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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Military History in 1996

Two Armies and One Fatherland: The End of the Nationale Volksarmee by Schönbohm Jörg
Diary of a Yankee Engineer: The Civil War Diary of John Henry Westervelt by Palladino, Anita
A Frontier Army Christmas by
The Army and Politics in Argentina, 1962-1973: From Frondizi's Fall to the Peronist Restoration by Potash, Robert A.
World Military Leaders: A Collective and Comparative Analysis by Rejai, M., Phillips, Kay, Rejai, Mostafa
The Lebanon War by Abraham, A. J.
13 Days to Glory: The Siege of the Alamo Volume 2 by Tinkle, Lon
Military Legitimacy: Might and Right in the New Millennium by Barnes, Rudolph C., Jr.
From Deliverance To Destruction: Rebellion and Civil War in an English City by Stoyle, Mark Prof
Loyalty And Locality: Popular Allegiance in Devon during the English Civil War by Stoyle, Mark Prof
Lorenzo de Zavala: The Pragmatic Idealist by Henson, Margaret Swett
Cherokee Editor by
The Soviet Armed Forces, 1918-1992: A Research Guide to Soviet Sources by Erickson, Ljubica, Erickson, John
Two Great Rebel Armies: An Essay in Confederate Military History by McMurry, Richard M.
Sherman's March Through the Carolinas by Barrett, John G.
The Eagle in the Desert: Looking Back on U. S. Involvement in the Persian Gulf War by Head, William, Tilford, Earl
War in Kentucky: From Shiloh to Perryville by McDonough, James Lee
Wilhelm Groener als Erster Generalquartiermeister by Rakenius, Gerhard Wilhelm
Dienstgruppen und westdeutscher Verteidigungsbeitrag by Borgert, Heinz L., Stürm, Walter, Wiggershaus, Norbert
Untersuchungen Zur Militärischen Ausbildung Im Republikanischen Und Kaiserzeitlichen ROM by Horsmann, Gerhard
From Huntsville to Appomattox: R. T. Coles's History of 4th Regiment, by Stocker, Jeffrey D.
Killing Ground on Okinawa: The Battle for Sugar Loaf Hill by Hallas, James
The U.S. Air Service in the Great War: 1917-1919 by Cooke, James J.
Falkenhayn: Politisches Denken Und Handeln Im Kaiserreich by Afflerbach, Holger
Camerone: The French Foreign Legion's Greatest Battle by Rohmer, Rosemary, Ryan, James
An Encyclopedia of War and Ethics by
Cloak and Gown: Scholars in the Secret War, 1939-1961, Second Edition by Winks, Robin
The War in North Africa, 1940-1943: A Selected Bibliography by Baxter, Colin
Pre-Adamite Man: Demonstrating the Existence of the Human Race Upon This Earth 100,000 Years Ago! by Randolph, Paschal B.
Recollections of the Civil War by Dana, Charles a.
Arrogant Armies: Great Military Disasters and the Generals Behind Them by Perry, James M.
Arrogant Armies: Great Military Disasters and the Generals Behind Them by Perry, James M.
Small Wars: Their Principles and Practice (Third Edition) by Callwell, C. E.
The Rise of U.S. Grant by
The Texas Overland Expedition of 1863 by Lowe, Richard G.
Cottonclads!: The Battle of Galveston and the Defense of the Texas Coast by Frazier, Donald S.
Late Roman Army by Dixon, Karen R., Southern, Pat
A Deep Steady Thunder by Woodworth, Steven E.
Our Hearts Fell to the Ground by Na, Na
Our Hearts Fell to the Ground by Na, Na
Heavenly Warriors: The Evolution of Japan's Military, 500-1300 by Farris, William Wayne
The Biographical Dictionary of World War II Generals and Flag Officers: The U.S. Armed Forces by Ancell, R. Manning, Miller, Christine
Britain and the Defeat of Napoleon, 1807-1815 by Muir, Rory
Commando!: The M/Z Unit's Secret War Against Japan by Feuer, A. B.
Drawn with the Sword: Reflections on the American Civil War by McPherson, James M.
War Machine: The Rationalisation of Slaughter in the Modern Age by Pick, Daniel
Against the Odds: Free Blacks in the Slave Societies of the Americas by
The Russian Army in a Time of Troubles by Baev, Pavel
U.S. National Security Policy and Strategy, 1987-1994: Documents and Policy Proposals by
The Military Uses of Literature: Fiction and the Armed Forces in the Soviet Union by Hooker, Mark
Caesar by Meier, Christian
Von Wien nach Königgrätz by Angelow, Jürgen
Die Militär- Und Sicherheitspolitik in Der Sbz/DDR: Eine Bibliographie (1945-1995) by
The Chaco War: Bolivia and Paraguay, 1932-1935 by Farcau, Bruce
OSS Agents in Hitler's Heartland: Destination Innsbruck by Schwab, Gerald
The Battles of the Somme, 1916: Historiography and Annotated Bibliography by Van Hartesveldt, Fred R.
Elite Military Formations in War and Peace by Legault, Roch
Decisive Force: The New American Way of War by Gudmundsson, Bruce, Hoffman, Frank
The Great Powers and the End of the Ottoman Empire by
The Military Revolution by Parker, Geoffrey
The Making of Strategy by
Importing the European Army: The Introduction of European Military Techniques and Institutions in the Extra-European World, 1600-1914 by Ralston, David B.
Welsh Wars of Edward I by Morris, John E.
Nelson: A Personal History by Hibbert, Christopher
Signals Intelligence in World War II: A Research Guide by Sexton, Donal
Three Years in the Army of the Cumberland by
Four Years with General Lee by Taylor, Walter
The Transformation of Security in the Asia/Pacific Region by
Warfare in Ancient Greece: A Sourcebook by Sage, Michael
Warfare in Ancient Greece: A Sourcebook by Sage, Michael
Ben-Gurion's Spy: The Story of the Political Scandal That Shaped Modern Israel by Teveth, Shabtai
Red Coats & Grey Jackets: The Battle of Chippawa, 5 July 1814 by Graves, Donald E.
The Late Roman Army by Southern, Pat, Dixon, Karen Ramsey
Stalin's Reluctant Soldier: A Social History of the Red Army, 1925-1941 by Reese, Roger R.
Land, Labor and the Origins of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, 1882-1914 by Shafir, Gershon
Navies and Shipbuilding Industries: The Strained Symbiosis by Todd, Daniel, Lindberg, Michael
Military Innovation in the Interwar Period by Murray
Infantry Warfare in the Early Fourteenth Century: Discipline, Tactics, and Technology by DeVries, Kelly
Richmond During the War: Four Years of Personal Observation by Putnam, Sallie Brock
Guide to the Battle of Antietam by
Military Record of Louisiana: Including Biographical and Historical Papers Relating to the Military Organizations of the State by Bartlett, Napier
The Campaigns of General Nathan Bedford Forrest and of Forrest's Cavalry by Pryor, J. P., Jordan, General Thomas, Jordan, Thomas
Secessionville by Brennen, Patrick, Brennan, Patrick
A People's Contest: The Union and Civil War, 1861-1865?second Edition, with a New Preface by Paludan, Phillip Shaw
A People's Army: Massachusetts Soldiers and Society in the Seven Years' War by Anderson, Fred
The Politics of Warfare: The Great Powers in the Twentieth Century by Cimbala, Stephen
The Transition to Democracy in Latin America: The Role of the Military by Farcau, Bruce W.
The Southwest Pacific Campaign, 1941-1945: Historiography and Annotated Bibliography by Rasor, Eugene L.
Inside the Concentration Camps: Eyewitness Accounts of Life in Hitler's Death Camps by Aroneanu, Eugene
The King's Army: Warfare, Soldiers and Society During the Wars of Religion in France, 1562 76 by Wood, James B.
Three Years with Grant: As Recalled by War Correspondent Sylvanus Cadwallader by Cadwallader, Sylvanus
Doctors in Blue: The Medical History of the Union Army in the Civil War (Revised) by Adams, George Worthington
Guide to Louisiana Confederate Military Units, 1861--1865 by Bergeron, Arthur W.
Clausewitz and Modern Strategy by Handel, Michael I.
Guide to the Battle of Shiloh by
The Russian Civil War: Documents from the Soviet Archives by
From Vietnam to El Salvador: The Saga of the Fmln Sappers and Other Guerrilla Special Forces in Latin America by Spencer, David E.
Conscription and Conflict in the Confederacy by Moore, Albert Burton
War and Progress: Britain 1914-1945 by Dewey, Peter
Militias in America: A Reference Handbook by Hamilton, Neil
The Future of the Us-Republic of Korea Military Relationship by Jung-Ik, Kim
The Codebreakers: The Comprehensive History of Secret Communication from Ancient Times to the Internet by Kahn, David
Marching Through Chaos: The Descent of Armies in Theory and Practice by English, John a.
Encyclopedia of United States Army Insignia and Uniforms by Emerson, William K.
Russian Civil-Military Relations by Herspring, Dale R.