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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Middle Eastern History in 2024

Saudi Arabia: Travel Guide (Not Including Makkah) by Al Hamra, Ibn
Towards Jihad?: Muslims and Politics in Postcolonial Mozambique by Morier-Genoud, Eric
Lawrence of Arabia: My Journey in Search of T. E. Lawrence by Fiennes, Ranulph
Turquie agonisante by Loti, Pierre
Le Désert by Loti, Pierre
Prime Jeunesse by Loti, Pierre
ألصُّحْبَةُ فِيْ القُرآ& by Gee, S. Norman
Statelet of Survivors: The Making of a Semi-Autonomous Region in Northeast Syria by Holmes, Amy Austin
The Umayyad Empire by Marsham, Andrew
Ein Verzeichnis Muhammedanischer Dynastien: Einzelausgabe by Sachau, Eduard
Airpower in the War Against Isis by Lambeth, Benjamin S.
Reorienting the Middle East: Film and Digital Media Where the Persian Gulf, Arabian Sea, and Indian Ocean Meet by
Reorienting the Middle East: Film and Digital Media Where the Persian Gulf, Arabian Sea, and Indian Ocean Meet by
My Great Arab Melancholy by Ziadé, Lamia
Style and Society in the Prehistory of West Asia: Essays in Honour of Olivier P. Nieuwenhuyse by
Style and Society in the Prehistory of West Asia: Essays in Honour of Olivier P. Nieuwenhuyse by
Imperial Power, Provincial Government, and the Emergence of Roman Asia, 133 Bce-14 CE by Jordan, Bradley
Sectarianism, De-Sectarianization and Regional Politics in the Middle East: Protest and Proxies Across States and Borders by
Crisis Cinema in the Middle East: Creativity and Constraint in Iran and the Arab World by Chaudhuri, Shohini
Rebels with a Cause: The Failure of the Left in Iran by Behrooz, Maziar
The History of Afghanistan by Runion, Meredith L.
Saudi, Inc. by Wald, Ellen R.
Economic Life at the Dawn of History in Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt: The Birth of Market Economy in the Third and Early Second Millennia Bce by Benvenisti
Strategic Culture and Violent Non-State Actors: A Comparative Study of Salafi-Jihadist Groups by Last, Edward D.
Transitional Justice in Tunisia: Innovations, Continuities, Challenges by
Syria: Modern State in an Ancient Land by Devlin, John F.
Sea of Troubles: The European Conquest of the Islamic Mediterranean and the Origins of the First World War by Rutledge, Ian
A Village from the Roman and Islamic Periods in the Eastern Jordan Valley: Excavations at Tell Abu Sarbut 2012 - 2015 by Mulder-Hymans, Noor, Steiner, Margreet L., Van Der Steen, Eveline J.
Reimagining the Globe and Cultural Exchange: The East Asian Legacies of Matteo Ricci's World Map by
Rulers as Authors in the Islamic World: Knowledge, Authority and Legitimacy by
The Production of Knowledge of Normativity in the Age of the Printing Press: Martín de Azpilcueta's Manual de Confessores from a Global Perspective by
The Eye of the Beholder: The Life of Muhammad as Viewed by the Early Muslims by Rubin, Uri
Al-Tabari: A Medieval Muslim Historian and His Work by
Israels Sicherheitspolitische Konfrontation Mit Dem Iran in Syrien by Wolbrandt, Nicolas
Making and Remaking Empire in Early Qajar Iran by Ashraf, Assef
Saudi Arabia and Iraq as Friends and Enemies: Borders, Tribes and a History Shared by Yaphe, Joshua
The Wars of the Jews, or History of the Destruction of Jerusalem by Josephus, Flavius
The Caravan Route Between Egypt and Syria by Salvator, Ludwig
Storm on Horseback: The Seljuk Warriors of Turkey by Freely, John
The Renaissance of Islam: History, Culture and Society in the 10th Century Muslim World by Mez, Adam
Tunisia's Modern Woman by Kallander, Amy Aisen
Buried in the Red Dirt by Hasso, Frances S.
American Diplomacy Toward Lebanon: Lessons in Foreign Policy and the Middle East by Hale, David
American Diplomacy Toward Lebanon: Lessons in Foreign Policy and the Middle East by Hale, David
Палестина. След в след с Н&#10 by Margulis, Arkadiy, Kaplan, Vitaliy
Reflections on the Children of Noah: piecing together the first civilizations using the Bible and archeology by Beasley, Jerry
New Authoritarian Practices in the Middle East and North Africa by
Sultan Qaboos and Modern Oman, 1970-2020 by
The Umayyad Empire by Marsham, Andrew
Barzani and the Kurdish Liberation Movement: Fourth Edition, 1975-1990 - The Gulan Revolution, Part One by Barzani, Masoud
Barzani and the Kurdish Liberation Movement: Fourth Edition, 1975-1990 - The Gulan Revolution, Part Two by Barzani, Masoud
Barzani and the Kurdish Liberation Movement: Fourth Edition, 1975-1990 - The Gulan Revolution, Part One by Barzani, Masoud
Barzani and the Kurdish Liberation Movement: Fourth Edition, 1975-1990 - The Gulan Revolution, Part Two by Barzani, Masoud
The Code of Hammurabi: Two renowned translations by King, Leonard William, Harper, Robert Francis
The Code of Hammurabi: Two renowned translations by King, Leonard William, Harper, Robert Francis
Kinship, State Formation and Governance in the Arab Gulf States by Weiner, Scott J.
Second Collapse, First Republic (Persian) by Muhtat, Abdul Hamid
Landscapes of Death: Early Bronze Age Tombs and Mortuary Rituals on the Oman Peninsula by Williams, Kimberly D.
Mythologie Égyptienne: Les dieux et les concepts by Parve, Marcus
Literary Optics: Staging the Collective in the Nahda by Abdelmegeed, Maha
Literary Optics: Staging the Collective in the Nahda by Abdelmegeed, Maha
Jewish but Not Religious: Secular Jews and Jewish Continuity by Bloch, Farrell
Muhammad 'Abduh: Modern Islam and the Culture of Ambiguity by Scharbrodt, Oliver
States of Exception or Exceptional States: Law, Politics and Giorgio Agamben in the Middle East by
State, Society and Islam in the Western Regions of the Sahara: Regional Interactions and Social Change by
The Syrian Conflict in the News: Coverage of the War and the Crisis of Us Journalism by Huland, Gabriel
Emirati Defence Evolution by Intelligence Unit, Gew
Lebanon: A Chronicle of Resilience by Jaber, Ali R.
The Truth about Mesopotamia, Palestine & Syria by Loder, J. de V.
Vagabond Princess: The Great Adventures of Gulbadan by Lal, Ruby
Tribes and the State in Libya and Iraq: From the Nationalist Era to the New Order by Pargeter, Alison
Los persas: Una apasionante guía de la historia de Persia y su imperio by Wellman, Billy
Sisters in the Mirror: A History of Muslim Women and the Global Politics of Feminism by Shehabuddin, Elora
Iranian Syntax in Classical Armenian: The Armenian Perfect and Other Cases of Pattern Replication by Meyer, Robin
Von Der Protektion Zur Diplomatie: Die Verstaatlichung Der Anglo-Persischen Beziehungen, 1763 Bis 1841 by Fausch, Benedikt
Battleground: 10 Conflicts That Explain the New Middle East by Phillips, Christopher
The Crusader States and Their Neighbours: A Military History, 1099-1187 by Morton, Nicholas
Hondureños: ¡a las armas! Colección de Escritos by Bonilla, Policarpo
Arab Brazil: Fictions of Ternary Orientalism by Hassan, Waïl S.
Britain and the Dhofar War in Oman, 1963-1976: A Covert War in Arabia by Hughes, Geraint
Crusader Castle: The Desert Fortress of Kerak by Fulton, Michael S.
We Had the Watches. They Had the Time: A Witness Account of the War in Afghanistan by Burke, Carol
Across the Green Sea: Histories from the Western Indian Ocean, 1440-1640 by Subrahmanyam, Sanjay
Muslims, Arabs, and Arab-Americans: A Quick Guide to Islamic and Arabic Cultures by Shora, Nawar
Israel's Black Panthers: The Radicals Who Punctured a Nation's Founding Myth by Elia-Shalev, Asaf
Stability and the Lebanese State in the 20th Century: Building Political Legitimacy by Jaoude, Tarek Abou
Professional Mobility in Islamic Societies (700-1750): New Concepts and Approaches by
Contrariness in Classical Arabic Literature: Beautifying the Ugly and Uglifying the Beautiful by Abū Manṣūr Al-Thaʿālib&#299 by Al-Thaʿālibī, Abū Manṣūr
After Zionism by
A Handbook of Modern Arabic Historical Scholarship on the Ancient and Medieval Periods by
State and Local Society in Third Century South China: Administrative Documents Excavated at Zoumalou, Hunan by Wen, Xin, Wenchao, Ling, Lander, Brian
Italy and the Islamic World: From Caesar to Mussolini by Akhtar, Ali Humayun
Italy and the Islamic World: From Caesar to Mussolini by Akhtar, Ali Humayun
Centers of Power in the Arab Gulf States by Ulrichsen, Kristian Coates
The Armenians in Modern Turkey: Post-Genocide Society, Politics and History by Suciyan, Talin
A Literary History of Medicine: The ʿuyūn Al-Anbāʾ Fī ṭabaqāt Al-Aṭibbāʾ Of Ibn Abī Uṣa by
A Literary History of Medicine: The ʿuyūn Al-Anbāʾ Fī ṭabaqāt Al-Aṭibbāʾ Of Ibn Abī Uṣa by
A Literary History of Medicine: The ʿuyūn Al-Anbāʾ Fī ṭabaqāt Al-Aṭibbāʾ Of Ibn Abī Uṣa by
Best of Delectable Foods and Dishes from Al-Andalus and Al-Maghrib: A Cookbook by Thirteenth-Century Andalusi Scholar Ibn Razīn Al-Tujīb&#29 by Nasrallah, Nawal
The Formation of the Uae: State-Building and Arab Nationalism in the Middle East by Barnwell, Kristi
הנגב והבדואים: נוודות, שט&#149 by קרק, רות
Byblos: A Legacy Unearthed by Ministry of Culture/Directorate General of Antiquities (Leba, National Museum of Antiquities (the Netherlands)
Making Space for the Gulf: Histories of Regionalism and the Middle East by Keshavarzian, Arang
The Wisdom of the Ages and the Secrets of the Sages: A Medieval Arabic Grimoire by Babylonian, Albusem The
Odar: Jido, A Journey Through Community by Peter Karamardian, Denice
Odar: Jido, A Journey Through Community by Peter Karamardian, Denice
Making Space for the Gulf: Histories of Regionalism and the Middle East by Keshavarzian, Arang
Monastery and High Cross: The Forgotten Eastern Roots of Irish Christianity by Marshner, Connie
Bedouins: Journey To Eternity by Idriss, Ibrahim
Trauma and Recovery in Early North African Christianity by Harrower, Scott
Partant pour la Syrie by Mazière, Pierre La
The Yemen Model: Why U.S. Policy Has Failed in the Middle East by Stark, Alexandra
The Yemen Model: Why U.S. Policy Has Failed in the Middle East by Stark, Alexandra
The Yemen Model: Why U.S. Policy Has Failed in the Middle East by Stark, Alexandra
Water on Fire: A Memoir of War by El-Ariss, Tarek
The Animal Names of the Arab Ancestors: Explaining the Non-Human Names of Arab Kinship Groups, Volume 2-1 Appendices by Young, William C.
Al-Hind: The Making of the Indo-Islamic World: Volume IV: Age of the Great Mughals, 16th-17th Centuries. Part One: Afghans and Mughals in the Struggle by Wink, André
Traces of a Daoist Immortal: Chén Tuán 陳摶 Of the Western Marchmount by Komjathy, Louis
The Animal Names of the Arab Ancestors: Explaining the Non-Human Names of Arab Kinship Groups, Volume 2-2 Appendices by Young, William C.
Kuwait: Everything You Need to Know by Gil-Smith, Noah
Oman: Everything You Need to Know by Gil-Smith, Noah
Histoire ancienne de l'Orient jusqu'aux guerres médiques (1/6); I. Les origines, les races et les langues by Lenormant, François
Graveyard Empire: Four Decades of Wars and Intervention in Afghanistan by Feroz, Emran
The Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process: A Personal Insider's Account by Hirschfeld, Yair
Tribes and Politics in Yemen: A History of the Houthi Conflict by Brandt, Marieke
Female Religiosity in Central Asia by Shanazarova, Aziza
Persia in Early Modern English Drama, 1530-1699: The Imagined Empire by Houston, Chloë
Mevlevi Manuscripts, 1268-C. 1400: A Study of the Sources by Jackson, Cailah
Samaritans and Jews in History and Tradition: Changing Perspectives 10 by Hjelm, Ingrid
Fraught Balance: The Embodied Politics of Dabke Dance Music in Syria by Silverstein, Shayna M.
Beyond the Binary: Gender and Legal Personhood in Islamic Law by Yacoob, Saadia
A History of the Muslim World: From Its Origins to the Dawn of Modernity by Cook, Michael A.
Fraught Balance: The Embodied Politics of Dabke Dance Music in Syria by Silverstein, Shayna M.
Core Connections: Cairo Belly Dance in the Revolution's Aftermath by Şahin, Christine M.
Saudi Arabia: Travel Guide (Not Including Makkah) by Al Hamra, Ibn
Der Niederrheinische Orientbericht, C.1350: An Account of the Oriental World by an Anonymous Low German Writer by
Constructing and Contesting Holy Places in Medieval Islam and Beyond by
Seven Pillars of Wisdom by Lawrence, T. E.
The Fragmentary City: Migration, Modernity, and Difference in the Urban Landscape of Doha, Qatar by Gardner, Andrew M.
Seven Pillars of Wisdom: A Triumph by Lawrence, T. E.
What the War Left Behind: Women's Stories of Resistance and Struggle in Lebanon by Abisaab, Malek, Hartman, Michelle
What the War Left Behind: Women's Stories of Resistance and Struggle in Lebanon by Abisaab, Malek, Hartman, Michelle
The Fragmentary City: Migration, Modernity, and Difference in the Urban Landscape of Doha, Qatar by Gardner, Andrew M.
Connecting the Holocaust and the Nakba Through Photograph-Based Storytelling: Willing the Impossible by Musleh-Motut, Nawal
The Life of Flavius Josephus by Josephus, Flavius
The Life of Flavius Josephus by Josephus, Flavius
Posthumous Impact on Radical Islamists and Global Jihadists: The Life and Thought of Sayyid Qutb, 1906-1966 by Musallam, Adnan A.
UN Mediators in Syria by Nassar, Fadi Nicholas
Shiʿi Materiality Beyond Karbala: Religion That Matters by
France's Arab Policy by Karoui, Hichem
The Poetics of Arabian Sūqs: A Hermeneutic Reading of the Development of Arabian Sūqs from the Pre-Islamic Era to Present by Shahin, Jasmine
International Law, Necropolitics, and Arab Lives: The Legalization of Creative Chaos in Arabia by Al-Kassimi, Khaled
Proxy War in Yemen by Kaussler, Bernd, Grant, Keith A.
The Kurds: The Struggle for National Identity and Statehood by Hendessi, Mandana
The Kurds: The Struggle for National Identity and Statehood by Hendessi, Mandana
The Dhofar War: British Covert Campaigning in Arabia 1965-1975 by Quick, Stephen
What Really Went Wrong: The West and the Failure of Democracy in the Middle East by Gerges, Fawaz A.
Dangerous Gifts: Imperialism, Security, and Civil Wars in the Levant, 1798-1864 by Ozavci, Ozan
Conflict in the Modern Middle East: An Encyclopedia of Civil War, Revolutions, and Regime Change by
Modern Saudi Arabia by Anishchenkova, Valerie
Peaceful Jihad: The Islamic Civil Rights Movement in Saudi Arabia by Enz-Harlass, Peter
Oman's Transformation After 1970 by Peterson, J. E.
Armed Groups of the Greater Middle East by Pfannenstiel, Melia T.
Al-Idrisi's Norman Kingdom in the South: The Book of Roger in Translation by
Europe's Eastern Christian Frontier by Sullivan, Alice Isabella
International Migration in the Euro-Mediterranean Region: Cairo Papers in Social Science Vol. 35, No. 2 by
Elite Participation in the Third Crusade by Bennett, Stephen
The Reception of Ancient Egypt in Venice, 1400-1800: Travelers, Adventurers, and Collectors by Herrmann, Sabine
The Forgotten Geniuses: Islamic Contributions to Astronomy, Medicine, and Beyond by Hassani, Ayisha
Guerrilla War, Counterinsurgency, and State Formation in Ottoman Yemen, 1872-1911 by Wilhite, Vincent
Arab Spring and Its Legacies by
Surrender to the King of Babylon: Jeremiah's "Prophetic Choice" in the Face of Jerusalem's End (Jer 21:1-10; 27-28; 38:14-28a) by Sessa, Salvatore Maurizio
The Ethnic Ancestry of the Orthodox Christians of Syria and Palestine by
Britain and Japan in the 1973 Middle East Oil Crisis: Washington's Silent Partners by Miller, Erika
Conversations on Canaanite and Biblical Themes: Creation, Chaos and Monotheism by
Unbroken III: THE HOLY LAND - The Roman and Byzantine Empires, Revolts, and the Ethnic Cleansing of the Jews and the Samaritans by T. Chando, Janvier, Chouteu, Janvier
Islamic Knowledge and the Making of Modern Egypt by Kalmbach, Hilary
Understanding Insurgency by O'Connor, Francis
Visualizing History's Fragments: A Computational Approach to Humanistic Research by Sanders, Ashley R.
Namesake: Reflections on a Warrior Woman by Nuseibeh, N. S.
Syria 2011-2013: Revolution and Tyranny before the Mayhem by Bishara, Azmi
Ostsyrische Christologie Im Gesprach Mit Dem Islam: Der Patriarch Timotheos I. (780-823) by Valentin-Radu, Trandafir
Pahlavi Iran's Relations with Africa by Steele, Robert
Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies Volume 53 2024: Papers from the Fifty-Sixth Meeting of the Seminar for Arabian Studies Held in Aarhus 4 by
Slavery in the Modern Middle East and North Africa: Exploitation and Resistance from the 19th Century - Present Day by
Transformation of the Countries of the near and Middle East into a Semi-Colonial (Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan) by Saparbaeva Aziza
The Islamic Conquests In Asia by Gew Social Sciences Group
When Capitalists Collide: Business Conflict and the End of Empire in Egypt by Vitalis, Robert
Rethinking the Anthropology of Islam: Dynamics of Change in Muslim Societies. in Honour of Roman Loimeier by
Exploring Animal Energy in the Arid Zone: More Camels, Fewer Wheels by Bulliet, Richard
Gastrointestinal Disease and Its Treatment in Ancient Mesopotamia: The Nineveh Treatise by Simkó, Krisztián, Johnson, J. Cale
Palestine To-Day and Tomorrow: A Gentile's Survey of Zionism by Holmes, John
Agents of the Hidden Imam by Hayes, Edmund
Inventing Laziness by Hafez, Melis
Second-Generation Liberation Wars: Rethinking Colonialism in Iraqi Kurdistan and Southern Sudan by Voller, Yaniv
Islamic Law in Circulation: Shafi'i Texts Across the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean by Kooria, Mahmood
Assyrians in Modern Iraq by Benjamen, Alda
A Primer of Assyriology by H. Sayce, A.
In the Time of Confusion by Astley-Cooper, Desmond
The Yemeni Civil War: The Arab Spring, State Formation and Internal Instability by Manea, Elham
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