern Mathematics by Vats, Pooja
Foundations of Vector Retrieval by Bruch, Sebastian
Industrial Network Security: Securing Critical Infrastructure Networks for Smart Grid, Scada, and Other Industrial Control Systems by Knapp, Eric D.
Lagerungen: Arrangements in the Plane, on the Sphere, and in Space by Fejes Tóth, Gábor, Kuperberg, Wlodzimierz, Fejes Tóth, László
Pedigree Polytopes: New Insights on Computational Complexity of Combinatorial Optimisation Problems by Arthanari, Tirukkattuppalli Subramanyam
Derivatives and Its Applications: + 400 Solved and Proposed Exercises by Rodríguez, Baldomero
Anthropometrische und biomechanische Variablen im Zusammenhang mit dem Weitsprung by Arockiaraj, Gerard
Relation entre les variables anthropométriques et biomécaniques et le saut en longueur by Arockiaraj, Gerard
Relazione tra variabili antropometriche e biomeccaniche e salto in lungo by Arockiaraj, Gerard
Relação das variáveis antropométricas e biomecânicas com o salto em comprimento by Arockiaraj, Gerard
Взаимосвязь антропомет&# by &#1040&#1088&#1086&#1082&#1082&#1080&#1072&#1088&#1072&#1076
The Power of Probability: Making Sense of Uncertainty by Kumari, Mina
Mathematics of the Future: Exploring Emerging Trends and Technologies by Kumari, Mina
Some new theorems of Markov Models from the originating Chain measure by Lecian, Orchidea Maria
Euler's number with two million digits: The e constant, or Euler's number, printed with two million digits in a single volume. by
The Origin and Significance of Zero: An Interdisciplinary Perspective by
Dual Variational Approach to Nonlinear Diffusion Equations by Marinoschi, Gabriela
Excursions in Number Theory, Algebra, and Analysis by Ireland, Kenneth, Cuoco, Al
P-Adic Hodge Theory, Singular Varieties, and Non-Abelian Aspects by
Zero and Pi: Symbols of Mathematical Spirit by Mukhopadhyay, Amalkumar, Bhatt, Siddheshwar Rameshwar
Uno studio sulla classe di modelli di inventario con due livelli di stoccaggio by Nagasree, M., Lata, M. Madhavi, Kumari, A. Saila
Исследование класса мод& by Лата, М Мад&, Кумари, &#1040. С&, Нагасри, М
Étude d'une classe de modèles d'inventaire avec deux niveaux de stockage by Nagasree, M., Lata, M. Madhavi, Kumari, A. Saila
Um estudo sobre uma classe de modelos de inventário com dois níveis de armazenamento by Nagasree, M., Lata, M. Madhavi, Kumari, A. Saila
Eine Studie über eine Klasse von Bestandsmodellen mit zwei Ebenen der Lagerung by Kumari, A. Saila, Nagasree, M., Lata, M. Madhavi
So You Think You Have Brains? by Roth, Danny
Hard Extreme Dot To Dot Book for Adults: Relax and Unleash Your Creativity With Challenging Handmade Dot-to-Dot Puzzles for Stress Relief and Relaxati by Martin Press, Olive
Derivadas Y Sus Aplicaciones: + 400 Ejercicios resueltos y propuestos by Rodríguez, Baldomero
Complex Networks XIV: Proceedings of the 14th Conference on Complex Networks, Complenet 2023 by
Materials Informatics and Catalysts Informatics: An Introduction by Takahashi, Lauren, Takahashi, Keisuke
Mathematical Methods for Engineering Applications: Icmase 2023, Madrid, Spain, July 12-14 by
Measure-Theoretic Probability: With Applications to Statistics, Finance, and Engineering by Shum, Kenneth
1 Million digits of Pi: The first million digits of pi by Edition, Hagui
Felix Hausdorff: Mathematician, Philosopher, Man of Letters by Brieskorn, Egbert, Purkert, Walter
Antizipation zukünftiger Ergebnisse durch Analyse von Multiplikatoren by Andrade, Mario
Anticipating Future Results Through Multiples Analysis by Andrade, Mario
Anticiper les résultats futurs en analysant les multiples by Andrade, Mario
Anticipare i risultati futuri analizzando i multipli by Andrade, Mario
Прогнозирование будущи&# by Андраде, М&#
Iqtidorli O'Quvchilar Uchun Matematika Fanidan To'garak Mashg'ulotlarini Zamonaviy Hamda Kreativ Tarzda Tashkillashtirish Metodikasi by Bekdurdiyev Zufarbek
Rise Above: What Science Tells Us About the Existence of God by Eggleston, Steve, Ell, Douglas
Digital Signal Processing: Theory and Practice by Bellanger, Maurice
Differential Equations: Projector Analysis on Time Scales by Zennir, Khaled, Georgiev, Svetlin G.
Differentialgleichungen in Der Festigkeits- Und Verformungslehre: Elastostatik, Balkentheorie, Impulsanregung, Pendel by Oprandi, Adriano
Four Famous Numbers by Warren, James R.
Mathematics of Social Network: Analyzing Connections in the Digital Age by Kumari, Mina
Экспериментальное иссл&# by &#1055&#1091&#1101&#1088&#1090&#1086&#1089 P., Ф&#1083, &#1061&#1080&#1084&#1077&#1085&#1077&#1089 &#1058., Л&, &#1042&#1072&#1085&#1077&#1075&#1072&#1089 &#1043., К&
Uno studio esplorativo della covariazione proporzionale diretta by Puertas P., Flor Alba, Jiménez T., Luz Stella, Vanegas G., Carolina
Une étude exploratoire de la covariation proportionnelle directe by Puertas P., Flor Alba, Jiménez T., Luz Stella, Vanegas G., Carolina
Um estudo exploratório da covariação proporcional direta by Jiménez T., Luz Stella, Vanegas G., Carolina, Puertas P., Flor Alba
An exploratory study of direct proportional covariation by Vanegas G., Carolina, Puertas P., Flor Alba, Jiménez T., Luz Stella
Eine explorative Studie zur direkt proportionalen Kovariation by Jiménez T., Luz Stella, Vanegas G., Carolina, Puertas P., Flor Alba
Stereometrie, Verzeichnisse by Tropfke, Johannes
MATLAB for Beginners - Second Edition by Kattan, Peter
The Golden Ratio with two million digits: The Golden Ratio, Phi, (φ), printed with two million digits, in a single volume by
Limits of AI - Theoretical, Practical, Ethical by Mainzer, Klaus, Kahle, Reinhard
Input-To-State Stability: Theory and Applications by Mironchenko, Andrii
Probability and Statistics for Stem: A Course in One Semester by del Greco, John G., Barron, Emmanuel N.
Drinfeld Modules by Papikian, Mihran
Analysis by Steinmetz, Norbert
Optimization in Green Sustainability and Ecological Transition: Ods, Ischia, Italy, September 4-7, 2023 by
Extended Abstracts Mwcapde 2023: Methusalem Workshop on Classical Analysis and Partial Differential Equations by
Towards a Peaceful Development of Cyberspace: De-Escalation of State-Led Cyber Conflicts and Arms Control of Cyber Weapons by Reinhold, Thomas
123 Trace and Learn Numbers Fun For Little Ones by Bowser, Scott E.
BODMAS Blast Off: A Fun Way to Master Maths by Kumari, Rekha
Mathematical Adventures: I by Vats, Pooja
Mathematical Adventures-II by Vats, Pooja
Introduction to Probability, Statistics & R: Foundations for Data-Based Sciences by Sahu, Sujit K.
A Hen and a Half by Driscoll, John
Math Mammoth Introduction to Fractions by Miller, Maria
Making Democracy Count: How Mathematics Improves Voting, Electoral Maps, and Representation by Volic, Ismar
Math Mammoth Fractions 1 by Miller, Maria
Mechanics and Physics of Fracture: Multiscale Modeling of the Failure Behavior of Solids by
Operator and Matrix Theory, Function Spaces, and Applications: International Workshop on Operator Theory and Its Applications 2022, Kraków, Poland by
Math Mammoth Grade 8 Review Workbook by Miller, Maria
And I Saw Sequences of Petals and Leaves: My Life as the One They Call Fibonacci by Struppa, Daniele C.
Math Activity Book for Kids by F, Sofi
Die Antike Mathematik: Geschichte Der Mathematik in Alt-Griechenland Und Im Hellenismus by Herrmann, Dietmar
An Introduction to Complex Analysis by Pathak, Hemant Kumar
Advances in Mathematical Modelling, Applied Analysis and Computation: Proceedings of Icmmaac 2023 - Volume 2 by
Advances in Mathematical Modelling, Applied Analysis and Computation: Proceedings of Icmmaac 2023 - Volume 1 by
Multiplicity of Time Scales in Complex Systems: Challenges for Sciences and Communication II by
Intuitive Axiomatic Set Theory by Garciá, José L.
Artificial Intelligence by Goyal, Archna, Bhakhar, Ruchika
Partial Differential Equations: A Primer by Senapoti, Nitupran
Methoden, Strategien, Techniken und Unterrichtsmaterialien in Mathematik by Torrecampo, Robert
Méthodes, stratégies, techniques et matériel pédagogique en mathématiques by Torrecampo, Robert
Metodi, strategie, tecniche e materiali didattici in matematica by Torrecampo, Robert
Métodos, estratégias, técnicas e materiais didácticos em matemática by Torrecampo, Robert
Методы, стратегии, прием&#1099 by Торрецам&#10
Una demostración del principio de incertidumbre de Hardy by Rodríguez Castilla, Alberto Enrique, Cabarcas Urriola, Héctor José
Math Mammoth Fractions 2 by Miller, Maria
The 17th International Conference Interdisciplinarity in Engineering: Inter-Eng 2023 Conference Proceedings - Volume 2 by
Quantum and Stochastic Mathematical Physics: Sergio Albeverio, Adventures of a Mathematician, Verona, Italy, March 25-29, 2019 by
Self-Adjoint Extension Schemes and Modern Applications to Quantum Hamiltonians by Gallone, Matteo, Michelangeli, Alessandro
The 17th International Conference Interdisciplinarity in Engineering: Inter-Eng 2023 Conference Proceedings - Volume 3 by
Math Mammoth Addition 1 by Miller, Maria
Introduction to Quantum Mechanics: With a Focus on Physics and Operator Theory by Beyer, Horst R.
Notes on Consumption Theory: Deterministic and Stochastic Dynamic Models by Travaglini, Giuseppe, Calcagnini, Giorgio, Bellocchi, Alessandro
Number Fill in Puzzle Book for Adults: Extra Large Print Brain Games for Adults and Seniors by Spark, Mind
Die Ethnomathematik der Caeteuara-Keramik by Silva Do Rosario, Samuel Antonio
The Ethnomathematics of Caeteuara Ceramics by Silva Do Rosario, Samuel Antonio
Этноматематика керамик&# by Силва до Р&#
L'ethnomathématique des céramiques de Caeteuara by Silva Do Rosario, Samuel Antonio
L'etnomatematica della ceramica di Caeteuara by Silva Do Rosario, Samuel Antonio
Mathematical Mindfulness: Finding Calm in Chaos through Numbers by Kumari, Mina
Les endophytes et la tolérance des plantes aux stress abiotiques by Kouadria, Rabiaa
Das Verhalten Von Geodäten in Zweidimensionalen Hyperbolischen Mannigfaltigkeiten by Balcan, Vladimir
Le Comportement Des Géodésiques Dans Les Variétés Hyperboliques Bidimensionnelles by Balcan, Vladimir
Il Comportamento Delle Geodetiche Nei Manifesti Iperbolici Bidimensionali by Balcan, Vladimir
O Comportamento Das Geodésicas Em Variedades Hiperbólicas Bidimensionais by Balcan, Vladimir
Beyond the Learned Academy: The Practice of Mathematics, 1600-1850 by
The 17th International Conference Interdisciplinarity in Engineering: Inter-Eng 2023 Conference Proceedings - Volume 1 by
Espaces de Berkovich Globaux: Catégorie, Topologie, Cohomologie by Poineau, Jérôme, Lemanissier, Thibaud
Perfect Matchings: A Theory of Matching Covered Graphs by Murty, U. S. R., Lucchesi, Cláudio L.
Analytical and Numerical Methods for Nonlinear Fluid Flow Problems in Porous Media by Zhu, Weiyao, Liu, Wenchao, Yao, Jun
Math Mammoth Subtraction 1 by Miller, Maria
Algebra and Complex Numbers by Adebisi, Sunday
Mathematics in Politics and Governance by Aragón-Artacho, Francisco J., Goberna, Miguel A.
Calcudoku Puzzle Book: 500 Easy To Hard (5x5, 6x6) Large Print With Full Solutions - Volume 2 ( Logic Puzzles Series ) by Miller, Elsaid
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