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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Mathematics in 2024

Risk Revealed: Cautionary Tales, Understanding and Communication by Chavez-Demoulin, Valérie, Embrechts, Paul, Hofert, Marius
Risk Revealed: Cautionary Tales, Understanding and Communication by Embrechts, Paul, Hofert, Marius, Chavez-Demoulin, Valérie
Quantum Computing: Applications and Challenges by
Application and Theory of Petri Nets and Concurrency: 45th International Conference, Petri Nets 2024, Geneva, Switzerland, June 26-28, 2024, Proceedin by
The Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control Theory by Aksara, Kuro
Turn Key Solution by Lee, K.
Fixed Point Theorem in Different Spaces by Dubey, Anil Kumar, Pal, Rita
Michigan High School Algebra I: A Comprehensive Review and Step-by-Step Guide to Mastering High School Algebra 1 by Nazari, Reza
More-For-Less Solutions in Fuzzy Transportation Problems by Kumar, Amit, Appadoo, Srimantoorao S., Bhatia, Tanveen Kaur
Electrimacs 2022: Selected Papers - Volume 1 by
Geodesic Beams in Eigenfunction Analysis by Galkowski, Jeffrey, Canzani, Yaiza
Problems and Solutions in Mathematical Olympiad (Secondary 1) by Shan, Zun
Mathematics for Engineers - Volume 1: Numbers and Equations, Vectors and Matrices, Functions in One Variable, Differential Calculus by Westermann, Thomas
Introduction to the Structure of Groups by Adebisi, Sunday
Reciprocal of positive integers by Mahmoud, Mostafa Yacoub Abdellatif
Problems and Solutions in Mathematical Olympiad (Secondary 1) by Shan, Zun
Mathematics for Engineers - Volume 1: Numbers and Equations, Vectors and Matrices, Functions in One Variable, Differential Calculus by Westermann, Thomas
Methods of Graph Decompositions by
Monte Carlo Simulations Using Microsoft Excel(r) by Cho, Shinil
The Role of the History of Mathematics in the Teaching/Learning Process: A Cieaem Sourcebook by
Combinatorics, Graph Theory and Computing: Seiccgtc 2021, Boca Raton, Usa, March 8-12 by
New Trends in the Applications of Differential Equations in Sciences: Ntades 2023, Saints Constantine and Helena, Bulgaria, July 17-20 by
Deep Learning and Medical Applications by
Advanced Graph Theory by Yadav, Santosh Kumar
Mathematics and Computation: Iacmc 2022, Zarqa, Jordan, May 11-13 by
Mathematische Epidemiologie: 25 Modelle Zur Vorhersage Von Pandemien by Oprandi, Adriano
Math Mammoth Grade 3 Answer Keys by Miller, Maria
La Cuadratura del Círculo by Morales Guerrero, Laura Elena
Mathematical Modeling of the Learning Curve: A Laboratory Manual and Source Book by Abramson, Charles I., Stepanov, Igor Igorevich, Wincheski, Riley J.
Advances in Peircean Mathematics: The Colombian School by
Differential Equations: Solving Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations with Mathematica(r) by Mureşan, Marian
Metaheuristics: 15th International Conference, MIC 2024, Lorient, France, June 4-7, 2024, Proceedings, Part I by
Computational Modeling of Multilevel Organisational Learning and Its Control Using Self-Modeling Network Models by
Fractional Differential Equations: Modeling, Discretization, and Numerical Solvers by
Natural Time Analysis: The New View of Time, Part II: Advances in Disaster Prediction Using Complex Systems by Varotsos, Panayiotis, Sarlis, Nicholas, Skordas, Efthimios
Metaheuristics: 15th International Conference, MIC 2024, Lorient, France, June 4-7, 2024, Proceedings, Part II by
The Open Dynamics of Braitenberg Vehicles by Hotton, Scott, Yoshimi, Jeff
Math Mammoth Grade 3 Tests and Cumulative Reviews by Miller, Maria
Proportions and Their Music: What Fractions and Tone Sequences Have to Do with Each Other by Schüffler, Karlheinz
Numerische Mathematik: Eine Anschauliche Modulare Einführung by Neher, Markus
Nonlinear Fokker-Planck Flows and Their Probabilistic Counterparts by Barbu, Viorel, Röckner, Michael
Advances in Pilot Wave Theory: From Experiments to Foundations by
Mathematical Optimization Theory and Operations Research: 23rd International Conference, Motor 2024, Omsk, Russia, June 30-July 6, 2024, Proceedings by
Escape from Shadow Physics: The Quest to End the Dark Ages of Quantum Theory by Kay, Adam
Playing with Reality: How Games Have Shaped Our World by Clancy, Kelly
El Infinito Placer de Las Matemáticas / The Infinite Pleasure of Mathematics by Maccarrone, Alessandro
Kernel Determination Problems in Hyperbolic Integro-Differential Equations by Durdiev, Durdimurod K., Totieva, Zhanna D.
Applied Stochastic Modeling by Blanco-Castañeda, Liliana, Arunachalam, Viswanathan
The Pursuit of Reality: Narrative History of the Quantum and the Great Minds That Made It by Bayın, Selçuk &#350.
Using Fundamental Analysis and an Ensemble of Classifier Models Along with a Risk-Off Filter to Select Outperforming Companies by Moura, Manuel, Neves, Rui
Modeling Calcium Signaling: A Fractional Perspective by Kritika, Agarwal, Ritu, Purohit, Sunil Dutt
Perspectives in Dynamical Systems II -- Numerical and Analytical Approaches: Dsta, Lódź, Poland December 6-9, 2021 by
A Technical Guide to Mathematical Finance by Zweig, Derek
A Technical Guide to Mathematical Finance by Zweig, Derek
Principles of Dynamic Optimization by Bettiol, Piernicola, Vinter, Richard B.
Didática da Matemática: Parte I: Aprendizagem by Mamouni, My Ismail
Didaktik der Mathematik: Teil I: Das Lernen by Mamouni, My Ismail
Didactics of Mathematics: Part I: Learning by Mamouni, My Ismail
Didattica della matematica: Parte I: L'apprendimento by Mamouni, My Ismail
Дидактика математики: Ча by Мамоуни, М&#
Functional Analysis and Operator Theory by Konstantinov, Oleksii, Brayman, Volodymyr, Chaikovskyi, Andrii
Mathmamiya: Loving Mathematics as a Second Language by Badiru, Deji
Einführung in Die Komplexe Analysis in Mehreren Variablen by Scheidemann, Volker
Stochastic Teams, Games, and Control Under Information Constraints by Başar, Tamer, Yüksel, Serdar
Real Analysis: An Undergraduate Problem Book for Mathematicians, Applied Scientists, and Engineers by González, Luis Bernal, Merino, José L. Gámez, Araújo, Gustavo Da Silva
Real Analysis: An Undergraduate Problem Book for Mathematicians, Applied Scientists, and Engineers by Araújo, Gustavo Da Silva, González, Luis Bernal, Merino, José L. Gámez
Recent Advances in Green Technologies and Sustainable Development by
Free Boundary Problems in Fluid Dynamics by Ifrim, Mihaela, Alazard, Thomas, Ai, Albert
An Introduction to the Distance Laplacian Spectra of Graphs by Banerjee, Subarsha
Examining the Challenges and New Methods by Zarini, Mohadese
Math Mammoth Grade 3-A Worktext by Miller, Maria
Math Mammoth Grade 3-B Worktext by Miller, Maria
Knotted Fields by
Transfer of Substance in Vortex and Wave Flows in One-Component and Multi-Component Environment by Chaplina, Tatiana
Mathematical Puzzles: Revised Edition by Winkler, Peter
Handbook of Geometry and Topology of Singularities VI: Foliations by
Computational Medical Image Analysis by
Applied Continuum Mechanics for Thermo-Fluids by Ghazanfarian, Jafar
Sukaku pencilmark sudoku medium to hard to expert 100 puzzles: one puzzle per page and 8.5 by 11 '' page size by V. Puzzgen
Nouveaux théorèmes de type (bz) et leur comportement matriciel by Ben Ouidren, Kaoutar, Zariouh, Hassan
Regularity Techniques for Elliptic Pdes and the Fractional Laplacian by Stinga, Pablo Raúl
Tiling Games by Fletcher, Raymond R., III
Mathematical Puzzles: Revised Edition by Winkler, Peter
Extended Abstracts 2022: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on the Anthropological Theory of the Didactic (Citad7) by
Descriptive Statistics for Scientists and Engineers: Applications in R by Shanmugam, Ramalingam, Chattamvelli, Rajan
Computational Calculus: A Numerical Companion to Elementary Calculus by Bauldry, William C.
Differential Linear Matrix Inequalities: In Sampled-Data Systems Filtering and Control by Geromel, José C.
Интегральные уравнения & by Сайидов, С&#, Раджабов, &#, Раджабов&#10
Observations and Dynamics of Circulations in the North Indian Ocean by McCreary, Julian P., Shetye, Satish R.
Was Ich Gern VOR Dem Mathe-Studium Gewusst Hätte: Häufige Fragen Und Ehrliche Antworten by Waldecker, Rebecca, Jakob, Mara
Analyse des Bevölkerungswachstums und der Gesundheitseinrichtungen im Bundesstaat Enugu by Igwenagu, Chinelo
Analyse de la croissance démographique et des établissements de santé dans l'État d'Enugu by Igwenagu, Chinelo
Analisi della crescita demografica e delle strutture sanitarie nello Stato di Enugu by Igwenagu, Chinelo
Análise do crescimento da população e das instalações de saúde no Estado de Enugu by Igwenagu, Chinelo
Анализ роста численност& by Игвенагу, &#
Combinatorial Algorithms: 35th International Workshop, Iwoca 2024, Ischia, Italy, July 1-3, 2024, Proceedings by
Game Theory with Applications in Operations Management by Amit, R. K.
Mathematische Abenteuer-II by Vats, Pooja
Aventures mathématiques-II by Vats, Pooja
Avventure matematiche-II by Vats, Pooja
Aventuras matemáticas-II by Vats, Pooja
Математические приключ&# by Ватс, Пудж&#
Mathematische Abenteuer: I by Vats, Pooja
Aventures mathématiques: I by Vats, Pooja
Avventure matematiche: I by Vats, Pooja
Aventuras matemáticas: I by Vats, Pooja
Математические приключ&# by Ватс, Пудж&#
Shadows of the Circle: From Conic Sections to Planetary Motion (Second Edition) by Hansen, Vagn Lundsgaard
Introduction to Mathematical Modeling by Humi, Mayer
The Numerical Jordan Form by Petkov, Petko H.
Analysis of the Navier-Stokes Problem: Solution of a Millennium Problem by Ramm, Alexander G.
Optimization Methods for Structural Engineering by
Finite Element Approximation of Contact and Friction in Elasticity by Renard, Yves, Chouly, Franz, Hild, Patrick
Reduction, Approximation, Machine Learning, Surrogates, Emulators and Simulators: Ramses by
Science for Humans: Mind, Life, the Formal-&-Natural Sciences, and a New Concept of Nature by Hanna, Robert
Perspectives in Dynamical Systems I -- Applications: Dsta, Lódź, Poland, December 6-9, 2021 by
Reise Eines Beobachters Ins Herz Der Universen by N'Nang Ebane, Sosthène Trésor
An Observer's Journey Into the Heart of Universes by N'Nang Ebane, Sosthène Trésor
Il Viaggio Di Un Osservatore Nel Cuore Degli Universi by N'Nang Ebane, Sosthène Trésor
A Viagem de Um Observador Ao Coração DOS Universos by N'Nang Ebane, Sosthène Trésor
Kulturtourismus in Porto Seguro-Bahia by Castro, Maiara
Cultural Tourism in Porto Seguro-Bahia by Castro, Maiara
Культурный туризм в Порт by Кастро, Ма&#
Tourisme culturel à Porto Seguro-Bahia by Castro, Maiara
Turismo culturale a Porto Seguro-Bahia by Castro, Maiara
A Cultural History of Physics by Simonyi, Károly
An Introduction to Integral Transforms by Patra, Baidyanath
Mathematisches Modellieren Mit Digitalen Werkzeugen in Der Lehrkräftebildung: Konzeption Und Evaluation Eines Lehr-Lern-Laborseminars by Quarder, Jascha
Creation, Separation, and the Mind - The Three Towers of Singularity: The Application of Universal Code in Reality by Wismann, William E., Martin, David E., Schwarzer, Norbert
المنطق الضبابي بكل بساطة by بوزينة, صا&#
Sichere Übertragung eines Signals by Ouguissi, Hadda
Secure signal transmission by Ouguissi, Hadda
Trasmissione sicura del segnale by Ouguissi, Hadda
Transmissão segura do sinal by Ouguissi, Hadda
Безопасная передача сиг& by Оугисси, Х&#
Incidence of Technology as a Pedagogical Tool by Conde Suárez, Leonardo, Suárez Herrera, Jacqueline, Mora Plúas, Práxedes Maribel
Häufigkeit des Einsatzes von Technologie als pädagogisches Mittel by Mora Plúas, Práxedes Maribel, Conde Suárez, Leonardo, Suárez Herrera, Jacqueline
Incidence de la technologie en tant qu'outil pédagogique by Suárez Herrera, Jacqueline, Mora Plúas, Práxedes Maribel, Conde Suárez, Leonardo
Incidência da tecnologia como ferramenta pedagógica by Conde Suárez, Leonardo, Suárez Herrera, Jacqueline, Mora Plúas, Práxedes Maribel
Использование технолог&# by Конде Суа&#1, Суарес Эр&#1, Мора Плуа&#1
Incidenza della tecnologia come strumento pedagogico by Conde Suárez, Leonardo, Suárez Herrera, Jacqueline, Mora Plúas, Práxedes Maribel
Änderung der Methoden zur Verbesserung des Mathematikunterrichts by Monjane, Teresa Lurdes Miguel
Changing methodologies for better maths learning by Monjane, Teresa Lurdes Miguel
Изменение методологии д& by Монжане, Т&#
Changer de méthodologie pour un meilleur apprentissage des mathématiques by Monjane, Teresa Lurdes Miguel
Cambiare le metodologie per migliorare l'apprendimento della matematica by Monjane, Teresa Lurdes Miguel
Guaranteed Computational Methods for Self-Adjoint Differential Eigenvalue Problems by Liu, Xuefeng
Allgemeine Relativitätstheorie, Quantenphysik, Kernphysik by Stetter, Christian
Introduzione Al Calcolo in Più Variabili Ed Equazioni Differenziali by Mariconda, Carlo
Research Directions in Number Theory: Women in Numbers V by
Mathematische Modellierung Nutzung der öffentlichen Transparenz by Ribas Vianna, Manoel Eduardo
Mathematical modelling Use of public transparency by Ribas Vianna, Manoel Eduardo
Modélisation mathématique Utilisation de la transparence publique by Ribas Vianna, Manoel Eduardo
Математическое моделир&# by Рибас Виа&#1
Modellazione matematica Uso della trasparenza pubblica by Ribas Vianna, Manoel Eduardo
Трудности в понимании и &#1080 by Ассис, Джа&#
Schwierigkeiten beim Verstehen und Verwenden rationaler Zahlen by Assis, Jaildo
Difficultés de compréhension et d'utilisation des nombres rationnels by Assis, Jaildo
Difficoltà nella comprensione e nell'uso dei numeri razionali by Assis, Jaildo
Difficulties in understanding and using rational numbers by Assis, Jaildo
Parabolic Problems: 60 Years of Mathematical Puzzles in Parabola by Angell, David, Britz, Thomas
The Largest Suslin Axiom by Sargsyan, Grigor, Trang, Nam
Parabolic Problems: 60 Years of Mathematical Puzzles in Parabola by Angell, David, Britz, Thomas
Algebraic Varieties: Minimal Models and Finite Generation by Kawamata, Yujiro
The Dynamics of Rotating Fluids by Davidson, P. A.
The Book of Ultimate Complexity: The Infinite Enigma: Unraveling the Boundless Complexities of Existence by Quantumclast, Zephyrus
Parking Lot Mathematics by Aksara, Kuro
The Dynamics of Rotating Fluids by Davidson, P. A.
Unified Theory for Fractional and Entire Differential Operators: An Approach Via Differential Quadruplets and Boundary Restriction Operators by Rougirel, Arnaud
Mathematics for Business Decisions by Hasan, M. K.
Mathematische Achtsamkeit: Durch Zahlen zur Ruhe kommen im Chaos by Kumari, Mina
Математическое сознани&# by Кумари, Ми&#
Atenção Matemática: Encontrar a calma no caos através dos números by Kumari, Mina
Mindfulness matematica: Trovare la calma nel caos attraverso i numeri by Kumari, Mina
Mindfulness mathématique: Trouver le calme dans le chaos grâce aux nombres by Kumari, Mina
From Numbers to Knowledge: The Journey of Data Analysis by Kumari, Mina
Combinatorial Optimization and Applications: A Tribute to Bernard Gendron by
Perturbed Functional Iterations: A Matrix Free Large-Scale Nonlinear System Solver in Applied Science with an Introduction to D-Mapping by Dey, Suhrit
Trends in Biomathematics: Exploring Epidemics, Eco-Epidemiological Systems, and Optimal Control Strategies: Selected Works from the Biomat Consortium by
From Stem to Steam: A Study of Art from the Perspective of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics by Snider, Arthur David
Funciones y construcción de gráficas by Saavedra Salas, Roger, Gursky, Iván Pétrovich
Mathematik unverhüllt: Vom Schönen zum Nützlichen by Vats, Pooja, Kumari, Mina
A matemática desvendada: Da beleza à utilidade by Kumari, Mina, Vats, Pooja
Математика раскрыта: От &#1082 by Ватс, Поож&#, Кумари, Ми&#
La matematica svelata: Dalla bellezza all'utilità by Vats, Pooja, Kumari, Mina
Prävalenz der Rhesus-D-Schwäche bei den Blutspendern des RBTC Nairobi-Kenia by Muna Kuria, Kennedy, Nyaguthii Githiomi, Rachel
Prévalence d'un rhésus D faible chez les donneurs de sang du RBTC de Nairobi (Kenya) by Muna Kuria, Kennedy, Nyaguthii Githiomi, Rachel
Prevalenza di Rh D debole nei donatori di sangue di RBTC Nairobi-Kenya by Nyaguthii Githiomi, Rachel, Muna Kuria, Kennedy
Prevalência de Rh D fraco nos dadores de sangue do RBTC Nairobi-Quénia by Nyaguthii Githiomi, Rachel, Muna Kuria, Kennedy
Распространенность сла&# by Ньягути Г&#1, Муна Кури&#1
Empowering Independent Living Using the Icf: An Unobtrusive Home Monitoring Sensor System for Older Adults by Friedrich, Björn
Risk-Averse Optimization and Control: Theory and Methods by Dentcheva, Darinka, Ruszczyński, Andrzej
Spatial Networking in the United Physical, Virtual, and Mental World by Sapaty, Peter S.
Les mathématiques dévoilées: De la beauté à l'utilité by Kumari, Mina, Vats, Pooja
Nonautonomous Fractional Evolution Equations by Zhou, Yong, Wei He, Jia
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences by
Stochastic Interacting Systems in Life and Social Sciences by Lanchier, Nicolas
Observability and Mathematics: Quantum Yang-Mills Theory and Modelling by Khots, Boris
Differentialgleichungen in Der Baudynamik: Modalanalyse, Schwingungstilger, Knickfälle by Oprandi, Adriano
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