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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Middle Eastern History in 2003

The Attack on the USS Cole in Yemen on October 12, 2000 by Burnett, Betty
The Attack on U.S. Marines in Lebanon on October 23, 1983 by Olson, Steven
The Just Prince: A Manual of Leadership by Kechichian, Joseph A.
The Palestinian Impasse in Lebanon:: The Politics of Refugee Integration by Haddad, Simon
The Political Development of the Kurds in Iran: Pastoral Nationalism by Koohi-Kamali, F.
Mustafa Barzani and the Kurdish Liberation Movement (1931-1961) by Na, Na
After the War in Iraq: Defining the New Strategic Balance by
After the War in Iraq: Defining the New Strategic Iraq by Feldman, Shai
Slaves of the Shah: New Elites of Safavid Iran by Baghdiantz-Maccabe, Ina, Babaie, Sussan, Babayan, Kathryn
Druze in the Middle East: Their Faith, Leadership, Identity and Status by Dana, N.
The Body and the Blood: The Middle East's Vanishing Christians and the Possibility for Peace by Sennott, Charles M.
The Middle East for Dummies by Davis, Craig S.
The Role Of Multinational Companies In The Middle East: The Case Of Saudi Arabia by Mababaya, Mamarinta P.
The Cult of Saints Among Muslims and Jews in Medieval Syria by Meri, Josef
Revolutionaries and Reformers: Contemporary Islamist Movements in the Middle East by
Good Governance in the Middle East Oil Monarchies by
Iranian History and Politics: The Dialectic of State and Society by Katouzian, Homa
Iran's Persian Gulf Policy: From Khomeini to Khatami by Marschall, Christin
Bridging a Gulf: Peace-Building in West Asia by
Restoration of Palestine by Stewart, Basil
Strategic Air Power in Desert Storm by Olsen, John Andreas
Strategic Air Power in Desert Storm by Olsen, John Andreas
Modernist and Fundamentalist Debates in Islam: A Reader by
The Liberty Incident: The 1967 Israeli Attack on the U.S. Navy Spy Ship by Cristol, A. Jay
State and Society in Mid-Nineteenth-Century Egypt by Toledano, Ehud R.
The Shi'is of Iraq by Nakash, Yitzhak
The First Evidence: A Memoir of Life in Iraq Under Saddam Hussein by Kubba, Juman
The Emergence of Ulema in the Politics of India and Pakistan 1918-1949: A Historical Perspective by Zaidi, Syed M. Zulqurnain
Family History in the Middle East: Household, Property, and Gender by
La Renovation Du Shi'isme Ismaelien En Inde Et Au Pakistan: D'Apres Les Ecrits Et Les Discours de Sultan Muhammad Shah Aga Khan by Boivin, Michel
Britain and the Conflict in the Middle East, 1964-1967: The Coming of the Six-Day War by Gat, Moshe
Records of Kuwait 1966-1971 6 Volume Hardback Set by
The United Nations and Iraq: Defanging the Viper by Krasno, Jean, Sutterlin, James
The United Nations and Iraq: Defanging the Viper by Krasno, Jean E., Kranso, Jean E., Sutterlin, James S.
The Islamic Quest for Democracy, Pluralism, and Human Rights by Moussalli, Ahmad S.
The Shah and the Ayatollah: Iranian Mythology and Islamic Revolution by Hoveyda, Fereydoun
Searching for Hassan: A Journey to the Heart of Iran by Ward, Terence
Conquerors of Palestine Through Forty Centuries by Lock, H. O.
Constructing Lebanon: A Century of Literary Narratives by Salem, Elise
Agriculture in Qajar Iran by Floor, Willem
Living with Colonialism: Nationalism and Culture in the Anglo-Egyptian Sudan Volume 3 by Sharkey, Heather J.
The Last Queens of Egypt by Ashton, Sally-Ann
Beyond Intifada: Narratives of Freedom Fighters in the Gaza Strip by Gordon, Haim, Gordon, Rivca, Shriteh, Taher
Rethinking the Middle East by Karsh, Efraim
The Hope Fulfilled: The Rise of Modern Israel by Stein, Leslie
The Hope Fulfilled: The Rise of Modern Israel by Stein, Leslie
The Nation and Its New Women: The Palestinian Women's Movement, 1920-1948 by Fleischmann, Ellen
The Reckoning: Iraq and the Legacy of Saddam Hussein by Mackey, Sandra
Syria: Neither Bread Nor Freedom by George, Alan
Iraq - The Sore of the Planet: Things Corporate Media Won't Tell You! by Zhirinovsky, Vladimir
Why Are We at War? by Mailer, Norman
The Enterprise of Science in Islam: New Perspectives by
Islam at the Crossroads: On the Life and Thought of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi by
The Empire of the Raj: India, Eastern Africa and the Middle East, 1858-1947 by Blyth, R.
The Empire of the Raj: India, Eastern Africa and the Middle East, 1858-1947 by Blyth, R.
Heraclius, Emperor of Byzantium by Kaegi, Walter E., Jr.
Denied- The Search for Saudi Justice by Dickson, J. L., Jr.
Intellectuals and the State in Iran: Politics, Discourse, and the Dilemma of Authenticity by Nabavi, Negin
The Story of the Saracens: From the Earliest Times to the Fall of Bagdad by Gilman, Arthur
The Conscience of Lebanon by Nisan, Mordechai
The Conscience of Lebanon: A Political Biography of Etienne Sakr (Abu-Arz) by Nisan, Mordechai
Nabataean Aila (Aqaba, Jordan) from a Ceramic Perspective: Local and intra-regional trade in Aqaba Ware during the first and second centuries AD. Evid by Dolinka, Benjamin J.
The Rushdie Affair: The Novel, the Ayatollah, and the West by Pipes, Daniel
Oil, Power, & Empire: Iraq and the U.S. Global Agenda by Everest, Larry
Oil, Power, & Empire: Iraq and the U.S. Global Agenda by Everest, Larry
Muslim Extremism in Egypt: The Prophet and Pharaoh by Kepel, Gilles
They Dare to Speak Out: People and Institutions Confront Israel's Lobby by Findley, Paul
Two Minutes Over Baghdad by Perlmutter, Amos, Bar-Joseph, Uri, Handel, Michael
Jewish Radical Right: Revisionist Zionism and Its Ideological Legacy by Kaplan, Eran
Jihad: The Mahdi Rebellion in the Sudan by Fradin, Murray S.
Iraqi Kurdistan: Political Development and Emergent Democracy by Stansfield, Gareth R. V.
The Arab Heritage of Western Civilization by Landau, ROM
Islam and Political Legitimacy by
War Without End: Israelis, Palestinians, and the Struggle for a Promised Land by La Guardia, Anton
How Long O Lord?: Christian, Jewish, and Muslim Voices from the Ground and Visions for the Future in Israel/Palestine by Tobin, Marine
The Middle East - Life in Saudi Arabia: Customs, Antics, Traditions, Habits, and Lifestyles of the People That Live, Work, and Play There- A Westerne by Pulsifer, K. Andrew
A Different Shade of Colonialism: Egypt, Great Britain, and the Mastery of the Sudan by Powell, Eve Troutt
The Epistemology of Ibn Khaldun by Ahmad, Zaid
Two Minutes Over Baghdad by Perlmutter, Amos, Bar-Joseph, Uri, Handel, Michael
Crossroads to Islam: The Origins of the Arab Religion and the Arab State by Nevo, Yehuda D., Koren, Judith
The Jew, the Arab: A History of the Enemy by Anidjar, Gil
History of Ancient and Modern Jerusalem by Kitto, John
The Jew, the Arab: A History of the Enemy by Anidjar, Gil
Possessors and Possessed: Museums, Archaeology, and the Visualization of History in the Late Ottoman Empire by Shaw, Wendy
Creating an Islamic State: Khomeini and the Making of a New Iran by Martin, Vanessa
Morality Tales: Law and Gender in the Ottoman Court of Aintab by Peirce, Leslie
Revival and Reform in Islam by Haykel, Bernard
Revival and Reform in Islam by Haykel, Bernard
The Experience of Crusading by
Persia by Benjamin, Samuel G.
The West and Islam: Western Liberal Democracy versus the System of Shura by Fahm Al-Sulami, Mishal
Tricolor and Crescent: France and the Islamic World by Watson, William E.
Saudi Arabia 8 Volume Hardback Set: Secret Intelligence Records 1926-1939 by
Shaping the Current Islamic Reformation by
Jerusalem: Its Redemption and Future by Fullerton, Kemper et al, Yehudah, Ben
Islam in the Digital Age: E-Jihad, Online Fatwas and Cyber Islamic Environments by Bunt, Gary R.
The Crystallization of the Iraqi State: Geopolitical Function and Form by Preston, Zoë
The Lion's Grave: Dispatches from Afghanistan by Anderson, Jon Lee
Adventures of Hajji Baba of Ispahan by Morier, James
Historia de Arabia Saudí by Al-Rasheed, Madawi
Historia de Irak by Tripp, Charles
The Shared Well: A Concise Guide to Relations Between Islam and the West by Van de Weyer, Robert
Armageddon, 1918: The Final Palestinian Campaign of World War I by Falls, Cyril
The Gun and the Olive Branch: The Roots of Violence in the Middle East by Hirst, David
Holocaust 2: The "Not So Holy" Holyland by Campagne, Charles A.
Sowing the Wind by Keay, John
An Ottoman Tragedy: History and Historiography at Play by Piterberg, Gabriel
The Crossing of the Suez by Shazly, Saad El
Persian Documents: Social History of Iran and Turan in the 15th-19th Centuries by
Saying No to the War Party: A Collection of Essays and Photos in Opposition to Iraq War No. 2 by Hughes, William C., Hughes, William
The Collapse of Middle East Peace: The Rise & Fall of the Oslo Peace Accords by Deeb, Dennis J., II
God's Caliph: Religious Authority in the First Centuries of Islam by Crone, Patricia, Hinds, Martin
The Islamic World-System: A Study in Polity-Market Interaction by Choudhury, Masudul Alam
The Christian-Muslim Frontier: A Zone of Contact, Conflict or Co-Operation by Apostolov, Mario
Warrant for Genocide: Key Elements of Turko-Armenian Conflict by Dadrian, Vahakn
The Political Development of the Kurds in Iran: Pastoral Nationalism by Koohi-Kamali, F.
Searching Jenin: Eyewitness Accounts of the Israeli Invasion, 2002 by
War and Peace in the Sudan: A Tale of Two Countries by Khalid, Mansour
The Paradoxical Kingdom: Saudi Arabia and the Momentum of Reform by Champion, Daryl
SPAN Lebanon 1963 by Bjvrkman, James Warner
The Fire Within: ATAS-E DORUN: Jamshid Soroush Soroushian by Soroushian, Mehrborzin
Slaves on Horses: The Evolution of the Islamic Polity by Crone, Patricia, Patricia, Crone
Records of Oman 1966-1971 6 Volume Hardback Set by
Whose Pharaohs?: Archaeology, Museums, and Egyptian National Identity from Napoleon to World War I by Reid, Donald Malcolm
Politics from Above, Politics from Below: The Middle East in the Age of Economic Reform by Kienle, Eberhard
Palestinian Politics After the Oslo Accords: Resuming Arab Palestine by Brown, Nathan
Inventing Iraq: The Failure of Nation Building and a History Denied by Dodge, Toby
Transnational Muslim Politics: Reimagining the Umma by Mandaville, Peter G.
Trade Policy and Economic Integration in the Middle East and North Africa: Economic Boundaries in Flux by
Monks and Laymen in Byzantium, 843 1118 by Morris, Rosemary
Memoirs of a Mission: The Ismaili Scholar, Statesman and Poet, Al-Mu-Ayyad Fi'l-Din Al-Shirazi by Klemm, Verena
J'Accuse the NY Times and Washington Post: Biased Reporting from the Middle East by Grossman, Herbert
Emperor and Priest by Dagron, Gilbert
The New Crusades: Constructing the Muslim Enemy by
The New Crusades: Constructing the Muslim Enemy by
Reading Arab Women's Autobiographies: Shahrazad Tells Her Story by Al-Hassan Golley, Nawar
A Mediterranean Society, an Abridgment in One Volume by Goitein, S. D.
Conflict in Afghanistan: An Encyclopedia by Clements, Frank, Adamec, Ludwig
Islamic Activism: A Social Movement Theory Approach by
Urban Notables and Arab Nationalism: The Politics of Damascus 1860 1920 by Khoury, Philip S.
The Ulster Question Since 1945 by Loughlin, James
Iraq: From Sumer to Post-Saddam by Simons, G.
Jews, Muslims and Mass Media: Mediating the 'Other' by
Playing the Game: Western Women in Arabia by Tuson, Penelope
Ottoman Diplomacy: Conventional or Unconventional? by Yurdusev, A. Nuri
Public Administration in Palestine: Past and Present by Shahwan, Usamah
The Origins of Conflict in Afghanistan by Roberts, Jeffery
The Archaeology of Bahrain: The British contribution by