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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Middle Eastern History in 2021

The Seljuk Empire of Anatolia by
Impressions d'Extrême-Orient. Transsibérien, Japon, Indochine, Java, Indes Anglaises by Le Roy-Liberge, Madame G.
Le Japon Judiciaire by Frank, Louis
The International Dimension of the Israel-Palestinian Conflict: A Post-Eurocentric Approach by Huber, Daniela
The Son King: Reform and Repression in Saudi Arabia by Al-Rasheed, Madawi
My Everyday Words in Arabic - Arabic learning book for kids: More than 100 words translated from English and presented by topics - Full-color bilingua by En Editions, Easy-Arabic-Now
Yemen: What Everyone Needs to Know(r) by Orkaby, Asher
Meine Alltagswörter auf Arabisch: Arabisch lernen für Kinder: Mehr als 100 aus dem Deutsch übersetzte und thematisch geordnete Wörter by de Editions, Nour Shams
Rising Powers and the Arab-Israeli Conflict since 1947 by Burton, Guy
Black Wave: Saudi Arabia, Iran, and the Forty-Year Rivalry That Unraveled Culture, Religion, and Collective Memory in the Middle E by Ghattas, Kim
The British Empire and the Hajj by Slight
Qatna: The History and Legacy of the Ancient Syrian Kingdom during the Bronze Age by Charles River
Qatna: The History and Legacy of the Ancient Syrian Kingdom during the Bronze Age by Charles River
Assassination in Colonial Cyprus in 1934 and the Origins of Eoka: Reading the Archives Against the Grain by Varnava, Andrekos
The Mercy Of Allah by Belloc, Hilaire
From Desert to Town: The Integration of Bedouin Into Arab Fellahin Villages and Towns in the Galilee, 1700-2020 by Mazarib, Tomer
Women, Too, Were Blessed: The Portrayal of Women in Early Christian Armenian Texts by Zakarian, David
The Great Introduction to the Science of the Judgments of the Stars by Abu-Ma Shar Jafar Ibn-Muhammad, David
Orientalismus Heute: Perspektiven Arabisch-Deutscher Literatur- Und Kulturwissenschaft by
Mesopotamische Schöpfungstexte in Ritualen: Methodik Und Fallstudien Zur Situativen Verortung by Maiwald, Kerstin
The Maghrib in the Mashriq: Knowledge, Travel and Identity by
The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Nubia by Emberling, Geoff, Williams, Bruce
Persia: An Area Study, 1633 by Floor, Willem M.
Historical Dictionary of Syria by Commins, David, Lesch, David W., Imady, Omar
Travels Through Arabia and Other Countries in the East: Volume I by Niebuhr, Carsten
The Path to Assyria: A Call for National Renewal by Yakoub, Afram
Genetic Crossroads: The Middle East and the Science of Human Heredity by Burton, Elise K.
Genetic Crossroads: The Middle East and the Science of Human Heredity by Burton, Elise K.
Culture of Defeat by
Historiography in Saudi Arabia: Globalization and the State in the Middle East by Determann, Jörg Matthias
Social Histories of Iran by Cronin, Stephanie
Social Histories of Iran by Cronin, Stephanie
A History of Palestinian Islamic Jihad by Skare, Erik
The Afghan Wars 1839-42 And 1878-80 by Forbes, Archibald
The Oxford Handbook of Contemporary Middle-Eastern and North African History by
Faḍāʾil-I Balkh (the Merits of Balkh) by
Heike Monogatari, Récits de l'Histoire Du Japon Au Xiie Siècle by Turrettini, François Auguste
Le Japon d'Aujourd'hui. 2e Édition by Bruley Des Varannes, Georges
Histoire Du Japon, Des Origines À Nos Jours by Hara, Katsur
Giacomo Leopardi by Hazard, Paul
Nikk, Passé Et Présent, Guide Historique by Dautremer, Joseph
Histoire de la Religion Chrétienne Au Japon, 1598-1651. Partie 1: Comprenant Les Faits Relatifs Aux Deux Cent Cinq Martyrs Béatifiés Le 7 Juillet 1867 by Pagès, Léon
The Global Spread of Islamism and the Consequences for Terrorism by Freeman, Michael, Ellena, Katherine, Kator-Mubarez, Amina
Portfolio Decisions for Faith-Based Investors: The Case of Shariah-Compliant and Ethical Equities by Anwer, Zaheer
On the Explanation of Chess and Backgammon: Abar Wizārisn ī Čatrang Ud Nihisn Nēw-Ardaxsīr by
New Chronology Papers by Dolen, Walter R.
The Daughters of Kobani: A Story of Rebellion, Courage, and Justice by Lemmon, Gayle Tzemach
Occidentalism: Literary Representations of the Maghrebi Experience of the East-West Encounter by Salhi, Zahia Smail
Conversion to Islam: Competing Themes in Early Islamic Historiography by Ibrahim, Ayman S.
The Royal Engineers in Egypt and the Sudan by Sandes, Lieut -Colonel E. W. C.
The Royal Engineers in Egypt and the Sudan by Sandes, Lieut -Colonel E. W. C.
Political Adaptation in Sa'udi Arabia: A Study of the Council of Ministers by Huyette, Summer S.
Helden, Die Sie Fällten: Die Ermordung von Jitzchak Rabin und Anwar Sadat und die Totgeburt des Friedens im Nahen Osten by T. Chando, Janvier, Tchouteu, Janvier
Persian Empire: A History from Beginning to End by History, Hourly
Red Line: The Unraveling of Syria and America's Race to Destroy the Most Dangerous Arsenal in the World by Warrick, Joby
Global Middle East: Into the Twenty-First Century Volume 3 by
Global Middle East: Into the Twenty-First Century Volume 3 by
History of the Dukes of Normandy and the Kings of England by the Anonymous of Béthune by
Middle East Tapestry by Guichard, Roger H., Jr.
Middle East Tapestry by Guichard, Roger H., Jr.
Kurds and Yezidis in the Middle East: Shifting Identities, Borders, and the Experience of Minority Communities by
Collective Trauma and the Armenian Genocide: Armenian, Turkish, and Azerbaijani Relations Since 1839 by Steiner, Pamela
Intellectual Currents and the Practice of Engagement by Beamish, David Thomas
The West Bank: History, Politics, Society, and Economy by Nakhleh, Emile a., Lustick, Ian, Peretz, Donald
Histoire Véritable de la Glorieuse Mort, Que Six Nobles Chrestiens Japonois Ont Constamment Enduré: Pour La Foy de Jésus-Christ. Traduit de l'Italien by Coyssard, Michel, Cerquera, Lodovico
Al-Rāzī by Adamson, Peter
Muhammad by Rodinson, Maxime
Sumerian Religion: Introducing the Anunnaki Gods of Mesopotamian Neopaganism by Free, Joshua
Sumerian Origins by Romney, Norah
La Dechirure: کشمکش by Ouardi, Hela, Simab, Hamid
The Government and Politics of Lebanon: Second Edition by Salamey, Imad
Script and Society: The Social Context of Writing Practices in Late Bronze Age Ugarit by Boyes, Philip J.
Airpower in the War Against Isis by Lambeth, Benjamin S.
Kisah Hikayat Maryam Binti Imran Ibunda Nabi Isa AS Dan Burung Yang Tercipta Dari Tanah Liat Edisi Bahasa Inggris by Foundation, Jannah An-Nur
The Queen of Sheba's Gift: A History of the True Balsam of Matarea by Milwright, Marcus
The Prophet's Heir: The Life of Ali Ibn ABI Talib by Abbas, Hassan
Women and Gender in Islam: Historical Roots of a Modern Debate by Ahmed, Leila
The Government and Politics of Lebanon: Second Edition by Salamey, Imad
Unsheathed: The Story of Muhammad (Short Version without Pictures) by MacArthur, Tara
Baghdadi Jewish Networks in the Age of Nationalism by R. Goldstein-Sabbah, S.
Rivers of the Sultan: The Tigris and Euphrates in the Ottoman Empire by Husain, Faisal H.
The Siege of Vienna (1529): The History and Legacy of the Decisive Battle that Prevented the Ottoman Empire's Expansion into Western Europe by Charles River
Egypt Coloring Book for Adults: Gods, Mummies, Hieroglyphics, Ancient Egypt Colouring Book by Coloring, Shut Up
Researching the Middle East: Cultural, Conceptual, Theoretical and Practical Issues by
Researching the Middle East: Cultural, Conceptual, Theoretical and Practical Issues by
The Stranglehold: How to Break the Palestinians' Unyielding Grip on the Middle East Peace Process by Pontz, Curtis
The Young Turks and the Boycott Movement: Nationalism, Protest and the Working Classes in the Formation of Modern Turkey by Çetinkaya, Y. Dogan
Media Power and Global Television News: The Role of Al Jazeera English by Bebawi, Saba
Narrating Muslim Sicily: War and Peace in the Medieval Mediterranean World by Granara, William
Transformations of Tradition: Islamic Law in Colonial Modernity by Quadri, Junaid
The Amorites: The History and Legacy of the Nomads Who Conquered Mesopotamia and Established the Babylonian Empire by Charles River
The Amorites: The History and Legacy of the Nomads Who Conquered Mesopotamia and Established the Babylonian Empire by Charles River
Unsheathed: The Story of Muhammad (Short Version with B&W Pictures) by MacArthur, Tara
Lamu: History, Society, and Family in an East African Port City by Romero, Patricia W.
Jewish Medical Practitioners in the Medieval Muslim World: A Collective Biography by Lev, Efraim
Violence in Islamic Thought from European Imperialism to the Post-Colonial Era by
INTRA Bank: A Forward-Looking Perspective by Mardelli, Bassil A.
British Cyprus and the Long Great War, 1914-1925: Empire, Loyalties and Democratic Deficit by Varnava, Andrekos
Representing the Middle East and Africa in Social Studies Education: Teacher Discourse and Otherness by Osborn, Daniel
Actes Du Onzième Congrès International Des Orientalistes. Paris, 1897 by Congres Des Orientalistes
L'Indépendance de la Corée Et La Paix: La Question Coréenne Et La Politique Mondiale Japonaise by Collectif
Le Japon, Merveilleuses Histoires by Aicard, Jean, Gautier, Judith
Conférence Sur Le Japon: Faite À La Réunion Fraternelle Des Anciens Élèves Du Petit Séminaire d'Autun by Compagnon, Pierre-Marie
Les Expéditions Contre Formose. Japonais, 1874. Français, 1884-1885. Japonais, 1895 by École Supérieure de Guerre Navale
Antiguo Oriente Próximo: Una guía fascinante de las antiguas civilizaciones del Oriente Próximo, incluyendo regiones como Mesopotamia, el antig by History, Captivating
Alarms and Excursions in Arabia: The Life and Works of Bertram Thomas in Early 20th Century Iraq and Oman by Thomas, Bertram
Alarms and Excursions in Arabia: The Life and Works of Bertram Thomas in Early 20th Century Iraq and Oman. by Thomas, Bertram
Journey To Ararat by Parrot, Friedrich
Spaces of Participation: Dynamics of Social and Political Change in the Arab World by
Antiguo Oriente Próximo: Una guía fascinante de las antiguas civilizaciones del Oriente Próximo, incluyendo regiones como Mesopotamia, el antig by History, Captivating
Empires and Communities in the Post-Roman and Islamic World, C. 400-1000 CE by
Unsheathed: The Story of Muhammad (Short Version with Pictures) by MacArthur, Tara, O'Grady, Connor
El antiguo Oriente Medio: Una guía fascinante de las civilizaciones e imperios del antiguo Oriente Próximo y la antigua Anatolia by History, Captivating
El antiguo Oriente Medio: Una guía fascinante de las civilizaciones e imperios del antiguo Oriente Próximo y la antigua Anatolia by History, Captivating
Congress With a Crocodile by
An Extra Player on the Playing Field of History by Saul, John
Christian Monastic Life in Early Islam by Bowman, Bradley
Islamic Empires: The Cities That Shaped Civilization: From Mecca to Dubai by Marozzi, Justin
Building an Enduring Peace in Yemen: Lessons from Five Years of Rand Research by Rhoades, Ashley L., Egel, Daniel, Johnston, Trevor
Cruise Through History - Itinerary 05 - Ports of Arabia to the Atlantic by Hutt, Sherry
Shipwreck in Oman: A Journal of the Travels and Sufferings of Daniel Saunders, Jun by Saunders, Daniel
Elite Participation in the Third Crusade by Bennett, Stephen
Shipwreck in Oman: A journal of the travels and sufferings of Daniel Saunders, Jun by Saunders, Daniel
The Rebel Bandits of Tangestan by Floor, Willem M.
Orthodoxy and Islam in the Middle East: The Seventh to the Sixteenth Centuries by Panchenko, Constantine A.
A Modern History of the Kurds by McDowall, David
Violence in Early Islam: Religious Narratives, the Arab Conquests and the Canonization of Jihad by Demichelis, Marco
The Israel-Palestine Conflict by Gelvin, James L.
A Modern History of the Kurds by McDowall, David
The Israel-Palestine Conflict by Gelvin, James L.
Mesmo Seus Inimigos Choraram: O Assassinato de Yitzhak Rabin de Israel by T. Chando, Janvier, Tchouteu, Janvier
The Middle East Bedside Book by
The History of the Nation of Archers by Aknerts'i, Grigor
مختصر تاريخ العرب القديم by سعيد راشد
George W Bush Administration Propaganda for an Invasion of Iraq: The Absence of Evidence by Hartenian, Larry
Opposing the Imam by Husayn, Nebil
National Security and Public Opinion in Israel by Arian, Asher
The Balkan Wars; 1912-1913 by Gould Schurman, Jacob
Cosmopolitan Belongingness and War: Animals, Loss, and Spectral-Poetic Moments by Leep, Matthew
Levantine Entanglements: Cultural Productions, Long-Term Changes and Globalizations in the Eastern Mediterranean by
The Many Faces of Iranian Modernity by Ames, Robert
Angels Hastening by Clohessy, Christopher
The Arabs from Alexander the Great until the Islamic Conquests by Al-Ani, Ayad
The Book of Travels: Volume Two by Diyāb, Ḥannā
The Book of Travels: Volume One by Diyāb, Ḥannā
The Book of Travels: Two-Volume Set by Diyāb, Ḥannā
Economics and Politics of Energy in the Middle East and Eastern Europe by
In the Mirror of Persian Kings by Auer, Blain
Jihad in the City by Lefèvre, Raphaël
Jihad in the City by Lefèvre, Raphaël
Studies in the History of Transjordan, 19201949: The Making of a State by Dann, Uriel
291 Days: Chronicles from Thawra to the Beirut Blast by Farah, Raja
Proof of Life: Twenty Days on the Hunt for a Missing Person in the Middle East by Levin, Daniel
The Contemporary Middle East in an Age of Upheaval by
The Contemporary Middle East in an Age of Upheaval by
Music and Musicians in the Medieval Islamicate World: A Social History by Nielson, Lisa
Mainstreaming the Headscarf: Islamist Politics and Women in the Turkish Media by Özcan, Esra
Nostalgia in Anglophone Arab Literature: Nationalism, Identity and Diaspora by Qutait, Tasnim
The War with Turkey, 1914-18----Volume 2: the Campaigns in Mesopotamia, Libya, Egypt, Palestine, Syria and Persia During the First World War by Buchan, John
Historical Dictionary of the Syrian Uprising and Civil War by Alsaleh, Asaad
The War with Turkey, 1914-18----Volume 2: the Campaigns in Mesopotamia, Libya, Egypt, Palestine, Syria and Persia During the First World War by Buchan, John
Iran in an Emerging New World Order: From Ahmadinejad to Rouhani by Fathollah-Nejad, Ali
Mosul After Islamic State: The Quest for Lost Architectural Heritage by Nováček, Karel, Melčák, Miroslav, Beránek, Ondřej
Socotra: Memoir on the Island of Socotra by Wellsted, James
Queens, Eunuchs and Concubines in Islamic History, 661-1257 by El-Azhari, Taef
Making Mongol History: Rashid Al-Din and the Jamiʿ Al-Tawarikh by Kamola, Stefan
Socotra: Memoir on the Island of Socotra by Wellsted, James
The Bloody Price of Freedom by Heideman, Richard D.
Intifada: The Palestinian Uprising by Peretz, Don
A Bibliography of Afghanistan by McLachlan, K. S.
Mubarak's Egypt: Fragmentation of the Political Order by Springborg, Robert
Iran at the Crossroads: Global Relations in a Turbulent Decade by Rezun, Miron
Development and Disenchantment in Rural Tunisia: The Bourguiba Years by Zussman, Mira
Strategic Implications Of The New Oil Reality by Meir, Shemuel
Agrarian Reform Under State Capitalism in Algeria by Pfeifer, Karen
Encounter with Reality: Reagan and the Middle East During the First Term by Novik, Nimrod
Antioch: A History by Eger, A. Asa, de Giorgi, Andrea U.
Baghdad and Isfahan: A Dialogue of Two Cities in an Age of Science Ca. 750-1750 by Kheirandish, Elaheh
Turbulent Streams: An Environmental History of Japan's Rivers, 1600-1930 by Wilson, Roderick I.
Tunisia's Modern Woman by Kallander, Amy Aisen
The Campaigns of Sargon II, King of Assyria, 721-705 B.C., 55 by Melville, Sarah C.
The Road to New Islam: Mahfouz, Arkoun, Abu Zaid, Kassim, and Other Muslim and Non-Muslim Thinkers by Abadir, Akef R.
The Politics of Art: Dissent and Cultural Diplomacy in Lebanon, Palestine, and Jordan by Toukan, Hanan
Travels in Arabia: Travels in Oman by Wellsted, James R.
Travels in Arabia: Travels in Oman by Wellsted, James R.
Mesopotamische Diagnostik: Untersuchungen Zu Rekonstruktion, Terminologie Und Systematik Des Babylonisch-Assyrischen Diagnosehandbuches Und Eine by Schmidtchen, Eric
The Politics of Art: Dissent and Cultural Diplomacy in Lebanon, Palestine, and Jordan by Toukan, Hanan
The Sufi Saint of Jam by Mahendrarajah, Shivan
Visions of Beirut: The Urban Life of Media Infrastructure by El-Hibri, Hatim
Visions of Beirut: The Urban Life of Media Infrastructure by El-Hibri, Hatim
Via Dolorosa: Stories of Syrian Refugee Women During the War on Syria and Their Migration to Canada by Watad, Kathy, Watad, Nur
Historical Dictionary of Lebanon by Amore, Roy C., Najem, Tom
Via Dolorosa: Stories of Syrian Refugee Women During the War on Syria and Their Migration to Canada by Watad, Nur, Watad, Kathy
Disturbing Spirits: Mental Illness, Trauma, and Treatment in Modern Syria and Lebanon by Tsacoyianis, Beverly A.
Arab Animation: Images of Identity by Sayfo, Omar
The Kharijites in Early Islamic Historical Tradition: Heroes and Villains by Hagemann, Hannah-Lena
Birth of the Persian Empire by
The Caravan Route between Egypt and Syria by Salvator, Ludwig
The Arab Spring: The Failure of the Obama Doctrine by Lynch, Edward
Bullets in Envelopes: Iraqi Academics in Exile by Yako, Louis
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