• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Mathematics in 2025

Graph Learning Techniques by Yuan, Xin, Ni, Wei, Shan, Baoling
Graph Learning Techniques by Yuan, Xin, Ni, Wei, Shan, Baoling
Leibniz on the Foundations of the Differential Calculus by Rabouin, David, Arthur, Richard T. W.
A Bridge Between Lie Theory and Frame Theory: Applications of Lie Theory to Harmonic Analysis by Oussa, Vignon
Leningrad Mathematical Olympiads (1961-1991) by Fomin, Dmitri V.
Leningrad Mathematical Olympiads (1961-1991) by Fomin, Dmitri V.
Mathematical Analysis, Optimization, Approximation and Applications by
Concise Guide to Fault Tree Analysis: Models, Methods and Algorithms by Ruijters, Enno, Krčál, Pavel, Stoelinga, Mariëlle
Surveys in Combinatorics 2024 by
Community Data: Creative Approaches to Empowering People with Information by Bhargava, Rahul
Digitale Lehrkräftebildung Mathematik: Forschungsbasierte Entwicklung Und Evaluation Von Lehrkonzepten Im Kontext Des Projekts Digimal.Nrw by
Optimization, Discrete Mathematics and Applications to Data Sciences by
Higher Structures and Operadic Calculus by
Algebras of Unbounded Operators: Algebraic and Topological Aspects of Murray-Von Neumann Algebras by Chilin, Vladimir, Levitina, Galina, Ber, Aleksey
Fractional-Order Singular Systems: Robust Control Problems, Admissibility and Stabilization by Lu, Jun-Guo, Chen, Yangquan, Zhang, Qing-Hao
Partial Dynamic Equations: Wave, Parabolic and Elliptic Equations on Time Scales by Georgiev, Svetlin G.
Almost Periodicity and Almost Automorphy: For Evolution Equations and Partial Functional Differential Equations by Ezzinbi, Khalil, Afoukal, Abdallah, Es-Sebbar, Brahim
Almost Periodic Type Solutions: To Integro-Differential-Difference Equations by Kostic, Marko
Artificial Intelligence Logic and Applications: 4th International Conference, AILA 2024, Lanzhou, China, August 10-11, 2024, Proceedings by
Measure Theory and Fine Properties of Functions by Evans, Lawrence C.
Approximation Theory and Applications: Piecewise Linear and Generalized Functions by Aliukov, Sergei
Spezielle magische Quadrate und ihre Konstruktion: Bimagische, pandiagonale und viele weitere spezielle Quadrate by Danielsson, Holger
Discrete Mathematics: An Open Introduction by Levin, Oscar
Discrete Mathematics: An Open Introduction by Levin, Oscar
Classification of Lipschitz Mappings by Pérez-García, Víctor, Piasecki, Lukasz, Gallagher, Torrey M.
Artificial Intelligence, Optimization, and Data Sciences in Sports by
Structural, Syntactic, and Statistical Pattern Recognition: Joint Iapr International Workshops, S+sspr 2024, Venice, Italy, September 9-10, 2024, Revi by
The Geometric Theory of Complex Variables by Krantz, Steven G., Dovbush, Peter V.
The Enchantment of Numbers by Roettger, Eric L. F., Williams, Hugh C.
Optimal Iterative Learning Control: A Practitioner's Guide by Chu, Bing, Owens, David H.
A Mathematics Boot Camp for Science and Engineering Students by Ma, Ying
A Mathematics Boot Camp for Science and Engineering Students by Ma, Ying
Mathematical Analysis for Engineering and Applied Sciences: Foundational and Fundamental Aspects by
Limit Cycles and Homoclinic Networks in Two-Dimensional Polynomial Systems by Luo, Albert C. J.
Introduction to Enumerative and Analytic Combinatorics by Bona, Miklos
Alignment Optimization in Rail Transit by Yi, Sirong, Yang, Dongying, Wang, Honghui
Die Geheime Macht Der Zahlen: Mathematik Hinter Aschewolken, Verkehrsplanung, Steuerbetrug Und Golfbällen by Kröner, Dietmar
An Introduction to Module Theory by Coelho, Flávio U., Assem, Ibrahim
An Introduction to Module Theory by Assem, Ibrahim, Coelho, Flávio U.
Set Theory: An Introduction to Axiomatic Reasoning by André, Robert
Theory of Stochastic Integrals by León, Jorge A.
Theory of Stochastic Integrals by León, Jorge A.
Physics and Mathematics in Musical Composition: A Comparative Study by Tsuji, Kinko, Müller, Stefan C.
Nonlinear Problems of Elasticity: I: Strings, Cables, Rods, and Shells by Antman, Stuart S.
Nonlinear Problems of Elasticity: II: 3-Dimensional Bodies by Antman, Stuart S.
Recent Innovations in Sciences and Humanities by
Completely Regular Codes in Distance Regular Graphs by
Recent Innovations in Sciences and Humanities by
49 More Ways To Play Math: Math Games for All Ages Volume Two by Gaskins, Denise
49 More Ways To Play Math: Math Games for All Ages Volume Two by Gaskins, Denise
Useful Formulae: Mathematical & Physical by Watkins, Matthew
Generalized Quantum Calculus with Applications by Tikare, Sanket, Georgiev, Svetlin G.
Regularity Theory for Generalized Navier-Stokes Equations: Non-Newtonian Fluids with Variable Power-Law by Sin, Cholmin, Baranovskii, Evgenii S.
Observability and Mathematics Modeling: Hilbert, Euclid, Gauss-Bolyai-Lobachevsky, and Riemann Geometries by Khots, Nikolai, Khots, Boris
Neue Materialien Für Einen Realitätsbezogenen Mathematikunterricht 10: Istron-Band Zum Modellieren in Der Praxis: Lernumgebungen Zur Kompetenzorientie by
Complexity and Emergence in Market Ecosystems by
A Basic Course in Topology by Laures, Gerd, Szymik, Markus
Mathematical Modelling for Engineering and Physical Applications: Practical Examples and Case Studies by
The Secret World of Flexagons: Fascinating Folded Paper Puzzles by Schwartz, Ann, Sherman, Scott, Elran, Yossi
The Secret World of Flexagons: Fascinating Folded Paper Puzzles by Schwartz, Ann, Sherman, Scott, Elran, Yossi
Advanced Problems in Mechanics by
Geometric Gems: An Appreciation for Geometric Curiosities - Volume III: The Wonders of Circles by Posamentier, Alfred S., Geretschlager, Robert
Geometric Gems: An Appreciation for Geometric Curiosities - Volume III: The Wonders of Circles by Geretschlager, Robert, Posamentier, Alfred S.
Discrete Structures by Lee, Hyunyoung, Klappenecker, Andreas
Nankai Symposium on Mathematical Dialogues: Celebrating the 110th Anniversary of the Birth of Prof. S.-S. Chern by
Advances in Computer Science for Engineering and Education VII: Volume 2 by
Sofsem 2025: Theory and Practice of Computer Science: 50th International Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science, Sofs by
The 18th International Conference Interdisciplinarity in Engineering: Inter-Eng 2024 Conference Proceedings, Volume 1 by
Geometry and Quantum Features of Special Relativity by Dragon, Norbert
Higher Recursion Theory and Set Theory by
Matemáticas de Julio Verne, Las by Meavilla Segui, Vicente
Variationsrechnung by Beck, Lisa, Schmidt, Bernd
Gaussian Process Models for Quantitative Finance by Risk, Jimmy, Ludkovski, Michael
Mathematics in Architecture, Art, Nature, and Beyond by Posamentier, Alfred S., Maresch, Guenter
An Introduction to the Method of Fundamental Solutions by Chen, Ching-Shyang, Karageorghis, Andreas, Cheng, Alexander H-D
Game Theory Explained: A Mathematical Introduction with Optimization by Griffin, Christopher H.
Algorithms, Monks, and Merchants: Computing in Everyday Life in the Middle Ages by Ausiello, Giorgio
Computational Formalisms in Euclidean Geometry, Vol. I: A Trigonometric, Vectorial and Complex Numbers Approach by Calin, Ovidiu
Geometry and Analysis on Finsler Spaces by Xia, Qiaoling
Theory of Gyroscopic Effects for Rotating Objects: Gyroscopic Effects and Applications by Usubamatov, Ryspek
Combinatorial and Additive Number Theory VI: Cant, New York, Usa, 2022 and 2023 by
Generalized Homogeneity in Systems and Control Volume I: Finite-Dimensional Systems by Polyakov, Andrey
(Generalized) Fuzzy Matrices and Relations by Toth, Herbert
A Course in Ordinary Differential Equations with Applications by Moskowitz, Martin
Four-Dimensional Paper Constructions After Mobius, Klein and Boy by Ogasa, Eiji
Modern Topics in Metrical Fixed Point Theory by Turinici, Mihai
Nonlinear Resonance from Circuits to Systems by Buscarino, Arturo, Fortuna, Luigi
Counterexamples in Markov Decision Processes by Piunovskiy, Alexey B.
Computational Formalisms in Euclidean Geometry, Vol. I: A Trigonometric, Vectorial and Complex Numbers Approach by Calin, Ovidiu
Mathematische Rätsel, Knobelaufgaben Und Spiele: 101 Herausforderungen Aus Arithmetik, Geometrie Und Stochastik by Strick, Heinz Klaus
Achievements and Challenges in the Field of Convolution Operators: The Yuri Karlovich Anniversary Volume by
Fuzzy Mathematics: A Fundamental Introduction by Syropoulos, Apostolos
Monotone Discretizations for Elliptic Second Order Partial Differential Equations by John, Volker, Knobloch, Petr, Barrenechea, Gabriel R.
Special Integrals by Mishra, Abhishek
Lectures on Graph Theory: Insights Into Feynman Diagrams by Sameshima, Ray D.
Dynamic Econometrics: Models and Applications by Bismans, Francis J., Damette, Olivier
Modeling, Analysis, Control and Removal of Oil and Hydrocarbon Spills by
Random Number Generators for Computer Simulation and Cyber Security: Design, Search, Theory, and Application by Kumar, Nirman, Lu, Henry Horng-Shing, Deng, Lih-Yuan
Convex Functions and Their Applications: A Contemporary Approach by Persson, Lars-Erik, Niculescu, Constantin P.
Research Connections: Career and Research Journeys from the SMP Community by
Varia Mathematica, Nachträge 1670-1676 by
Advanced Computing in Industrial Mathematics: 16th Annual Meeting of the Bulgarian Section of Siam, December 21-23, 2021, Sofia, Bulgaria, Revised Sel by
Operational Perspective of Modeling System Reliability: Research Tools for System Dynamics by
Arithmetic of Finite Fields: 10th International Workshop, Waifi 2024, Ottawa, On, Canada, June 10-12, 2024, Revised Selected Papers by
How Did You Count?: Teacher's Guide by Danielson, Christopher
How Did You Count?: 5-Pack of Softcover Picture Book by Danielson, Christopher
How Did You Count?: Picture Book by Danielson, Christopher
Die Schachschule: Leichtfaßlicher Lehrgang Zur Raschen Und Gründlichen Erlernung Des Schachspiels by Metger, Johannes
Mathematical Modeling in Bioscience: Theory and Applications by
Modeling of Complex Mechanical Systems: Fundamentals and Applications by Deng, Jian, Petkovic, Marko D., Stojanovic, Vladimir
Statistical Modeling and Robust Inference for One-Shot Devices by Balakrishnan, Narayanaswamy, Castilla, Elena
Post-Quantum Cryptography Algorithms and Approaches for Iot and Blockchain Security: Volume 138 by
A Beginner's Guide to Mathematical Proof by Debonis, Mark J.
A Beginner's Guide to Mathematical Proof by Debonis, Mark J.
Shafarevich-Tate Groups by Brown, M. L.
Mathematical Modeling and Supercomputer Technologies: 24th International Conference, Mmst 2024, Nizhni Novgorod, Russia, November 18-21, 2024, Revised by
International Conference on Smart Systems and Advanced Computing (Syscom 2022) by
Recent Developments in Multibody Dynamics: Proceedings of Imsd-Acmd 2020 by
Applied Computational Mathematics: Icce 2023, Chennai, India, December 8-9 by
Advances in Information and Communication Technology: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference Icta 2024 by
Diskrete Mathematik Für Die Informatik by Kang, Mihyun, Sprüssel, Philipp
The Jewish Mathematical Diaspora from Fascist Italy: Looking for a Space of Intellectual Survival by Luciano, Erika
Vladimir I. Arnold - Collected Works: Spaces and Singularities of Curves, Mathematical Trinities, and Mathematical Education 1996-1999 by Arnold, Vladimir I.
Handbook of Plane Contact Mechanics: Exact Solutions of Plane Contact Problems by Heß, Markus, Willert, Emanuel, Popov, Valentin L.
Low Dimensional Topology and Number Theory: Fukuoka, Japan, March 15-18, 2022. in Memory of Professor Toshie Takata by
Cybersicherheit in Kritischen Infrastrukturen: Ein Spieltheoretischer Ansatz by Rass, Stefan, Schauer, Stefan, König, Sandra
Empower Education to Foster Engineering by Ballatore, Maria Giulia
Complex Analysis and Dynamics in One Variable with Applications by Magalhães, Luis T.
Operations Research Problems: Statements and Solutions by Díaz-Madroñero, Manuel, Mula Bru, Josefa, Poler, Raul
Through Optimization of Aerospace Vehicle Trajectories by the Pontryagin Maximum Principle by Filatyev, Alexander S., Petukhov, Vyacheslav G.
Mathematik Für Ingenieure Und Naturwissenschaftler Band 2: Ein Lehr- Und Arbeitsbuch Für Das Grundstudium by Papula, Lothar
Mathematik Interaktiv Und Verständlich: Für Naturwissenschaftler, Ingenieure Und Mediziner by Keller, Laura Gioia Andrea
So Einfach Ist Mathematik - Mathematische Modellierung by Langemann, Dirk, Reisch, Cordula
Imo Problems, Theorems, and Methods: Algebra by Chen, Jinhua, Xiong, Bin
Imo Problems, Theorems, and Methods: Algebra by Xiong, Bin, Chen, Jinhua
Lectures on Deformation Quantization: From Moyal Product to Kontsevich's Formality Theorem by Sharygin, Georgy Igorevich
Imo Problems, Theorems, and Methods (in 4 Volumes) by Lin, Tianqi, Chen, Jinhua, Xiong, Bin
Imo Problems, Theorems, and Methods (in 4 Volumes) by Lin, Tianqi, Chen, Jinhua, Xiong, Bin
Imo Problems, Theorems, and Methods: Combinatorics by Xu, Guangyu, Qu, Zhenhua
Imo Problems, Theorems, and Methods: Combinatorics by Xu, Guangyu, Qu, Zhenhua
More UK Success Stories in Industrial Mathematics by
From Here to Infinity: Tracing the Origin and Development of Projective Geometry by Gimigliano, Alessandro, del Centina, Andrea
Calculus of Variations on Fibred Manifolds and Variational Physics: A Geometrical Approach to Variational Problems in Physics by Musilová, Pavla, Rossi, Olga, Musilová, Jana
Introduction to Functional Analysis by Teixeira, Eduardo, Botelho, Geraldo, Pellegrino, Daniel
Die Tieftemperaturphysik an Der Humboldt-Universität Zu Berlin: Vom Nernst-Effekt Zum Quanten-Hall-Effekt Hin Zu Den Topologischen Isolatoren by Herrmann, Rudolf
Mathematik Und Gott Und Die Welt: Was Haben Kunst, Musik Oder Religion Mit Mathematik Am Hut? by Herrmann, Norbert
Contemporary Abstract Algebra by Gallian, Joseph
Étale Cohomology by Milne, James S.
Around the World in Eighty Games: From Tarot to Tic-Tac-Toe, Catan to Chutes and Ladders, a Mathematician Unlocks the Secrets of the World's Greatest by Du Sautoy, Marcus
The 18th International Conference Interdisciplinarity in Engineering: Inter-Eng 2024 Conference Proceedings. Volume 2 by
Advanced Topics in Electric Circuits by Trzaska, Zdzislaw
Étale Cohomology by Milne, James S.
Classical and Modern Optimization Techniques Applied to Control and Modeling by Precup, Radu-Emil, Roman, Raul-Cristian, Hedrea, Elena-Lorena
Fingerübungen Der Physik: Mechanik: Repetitorium Und Übungsbuch Mit Lösungen Und Matlab-Programmen by Kaschke, Michael, Cartarius, Holger
Interplay of Fractals and Complexity in Mathematical Modelling and Physical Patterns: Selected Proceedings of the International Symposium on Mathemati by
Generalized Homogeneity in Systems and Control Volume II: Infinite-Dimensional Systems by Polyakov, Andrey
Einführung in Die Funktionalanalysis by Clason, Christian
Computational Mechanics and Applied Mathematics: Perspectives from Young Scholars: Gimc Simai Young 2024 by
Cognitive Memory: Human Memory Machine Memory by Widrow, Bernard, Katz, Edward P.
Tessellations with Stars and Rosettes: Practical Constructions with Interactive Geometry Software by Sellarès, Toni
Topologie: Ein Lehrbuch Von Den Elementaren Grundlagen Bis Zur Homologie Und Kohomologie by Toenniessen, Fridtjof
Functional Analysis and Operator Algebras by Davidson, Kenneth R.
Analytical Methods in Physics by Angheluta, Luiza
Mathematical Tools for Telemedicine by Nichelatti, Michele
Mathematics for Computer Graphics by Vince, John
Operations Research Proceedings 2023: Selected Papers of the Annual International Conference of the German Operations Research Society (Gor), Germany, by
Linear Algebra in Context: A Gateway to the Discrete Fourier Transform, Bilinear and Sesquilinear Forms, Algebras, Tensors and Mechanics by Susanka, Lawrence
Kompaktband Logistik: Theoretische Grundlagen Und Praxisrelevante Anwendungen in Der Intralogistik by Wirsing, Sven
Control Systems Benchmarks by
Analytic Methods of Spectral Representations of Non-Selfadjoint (Non-Unitary) Operators by Zolotarev, Vladimir A.
The Palgrave Companion to the Philosophy of Set Theory by
Quasiconformal Mappings in the Plane and Complex Dynamics by Magalhães, Luis T.
Mathematische Überraschungen by Ben-Ari, Mordechai
Collaborative Research Advancing Engineering Solutions for Real-World Challenges 2: The 2024 Postgraduate Seminar in Esslingen by
Deep Learning in Personalized Music Emotion Recognition by Venohr, Yannik
Scattering of Waves: Theory and Applications by Roy, D. N. Ghosh
Optimization and Applications: 15th International Conference, Optima 2024, Petrovac, Montenegro, September 16-20, 2024, Revised Selected Papers by
The Structure of Fair Solutions: Achieving Fairness in an Optimization Model by Elçi, Özgün, Hooker, John, Zhang, Peter
Introduction to Operations and Supply Chain Simulation with Anylogic by Millhiser, William P., Nguyen, Phu, Ivanov, Dmitry
Computer Performance Modeling by Brandwajn, Alexandre, Begin, Thomas
Computer Performance Modeling by Begin, Thomas, Brandwajn, Alexandre
Mastering Game Theory: A Comprehensive Introduction to Strategic Decision Making by Saglam, Ismail
Math Optimization for Artificial Intelligence: Heuristic and Metaheuristic Methods for Robotics and Machine Learning by
Mathematical Olympiad in China (2023): Problems and Solutions by
100 Years of >Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus: Proceedings of the 44th International Ludwig Wittgenstein Symposium by
Math for Programming by Kneusel, Ronald T.
Introduzione Alla Termomeccanica Dei Sistemi Continui Ed AI Sistemi Iperbolici by Ruggeri, Tommaso
Introduction to Combinatorics and Graph Theory by Rama, R.
Spectral and High-Order Methods for Partial Differential Equations Icosahom 2023: Selected Papers from the Icosahom Conference, Seoul, Korea, August 1 by
Fourier Analysis and Distributions: A First Course with Applications by Brigola, Rolf
Graphentheorie: Eine Elementare Einführung in Begriffe, Konzepte, Probleme Und Algorithmen by Overhagen, Theo, Fricke, Jan
Modern Computational Methods for Fractional Differential Equations by Jafari, Hossein, Tajadodi, Haleh, Gasimov, Yusif S.
Quantitative Risk Management in Agricultural Business by
Shape Computation: Fifty Years, 1972-2022 by
Handbook of Artificial Intelligence and Data Sciences for Routing Problems by
Tribology Across Scales: Theory, Simulation and Experiment: A Tribute to Valentin L. Popov by
Mathematics and Education in an AI Era: Cognitive Science, Technological, and Semiotic Perspectives by
Theoretische Strömungsmechanik: Eine Anwendungsorientierte Einführung Mit Ausführlichen Herleitungen by Spielmann, Raj
Fundamental Concepts of Mathematics: Set-Theoretic, Algebraic, and Topological Foundations as Well as Real and Complex Numbers by Storch, Uwe, Wiebe, Hartmut
Handbook of Complexity in Medicine by
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