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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Military History in 2003

Story of Two Campaigns. Official War History of the Auckland Mounted Rifles Regiment, 1914-1919 by Sgt C. G. Nicol, C. G. Nicol, Sgt C. G. Nicol
With A B-P Scout in Gallipoli. a Record of the Belton Bulldogs by E Y Priestman
With the Cameliers in Palestine by J. Robertson
History of the East Lancashire Royal Engineers by Members of the Corps, Of The Corps, Members of the Corps, Members of the Corps of Discovery
Paris Gun. the Bombardment of Paris by the German Long-Range Guns and the Great German Offensives of 1918 by Henry W. Miller, Henry W. Miller, W. Miller
Hounding the Hun from the Seas. a Tale of the British M.L. OS on the High Seas by Lieut M P S (Rnvr), Lieutenant M. P. S. (Rvnr)
Sir Douglas Haig OS Great Push. the Battle of the Somme by Press, Naval &. Military
War History of the Sixth Tank Battalion. by Lord Somers, Lord Somers, Somers
Record of the 17th and 32nd Battalions Northumberland Fusiliers (N.E.R. Pioneers). 1914-1919 by J. Shakespear
With the Machine Gunners in France and Palestine by Luxford, J. H., Maj J. H. Luxford
Mounted Riflemen in Sinai and Palestine. the Story of New Zealand OS Crusaders by Moore, A. Briscoe, A. Briscoe Moore
The Second World War, Vol. 5: The Eastern Front 1941-1945 by Jukes, Geoffrey
The First World War, Vol. 2: The Western Front 1914-1916 by Simkins, Peter
The First World War, Vol. 3: The Western Front 1917-1918 by Simkins, Peter
The First World War, Vol. 4: The Mediterranean Front 1914-1923 by Hickey, Michael
American Revolutionary War Sites, Memorials, Museums and Library Collections: A State-By-State Guidebook to Places Open to the Public by Gelbert, Doug
Somalia on $5 a Day: A Soldier's Story by Stanton, Martin
Krieg und Militär im Film des 20. Jahrhunderts by
11 September 2001: War, Terror and Judgement by
Chinese Warfighting: The PLA Experience Since 1949 by Finkelstein, David M., McDevitt, Michael A., Ryan, Mark A.
Munitions of the Mind: A History of Propaganda from the Ancient World to the Present Era by Taylor, Philip M.
Technology, Disease and Colonial Conquests, Sixteenth to Eighteenth Centuries: Essays Reappraising the Guns and Germs Theories by
Trench Art: Materialities and Memories of War by Saunders, Nicholas
Trench Art: Materialities and Memories of War by Saunders, Nicholas
With Courage and Delicacy: Civil War on the Peninsula: Women and the U.S. Sanitary Commission by Garrison, Nancy Scripture
Impact: The History of Germany's V-Weapons in World War II by Kutta, Timothy, Tutta, Timothy, King, Benjamin
Small Arms Training 1924 Volume 1 by War Office June 1924, War Office June 1924, Office June 1924
Government & Armed Forces in Britain, 1856-1990 by Smith, Paul
Handbook of Artillery Instruments 1914 by Hmso 1914, 1914, Hmso 1914
Infantry Training (4 - Company Organization) 1914 by General Staff, War Office 10august 1914
Manual of Field Works (All Arms) 1921 by War Office November 1921, Office Novembe, War Office November 1921
German 88-MM Anti-Aircraft Gun by War Dept Washington 29 June 1943, War Dept Washington 29 June 1943, Dept W.
Rebuilding Urban Japan After 1945 by
CROSS OF SACRIFICE.Vol. 5: The Officers, men and women of the Merchant Navy and Mercantile Fleet AuXiliary 1914Ð1919 by By Steve Jarvis
Wellington Regiment: N.Z.E.F 1914-1918 by W. H. Cunningham D. S. O. C. a. L. Tread
. . . Played Hell in Tennessee by Stackhouse, W. I.
. . . Played Hell in Tennessee by Stackhouse, W. I.
Strong and Brave Fellows: New Hampshire's Black Soldiers and Sailors of the American Revolution, 1775-1784 by Knoblock, Glenn A.
The Enemy of Europe/The Enemy of Our Enemies by Yockey, Francis Parker, Oliver, Revilo P.
Trauma and Guilt by Vees-Gulani, Susanne
English Public Opinion and the American Civil War by Campbell, Duncan Andrew
Queen OS Own Royal West Kent Regiment, 1881- 1914 by Lt -Col H. D. Chaplin, Chaplin, H. D.
Queen OS Own Royal West Kent Regiment, 1914 - 1919 by C. T. Atkinson
Queen OS Own Royal West Kent Regiment, 1951 - 1961 by Chaplin, H. D., Lieut Col H. D. Chaplin, H. D. Chaplin, Lieut Col H. D. Chaplin
Notes on German Preparations for the Invasion of the United Kingdom by War Office April 1941, Office April 1941, War Office April 1941
The Diffusion of Military Technology and Ideas by
Trial by Fire: Command and the British Expeditionary Force in 1914 by Gardner, Nikolas
Islam at War: A History by Nafziger, George F., Walton, Mark, Mbanda, Laurent W.
Girding for Battle: The Arms Trade in a Global Perspective, 1815-1940 by Sandole-Staroste, Ingrid A.
The American Revolution by Morton, Joseph
Sorties Into Hell: The Hidden War on Chichi Jima by Hearn, Chester G., Hearn, Chester
The Brothers' Vietnam War: Black Power, Manhood, and the Military Experience by Graham III, Herman
Spy Dust: Two Masters of Disguise Reveal the Tools and Operations That Helped Win the Cold War by Mendez, Antonio, Mendez, Jonna
The Napoleonic Empire, Second Edition by Ellis, Geoffrey
Soldiers and Societies in Postcommunist Europe: Legitimacy and Change by
Soldiers and Societies in Postcommunist Europe: Legitimacy and Change by
New York City's Harbor Defenses by Polaski, Leo, Williford, Glen
Fort Benning by Thomas, Kenneth H., Jr.
Jeder Für Sich Und Amerika Gegen Alle?: Die Lastenteilung Der NATO Am Beispiel Des Temporary Council Committee 1949-1954 by Hammerich, Helmut R.
Sicherheit Durch Integration?: Die Wirtschaftliche Und Politische Integration Westeuropas 1947 Bis 1957/58 by Krüger, Dieter
Russian Military Reform, 1992-2002 by
Russian Military Reform, 1992-2002 by
Memoirs and Services of the Eighty-Third Regiment (County of Dublin) from 1793 to 1907: Including the Campaigns of the Regiment in the West Indies, AF by Brevet-Major E. W. Bray, E. W. Bray, Brevet-Major E. W. Bray, Bray, E. W.
Short Record of the Service and Experiences of the 5th Battalion Royal Irish Fusiliers in the Great War by Lt -Col F. W. E. Johnson
A War With No Name: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, A Survivors Story by Schmitt, Art
The Norwegian Invasion of England in 1066 by DeVries, Kelly
Leveraging for Success in United Nations Peace Operations by Feinberg, Benjamin C.
Intervention: Shaping the Global Order by Feste, Karen
The Spanish Civil War: A History and Reference Guide by Anderson, James
Napoleon and the Transformation of Europe by Grab, Alexander
Ireland and International Peacekeeping Operations 1960-2000 by Ishizuka, Katsumi
Pirates and the Lost Templar Fleet: The Secret Naval War Between the Knights Templar and the Vatican by Childress, David Hatcher
A Soldier, Surgeon, Scholar: The Memoirs of William Henry Corbusier, 1844-1930 by Corbusier, William Henry
The British Volunteer Movement 1794-1814 by Gee, Austin
European War and Diplomacy, 1337-1815: A Bibliography by Young, William
Department of the Army Historical Summary: Fiscal Year 1971 by Bell, William
Department of the Army Historical Summary: Fiscal Year 1969 by Bell, William
Department of the Army Historical Summary: Fiscal Year 1970 by Bell, William
From This Valley They Say You Are Leaving by Persons, Benjamin S.
Spy: The Inside Story of How the Fbi's Robert Hanssen Betrayed America by Wise, David
The Negro's Civil War: How American Blacks Felt and Acted During the War for the Union by McPherson, James M.
Die NATO ALS Militärallianz: Strategie, Organisation Und Nukleare Kontrolle Im Bündnis 1949 Bis 1959 by Maier, Klaus a., Rebhan, Heinz, Greiner, Christian
Joan of Arc: The Warrior Saint by Richey, Stephen W.
War in the Age of the Enlightenment, 1700-1789 by Starkey, Armstrong
Joan of Arc: The Warrior Saint by Richey, Stephen W.
The Military History of Ancient Israel by Gabriel, Richard A.
Yangtse River Incident 1949: The Diary of Coxswain Leslie Frank: HMS Amethyst - Yangtse River 19/4/49 to 31/7/49 by L. Frank Coxswain Rn, Coxswain, L. Frank
White Eagle, Red Star: The Polish-Soviet War 1919-20 and 'The Miracle on the Vistula' by Davies, Norman
Waterloo: Napoleon's Last Campaign by Hibbert, Christopher
The Cavaliers in Exile 1640-1660 by Smith, G.
The Cavaliers in Exile, 1640-1660 by Smith, G.
The Military as an Economic Actor: Soldiers in Business by
A Diplomatic Revolution: Algeria's Fight for Independence and the Origins of the Post-Cold War Era by Connelly, Matthew James
The Illustrated Battle Cry of Freedom: The Civil War Era by McPherson, James M.
Das Militär Und Der Aufbruch in Die Moderne 1860 Bis 1890: Armeen, Marinen Und Der Wandel Von Politik, Gesellschaft Und Wirtschaft in Europa, Den USA by
Royal Warriors: A Military History of the British Monarchy by Carlton, Charles
War and Social Change in Modern Europe: The Great Transformation Revisited by Halperin, Sandra
Bearing Arms for His Majesty: The Free-Colored Militia in Colonial Mexico by Vinson, Ben
Mongol Warrior 1200-1350 by Turnbull, Stephen
Nobles, Knights and Men-At-Arms in the Middle Ages by Keen, Maurice
Alexander the Great and the Mystery of the Elephant Medallions: Volume 44 by Holt, Frank L.
War and Social Change in Modern Europe by Halperin, Sandra
Official History of Operations on the North-West Frontier of India 1936-1937 by Press, Naval &. Military
With the Persian Expedition [1918] by Major M. H. Donohoe, Donohoe, M. H., Major M. H. Donohoe, M. H. Donohoe
Warfare and Society in Europe: 1898 to the Present by Neiberg, Michael S.
The Last Word? Essays on Official History in the United States and British Commonwealth by Grey, Jeffrey
War in the Twentieth Century: Reflections at Century's End by Unknown
Soldiering in the Army of Tennessee: A Portrait of Life in a Confederate Army by Daniel, Larry J.
Hitler's U-Boat Fortresses by Bradham, Randolph
Cultures in Conflict--The French Revolution by Brown, Gregory
The Peloponnesian War by Lazenby, J. F., Lazenby, Professor J. F.
War Memories and Civilian Musings by Constein, Carl F.
Warfare and Society in Europe: 1898 to the Present by Neiberg, Michael S.
Short History of the Irish Guards 1900-1927 by Grayson, T. H. H., Liet T. H. H. Grayson
Star and Crescent: Being the Story of the 17th Cavalry from 1858 to 1922 by Major F. C. C. Yeats-Brown, Yeats-Brown, F. C. C.
Regimental Records of the First Battalion the Royal Dublin Fusiliers: 1644 -1842 by Harcourt, G. J., Col G. J. Harcourt
History of the 5th Gurkha Rifles (Frontier Force) 1858-1928 by Press, Naval &. Military
Operations in Waziristan 1919-1920 by Army Headquarters General, Compiled General Staff, Army Headquar
General Butler: Beast or Patriot - New Orleans Occupation May-December 1862 by Pena, Christopher G., Peena, Christopher G.
As I Remember: The war years by Joy, Andree Icardo
As I Remember: The war years by Joy, Andree Icardo
Presence, Prevention, and Persuasion: A Historical Analysis of Military Force and Political Influence by Dicicco, Jonathan M., Milburn, Sarah S., Rhodes, Edward
Samurai, Warfare and the State in Early Medieval Japan by Friday, Karl F.
Samurai, Warfare and the State in Early Medieval Japan by Friday, Karl F.
Bibliography of Irish History 1912-1921 by James Carty
Story of the Royal Hospital Kilmainham by Major E. S. E. Childers and Robert Stewa
Soldiers of the Pátria: A History of the Brazilian Army, 1889-1937 by McCann, Frank D.
Battles of the Revolutionary War, 1775-1781 by Wood, W. J.
Marching with Gomez: A War Correspondent's Field Note-Book Kept During Four Months with the Cuban Army by Flint, Grover
Researching World War I: A Handbook by Showalter, Dennis, Higham, Robin
Encyclopedia of the Crusades by Andrea, Alfred