• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Military History in 1993

Military Rule and Transition in Ecuador, 1972-92 by Isaacs, Anita
The Future of European Security: The Pursuit of Peace in an Era of Revolutionary Change by
The Defence of Greece by Lazenby, J. F.
Battles and Skirmishes of the Great Sioux War, 1876-1877: The Military View by
Last Kamikaze: The Story of Admiral Matome Ugaki by Hoyt, Edwin Palmer
Great Powers and Little Wars: The Limits of Power by
Defense Policy in the North Atlantic Alliance: The Case of the Netherlands by Honig, Jan Willem
The Cavalry at Gettysburg: A Tactical Study of Mounted Operations During the Civil War's Pivotal Campaign, 9 June-14 July 1863 by Longacre, Edward G.
Wilhelm Groener by Hürter, Johannes
Europe and Naval Arms Control in the Gorbachev Era by
Civil War Nurse: The Diary and Letters Hannah Ropes by Brumgardt, John R.
Global Double Zero: The INF Treaty from Its Origins to Implementation by Rueckert, George L.
Soviet Documents on the Use of War Experience: Volume Three: Military Operations 1941 and 1942 by
Civil War Virginia: Battleground for a Nation by Robertson, James I.
Ersatz in the Confederacy: Shortages and Substitutes on the Southern Homefront by Massey, Mary Elizabeth
Following the Indian Wars: The Story of the Newspaper Correspondents Among the Indian Campaigners by Knight, Oliver
Mad Jack: The Biography of Captain John Percival, USN, 1779-1862 by Long, David Foster
Naval Warfare in the Eastern Mediterranean: 1940-1945 by Koburger, Charles W., Jr.
Socialism: Crisis and Renewal by Polychroniou, Polychronis
The Arab Movements in World War One by Tauber, Eliezer
The Emperor's Last Island: A Journey to St. Helena by Blackburn, Julia
Warriors of the Rising Sun: A History of the Japanese Military by Edgerton, Robert B.
Battleship Texas by Power, Hugh
The Vietnam War: Handbook of the Literature and Research by Olson, James Stuart
After the Guns Fell Silent by Hoehling, A. a.
General Sterling Price and the Civil War in the West by Castel, Albert
Stopping the Killing: How Civil Wars End by Licklider, Roy
Doctors in Gray: The Confederate Medical Service by Cunningham, H. H.
Das Nordatlantische Bündnis 1949-1956 by
Trapped by Success: The Eisenhower Administration and Vietnam, 1953-61 by Anderson, David
The Pirates Own Book: Authentic Narratives of the Most Celebrated Sea Robbers by Marine Research Society
Civil War Newspaper Maps: A Cartobibliography of the Northern Daily Press by Bosse, David C.
From Information to Intrigue: Studies in Secret Service Based on the Swedish Experience, 1939-1945 by McKay, C. G.
Military Intelligence, 1870-1991: A Research Guide by House, Jonathan M.
War and Society in the Roman World by
Trojan War in Ancient Art by Woodford, Susan
Berlin Journal, 1989-1990 by Darnton, Robert
Race to the Moon: America's Duel with the Soviets by Breuer, William
The Militia and the National Guard in America Since Colonial Times: A Research Guide by Cooper, Jerry
The Santiago Campaign of 1898: A Soldier's View of the Spanish-American War by Feuer, A. B.
Paying the Premium: A Military Insurance Policy for Peace and Freedom by
Faces of Degeneration: A European Disorder, 1848-1918 by Pick, Daniel
To the Point: The United States Military Academy, 1802-1902 by Pappas, George S.
An Irishman in the Iron Brigade: The Civil War Memoirs of James P. Sullivan by Herdegan, Lance J., Beaudot, William J. K.
Custer's Last Campaign: Mitch Boyer and the Little Bighorn Reconstructed by Gray, John S.
Rebel Brass: The Confederate Command System by VanDiver, Frank E.
Upton and the Army by Ambrose, Stephen E.
Hardtack and Coffee Or, the Unwritten Story of Army Life by Billings, John D.
In Caesar's Shadow: The Life of General Robert Eichelberger by Chwialkowski, Paul
Black Earth, Red Star: A History of Soviet Security Policy, 1917 1991 by Nation, R. Craig
General Matthew B. Ridgway: An Annotated Bibliography by
Lone Wolf: The Life and Death of U-Boat Ace Werner Henke by Mulligan, Timothy P.
Thirty Years After: An Artist's Memoir of the Civil War by Forbes, Edwin
William Johnson's Natchez: The Ante-Bellum Diary of a Free Negro by
The American Indian and the End of the Confederacy, 1863-1866 by Abel, Annie Heloise
The Bravest Battle: The Twenty-Eight Days of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising by Kurzman, Dan
The Legend of the Mutilated Victory: Italy, the Great War, and the Paris Peace Conference, 1915-1919 by Burgwyn, H. James
The Pusan Perimeter, Korea, 1950: An Annotated Bibliography by Edwards, Paul M.
Justice and the Genesis of War by Welch, David A.
Understanding War: Essays on Clausewitz and the History of Military Power by Paret, Peter
The Limits of Empire: The Roman Army in the East by Isaac, Benjamin
Why the Confederacy Lost by McPherson, James M.
The Confederacy's Last Hurrah: Spring Hill, Franklin, and Nashville by Sword, Wiley
Peacekeepers and Their Wives: American Participation in the Multinational Force and Observers by Wechsler Segal, Mady, Segal, David R.
The Field Artillery: History and Sourcebook by Dastrup, Boyd
Dieppe Revisited: A Documentary Investigation by Campbell, John P.
Dieppe Revisited: A Documentary Investigation by Campbell, John P.
Low-Intensity Conflict in American History by Sturgill, Claude C.
Military Heretics: The Unorthodox in Policy and Strategy by Legault, Roch
Reminiscences of Confederate Service, 1861--1865 by
Adenauers Außenpolitik gegenüber den Siegermächten 1954 by Gersdorff, Gero
Going to the Wars: The Experience of the British Civil Wars 1638-1651 by Carlton, Charles
Pharsalia: The Earliest Debates Over Original Intent by Lucan
Pharsalia: High Risk Children from Birth to Adulthood by Lucan
Franco-American Naval Relations, 1940-1945 by Koburger, Charles W., Jr.