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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Military History in 2000

Arming the State: Military Conscription in the Middle East and Central Asia, 1775-1925 by Zürcher, Erik J.
100 Decisive Battles: From Ancient Times to the Present by Davis, Paul K.
Radicalism and Revolution in Britain 1775-1848: Essays in Honour of Malcolm I. Thomis by Davis, M.
Storymaking in Elementary and Middle School Classrooms: Constructing and Interpreting Narrative Texts by Golden, Joanne M.
The Cousins' Wars: Religion, Politics, Civil Warfare, and the Triumph of Anglo-America by Phillips, Kevin
Vaqueros in Blue and Gray by Thompson, Jerry
A Frozen Hell: The Russo-Finnish Winter War of 1939-1940 by Trotter, William R.
From Flag to Flag: A Woman's Adventures and Experiences in the South during the War, in Mexico, and in Cuba by McHatton-Ripley, Eliza
Traditions of War: Occupation, Resistance and the Law by Nabulsi, Karma
Army Relations with Congress: Thick Armor, Dull Sword, Slow Horse by Scroggs, Stephen K.
In the Shadow of Nelson: The Naval Leadership of Admiral Sir Charles Cotton, 1753-1812 by Krajeski, Paul C.
The Nazis' March to Chaos: The Hitler Era Through the Lenses of Chaos-Complexity Theory by Beaumont, Roger
Soldier and Warrior: French Attitudes Toward the Army and War on the Eve of the First World War by Wesseling, H. L.
Censoring History: Perspectives on Nationalism and War in the Twentieth Century by Selden, Mark, Hein, Laura E.
Censoring History: Perspectives on Nationalism and War in the Twentieth Century by Hein, Laura E., Selden, Mark
Napoleon's Legacy: Problems of Government in Restoration Europe by
Bugs in Armor: A Tale of Malaria and Soldiering by Bwire, Robert
Napoleon's Legacy: Problems of Government in Restoration Europe by
Inventing Grand Strategy and Teaching Command: The Classic Works of Alfred Thayer Mahan Reconsidered by Sumida, Jon Tetsuro
Best Truth by Goodman, Allan E., Berkowitz, Bruce D.
American Naval History: A Guide by Coletta, Paolo E.
Caesar Against Rome: The Great Roman Civil War by Jimenez, Ramon L.
Naval Strategy in Northeast Asia: Geo-Strategic Goals, Policies and Prospects by Kim, Duk-Ki
Charles W Quantrell: A True History of His Guerrilla Warfare on the Missouri and Kansas Border During the Civil War by Burch, John P.
Forged in Battle: The Civil War Alliance of Black Soldiers and White Officers by Glatthaar, Joseph T.
The Pity of War: Explaining World War I (Revised) by Ferguson, Niall
The Collapse of the Soviet Military by Odom, William E.
War and the World: Military Power and the Fate of Continents, 1450-2000 by Black, Jeremy
Four Years Under Marse Robert by Stiles, Robert
Empire and Information: Intelligence Gathering and Social Communication in India, 1780 1870 by Bayly, Christopher Alan, C. a., Bayly, Bayly, C. a.
Protection Against Genocide: Mission Impossible? by
The Making of a Professional: Manton S. Eddy, USA by Phillips, Henry Gerard
Protection Against Genocide: Mission Impossible? by
From Melos to My Lai: A Study in Violence, Culture and Social Survival by Tritle, Lawrence a.
Operation Pike: Britain Versus the Soviet Union, 1939-1941 by Osborn, Patrick
From Melos to My Lai: A Study in Violence, Culture and Social Survival by Tritle, Lawrence A.
Jerome Bonaparte: The War Years, 1800-1815 by Lamar, Glenn J.
Imperial Defence, 1868-1887 by Schurman, Donald MacKenzie
Ethnic Conflict and International Intervention: Crisis in Bosnia-Herzegovina, 1990-93 by Shoup, Paul S., Burg, Steven L.
Pickett's Men: A Fragment of War History by Harrison, Walter
Occupation: The Ordeal of France 1940-1944 by Ousby, Ian
On the Horns of a Dilemma: The Story of the Ukrainian Division Halychyna by Hunczak, Taras
BYGONE PILGRIMAGE. VERDUN and the Battles for its Possession An Illustrated Guide to the Battlefields 1914-1918. by Michelin
BYGONE PILGRIMAGE. RHEIMS and the Battles for its PossessionAn Illustrated Guide to the Battlefields 1914-1918. by Michelin
BYGONE PILGRIMAGE. BATTLEFIELDS OF THE MARNE 1914.An illustrated History and Guide to the Battlefields. by Michelin
A Guide to the Study and Use of Military History by Jessup, John E.
BYGONE PILGRIMAGE. THE SOMME Volume 1 1916-1917An Illustrated History and Guide to the Battlefields 1914-1918. by Michelin
Bygone Pilgrimage. the Somme Volume 2 1918an Illustrated History and Guide to the Battlefields 1914-1918. by Michelin
Death Squads in Global Perspective: Murder with Deniability by
China and the People's Liberation Army: Great Power or Struggling Developing State? by Na, Na
Preventing the Use of Weapons of Mass Destruction by Herring, Eric
Preventing the Use of Weapons of Mass Destruction by Herring, Eric
Members of the Regiment: Army Officers' Wives on the Western Frontier, 1865-1890 by Nacy, Michele J.
Soldiers of Fortune: The Rise and Fall of the Chinese Military-Business Complex, 1978-1998: The Rise and Fall of the Chinese Military-Busin by Mulvenon, James C.
The Clandestine Cold War in Asia, 1945-65: Western Intelligence, Propaganda and Special Operations by
Chronicle of Pseudo-Joshua the Stylite by The Stylite, Pseudo-Joshua
Political Organization in Central Asia and Azerbaijan: Sources and Documents by
The Future of Terrorism by
The Gray and the Black: The Confederate Debate on Emancipation by Durden, Robert F.
The Future of Terrorism by
The War of 1812: The War That Both Sides Won by Turner, Wesley B.
Fire and Ice: The Korean War 1950- 53 by Varhola, Michael J.
Confederate Mobile by Bergeron, Arthur W.
The history and conquest of the Philippines and our other island possessions; embracing our war with the Filipinos in 1899 by March, Alden
The First World War by Keegan, John
Politics and War: European Conflict from Philip II to Hitler, Enlarged Edition by Kaiser, David
Modern British History: Since 1900 by Black, Jeremy
One Day Too Long: Top Secret Site 85 and the Bombing of North Vietnam by Castle, Timothy
Official Military Historical Offices and Sources: Volume I: Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and India by Higham, Robin
Official Military Historical Offices and Sources: Volume II: The Western Hemisphere and the Pacific Rim by
Montgomery and Colossal Cracks: The 21st Army Group in Northwest Europe, 1944-45 by Hart, Stephen
The Land and Literature of England: A Historical Account by Adams, Robert M.
Ridgway Duels for Korea by Appleman, Roy E.
Reflections on the Russian Soul: A Memoir (Large Print Edition) by
OSS and the Yugoslav Resistance, 1943-1945 by Ford, Kirk Jr.
Exploration of the Valley of the Amazon, 1851-1852 by Herndon, William Lewis
The Rise and Fall of the European Defence Community: Anglo-American Relations and the Crisis of European Defence, 1950-55 by Ruane, K.
Inside Hitler's High Command by Megargee, Geoffrey P.
Inside Hitler's High Command by Megargee, Geoffrey P.
The South African War Reappraised by
General MacArthur Speeches and Reports 1908-1964 by
General MacArthur Speeches and Reports 1908-1964 by
A Soldier and a Woman by Peniston-Bird, C., Groot, Gerard J. De
Tournaments: Jousts, Chivalry and Pageants in the Middle Ages by Barker, Juliet, Barber, Richard
Nationale Außen- Und Bündnispolitik Der Nato-Mitgliedstaaten by
Switzerland and the Second World War by
Kursk 1943: A Statistical Analysis by Frankson, Anders, Zetterling, Niklas
The Evacuation from Dunkirk: 'Operation Dynamo', 26 May-June 1940 by Gardner, W. J. R.
From the Normandy Beaches to the Baltic Sea: The Northwest Europe Campaign, 1944-1945 by Levine, Alan J.
To Acknowledge a War: The Korean War in American Memory by Edwards, Paul M.
Turbulence in the Pacific: Japanese-U.S. Relations During World War I by Kawamura, Noriko
River of the Golden Ibis by Jahoda, Gloria
Running Guns: The Global Black Market in Small Arms by
Orphans of the Cold War: America and the Tibetan Struggle for Survival by Knaus, John Kenneth
Oxford Companion to American Military History and Oxford History of Modern War: Consisting of the Oxford Companion to American Military History and th by Chamber
The Bloody Forest: Battle for the Huertgen: September 1944-January 1945 by Astor, Gerald
Rolling the Iron Dice: Historical Analogies and Decisions to Use Military Force in Regional Contingencies by MacDonald, Scot
Haughty Conquerors: Amherst and the Great Indian Uprising of 1763 by Nester, William R.
Von Truman bis Harmel by
Reichskommissariat Norwegen: »Nationalsozialistische Neuordnung« Und Kriegswirtschaft by Bohn, Robert
The Northern Wars: War, State and Society in Northeastern Europe, 1558 - 1721 by Frost, Robert I.
Southern Families at War: Loyalty and Conflict in the Civil War South by
The Russian Civil War: Primary Sources by Murphy, A.
The Attack on Axnan Headquarters: An Espionage Operation by Whidden, Glenn H.
French Defence Policy Into the Twenty-First Century by Gregory, S.
Sudan, Civil War and Terrorism, 1956-99 by O'Ballance, E.
War and Remembrance in the Twentieth Century by
The Sword and the Shield: The Mitrokhin Archive and the Secret History of the KGB by Andrew, Christopher
The Code Book: The Science of Secrecy from Ancient Egypt to Quantum Cryptography by Singh, Simon
Native vs. Settler: Ethnic Conflict in Israel/Palestine, Northern Ireland, and South Africa by Mitchell, Thomas G.
Post-Cold War Armored Vehicle Industries in Britain, Germany, and France: A Study in Political Economy and Transition by Graves, James L.
Captivity, Flight, and Survival in World War II by Levine, Alan J.
Professional Military Education in the United States: A Historical Dictionary by
Nanking: Anatomy of an Atrocity by Yamamoto, Masahiro
The IRA, 1968-2000: An Analysis of a Secret Army by Bell, J. Bowyer
Rendezvous with Destiny by Ulrich, Fritz
The IRA, 1968-2000: An Analysis of a Secret Army by Bell, J. Bowyer
Reviewing the Cold War: Approaches, Interpretations, Theory by
Army, Empire and Politics in Meiji Japan: The Three Careers of General Katsura Tar? by Lone, S.
Revolution: International Dimensions by Katz, Mark N.
Bloody Revenge: Emotions, Nationalism and War by Scheff, Thomas J.
Virtual History: Alternatives and Counterfactuals by Ferguson, Niall
Soldiers, Spies, and the Rat Line: America's Undeclared War Against the Soviets by Milano, James, Brogan, Patrick
The Wars of America: Christian Views by
The Emma Gees by McBride, H. W.
Corregidor: The American Alamo of World War II by Morris, Eric
1st Battalion the Faugh-A-Ballaghs in the Great War (the Royal Irish Fusiliers.) by Burrows, A. R.
The Battle of Glorieta: Union Victory in the Westvolume 61 by Alberts, Don E.
Camp and Prison Journal by Frost, Griffin
One Woman's Army: A Black Officer Remembers the Wacvolume 12 by Earley, Charity Adams
Military Blunders by Coffey, Michael
The Vietnam Wars by Ruane, Kevin
Combat Operations: Stemming the Tide, May 1965 to October 1966 (United States Army in Vietnam series) by United States Department of the Army, Carland, John M., Center of Military History
Combat Operations: Stemming the Tide, May 1965 to October 1966 (United States Army in Vietnam series) by United States Department of the Army, Carland, John M., Center of Military History
The Undermining the Kremlin: America's Strategy to Subvert the Soviet Bloc, 1947-1956 by Copeland, Dale C.
On Guerrilla Warfare by Tse-Tung, Mao, Griffith, Samuel B.
Managing Domestic Dissent in First World War Britain by Millman, Brock
Napoleon and the World War of 1813: Lessons in Coalition Warfighting by Riley, J. P.
Managing Domestic Dissent in First World War Britain by Millman, Brock
50 Years of Army Computing: From ENIAC to MSRC by Us Army Ordnance Center and School, Army Research Laboratory
The Ten Cents War: Chile, Peru, and Bolivia in the War of the Pacific, 1879-1884 by Farcau, Bruce
Military-Veterans "Quick Reference Guide/Directory" by Gruenwald, Gary a.
The Israel Defense Forces: A People's Army by Williams, Louis
Military Training in the British Army, 1940-1944: From Dunkirk to D-Day by Place, Timothy Harrison
World Revolution - The Plot Against Civilization by Webster, Nesta H.
World Revolution - The Plot Against Civilization by Webster, Nesta H.
More Civil War Curiosities: Fascinating Tales, Infamous Characters, and Strange Coincidences by Garrison, Webb
Army Regulations (India) 1913. Volume VII. Dress by Government of India, Army Department
Britain's Entry into the European Community: Report on the Negotiations of 1970 - 1972 by Sir Con O'Neill by
The Merchant Marine in International Affairs, 1850-1950 by
The Acadians: Their Deportation and Wanderings by Bible, George P.
Dress Regulations for the Army, 1891 by Hmso Books, Hmso
Royal Militia and Yeomanry Cavalry Army List by Sleigh, Arthur F. C.
The Typhoon of War: Micronesian Experiences of the Pacific War by Carucci, Laurence Marshall, Poyer, Lin, Falgout, Suzanne
NATO Enters the 21st Century by
NATO Enters the 21st Century by
The Book of War: 25 Centuries of Great War Writing by Keegan, John
Battle of Hurtgen Forest by Whiting, Charles
Leadership in the Trenches: Officer-Man Relations, Morale and Discipline in the British Army in the Era of the First World War by Sheffield, G.
The Boer War by
Warless Societies and the Origin of War by Kelly, Raymond C.
The Master of Disguise: My Secret Life in the CIA by Mendez, Antonio J.
The Politics of War Memory and Commemoration by
Medieval Costume, Armour and Weapons by Drobná, Zoroslava, Durdík, Jan, Wagner, Eduard
Ethnic Nationalism and the Fall of Empires: Central Europe, the Middle East and Russia, 1914-23 by Roshwald, Aviel
Encyclopedia of American War Literature by
Surgeons at War: Medical Arrangements for the Treatment of the Sick and Wounded in the British Army During the Late 18th and 19th Centu by Kaufman, Matthew H.
Creating an American Lake: United States Imperialism and Strategic Security in the Pacific Basin, 1945-1947 by Friedman, Hal
Ordered to Die: A History of the Ottoman Army in the First World War by Erickson, Edward J.
With Arrow, Sword, and Spear: A History of Warfare in the Ancient World by Bradford, Alfred
Great Captains of Antiquity by Gabriel, Richard
Dress Regulations (India)1931 by Govt of India, Of India, Govt of India
The True Story of Andersonville Prison by Page, James Madison, Haley, M. J.
England's Colonial Wars 1550-1688: Conflicts, Empire and National Identity by Lenman, Bruce
The Congress of Vienna: A Study in Allied Unity: 1812-1822 by Nicolson, Sir Harold
Civil War West: Men from Mendota: Journals and Fates of Two Civil War Soldiers by Clarke, Garland
Reminiscences of Forts Sumter and Moultrie: In 1860-'61 by Doubleday, Abner
Way Down Upon the Suwannee River: Sketches of Florida During the Civil War by Loderhose, Gary
California Sabers: The 2nd Massachusetts Cavalry in the Civil War by McLean
Military Planning and the Origins of the Second World War in Europe by
Deterrence and Nuclear Proliferation in the Twenty-First Century by
The Evolution of Special Forces in Counter-Terrorism: The British and American Experiences by Taillon, J. Paul de B.
The Panzer Legions: A Guide to the German Army Tank Divisions of World War II and Their Commanders by Mitcham, Samuel W., Jr.
War and Democracy: A Comparative Study of the Korean War and the Peloponnesian War: A Comparative Study of the Korean War and the Pelopon by Strauss, Barry S., McCann, David R.
Soldiers of Fortune: The Rise and Fall of the Chinese Military-Business Complex, 1978-1998: The Rise and Fall of the Chinese Military-Busin by Mulvenon, James C.