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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Military History in 1994

Frontier Defense in the Civil War: Texas' Rangers and Rebelsvolume 40 by Smith, David Paul
James Bowie: Texas Fighting Man by Hopewell, Clifford
American Samurai: Myth and Imagination in the Conduct of Battle in the First Marine Division 1941 1951 by Cameron, Craig M., Craig M., Cameron, Cameron, Rondo Etc
Confederate Privateers by Robinson, William Morrison
Die Illusion Der Wunderwaffen: Die Rolle Der Düsenflugzeuge Und Flugabwehrraketen in Der Rüstungsindustrie Des Dritten Reiches by Schabel, Ralf
Clausewitz in English: The Reception of Clausewitz in Britain and America, 1815-1945 by Bassfors, Christopher
The Iron Brigade: A Military History by Nolan, Alan T.
Iron Brigade: A Military History by Nolan, Alan T.
KGB: Death and Rebirth by Ebon, Martin
The Devil's Anvil: The Assault on Peleliu by Hallas, James H.
Espionage: Past, Present and Future? by
Soviet Foreign Policy, 1917-1991: A Retrospective by
Military Institutions on the Welsh Marches: Shropshire, AD 1066-1300 by Suppe, Frederick C.
The Vichy Syndrome: History and Memory in France Since 1944 by Rousso, Henry
Caesar and the Crisis of the Roman Aristocracy: A Civil War Reader by Ruebel, James S.
Israel's Secret Wars: A History of Israel's Intelligence Services by Black, Ian, Morris, Benny
The Origins of the Cold War in Europe: International Perspectives by
Chinese Intelligence Operations by Eftimiades, Nicholas
Odyssey of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade: Americans in the Spanish Civil War by Carroll, Peter N.
The Odyssey of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade: Americans in the Spanish Civil War by Carroll, Peter N.
Women in the Civil War by Massey, Mary Elizabeth
Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World: From Marathon to Waterloo by Creasy, Edward Shepherd, Creasy, Edward S.
A Dance with Death by Noggle, Anne
The Massacre at El Mozote by Danner, Mark
The Roman Army, 31 BC - AD 337: A Sourcebook by Campbell, Brian
The Military History of the Third World Since 1945: A Reference Guide by Sturgill, Claude C.
The Italian Navy in World War II by Sadkovich, James
The Military in the Service of Society and Democracy: The Challenge of the Dual-Role Military by
Jesse James and the Civil War in Missouri by Dyer, Robert L.
Texas, the Dark Corner of the Confederacy: Contemporary Accounts of the Lone Star State in the Civil War (Third Edition) by
The Battle of Beecher Island and the Indian War of 1867-1869 by Monnett, John H.
The Entangling Alliance: The United States and European Security, 1950-1993 by Powaski, Ronald E.
Organizing Societies for War: The Process and Consequences of Societal Militarization by
The Nature of the Operations of Modern Armies by Triandafillov, V. K.
Unter Der Flagge Des Gegners: Wertewandel Im Umbruch in Den Streitkräften -- Von Der Nationalen Volksarmee Zur Bundeswehr by Knabe, Frithjof H.
Road to Appomattox by Wiley, Bell Irvin
The Port Hudson Campaign, 1862--1863 by Cunningham, Edward
A History of Soviet Airborne Forces by Glantz, David M.
Marching Toward the 21st Century: Military Manpower and Recruiting by
Far, Far from Home: The Wartime Letters of Dick and Tally Simpson Third South Carolina Volunteers by
Scientific Information in Wartime: The Allied-German Rivalry, 1939-1945 by Richards, Pamela Spence
The Laws of War: A Comprehensive Collection of Primary Documents on International Laws Governing Armed Conflict by Reisman, W. Michael
Napoleon's Last Victory and the Emergence of Modern War by Epstein, Robert M.
European Warfare, 1660-1815 by Black, Professor Jeremy, Black, Jeremy
Mexico Under Fire, Being the Diary of Samuel Ryan Curtis, 3rd Ohio Volunteer Regiment, During the American Military Occupation of Northern Mexico, 184 by
Battle of the Wilderness, May 5--6, 1864 by Rhea, Gordon C.
Karl Wilhelm Von Heideck: Ein Bayerischer General Im Befreiten Griechenland (1826-1835) by Seewald, Berthold
The Wars of French Decolonization by Clayton, Anthony
Portrait of a Flying Lady: The Stories of Those She Flew with in Battle by Menzel, George
The Nature of the Operations of Modern Armies by Triandafillov, V. K.
World War II in the North Pacific: Chronology and Fact Book by Hutchison, Kevin Don
The Inchon Landing, Korea, 1950: An Annotated Bibliography by
A Historical Dictionary of the U.S. Merchant Marine and Shipping Industry: Since the Introduction of Steam by de la Pedraja, Rene, Pedraja, Rene de La
Japan's First Modern War: Army and Society in the Conflict with China, 1894-5 by Lone, S.
Africans in Britain by
Post-Cold War Security Issues in the Asia-Pacific Region by
Post-Cold War Security Issues in the Asia-Pacific Region by
Patriotic Gore: Studies in the Literature of the American Civil War by Wilson, Edmund
Port Hudson, Confederate Bastion on the Mississippi by Hewitt, Lawrence Lee
The Civil War: The complete text of the bestselling narrative history of the Civil War--based on the celebrated PBS television series by Ward, Geoffrey C., Burns, Richard, Burns, Kenneth
British Forgn Serv & Amer CIV War by Berwanger, Eugene
The Aftermath of Defeat: Societies, Armed Forces, and the Challenge of Recovery by
Hitler's Nemesis: The Red Army, 1930-1945 by Dunn, Walter
The Rainbow Division in the Great War: 1917-1919 by Cooke, James
An Artist at War: The Journal of John Gaitha Browning by Browning, John Gaitha
Private Civil War: Popular Thought During the Sectional Conflict by Jimerson, Randall C.
Army Generals and Reconstruction: Louisiana, 1862--1877 by Dawson, Joseph G.
Reichswehr und Rote Armee 1920-1933 by Zeidler, Manfred
The New European Security Disorder by Duke, S.
The Art of War in World History: From Antiquity to the Nuclear Age by
Crusade: The Untold Story of the Persian Gulf War by Atkinson, Rick
Armored Forces: History and Sourcebook by Citino, Robert Michael
Patterns of War Since the Eighteenth Century by Addington, Larry H.
The OSS Norwegian Special Operations Group in World War II by Heimark, Bruce H.
Some Even Volunteered: The First Wolfhounds Pacify Vietnam by Bradford, Alfred S.
The Sorcerer as Apprentice: Stalin as Commissar of Nationalities, 1917-1924 by Blank, Stephen
The War in Bosnia-Herzegovina: Ethnic Conflict and International Intervention by Burg, Steven L., Shoup, Paul S.
Churchill, the Member for Woodford by Thomas, David A.
Army of Manifest Destiny: The American Soldier in the Mexican War, 1846-1848 by McCaffrey, James M.
General Lee: His Campaigns in Virginia, 1861-1865 by Taylor, Walter H.
The Future of the Non-Proliferation Treaty by
Soldier Heroes: British Adventure, Empire and the Imagining of Masculinities by Dawson, Graham
Knights and Warhorses: Military Service and the English Aristocracy Under Edward III by Ayton, Andrew
War, Chaos, and History by Beaumont, Roger
Mogadishu!: Heroism and Tragedy by DeLong, Kent
STORY of THE ZULU CAMPAIGN by By Maj Ashe and Capt Wyatt-Edgell
United States Army Logistics: The Normandy Campaign, 1944 by Waddell, Steve
Volksarmee Schaffen - Ohne Geschrei!: Studien Zu Den Anfängen Einer Verdeckten Aufrüstung in Der Sbz/DDR by
Die Wehrpflicht: Entstehung, Erscheinungsformen Und Politisch-Militärische Wirkung by
Naval Warfare in the Baltic, 1939-1945: War in a Narrow Sea by Koburger, C. W., Koburger, Charles W., Jr.
The New European Security Disorder by Duke, S.
The New European Security Disorder by Duke, S.
Hannibal: A History of the Art of War Among the Carthaginians and Romans Down to the Battle of Pydna, 168 B.C., with a Detailed by Dodge, Theodore Ayrault