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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Middle Eastern History in 2023

Die Hieroglyphen by Erman, Adolf
A Social History of Modern Tehran by Rezvani Naraghi, Ashkan
The Ghouta Chemical Attacks of 2013 and the End of the Arab Spring in Syria by Pietrzak, Piotr
Saudi Interventions in Yemen: A Historical Comparison of Ontological Insecurity by Tynan, Caroline F.
Knowledge and Beauty in Classical Islam: An Aesthetic Reading of the Muqaddima by Ibn Khaldūn by Lelli, Giovanna
George W Bush Administration Propaganda for an Invasion of Iraq: The Absence of Evidence by Hartenian, Larry
Seven Pillars of Wisdom by Lawrence, T. E.
Seven Pillars of Wisdom by Lawrence, T. E.
Humanitarian Intervention, Colonialism, Islam and Democracy: An Analysis Through the Human-Nonhuman Distinction by Gozzi, Gustavo
Wonders and Rarities: The Marvelous Book That Traveled the World and Mapped the Cosmos by Zadeh, Travis
Queens and Prophets: How Arabian Noblewomen and Holy Men Shaped Paganism, Christianity and Islam by El-Badawi, Emran Iqbal
Britain and the Regency of Tripoli: Consuls and Empire-Building in Nineteenth-Century North Africa by Elgaddari, Sara M.
Alcohol in the Maghreb and the Middle East Since the Nineteenth Century: Disputes, Policies and Practices by
Triumph and Despair: In Search of Iran's Islamic Republic by Kamrava, Mehran
Yemen in the Shadow of Transition: Pursuing Justice Amid War by Philbrick Yadav, Stacey
Erdoğan's War: A Strongman's Struggle at Home and in Syria by Tol, Gönül
Smbat Sparapet's Chronicle: Volume 2 by Sparapet, Smbat
Narrating the Pilgrimage to Mecca: Historical and Contemporary Accounts by
The Armenians and the Fall of the Ottoman Empire by Şekeryan, Ari
The Arabic Writing Tradition, an Historical Survey, Volume 2: Poetry, Until C. 430 Ah by Sezgin, Fuat
Economic Growth and Development in Jordan by Mazur, Michael P.
The Life of Theodotus of Amida: Syriac Christianity under the Umayyad Caliphate by Hoyland, Robert, Palmer, Andrew
Lebanese Historical Thought in the Eighteenth Century by Bualuan, Hayat El Eid
Tragedy In South Lebanon by Sultan, Cathy
The New World of Islam by Stoddard, Lothrop
Said Akl: When Lebanon Speaks by El-Hage, George Nicolas
The Economic Statecraft of the Gulf Arab States: Deploying Aid, Investment and Development Across the Menap by Young, Karen E.
Kuwait and Al-Sabah: Tribal Politics and Power in an Oil State by Azoulay, Rivka
The Yezidis: A Study in Survival by Guest, John S.
'Abdurra'uf Fitrat in Istanbul: Quest for Freedom by Abdirashidov, Zaynabidin
Civil-Military Relations in the Modern Middle East by Sorenson, David S.
Popular Culture and Foreign Policy: The Case of Turkey and Valley of Wolves: Ambush by Yukaruç, Umut
Civil-Military Relations in the Modern Middle East by Sorenson, David S.
Jihadi Politics: The Global Jihadi Civil War, 2014-2019 by Hamming, Tore
Confronting Saddam Hussein: George W. Bush and the Invasion of Iraq by Leffler, Melvyn P.
Arabs: A 3000-Year History of Peoples, Tribes and Empires by Mackintosh-Smith, Tim
What Have You Left Behind? by Al-Maqtari, Bushra
A Sultanate That Endures: Oman in the World from Qaboos Bin Sa'id to Haitham Bin Tariq by Kéchichian, Joseph A.
A Sultanate That Endures: Oman in the World from Qaboos Bin Sa'id to Haitham Bin Tariq by Kéchichian, Joseph A.
Arab Animation: Images of Identity by Sayfo, Omar
Christian Monastic Life in Early Islam by Bowman, Bradley
If the Oceans Were Ink: An Unlikely Friendship and a Journey to the Heart of the Quran by Power, Carla
Muhammad: A Prophet for Our Time by Armstrong, Karen
The Caliphate: Its Rise, Decline and Fall by Muir, William
The Empire of the Mahdi: The Rise of the Fatimids by Halm, Heinz
Rule-Formulation and Binding Precedent in the Madhhab-Law Tradition: Ibn Quṭlūbughā's Commentary on the Compendium of Qudūrī by Al-Azem, Talal
Philosophical Theology in Islam: Later Ashʿarism East and West by
Israel / Palestine by Dowty, Alan
A Vacation in Baghdad and Beyond by Donikian, Ardemis
The Life of Flavius Josephus by Josephus, Flavius
Proxy Warfare on the Cheap: The Partnership Between the USA and the Syrian Kurds by Michnik, Wojciech, Plakoudas, Spyridon
Fear and Insecurity: Israel and the Iran Threat Narrative by Leslie, Jonathan G.
History of the Vartanants Saints: Volume 2 by Miloyan, Beyon, Yeghishe
Sovietology in Post-Mao China: Aspects of Foreign Relations, Politics, and Nationality, 1980-1999 by Li, Jie
History of the Vartanants Saints: Volume 1 by Yeghishe
Between Banat: Queer Arab Critique and Transnational Arab Archives by Shomali, Mejdulene Bernard
Between Banat: Queer Arab Critique and Transnational Arab Archives by Shomali, Mejdulene Bernard
Grey Wolf - Mustafa Kemal by Armstrong, Harold Courtenay
Ein Sommer im Orient by Von Alexander Warsberg, Freiherr
Broken Bonds: The Existential Crisis of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood, 2013-22 by Ayyash, Abdelrahman, Elafifi, Amr, Ezzat, Noha
Zinky Boys: Soviet Voices from the Afghanistan War by Alexievich, Svetlana
Islamophobia and Lebanon: Visibly Muslim Women and Global Coloniality by Kassem, Ali
Cinema in the Arab World: New Histories, New Approaches by
Early Urbanizations in the Levant: A Regional Narrative by Greenberg, Raphael
In Search of Greater Syria: The History and Politics of the Syrian Social Nationalist Party by Solomon, Christopher
Regional Security in South Asia and the Gulf by
The Kharijites in Early Islamic Historical Tradition: Heroes and Villains by Hagemann, Hannah-Lena
Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah, Volume 1 by Burton, Richard F.
Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah, Volume 2 by Burton, Richard F.
Kinship and Marriage in Early Arabia by Smith, William Robertson
Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah, Volume 1 by Burton, Richard F.
Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah, Volume 2 by Burton, Richard F.
Confronting Saddam Hussein: George W. Bush and the Invasion of Iraq by Leffler, Melvyn P.
Confronting Saddam Hussein: George W. Bush and the Invasion of Iraq by Leffler, Melvyn P.
Johann Michael Wansleben's Travels in Turkey, 1673-1676: An Annotated Edition of His French Report by Hamilton, Alastair, Van Den Boogert, Maurits
Persistent Pastoralism: Monuments and Settlements in the Archaeology of Dhofar by McCorriston, Joy
From the Greeks to the Arabs and Beyond: Volume 5: Unknown Arabic Manuscripts from Eight Centuries, Including One Hebrew and Two Ethiopian Manuscripts by Daiber, Hans
Studies in Byzantine Sigillography: Volume 14 by
In the Mirror of Persian Kings by Auer, Blain
Systemizing the Past: Papers in Near Eastern and Caucasian Archaeology Dedicated to Pavel S. Avetisyan on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday by
Merits of the Plague by Hajar Al-Asqalani, Ibn
Xerxes: Der Grosskonig in Griechenland by Klinkott, Hilmar
Early Chinese Manuscript Collections: Sayings, Memory, Verse, and Knowledge by Krijgsman, Rens
A Companion to Late Antique and Medieval Islamic Cordoba: Capital of Roman Baetica and Caliphate of Al-Andalus by
The Big Cheat (Da Ma Bian): A Late Qing Novel by Huang Shizhong on Kang Youwei by
The Arabian Nights in Contemporary World Cultures by Al-Musawi, Muhsin J.
Revealed Sciences by Stearns, Justin K.
The Caliph and the Imam: The Making of Sunnism and Shiism by Matthiesen, Toby
A Short History of the Gibb Memorial Trust and Its Trustees: A Century of Oriental Scholarship by
Middle Eastern Maze: Israel, The Arabs, and the Region 1948-2022 by Rabinovich, Itamar
Shiʿite Legal Theory: Sources and Commentaries by
Beyond Lebanon's Peaks - An Odyss: From Village School to Harvard and from Banking to a Prince's Court? by Kanaan, George
Middle Eastern Maze: Israel, The Arabs, and the Region 1948-2022 by Rabinovich, Itamar
Identities, Nationalism, and the State: The Politics of Ethnicity and Minority Regimes in the Middle East by Hassan, Miaad
Effortless Spontaneity: The Dzogchen Commentaries by Nubchen Sangye Yeshe by Esler, Dylan
The Persians: Lost Civilizations by Parker, Brenda, Parker, Geoffrey
Bethlehem in Palästina: The 1840s Travelogue of a Visitor to the Holy Land by Tobler, Titus
The Usage of Ochre at the Verge of Neolithisation from the Near East to the Carpathian Basin by Kosciuk-Zalupka, Julia
Islamism and Revolution Across the Middle East: Transformations of Ideology and Strategy After the Arab Spring by
The Fatimids 2: The Rule from Egypt by Jiwa, Shainool
Negotiating Empire in the Middle East by Çiçek, M. Talha
History of the Aghuans: Book 3 by Dasxuranc'i (Kaghankatvatsi), Movses
Matthew of Edessa's Chronicle: Volume 3 by Matthew of Edessa
River Kings: A New History of the Vikings from Scandinavia to the Silk Roads by Jarman, Cat
The Making of Persianate Modernity by Jabbari, Alexander
Economy, Society & Culture in Contemporary Yemen by
An Account Of Egypt by Herodotus
The Gay Girl in Damascus Hoax: Progressive Orientalism and the Arab Spring by Orr, Andrew
Israel / Palestine by Dowty, Alan
The Historical Chronicle of Abū ʿabdallāh Maḥammad Ibn Ibrāhīm Al-Dukkālī: Fes in the Mid-18th Century (1149/ by Cigar, Norman
ISIS and the Yazidis: How American Action Stopped a Genocide in Iraq by Wood, Benjamin
Beyond Authenticity, Alternative Approaches to Hadith Narrations and Collections by Gharaibeh, Mohammad
Heresy and the Formation of Medieval Islamic Orthodoxy by Khan, Ahmad
History of Ancient Israel by Frevel, Christian
Amurath to Amurath by Bell, Gertrude Lowthian
Amurath to Amurath by Bell, Gertrude Lowthian
Perception, Conviction and Action: or, Truth, Lie and Violence in Islamic-Jewish and Arab-Israeli Affairs by Israeli, Raphael
History of Ancient Israel by Frevel, Christian
Soldiers of End-Times: Assessing the Military Effectiveness of the Islamic State by Levy, Ido
Soldiers of End-Times: Assessing the Military Effectiveness of the Islamic State by Levy, Ido
Herders Neuer Bibelatlas: Uberarbeitete Neuausgabe by
La civilización sumeria: Una apasionante visión general de Sumeria y los antiguos sumerios by Wellman, Billy
Take the Vinaya as Your Master: Monastic Discipline and Practices in Modern Chinese Buddhism by
The Clergy and the Modern Middle East: Shi'i Political Activism in Iran, Iraq and Lebanon by Kalantari, Mohammad R.
Stateless Literature of the Gulf: Culture, Politics and the Bidun in Kuwait by Alrabei, Tareq
Sea of Pearls: The History of Pearl Fishing in Bahrain and the Gulf by Carter, Robert A.
Armenia Through the Lens of Time: Multidisciplinary Studies in Honour of Theo Maarten Van Lint by
The Interpretation of Tang Christianity in the Late Ming China Mission: Manuel Dias Jr.'s Correct Explanation of the Tang Stele Eulogy on the Luminous by Nicolini-Zani, Matteo
Muslim Cultures of the Indian Ocean: Diversity and Pluralism, Past and Present by
Loyalties Mesopotamia 1914-1917 by Wilson, Arnold T.
Loyalties Mesopotamia 1914-1917 by Wilson, Arnold T.
Europe and the Mena Region: Media Reporting, Humanitarianism, Conflict Resolution, and Peacebuilding by Elayah, Moosa
Archaeology of Mind in the Hebrew Bible / Archäologie Alttestamentlichen Denkens by
Personal Manuscripts: Copying, Drafting, Taking Notes by
When Democracy Died by Kieser, Hans-Lukas
Strangers in the West Hostages in the East by Obeid, Saïd Ibrahim
A History of Religious Rules: A Legacy of Piety and Coercion by Varner, Claude
Persia in Early Modern English Drama, 1530-1699: The Imagined Empire by Houston, Chloë
A Jewish Childhood in the Muslim Mediterranean: A Collection of Stories Curated by Leïla Sebbar Volume 2 by Brozgal, Lia
Well Met! Friends and Travelling Companions of Rev. Thomas Bowles: Journals of Travels in Egypt, Petra and the Near East, 1854 by Kennedy, David
Picturing Royal Charisma: Kings and Rulers in the Near East from 3000 Bce to 1700 CE by
Uae: Triumph of Excellence by Muhammed Ali, Amena
The Loss of Male Sexual Desire in Ancient Mesopotamia: >Nīs Libbi by Zisa, Gioele
Nineteenth- And Twentieth-Century Readings of the Medieval Orient: Other Encounters by Sikorska, Liliana
A History of Religious Rules: A legacy of Piety and Coercion by Varner, Claude
A Contemplation of Zagrosian Religions by Sawin, Mako
British Encounters with Ottoman Minorities in the Early Seventeenth Century: 'Slaves' of the Sultan by Holmberg, Eva Johanna
The Russian General Staff: Understanding the Military's Decisionmaking Role in a "Besieged Fortress" by Blanc, Alexis A., Demus, Alyssa, Evans, Sandra Kay
In the Wreckage of Isis: An Examination of Challenges Confronting Detained and Displaced Populations in Northeastern Syria by Vest, Nathan, Mueller, Erik E., Sudkamp, Karen M.
Anglo-American Defense Projects in the Postwar Middle East: Cold War or Imperialism? by Yesilbursa, Behçet Kemal
Seasonal Knowledge and the Almanac Tradition in the Arab Gulf by Varisco, Daniel Martin
Connecting the Holocaust and the Nakba Through Photograph-Based Storytelling: Willing the Impossible by Musleh-Motut, Nawal
On Earth or in Poems: The Many Lives of Al-Andalus by Calderwood, Eric
Wahhābism: The History of a Militant Islamic Movement by Bunzel, Cole M.
Sunni Chauvinism and the Roots of Muslim Modernism by Purohit, Teena U.
Women and the Politics of Resistance in the Iranian Constitutional Revolution by Dezhamkhooy, Maryam
'To Aleppo Gone ...': Essays in Honour of Jonathan N. Tubb by
Heretics in Revolutionary China: The Ideas and Identities of Two Cantonese Socialists, 1917-1928 by Zhao, Xuduo
Relational Iconography, Representational Culture at the Qaraquyunlu and Aqquyunlu Courts (853 / 1449 CE to 907 / 1501 Ce) by Leube, Georg
Shipping and Development in Dubai: Infrastructure, Innovation and Institutions in the Gulf by Nuttall, Keith
Islam, Science Fiction and Extraterrestrial Life: The Culture of Astrobiology in the Muslim World by Determann, Jörg Matthias
Rethinking State and Border Formation in the Middle East: Turkish-Syrian-Iraqi Borderlands, 1921-46 by Tejel, Jordi
The Struggle to Reshape the Middle East in the 21st Century by
An Introduction to Human Prehistory in Arabia: The Lost World of the Southern Crescent by Rose, Jeffrey I.
My Port of Beirut by Ziadé, Lamia
Salafi Social and Political Movements: National and Transnational Contexts by
The Politics of Islam: The Muslim Brothers and the State in the Arab Gulf by Başkan, Birol
After the Arab Revolutions: Decentring Democratic Transition Theory by
الأواصر الممزّقة Broken Bonds (Arabic Edition) by Ayyash, Abdelrahman, Ezzat, Noha, Elafifi, Amr
Afterlives of Revolution: Everyday Counterhistories in Southern Oman by Wilson, Alice
Afterlives of Revolution: Everyday Counterhistories in Southern Oman by Wilson, Alice
The Lives and Legacy of Kim Sisŭp (1435-1493): Dissent and Creativity in Chosŏn Korea by
Michele Ruggieri's Tianzhu Shilu (the True Record of the Lord of Heaven, 1584) by
Redefining Ceasefires by Sosnowski, Marika
Understanding Iraq: The Whole Sweep of Iraqi History, from Genghis Khan's Mongols to the Ottoman Turks to the British Mandate to the Ameri by Polk, William R.
Baghdad: Eye's Delight by
Love for a Laugh: The Comic in Romantic Chuanqi Plays of the 17th and 18th Centuries by Tan, Yanbing
Elite Theory and the 2003 Iraq Occupation by the United States: How US Corporate Elites Created Iraq's Political System by Nouri, Bamo
Emotions and Belonging in Forced Migration: Syrian Refugees and Asylum Seekers by Mahmud, Basem
Emplaced Resistance in Palestine and Israel: The Cases of Hebron, Silwan and al-Araqib by Lecoquierre, Marion
Islam and the Trajectory of Globalization: Rational Idealism and the Structure of World History by Safi, Louay M.
The Foreign Policy of Smaller Gulf States: Size, Power, and Regime Stability in the Middle East by Szalai, Máté
Chretiens En Terre d'Iran VI: Les Liens Du Sol: Images Du Pouvoir Et Identites Des Chretiens Sous Khusro Ier by Jullien, C.
Balkan Fighters in the Syrian War by Dramac Jiries, Tanja
Cisterns: Sustainable Development, Architecture and Energy by Dehghani-Sanij, Alireza, Sayigh, Ali
Knowledge and Power in Muslim Societies: Approaches in Intellectual History by
I Francescani Di Terra Santa in Libano: Storia, Gloria, Speranze by Noujaim, Halim, Pirone, Bartolomeo
Forugh Farrokhzad, Poet of Modern Iran: Iconic Woman and Feminine Pioneer of New Persian Poetry by
L'Inde retrouvée: Hindutva: Renaissance de la civilisation de l'Indus by Kergroach, William
Containers of Change: Ancient Container Technologies from Eastern to Western Asia by
Memory and Commemoration Across Central Asia: Texts, Traditions and Practices, 10th-21st Centuries by
Italy and Libya: From Colonialism to a Special Relationship (1911-2021) by
U.S. - Israeli Strategic Cooperation in the Post-Cold War Era: An American Perspective by Puschel, Karen
Middle East Contemporary Survey, Volume XV: 1991 by Ayalon, Ami
Middle East Contemporary Survey, Volume XIV: 1990 by Ayalon, Ami
Food, States, and Peasants: Analyses of the Agrarian Question in the Middle East by Richards, Alan
Galilee Divided: The Israel-Lebanon Frontier, 1916-1984 by Hof, Frederic C.
Elections in the Middle East: Implications of Recent Trends by Layne, Linda
Israel and the Soviet Union: Alienation or Reconciliation by Klinghoffer, Arthur J.
Middle East Contemporary Survey, Volume XVI, 1992 by Ayalon, Ami
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