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General Middle Eastern History in 2020

Handbook Near and Middle East States: Geography - History - Culture - Politics - Economy by Lit Verlag
Congrès International Des Orientalistes, Compte-Rendu. 1ere Session, Paris, 1873. Tome 3 by Congres Des Orientalistes
Ombres Japonaises by Bazin, Raymond
Rooftop Societies: The Middle East Paradox by Rahmani, Fereydoon
Thoughtlessness and Decadence in Iran: A Sojourn in Comparative Political Theory by Shomali, Alireza
Creating the Modern Iranian Woman: Popular Culture Between Two Revolutions by Hendelman-Baavur, Liora
The Failure of the Muslim Brotherhood in the Arab World by Obaid, Nawaf
Conquered Populations in Early Islam: Non-Arabs, Slaves and the Sons of Slave Mothers by Urban, Elizabeth
Syria Stabilization Stabilizes by Effarah, Jamil
Think Palestine: Volume Iii by Effarah, Jamil E.
The Turkic Peoples in Medieval Arabic Writings by Frenkel, Yehoshua
Anwar Sadat: O Assassinato do Símbolo do Realismo no Oriente Médio by Tchouteu, Janvier, T. Chando, Janvier
4-31 Infantry in Iraq's Triangle of Death by Fawley, Darrell E.
Libraries Before Alexandria: Ancient Near Eastern Traditions by
Travels in Arabia by Burckhardt, John Lewis
Algeria on Screen: Society, Politics, and Culture in the Films of Merzak Allouache by Boudraa, Nabil
Israel Boundary Disputes with Arab Neighbours 1946-1964 by
Records of the Emirates 1961-1965 by
King Abdul Aziz: Political Correspondence 1904-1953 4 Hardback Volume Set by
Documentary Studies in Arabian Geopolitics: South-West Arabia 6 Hardback Volume Set: The Saudi-Yemen Dispute by
Die Handschriften Aus Der Judäischen Wüste: Die Texte Außerhalb Qumrans. Einführung Und Deutsche Übersetzung by Geiger, Gregor
Amurath To Amurath by Bell, Gertrude Lowthian
Arabic Thought beyond the Liberal Age by
Geschichte der Fatimiden-Chalifen nach arabischen Quellen by Wüstenfeld, Ferdinand
A Place Between Two Places: The Quranic Barzakh by Archer, George
Muslim-Christian Relations in Late-Ottoman Palestine: Where Nationalism and Religion Intersect by Freas, Erik
Le Droit Du Japon À l'Existence... by Rea, George Bronson
Le Japon Contemporain by Labroue, Émile, Foncin, Pierre
Promenades Japonaises by Régamey, Félix, Guimet, Emile
The Transnational Mosque: Architecture and Historical Memory in the Contemporary Middle East by Rizvi, Kishwar
Sunnis and Shi'a: A Political History by Louër, Laurence
Arabs: A 3,000-Year History of Peoples, Tribes and Empires by Mackintosh-Smith, Tim
Shi'i Islam and Sufism: Classical Views and Modern Perspectives by
Persian Gulf Administration Reports 1873-1957 by Archive Editions
Pashtun Identity and Geopolitics in Southwest Asia: Pakistan and Afghanistan Since 9/11 by Malik, Iftikhar H.
The Ottoman Empire, 1300-1650: The Structure of Power by Imber, Colin
Encounters with the Hidden Imam in Early and Pre-Modern Twelver Shīʿī Islam by Ghaemmaghami, Omid
Muhammad's Heirs by Brockopp, Jonathan E.
The Syrian War by
Treasure Trove of Benefits and Variety at the Table: A Fourteenth-Century Egyptian Cookbook: English Translation, with an Introduction and Glossary by Nasrallah, Nawal
Utopia and Civilisation in the Arab Nahda by Hill, Peter
Collective Liability in Islam: The 'Aqila and Blood Money Payments by Tsafrir, Nurit
The First of the Modern Ottomans by Menchinger, Ethan L.
Invention of Jewish Theocracy: The Struggle for Legal Authority in Modern Israel by Kaye, Alexander
I killed Bin Laden: The wildest dance of the history by Rezaei, Mehdi
Terrorist Movements and the Recruitment of Arab Foreign Fighters: A History from 1980s Afghanistan to Isis by Warren, Roger
A Short History of Babylon by Radner, Karen
Syrian Civil War: The Essential Reference Guide by
Ancient South Arabia: From the Queen of Sheba to the Advent of Islam by Schippmann, Klaus
The Discourses: Reflections on History, Sufism, Theology, and Literature--Volume One by Al-Yūsī, Al-Ḥasan
Reversing the Colonial Gaze: Persian Travelers Abroad by Dabashi, Hamid
Turkey's Nationalist Course: Implications for the U.S.-Turkish Strategic Partnership and the U.S. Army by Larrabee, F. Stephen, Binnendijk, Anika, Flanagan, Stephen J.
Ancien Japon by Appert, Georges, Kinoshita, H.
Portrait Historique de l'Empereur de Chine, Presenté Au Roy by Bouvet, Joachim
Russia's Geostrategic Outlook and the Syrian Crisis (St. James's Studies in World Affairs) by Tohme, Hicham
Tears of Bacchus: A History of Wine in the Middle East and Beyond by
The Hostage's Daughter by Anderson, Sulome
Meccan Trade and the Rise of Islam by Crone, Patricia
Muhammad: Prophet of Peace Amid the Clash of Empires by Cole, Juan
Between Iran and Zion: Jewish Histories of Twentieth-Century Iran by Sternfeld, Lior B.
Scents and Flavors: A Syrian Cookbook by
Kingdoms of Christian Arabs: Equalitarian and Democratic Society by Saadeh, Wajih Ibrahim
The Caravan by Hegghammer, Thomas
Historical Dictionary of Saudi Arabia by Peterson, J. E.
Arab Modernism as World Cinema: The Films of Moumen Smihi by Limbrick, Peter
Historical Dictionary of the Arab Uprisings by Boum, Aomar, Daadaoui, Mohamed
Arab Modernism as World Cinema: The Films of Moumen Smihi by Limbrick, Peter
Temporary Marriage in Iran by Yaghoobi, Claudia
Ireland and the End of the British Empire: The Republic and Its Role in the Cyprus Emergency by O'Shea, Helen
Cyprus in the 1930s: British Colonial Rule and the Roots of the Cyprus Conflict by Rappas, Alexis
Gender and Succession in Medieval and Early Modern Islam: Bilateral Descent and the Legacy of Fatima by Gabbay, Alyssa
Powering Empire: How Coal Made the Middle East and Sparked Global Carbonization by Barak, On
The Oxford Handbook of Cuneiform Culture by
Slavery and Empire in Central Asia by Eden, Jeff
The Chief Eunuch of the Ottoman Harem by Hathaway, Jane
Kemalist Turkey and the Middle East by Bein, Amit
Non-Muslim Provinces under Early Islam by Vacca, Alison
The Ottoman "Wild West" by Antov, Nikolay
Egypt and the Struggle for Power in Sudan by Ginat, Rami
Religious Politics in Turkey by Lord, Ceren
Histoire Abrégée de Russie, Depuis l'Origine de la Monarchie Jusqu'à Nos Jours by de Marlès, Jules LaCroix
Quelques Mots Sur Les Cambodgiens by Monod, Guillaume-Henri
Souvenirs d'Une Ambassade Extraordinaire Au Japon by Lebon, Georges
The Meaning of Surah 75 Al-Qiyamah (The Resurrection) From Holy Quran Bilingual Edition English Spanish by Mediapro, Jannah Firdaus
Architectural Sculpture in the Byzantine Negev: Characterization and Meaning by Golan, Karni
Baybars' Successors: Ibn Al-Furāt on Qalāwūn and Al-Ashraf by Cook, Translated By David
Migrant Dreams: Egyptian Workers in the Gulf States by Schielke, Samuli
Chronicles of Qalāwūn and His Son Al-Ashraf Khalīl by Cook, Translated By David
Iran's Reconstruction Jihad: Rural Development and Regime Consolidation After 1979 by Lob, Eric
Revolution and Disenchantment: Arab Marxism and the Binds of Emancipation by Bardawil, Fadi A.
Revolution and Disenchantment: Arab Marxism and the Binds of Emancipation by Bardawil, Fadi A.
Assad or We Burn the Country: How One Family's Lust for Power Destroyed Syria by Dagher, Sam
Routledge Handbook of Middle East Politics by
Pregnancy and Miscarriage in Qatar: Women, Reproduction and the State by Kilshaw, Susie
History of Nations 2 by Ibn Al-Jawzi
A History of Jeddah by Freitag, Ulrike
The Call: Inside the Global Saudi Religious Project by Varagur, Krithika
Violence in the Middle East: From Political Struggle to Self-Sacrifice by Bozarslan, Hamit
The Origins of the Syrian Conflict by Daoudy, Marwa
The Origins of the Syrian Conflict by Daoudy, Marwa
The Islamic Middle East and Japan: Perceptions, Aspirations, and the Birth of Intra-Asian Modernity by
Translating Wisdom: Hindu-Muslim Intellectual Interactions in Early Modern South Asia by Nair, Shankar
Remapping Persian Literary History, 1700-1900 by Schwartz, Kevin L.
The Failure of Middle East Peace and the "Jerusalem First" Option by Webb, Ryan
The Routledge Handbook of Muslim Iberia by
Sikh Militancy in the Seventeenth Century: Religious Violence in Mughal and Early Modern India by Syan, Hardip Singh
Lebanon: A Country in Fragments by Arsan, Andrew
The Umayyad Caliphate: The History and Legacy of the Second Islamic Kingdom Established After Muhammad's Death by Charles River
The Umayyad Caliphate: The History and Legacy of the Second Islamic Kingdom Established After Muhammad's Death by Charles River
Away from Chaos: The Middle East and the Challenge to the West by Kepel, Gilles
The Life of Prophet Idris AS (Enoch) Bilingual Version English Germany Standar Edition by Foundation, Jannah An-Nur, Kathir, Ibn
The Life of Prophet Idris AS (Enoch) Bilingual Version English Germany Ultimate by Foundation, Jannah An-Nur
Like the Wind I Go by Imani, Vahid
Trade in the Ancient World: The History and Legacy of Trade in Europe, the Near East, and Africa during Antiquity by Charles River
The Arab Winter: A Tragedy by Feldman, Noah
Bir-Zeit My Town: Al-Ghasasenah A Study of Anthropology and Human Sociology by Saadeh, Wajih Ibrahim
Islam and Politics (3rd Edition) by Mandaville, Peter
Islam and Politics (3rd Edition) by Mandaville, Peter
Ghosts of the Valley by Ambriz, Sean
Ash'arism encounters Avicennism: Sayf al-Dīn al-Āmidī on Creation by Hassan, Laura
Like the Wind I Go: A memoir of Iran, America, my struggle to freedom by Imani, Vahid
Shia Islam and Politics: Iran, Iraq, and Lebanon by Armajani, Jon
The Unforgettable Queens of Islam: Succession, Authority, Gender by Haeri, Shahla
The Unforgettable Queens of Islam by Haeri, Shahla
History of Arab Thought by Saadeh, Wajih Ibrahim
The Intelligence State in Tunisia: Security and Mukhabarat, 1881-1965 by Safi, Omar
Failed Alliances of the Cold War: Britain's Strategy and Ambitions in Asia and the Middle East by Dimitrakis, Panagiotis
A Short History of the Normans by Hicks, Leonie V.
Note Sur Le Rôle Important Des Catéchistes Pour l'Évangélisation Du Peuple Au Japon by Marnas, Francisque
Policing Transnational Protest: Liberal Imperialism and the Surveillance of Anticolonialists in Europe, 1905-1945 by Brückenhaus, Daniel
Voices of the Ritual: Devotion to Female Saints and Shrines in the Holy Land by Stadler, Nurit
Finding Christ in Muslim Lands by Tilley, Allan Rodney
The Letters of Gertrude Bell - Volume One by Bell, Gertrude
The Middle East from Empire to Sealed Identities by Kamel, Lorenzo
The Letters of Gertrude Bell - Volume Two by Bell, Gertrude
The Gulf in World History: Arabia at the Global Crossroads by
A Baptist Abroad: Or, Travels And Adventures In Europe And All Bible Lands With An Introduction By Hon. J. L. M. Curry by Whittle, Walter Andrew
Juz Amma from The Noble Quran (القرآن الكريم) Bilingual Edition English Arabic by Foundation, Jannah An-Nur
Opium Nation by Nawa, Fariba
The Wandering Holy Man: The Life of Barsauma, Christian Asceticism, and Religious Conflict in Late Antique Palestine Volume 60 by
Routledge Handbook of Persian Gulf Politics by
Reporting Political Islam and Democracy: Al Jazeera and the Politics of Journalism by Abunajela, Mohammed-Ali, Jebril, Nael
KARATE historia, desarrollo y evolución. by Camps Monclús, Joan
Lost in Translation, Presumption, and Interpretation: Adam, Noah, and the Ancient Mesopotamian Mythology of the Creation and the Flood by Abulhab, Saad D.
Argentina in the Global Middle East by Balloffet, Lily Pearl
Argentina in the Global Middle East by Balloffet, Lily Pearl
Christianity in Fifteenth-Century Iraq by Carlson, Thomas A.
Child Custody in Islamic Law by Ibrahim, Ahmed Fekry
Crossroads of Cuisine: The Eurasian Heartland, the Silk Roads and Food by de Pablo Moya, Montserrat, Buell, Paul David, Anderson, Eugene N.
The Emergence of Public Opinion by Şiviloğlu, Murat R.
Islam and the Culture of Modern Egypt by Salama, Mohammad
Law and Politics under the Abbasids by Siddiqui, Sohaira Z. M.
Russia's Turn to Persia by Volkov, Denis V.
Ibadi Muslims of North Africa by Love, Paul M., Jr.
Revolution and Its Discontents by Sadeghi-Boroujerdi, Eskandar
Old New Land by Herzl, Theodor
The Kurds in the Middle East: Enduring Problems and New Dynamics by
The Kaʿba Orientations: Readings in Islam's Ancient House by O'Meara, Simon
The Crusader States and Their Neighbours: A Military History, 1099-1187 by Morton, Nicholas
Allenby: Making the Modern Middle East by Faught, C. Brad
Afghanistan Under Siege: The Afghan Body and the Postcolonial Border by Savic, Bojan
Allenby: Making the Modern Middle East by Faught, C. Brad
Cyprus at War: Diplomacy and Conflict During the 1974 Crisis by Asmussen, Jan
The East/ the West / the Arabs: Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow by Nacereddine, Abdallah
Leaving Zion by Yehudai, Ori
Mapping Kurdistan by Kaya, Zeynep N.
Arabic Poetics by Harb, Lara
Ugarit: The History and Legacy of the Kingdom of Ugarit in the Ancient Near East by Charles River
Crusading and Chronicle Writing on the Medieval Baltic Frontier: A Companion to the Chronicle of Henry of Livonia by
Saudi Arabia: Society, Government and the Gulf Crisis by Abir, Mordechai
Federalism, Secession, and International Recognition Regime: Iraqi Kurdistan by
Educating Palestine: Teaching and Learning History Under the Mandate by Furas, Yoni
The Emperor Theophilos and the East, 829-842: Court and Frontier in Byzantium during the Last Phase of Iconoclasm by Codoñer, Juan Signes
The Routledge Handbook of the History of the Middle East Mandates by
Au Japon, promenades aux sanctuaires de l'art. Nouvelle édition by Migeon, Gaston
The Repose of the Spirits: A Sufi Commentary on the Divine Names by Sam'ānī, Ahmad
Reframing Syrian Refugee Insecurity through a Feminist Lens: The Case of Lebanon by Abouarab, Jessy
Sovereignty Suspended: Building the So-Called State by Bryant, Rebecca, Hatay, Mete
Empires of Antiquities: Modernity and the Rediscovery of the Ancient Near East, 1914-1950 by Melman, Billie
Graveyard of Clerics: Everyday Activism in Saudi Arabia by Menoret, Pascal
Graveyard of Clerics: Everyday Activism in Saudi Arabia by Menoret, Pascal
Language, Ideology and Sociopolitical Change in the Arabic-Speaking World: A Study of the Discourse of Arabic Language Academies by Lian, Chaoqun
Creative Radicalism in the Middle East: Culture and the Arab Left After the Uprisings by Rooney, Caroline
A History of Interest and Debt: Ancient Civilizations by
Gilgamesh: The History and Mythology of the Sumerian King by
Oil Powers: A History of the U.S.-Saudi Alliance by McFarland, Victor
Cyrus the Great by Dando-Collins, Stephen
Oilcraft: The Myths of Scarcity and Security That Haunt U.S. Energy Policy by Vitalis, Robert
Cyrus the Great by Dando-Collins, Stephen
Oil Powers: A History of the U.S.-Saudi Alliance by McFarland, Victor
A President's Dithering False Bravado: Obama "Caved" in Accepting Putin's Rigged Syrian Weapons Deal by Patterson, Gary R.
To Tell the Truth: Fifty Years of Politics in the Promised Land by Kuhrt, David
Security in the Gulf: Local Militaries Before British Withdrawal by Rossiter, Ash
Iraq since the Invasion: People and Politics in a State of Conflict by
Tales of Royalty: Notions of Kingship in Visual and Textual Narration in the Ancient Near East by
Behind The Veil In Persia And Turkish Arabia: An Account Of An Englishwoman's Eight Years' Residence Amongst The Women Of The East With Narratives Of by Hume-Griffith, M. E.
Crisis and Conciliation: A Year of Rapprochement Between Greece and Turkey by Ker-Lindsay, James
Migrating to America: Transnational Social Networks and Regional Identity Among Turkish Migrants by Dicarlo, Lisa
The Cyprus Issue: A Documentary History, 1878-2007 by Hakki, Murat Metin
Generations of Dissent: Intellectuals, Cultural Production, and the State in the Middle East and North Africa by
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