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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Middle Eastern History in 2025

Zur Entzifferung Der Hittitischen Hieroglypheninschriften by Jensen, Peter
The Enduring Hold of Islam in Turkey: The Revival of the Religious Orders and Rise of Erdogan by Tonge, David S.
Axis of Resistance: Asymmetric Deterrence and Rules of the Game in Contemporary Middle East Conflicts by Sobelman, Daniel
Axis of Resistance: Asymmetric Deterrence and Rules of the Game in Contemporary Middle East Conflicts by Sobelman, Daniel
The Science of Music by Ansari, Mohammad Sadegh
Qatar Facts and Trivia by Easton, Will
Islamesque: The Forgotten Craftsmen Who Built Europe's Medieval Monuments by Darke, Diana
The Middle East Since 1945: Teach Yourself by Ross, Stewart
The New Israelis by Weingrod, Alex
Crusading in the Long Nineteenth Century, 1798-1928: Engaging the Crusades, Volume Ten by Knobler, Adam
A Companion to Nō And Kyōgen Theatre (CSET Vol.1-2) by
Kurdish Studies Archive: Vol. 9 No. 2 2021 by
Kurdish Studies Archive: Vol. 8 No. 1 2020. Special Issue: Alevi Kurds: History, Politics and Identity by
Kurdish Studies Archive: Vol. 8 No. 2 2020 by
Kurdish Studies Archive: Vol. 9 No. 1 2021. Special Issue: Mass Violence and the Kurds by
Kurdish Studies Archive: Vol. 10 No. 1 2022 by
Kurdish Studies Archive: Vol. 10 No. 2 2022 by
Kurdish Studies Archive: Vol. 4 No. 2 2016. Special Issue: Yezidism and Yezidi Studies in the Early 21st Century by
Sikh News in India, 1864-1924: Colonial Reports on Vernacular Newspapers of Punjab by
Chinese Life in Colonial Indonesia (Part.2): The Kong Koan Archives 1920-1964 by
Han Feizi, the Art of Statecraft in Early China (2-Vol Set): A Bilingual Edition by
Chinese Life in Colonial Indonesia (Part.1): The Kong Koan Archives 1909-1920 by
Palace, Temple, and Marketplace: A Social History of Literature in Ancient Mesopotamia by Shepherd, Quinn
Studies on Persianate Societies: Volume 2 (2004/1383): پژوهش در جوامع ف& by
Studies on Persianate Societies: Volume 1 (2003/1382): پژوهش در جوامع ف& by
The Great Powers, and Iran's Social and Political Evolution: A Memoir by Hunter, Shireen T.
Persian and Arabic Literary Communities in the Seventeenth Century: Migrant Poets Between Arabia, Iran and India by White, James
The Last Caravan by Pétriat, Philippe
Britain and Oman, C. 1945-1980: The Silent Relationship by Bradshaw, Tancred
Saudi Women Writers: Sociopolitical and Literary Landscapes by Al Mutlaq, Basma A.
Saudi Women Writers: Sociopolitical and Literary Landscapes by Al Mutlaq, Basma A.
Gaza Nakba 2023-2024: Background, Context, Consequences by
Saudi Arabia in the Anglo-American Press: Covering the Kingdom during the 20th Century by Alrebh, Abdullah F.
A History of Ottoman Political Thought Up to the Early Nineteenth Century by Sariyannis, Marinos
A Prince of Martial Splendour in the Sixteen Kingdoms: Li Hao (351-417), Ruler of Western Liang by
Breaking the Crown of Indra: The Pāṇḍyas and Their Dynastic Identity in the South Indian Context by Pierdominici Leão, David
Double-Play: A Chameleon's Pilgrimage to Belonging and Redemption Part 1: Belonging- From Mighty Cedars to Fruited Plains by Ferris, Mihial Dean
Double-Play: A Chameleon's Pilgrimage to Belonging and Redemption Part 1: Belonging- From Mighty Cedars to Fruited Plains by Ferris, Mihial Dean
The Shīʿīs in Palestine: From the Medieval Golden Age Until the Present by Friedman, Yaron
Portrait of an Eighth-Century Gentleman: Khālid Ibn Ṣafwān in History and Literature by Hämeen-Anttila, Jaakko
Gebrauch Und Missbrauch: Betäubungsmittel in Der Arabisch-Islamischen Kultur 1100-1800 by Thiemann, Thomas
The Banquet of the Brethren: An Ismaili Guide to Spiritual Hermeneutics: Part 1 a Persian Critical Edition of Nasir-I Khusraw's Khwan Al-Ikhwan by Gholami, Rahim
Relative Strangers: Romani Kinship and Palestinian Difference by Roy, Arpan
Power and Authority in Afghanistan: Rethinking Politics, Intervention and Rule by
Gertrude Bell's Moment in the Middle East: A Reappraisal by Lukitz, Liora
Longing and Belonging: Jews in the Modern Islamic World by
Unholy Kingdom: Religion, Corruption and Violence in Saudi Arabia by Ruthven, Malise
Mongols, Tatars, and Turks in the Persianate World: Essays in Honor of István Vásáry by Csirkes, Ferenc, Péri, Benedek
LIMI, the Land In-Between: The Art of Governing a Buddhist Frontier Community in the Himalaya by Hovden, Astrid
Islamic Economics and Finance in Action: Inventing a New Universal Paradigm by Nagaoka, Shinsuke
Medieval Syria and the Onset of the Crusades: The Political World of Bilad Al-Sham 1050-1128 by Wilson, James
The Cambridge Companion to Ottoman History by
Rethinking State and Border Formation in the Middle East: Turkish-Syrian-Iraqi Borderlands, 1921-46 by Tejel, Jordi
State Atrophy in Syria: War, Society and Institutional Change by Akdedian, Harout
The Cambridge Companion to Ottoman History by
Vagabond Princess: The Great Adventures of Gulbadan by Lal, Ruby
The Pashtun Borderland: A Religious and Cultural History of the Taliban by Hartung, Jan-Peter
Ancient Pasts for Modern Audiences: Public Scholarship and the Mediterranean World by
Ancient Pasts for Modern Audiences: Public Scholarship and the Mediterranean World by
Kings and Dervishes: Sufi World Renunciation and the Symbolism of Kingship in the Persianate World by Arjomand, Said Amir
Holy Men of the Electromagnetic Age: A Forgotten History of the Occult by Cormack, Raphael
East of Empire: Egypt, India, and the World Between the Wars by O'Halloran, Erin M. B.
East of Empire: Egypt, India, and the World Between the Wars by O'Halloran, Erin M. B.
War & Peace & War: Twenty Years in Afghanistan by North, Andrew
A Companion to Assyria by
Intellectual Life in the Ḥijāz Before Wahhabism: Ibrāhīm Al-Kūrānī's (D. 1101/1690) Theology of Sufism by Dumairieh, Naser
Religious Activism on Campuses in Togo and Benin: Christian and Muslim Students Navigating Authoritarianism and Laïcité, 1970-2023 by Madore, Frédérick
The Dhofar Conflict: The SAS and Counterinsurgency by Quick, Stephen
Lorimer: His Gazetteer and Britain's Pursuit of Knowledge by Dillon, Alan
Cuneiform Texts from Nimrud: Volume VI - Documents from the Nabu Temple and from Private Houses on the Citadel by
Julius Euting: Diary of a Journey Through Inner Arabia, 1883-1884 (2 Volume Set) by Euting, Julius
Negotiating Arab-Israeli Peace: Patterns, Problems, Possibilities by Eisenberg, Laura Zittrain, Caplan, Neil
Algerian Cinema in Forty Lessons: Art, Politics and Social Change by Bedjaoui, Ahmed
The Last Dynasty: Ancient Egypt from Alexander the Great to Cleopatra by Wilkinson, Toby
Letters from Old Babylonian Kish by Reid, J. Nicholas, Wagensonner, Klaus
Crisis and Crossfire: The United States and the Middle East Since 1945 by Hahn, Peter L.
Triumph and Betrayal: Assyria's Path to Empire, 935-745 BC by Edmonds, Alexander Johannes
Staging China: Jesuit Theater and the End of an Empire by Clark, Anthony E.
Rome, Persia and the War That Shaped the World, 565-630 by Edenfield, Luke
Battleground: 10 Conflicts That Explain the New Middle East by Phillips, Christopher
Saudi Arabia: A Modern History by Commins, David
Wahhābism: The History of a Militant Islamic Movement by Bunzel, Cole M.
The Karbala Story and Early Shi'ite Identity by Hylén, Torsten
Enheduana: Princess, Priestess, Poetess by Gadotti, Alhena
Ethical Living Through Stories: Encounters with Adab by Ouyang, Wen-Chin
Prognosis/Saudi Arabia: An Artist's Odyssey by Mater, Ahmed
The Medieval Mediterranean Between Islam and Christianity: Crosspollinations in Art, Architecture, and Material Culture by
The Heritage State: Religion and Preservation in Contemporary Qatar by Rico, Trinidad
The Damascus Seat of Power: Syria's Heads of State, 1918-1946 by Moubayed, Sami
Gazing at Mecca and Medina: Premodern Representations of the Ḥaramayn by
Syria's Transnational Rebellion: Diaspora Politics and the Revolt of 1925-1927 by Bailony, Reem
Kushan Coins: A Catalogue Based on the Kushan, Kushano-Sasanian and Kidarite Hun Coins in the British Museum, 1st-5th Centuries AD by Bracey, Robert, Cribb, Joe
Al-Jāḥiẓ And Religious Knowledge: A Forgotten Islamic Rationalism by Abdulsater, Hussein Ali
A Naval History of the Middle East: 500-2020 by Stoker, Donald, Dunn, John P.
Shifting Sands: A Human History of the Sahara by Scheele, Judith
The First World War and Its Aftermath: The Shaping of the Modern Middle East by
Coup in Damascus: Syria and the Birth of Arab Military Rule, 1949 by Rihan, Carl
History of Dubai's Future: The Visionary Perspective from 1960 to 2000 by
The Arab Nahda as Popular Entertainment: Mass Culture and Modernity in the Middle East by
The Dread Heights: Tribulation and Refuge After the Syrian Revolution by Iqbal, Basit Kareem
The Dread Heights: Tribulation and Refuge After the Syrian Revolution by Iqbal, Basit Kareem
A Break in the Future: Feeling Like an Activist After the Arab Uprisings by Musallam, Fuad
The Renaissance of Islam: History, Culture and Society in the 10th Century Muslim World by Mez, Adam
Companionship and Virtue in Classical Sufism: The Contribution of Al-Sulami by Welle, Jason
The Banquet of the Brethren: An Ismaili Guide to Spiritual Hermeneutics: Part 2 an English Translation of Nasir-I Khusraw's Khwan Al-Ikhwan by
The Banquet of the Brethren: An Ismaili Guide to Spiritual Hermeneutics: Part 2 an English Translation of Nasir-I Khusraw's Khwan Al-Ikhwan by
Genealogical History in the Persianate World by
Fatimid Cosmopolitanism: History, Material Culture, Politics and Religion by
Fatimid Cosmopolitanism: History, Material Culture, Politics and Religion by
New Hebrews: Making National Culture in Zion by Peleg, Yaron
The Fatimids: Portrait of a Dynasty by Cortese, Delia
Sectarianism, De-Sectarianization and Regional Politics in the Middle East: Protest and Proxies Across States and Borders by
Fitters in the Middle East: Sukhoi Su-7/17/20/22 in Service in Algeria, Egypt, Iraq, Libya, Syria, and Yemen, 1967-2022 by Cooper, Tom, Sipos, Milos
Air Power and the Arab World 1909-1955 Volume 12: The First Arab-Israeli War 1 September 1948 - 15 March 1949 by Nicolle, David, Gabr, Gabr Ali
Lebanese Civil War Volume 5: Rushing to the Deadline, 11-12 June 1982 by Sandler, Efim, Cooper, Tom
Air Power and the Arab World 1909-1955 Volume 11: The First Arab-Israeli War 1 June - 31 August 1948 by Nicolle, David, Gabr, Gabr Ali
Lebanese Civil War: Volume 4 - The Showdown, 8-12 June 1982 by Cooper, Tom, Sandler, Efim
Out of Gaza: A Tale of Love, Exile, and Friendship by Galor, Katharina, Mansour, Dima
A Year of Vengeance: Volume 2: Text Editions by Stratford, Edward
The Syrian Conflict in the News: Coverage of the War and the Crisis of Us Journalism by Huland, Gabriel
Women's Healthcare in Ancient Mesopotamia in the First Millennium Bce: An Edition of the Textual Sources by
Scholars and Scholarship in Ancient Mesopotamia by
The Formation of the Uae: State-Building and Arab Nationalism in the Middle East by Barnwell, Kristi
Rock Art and Its Legacy in Myth and Art: Petroglyphs from Eurasia, Arabia and Northern Africa by Baumer, Christoph, Weber, Therese
Balkan Muslims and the Middle East: The Influence of the Arab World on the Islamic Revival by Karcic, Harun