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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Military History in 1999

Thomas Franklin Burton: Third Sergeant, Company A, 13th Tennessee Cavalry U.S. (Bradford's Battalion) by Black, Keith C.
Thomas Franklin Burton: Third Sergeant, Company A, 13th Tennessee Cavalry U.S. (Bradford's Battalion) by Black, Keith C.
Thucydides: History Books IV.1-V.24 by
Thucydides: History Books IV.1-V.24 by
Lenin by D'Encausse, Helene Carrere
The Army in India and the Development of Frontier Warfare, 1849-1947 by Moreman, T.
Civil War in Lebanon, 1975-92 by O'Ballance, E.
Joseph E. Johnston and the Defense of Richmond by Newton, Steven H.
Four Years Under Marse Robert by Stiles, Robert
World War II by Lee, Loyd
Ottoman Warfare 1500-1700 by Murphey, Rhoads
Western Warfare in the Age of the Crusades, 1000 1300 by France, John
Western Warfare in the Age of the Crusades, 1000 1300 by France, John
Adventures of Serjeant Benjamin Miller, Whilst Serving in the 4th Battalion of the Royal Regiment of Artillery 1796 to 1815 by Miller, Benjamin, Sjt Benjamin Miller
The Irish and the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939 by Stradling, Robert
On Many a Bloody Field: Four Years in the Iron Brigade by Gaff
One Day Too Long: Top Secret Site 85 and the Bombing of North Vietnam by Castle, Timothy
Future War and Counterproliferation: U.S. Military Responses to NBC Proliferation Threats by Schneider, Barry R.
Patton at Bay: The Lorraine Campaign, September to December, 1944 by Rickard, John Nelson
Monro, His Expedition with the Worthy Scots Regiment Called Mac-Keys by Brockington, William
Gender Camouflage: Women and the U.S. Military by
Yankee Town, Southern City: Race and Class Relations in Civil War Lynchburg by Tripp, Steven Elliot
Napoleon and the World War of 1813: Lessons in Coalition Warfighting by Riley, J. P.
The Confederate War by Gallagher, Gary W.
Sherman S Horsemen: Union Cavalry Operations in the Atlanta Campaign by Evans, David
The Scientific Study of Peace and War: A Text Reader by Vasquez, John a., Henehan, Marie T.
Iran's Military Forces in Transition: Conventional Threats and Weapons of Mass Destruction by Cordesman, Anthony
Lord Methuen and the British Army: Failure and Redemption in South Africa by Miller, Stephen M.
Campaign Chancellorsville by Dodge, Theodore Ayrault
Fort Anderson: The Battle for Wilmington by Fronvielle, Chris E., Fonvielle, Chris E.
Battleground Berlin: CIA vs. KGB in the Cold War by Murphy, David E., Kondrashev, Sergei A., Bailey, George
The Crown Jewels: The British Secrets at the Heart of the KGB Archives by West, Nigel, Tsarev, Oleg
The Military Reforms of Nicholas I: The Origins of the Modern Russian Army by Kagan, Frederick W.
Ancient Chinese Weapons: A Martial Arts Guide by Yang, Jwing-Ming
Iraq and the War of Sanctions: Conventional Threats and Weapons of Mass Destruction by Cordesman, Anthony H.
Gettysburg's Unknown Soldier: The Life, Death, and Celebrity of Amos Humiston by Dunkelman, Mark
The All-Americans at War: The 82nd Division in the Great War, 1917-1918 by Cooke, James J.
Conquests and Cultures: An International History by Sowell, Thomas
The Military Reforms of Nicholas I: The Origins of the Modern Russian Army by Kagan, F.
The Wars of Louis XIV 1667-1714 by Lynn, John a.
Afterglow or Adjustment: Domestic Institutions and Responses to Overstretch by Brawley, Mark
Afterglow or Adjustment: Domestic Institutions and Responses to Overstretch by Brawley, Mark
European Warfare 1453-1815 by Black, Jeremy
The Battle of Gettysburg: A History of the Civil War in America by Comte de Paris
The Battle of Gettysburg: A History of the Civil War in America by Comte de Paris
All the Daring of the Soldier: Women of the Civil War Armies by Leonard, Elizabeth D.
Rommel's North Africa Campaign: September 1940-November 1942 by Greene, Jack, Massignani, Alessandro
Man Without a Face: The Autobiography of Communism's Greatest Spymaster by McElvoy, Anne, Wolf, Markus
The Wind of Glory by Carroll, Bonnie L.
The Wind of Glory by Carroll, Bonnie L.
The Genesis of the Civil War: The Story of Sumter, 1860-61 by Crawford, Samuel Wylie
Warfare, State And Society In The Byzantine World 565-1204 by Haldon, John
Forging Stalin's Army: Marshal Tukhachevsky And The Politics Of Military Innovation by Stoecker, Sally
Causes of War: Power and the Roots of Conflict by Van Evera, Stephen
The Labour of Loss: Mourning, Memory and Wartime Bereavement in Australia by Damousi, Joy
The Labour of Loss: Mourning, Memory and Wartime Bereavement in Australia by Damousi, Joy
The War Against Rommel's Supply Lines, 1942-1943 by Levine, Alan J.
A Glossary of the Construction, Decoration and Use of Arms and Armor: In All Countries and in All Times by Stone, George Cameron
The Moroccan Goums: Tribal Warriors in a Modern War by Bimberg, Edward L.
Conflict in the Southern Cone: The Argentine Military and the Boundary Dispute with Chile, 1870-1902 by Rauch, George V.
Grant Wins the War: Decision at Vicksburg by Arnold, James R.
Grant Wins the War: Decision at Vicksburg by Arnold, James R.
The Man Who Tried to Burn New York by Brandt, Nat
Atlanta:: A Portrait of the Civil War by Rose, Michael
The Anglo-Scots Wars, 1513-1550: A Military History by Phillips, Gervase
Wolfe at Quebec: The Man Who Won the French and Indian War by Hibbert, Christopher
Andersonville: A Story of Rebel Military Prisons by McElroy, John
G-2: Intelligence for Patton: Intelligence for Patton by Koch, Brig Gen Oscar W.
Warfare in Atlantic Africa, 1500-1800 by Thornton, John K.
The New American Interventionism: Essays from Political Science Quarterly by
The Anglo-Irish War, 1916-1921: A People's War by Kautt, William H.
Hinterland Warriors and Military Dress: European Empires and Exotic Uniforms by Abler, Thomas
Washington's Farewell: To His Officers: After Victory in the Revolution by Murray, Stuart
Peasant Wars of the Twentieth Century by Wolf, Eric R.
The War of 1812 by Adams, Henry
Towards a Comparative Political Economy of Unfree Labour: Case Studies and Debates by Brass, Tom
Intelligence for Peace: The Role of Intelligence in Times of Peace by
Aleksandr Chayanov and Russian Berlin by Bourgholtzer, Frank
The Battle for Kursk, 1943: The Soviet General Staff Study by
The Battle for Kursk, 1943: The Soviet General Staff Study by
The Hundred Years War, Volume 1: Trial by Battle by Sumption, Jonathan
The Writing of Official Military History by
Truman, MacArthur, and the Korean War by Wainstock, Dennis
Dictionary of Contemporary Chinese Military History by Wortzel, Larry
Paradiplomacy in Action: The Foreign Relations of Subnational Governments by
A Peripheral Weapon?: The Production and Employment of British Tanks in the First World War by Childs, David J.
Feminism, Identity and Difference by
Mass Atrocity, Collective Memory, and the Law by
Mountain Partisans: Guerrilla Warfare in the Southern Appalachians, 1861-1865 by O'Brien, Sean Michael
Army of Francis Joseph by Rothenberg, Gunther E.
Hannibal by Baker, G. P.
Men of Steel: I SS Panzer Corps by Reynolds, Michael
Iroquois in the Civil War: From Battlefield to Reservation by Hauptman, Laurence M.
Kriegsende 1918 by
Using Internet Primary Sources to Teach Critical Thinking Skills in History: Generals, Knowledge, and Warfare in Early Modern Europe, 1680-1740 by Lund, Erik A.
Time for Spies by Duff, William E.
The Norwegian Intelligence Service, 1945-1970 by Riste, Olav
The Dahlgren Affair: Terror and Conspiracy in the Civil War by Schultz, Duane P.
Grand Illusion: The Prussianization of the Chilean Army by Sater, William F., Herwig, Holger H.
War Dogs: A History of Loyalty and Heroism by Lemish, Michael G.
The Medieval City Under Siege by
Bosworth 1485: Last Charge of the Plantagenets by Gravett, Christopher
Encyclopedia of Youth and War: Young People as Participants and Victims by Sherrow, Victoria
Mercenaries: Scourge of the Developing World by Arnold, Guy
Indians in Britain: Anglo-Indian Encounters, Race and Identity 1880-1930 by Lahiri, Shompa
The Munich Crisis, 1938: Prelude to World War II by
Geopolitics, Geography and Strategy by
The Genesis of the Civil War: The Story of Sumter, 1860-1861 by Crawford, Samuel Wylie
Out of the Desert: A Story of Palestine, Ploesti and Beyond by Blundell, John E.
The Last Prison: The Untold Story of Camp Groce CSA by Lisarelli, Danial Francis
Radicalism and Revolution in Britain 1775-1848: Essays in Honour of Malcolm I. Thomis by Davis, M.
Northern Ireland: A Chronology of the Troubles, 1968-1999 by Bew, Paul, Gillespie, Gordon
Warfare and Society in Europe, 1792- 1914 by Wawro, Geoffrey
Warfare and Society in Europe, 1792- 1914 by Wawro, Geoffrey
The Norwegian Invasion of England in 1066 by DeVries, Kelly
The Philippines in World War II, 1941-1945: A Chronology and Select Annotated Bibliography of Books and Articles in English by Bell, Walter F.
The Withered Vine: Logistics and the Communist Insurgency in Greece, 1945-1949 by Shrader, Charles R.
Secret Soldiers of the Revolution: Soviet Military Intelligence, 1918-1933 by Leonard, Raymond
Bullies and Cowards: The West Point Hazing Scandal, 1898-1901 by Leon, Philip