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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Military History in 2011

Russia and the War. by Jesse, William
The Jolly Boat: Or, Perils and Disasters Illustrating Courage, Endurance, and Heroism in the Merchant-Marine Service. Edited by Lieut. by Warneford, Robert
Ingerstein Hall and Chadwick Rise. a Story of the Thirty Years' War. by Routledge, James
Ingerstein Hall and Chadwick Rise. a Story of the Thirty Years' War. by Routledge, James
The History of the Late Revolution of the Empire of the Great Mogol: Together with the Most Considerable Passages for 5 Years Following in That Empire by Bernier, Francois, Brock, Irving
Operation Iraqi Freedom: Preliminary Observations on Iraqi Security Forces' Logistical Capabilities by
The Afghan Wars: 1839-42 and 1878-80 by Forbes, Archibald
The Us Military in Hawai'i: Colonialism, Memory and Resistance by Ireland, B.
War Volunteering in Modern Times: From the French Revolution to the Second World War by
Citizens in Arms: The Army and Militia in American Society to the War of 1812 by Cress, Lawrence Delbert
The Joshua Delusion? by Earl, Douglas S.
The Voynich Manuscript - An Elegant Enigma by D'Imperio, M. E., Center for Cryptologic History
Hunting Lieutenant Chadbourne by Corder, Jim W.
The 1973 Arab-Israeli War: The Albatross of Decisive Victory by Garwych, George W., Combat Studies Institute
The Voynich Manuscript - An Elegant Enigma by D'Imperio, M. E.
Theory and Practice of International Mediation: Selected Essays by Bercovitch, Jacob
Biafra: Lest We Forget! by Adewusi, Richie
Biafra: Lest We Forget! by Adewusi, Richie
Sister Martha; Or, a Romance of the Franco-Prussian War. by Wilson, Benjamin Curate
Ingerstein Hall and Chadwick Rise. a Story of the Thirty Years' War. by Routledge, James
Tales of the Franco-Prussian War. by an Eye-Witness. by Anonymous
Reminiscences and Reflections: An Oral History of Dramatic Contrast Between Hoosiers and the War Department in Southern Indiana by Jpg Heritage Partnership
The Jolly Boat: Or, Perils and Disasters Illustrating Courage, Endurance, and Heroism in the Merchant-Marine Service. Edited by Lieut. by Warneford, Robert
Tales of War: Great Stories from Military History for Every Day of the Year by Carrick, Bruce, Marsh, W. B.
International Intelligence Cooperation and Accountability by
Shillelagh: The Irish Fighting Stick by Hurley, John W.
A Treatise on the Defence of Portugal, with a Military Map ... and Principal Events of the Campaigns Under Lord Wellington, Etc. by Eliot, William Granville
Sketch of the column at Corygaum, with a plan of the village, some letters private and public, the general orders and the despatch ... relating to the by Wylie, John
The Official History of the British Civil Service: Reforming the Civil Service, Volume I: The Fulton Years, 1966-81 by Lowe, Rodney
Statistics of South Carolina, including a view of the natural, civil and military history general and particular. by Mills, Robert
Voices from the Korean War: Personal Accounts of Those Who Served by Rice, Douglas
The Last Days of Alexander, and the First Days of Nicholas (Emperors of Russia). by Lee, Robert M. D., Alexander, F. R. S.
The Empire of the Tsars and the Russians ... translated from the third French edition with annotations by Z. A. Ragozin. by Leroy-Beaulieu, Anatole, Ragozin, Zenaïde Alexeïevna
The Knout and the Russians; Or, the Muscovite Empire, the Czar, and His People. Translated from the French by J. Bridgeman. by Bridgeman, John, Lagny, Germain De
The Empire of the Tsars and the Russians ... translated from the third French edition with annotations by Z. A. Ragozin. by Ragozin, Zenaïde Alexeïevna, Leroy-Beaulieu, Anatole
Springhaven. a Tale of the Great War ... Third Edition. by Blackmore, R. D.
Narrative of the Operations of a Detachment in an Expedition to Candy, in the Island of Ceylon, in ... 1804, Etc. by Johnston, Arthur
Voices from the Korean War: Personal Accounts of Those Who Served by Rice, Douglas
Sketches of the Character, Conduct, and Treatment of the Prisoners of War at Auxonne, Longwy. from 1810 to 1814. with an Account of the Epidemic, as I by Mulvey, Farrell
Embassy to the Eastern Courts of Cochin-China, Siam, and Muscat; in the U.S. Sloop-of-War Peacock, during 1832-3-4. by Roberts, Edmund
Description of the Seat of War in European Turkey. Translated from the Treatise of Baron de Valentini [i.E. from L. Blesson's Translation of Bd. 3 of by Gore, Montague, Valentini, George Wilhelm
Narrative of a Journey Through Greece, in 1830. with Remarks Upon the State of the Naval and Military Power of the Ottoman Empire. by Trant, Thomas Abercromby
Rambles in Egypt and Candia, with details of the military power and resources of those countries, and observations on the government, policy, and comm by Scott, C. Rochfort
Military Service and Adventures in the Far East, including Sketches of the Campaigns against the Afghans in 1839 and the Sikhs in 1845-6. By a Cavalry by MacKinnon, Daniel Henry
The Bothnia Pilot, by Admiral G. AF Klint. [Translated from the Swedish by C. B. Coster, and Revised by H. W. Crowe.] by Klint, Gustaf, Coster, C. Bernard, Crowe, Henry Woodfall
Trenchline Deluxe: World War I PANZER KORPS supplement by Granillo, Manny
Minotaur by Cerullo, John
Special Needs Families in the Military: A Resource Guide by Moore, Janelle B., Philpott, Don
Extracts from the Diary of a Field Officer of the Bengal Army, During a Journey Overland from Bombay Via Aden, Etc. by Anonymous
Almost Forgotten: The Men from the Bridgeville and South Fayette Area Who Lost Their Lives While Serving in the Military by Oyler, Joseph K.
Bougainville: A Marine's Story by Helms, Doan, Jr.
The Responsibility to Protect: Norms, Laws and the Use of Force in International Politics by Thakur, Ramesh
War, Ethics and Justice: New Perspectives on a Post-9/11 World by
Terrorist Rehabilitation and Counter-Radicalisation: New Approaches to Counter-Terrorism by
Privateers and Privateering by Statham, Edward Phillips
American Sailors and United States Marines at War and Peace: Navy Sea Stories and Marine Corps Legacies by Johnson, Donald
The Cavalry of the Roman Republic by McCall, Jeremiah B.
The Fishguard Invasion by the French in 1797. Some Passages Taken from the Diary of the Late Reverend Daniel Rowlands, Sometime Vicar of Llanfiangelpe by Rowlands, Daniel
Narrative of Events During the Invasion of Russia by Wilson, Robert Thomas
The Mission at Van in Turkey in War Time by Knapp, Grace H.
Iberia Won; A Poem Descriptive of the Peninsular War; With Impressions from Recent Visits to the Battle-Grounds and Copious Historical and Illustrativ by Hughes, Terence McMahon
A Concise Narrative of All the Actions, in Which the British Forces Were Engaged, During the Present War, on the Continent [1793-95] ... Extracted fro by Ogden, James
The Closing Events of the Campaign in China: The Operations in the Yang-Tze-Kiang; And the Treaty of by Loch, Granville Gower
Anti-Japanese War-Scare Stories by Gulick, Sidney Lewis
The History of the Late Revolution of the Empire of the Great Mogol: Together with the Most Considerable Passages for 5 Years Following in That Empire by Oldenberg, Henry, Bernier, Francois, Brock, Irving
Release the Butterfly: Part One: A New World Order by Rose, Richard
Release the Butterfly: Part One: A New World Order by Rose, Richard
The Sword and the Green Cross: The Saga of the Knights of Saint Lazarus from the Crusades to the 21st Century. by Ellul, Max J.
The Sword and the Green Cross: The Saga of the Knights of Saint Lazarus from the Crusades to the 21st Century. by Ellul, Max J.
The Fighting Leathernecks: Marine Corps Action and Adventure Around the World by Lansford, William Douglas
Extraordinary Times: And Everyday Lives by Sturm, Melissa, Harris, Norma
Extraordinary Times: And Everyday Lives by Harris, Norma, Sturm, Melissa
Sea Power in Its Relations to the War of 1812 2 Volume Set by Mahan, Alfred Thayer
Sea Power in Its Relations to the War of 1812 - Volume 1 by Mahan, Alfred Thayer
Sea Power in Its Relations to the War of 1812 - Volume 2 by Mahan, Alfred Thayer
The Battle of Flodden Field Fought September 9, 1513 by Jones, Rev Robert
The Battle of the Sea of Japan by Klado, Captain Nicolas
The Battle of the Alma. from the Official Despatches. by an Enemy to Despotism. [A Poem.] by Anonymous
The Battle of Fontenoy by Corbet, William Joseph
The Battle of Fontenoy: A Historical Poem. Revised Edition by Corbet, William Joseph
My Hudson Ancestors from Virginia by Jarvis, Richard L.
The Iron 44th: The story of company H of the 44th Indiana volunteer infantry as told by the men of this company in letters sent home by Willey, Robert
The Iron 44th: The story of company H of the 44th Indiana volunteer infantry as told by the men of this company in letters sent home by Willey, Robert
The Transformation of Europe's Armed Forces: From the Rhine to Afghanistan by King, Anthony
War, Democracy and Culture in Classical Athens by
Seven War Stories by Meek Usaf (Retired), Lt Col Donald J.
Edge Hill: The Battle and Battlefield; Together with Some Notes on Banbury and Thereabouts. by Walford, Edwin Alfred
The Story of the Philippines and Our New Possessions by Halstead, Murat
The Xanthian Marbles; Their Acquisition and Transmission to England. by Fellows, Charles
Reminiscences of a Soldier. Vol. II by Stuart, William Kier
Reminiscences of a Soldier. Vol. I. by Stuart, William Kier
Is it Organic? by Popoff, Mischa
Early Greek Warfare: Horsemen and Chariots in the Homeric and Archaic Ages by Greenhalgh, P. A. L.
The Naval History of Great Britain 6 Volume Set: A New Edition, with Additions and Notes, and an Account of the Burmese War and the Battle of Navarino by James, William
History of the War in the Peninsula and in the South of France 6 Volume Set: From the Year 1807 to the Year 1814 by Napier, William Francis Patrick
Official Letters to the Honorable American Congress 2 Volume Set: Written During the War Between the United Colonies and Great Britain by Washington, George
The Life of Nelson 2 Volume Set: The Embodiment of the Sea Power of Great Britain by Mahan, Alfred Thayer
A History of the Late Siege of Gibraltar: With a Description and Account of That Garrison, from the Earliest Periods by Drinkwater, John
Types of Naval Officers Drawn from the History of the British Navy by Mahan, Alfred Thayer
The Invasion of the Crimea - Volume 4 by Kinglake, Alexander William
The Invasion of the Crimea - Volume 5 by Kinglake, Alexander William
Official Letters to the Honorable American Congress - Volume 1 by Washington, George
Official Letters to the Honorable American Congress - Volume 2 by Washington, George
History of the War in the Peninsula and in the South of France - Volume 2 by Napier, William Francis Patrick
History of the War in the Peninsula and in the South of France - Volume 3 by Napier, William Francis Patrick
History of the War in the Peninsula and in the South of France - Volume 4 by Napier, William Francis Patrick
History of the War in the Peninsula and in the South of France - Volume 5 by Napier, William Francis Patrick
The Life of Nelson - Volume 2 by Mahan, Alfred Thayer
The Naval History of Great Britain - Volume 6 by James, William
The Naval History of Great Britain - Volume 1 by James, William
The Naval History of Great Britain - Volume 3 by James, William
The Naval History of Great Britain - Volume 4 by James, William
The Naval History of Great Britain - Volume 5 by James, William
History of the War in the Peninsula and in the South of France - Volume 1 by Napier, William Francis Patrick
History of the War in the Peninsula and in the South of France - Volume 6 by Napier, William Francis Patrick
Caucasian Battlefields by Allen, William Edward David, Muratoff, Paul
Shipbuilding in Iron and Steel by Reed, Edward James
A Poem on the Late Civil War. by Cowley, Abraham, Etc
The Nordic Countries: From War to Cold War, 1944-51: Documents on British Policy Overseas, Series I, Vol. IX by
Hearts of Iron: The Epic Struggle of Teh 1st Marine Flame Tank Platoon: Korean War 1950-1953 by Carty, Jack, Ravino, Jerry
Diesel Engines: An Owner's Guide to Operation and Maintenance by Block, Leo
Proud to Serve My Country by Captain Vazquez-Rodriguez
Proud to Serve my Country by Captain Vazquez-Rodriguez
Biographia Navalis 6 Volume Paperback Set: Or, Impartial Memoirs of the Lives and Characters of Officers of the Navy of Great Britain, from the Year 1 by Charnock, John
Biographia Navalis: Or, Impartial Memoirs of the Lives and Characters of Officers of the Navy of Great Britain, from the Year 1660 to the by Charnock, John
Biographia Navalis - Volume 1 by Charnock, John
Biographia Navalis - Volume 2 by Charnock, John
Biographia Navalis - Volume 3 by Charnock, John
Biographia Navalis - Volume 5 by Charnock, John
Biographia Navalis - Volume 6 by Charnock, John
Engineers at War (United States Army in Vietnam series) by Traas, Adrian G., Center of Military History, United States Department of the Army
The Routledge Handbook of Energy Security by
Carrier Pilot: USS Hornet CV-12 1944 by Bush, Billy
AMBASSADORS IN BLUE - The Marine Security Guard Program by Bufalo, Andrew A.
Twelve Months with the Bashi-Bazouks by Money, Edward
Twelve Months with the Bashi-Bazouks by Money, Edward
An Alphabetical List of the Officers of the Grenadier Guards, from 1800 to 1854. by Smith, Henry Stooks
Two Letters Addressed to General Lord Harris. [Relating to the Suspension of Major Hart for Misconduct.] by Macaulay, Colin, Hart, Thomas
The First and Second Battles of Newbury and the Siege of Donnington Castle During the Civil War, A.D. 1643-6 ... Illustrated, Etc. by Money, Walter
The First Year of the War. by Pollard, Edward Albert
The First Year of the War. by Pollard, Edward Albert
Riverine Operations 1966-1969 by United States Department of the Army, Fulton, William B.
Circular - The Practical Use of Meteorological Reports and Weather Maps by Anon
A Soldier's Experience of God's Love and of His Faithfulness to His Word - Being a Few Notes from Military Services, with Thoughts by Malan, Charles Hamilton
Logistic Support by Heiser, Joseph M., United States Department of the Army
The 101st Airborne Division's Defense at Bastogne by Mitchell, Ralph M., Combat Studies Institute
The Easter Offensive of 1972 (U.S. Army Center for Military History Indochina Monograph series) by Truong, Ngo Quan
Langley's Aero Engine of 1903 by Meyer, Robert B.
RLG Military Operations and Activities in the Laotian Panhandle (U.S. Army Center for Military History Indochina Monograph series) by U S Army Center of Military History, Soutchay, Vongsavanh
Mounted Combat in Vietnam by Starry, Don A.
Allied Participation in Vietnam by Larson, Stanley R., Collins, James L., United States Department of the Army
History of the War in the Peninsula and in the South of France, from the Year 1807 to the Year 1814. from the Fourth Edition with Engravings by Napier, William Francis Patrick
A War Diary of Events in the War of the Great Rebellion. 1863-1865. by Gordon, George H.
Historical Sketch of the Second War Between the United States of America, and Great Britain, Declared by Act of Congress, the 18th of June, 1812, and by Ingersoll, Charles Jared
The Southern States Since the War. 1870-1. with Map. by Somers, Robert
The Seats of the Mighty. Being the Memoirs of Captain Robert Moray, Sometime an Officer in the Virginia Regiment. by Parker, Gilbert
The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England, Begun in the Year 1641. by Clarendon, Edward Hyde, Earl
Russian Wars with Turkey. with Maps by Russell, Frank Shirley
The History of the Rebellion and Civil Wars in England, Begun in the Year 1641. by Clarendon, Edward Hyde, Earl
Some Account of the Capture of the Ship "Aurora." [Edited with an Introduction by Jay Milles.] by Milles, Jay, Freneau, Philip Morin
The Romance of the Revolution, Being a History of the Personal Adventures, Heroic Exploits, and Romantic Incidents, as Enacted in the War of Independe by Bunce, Oliver Bell
Richmond Prisons, 1861-1862. Compiled from the Original Records, Etc. by Jeffrey, William H.
The Victories of the British Armies, with Anecdotes Illustrative of Modern Warfare. by the Author of "Stories of Waterloo" i.e. William Hamilton Maxwe by Maxwell, William Hamilton, Anonymous
A Sketch of the Prison in the Russian and Polish War [Of 1831]. by Zabrocki, J.
Report of the Engineer and Artillery Operations of the Army of the Potomac, from Its Organization to the Close of the Peninsular Campaign, Etc. by Barry, William Farquhar, Barnard, John Gross
Scenes from Military Life. by Penny, Richard
The Seats of the Mighty. Being the Memoirs of Captain Robert Moray, Sometime an Officer in the Virginia Regiment, Etc. by Parker, Gilbert
The Santiago Campaign. by Wheeler, Joseph
Specimen Pages of the American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-'64. ... Illustrated by Portraits on S by Greeley, Horace
Scotland in 1298. Documents Relating to the Campaign of King Edward the First in That Year, and Especially to the Battle of Falkirk. Edited by H. G. by Gough, Henry
The Invasion of the Crimea: Its Origin, and an Account of Its Progress Down to the Death of Lord Raglan by Kinglake, Alexander William
Steam Warfare in the Parana: A Narrative of Operations by the Combined Squadrons of England and France. by MacKinnon, Laughlan Bellingham
The Naval and Military History of the Wars of England, Including, the Wars of Scotland and Ireland, Etc. by Mante, Thomas
Short Sketch of the Campaign in Austria of 1866 ... with a Description of the Battle-Field of Sadowa, by Captain Webber ... Reprinted, with Additions, by Cooke, Anthony Charles, Webber, Charles Edmund
History of the Great Civil War, 1642-1649. by Gardiner, Samuel Rawson
The Invasion of the Crimea: Its Origin, and an Account of Its Progress Down to the Death of Lord Raglan by Kinglake, Alexander William
The War in the Northern Provinces 1966-1968 by Pearson, Willard, United States Department of the Army
The South Vietnamese Society (U.S. Army Center for Military History Indochina Monograph series) by Tho, Tran Dinh, U S Army Center of Military History, Duy Hinh, Nguyen
Soviet Night Operations in World War II by Sasso, Cluade R., Combat Studies Institute
Sebastian B Rster's Beschreibung Des Schwedischen Krieges 1630-1647. Nach Der Original-Handschrift, Herausgegeben Von Dr. Friedrich Von Weech. by Weech, Friedrich Otto Aristides Von, Buerster, Sebastian
The Invasion of the Crimea: Its Origin, and an Account of Its Progress Down to the Death of Lord Raglan by Kinglake, Alexander William
Southern History of the War.-The Third Year of the War. by Pollard, Edward Albert
The Sinking of the "Merrimac": A Personal Narrative of the Adventure in the Harbor of Santiago de Cuba, June 3, 1898, and of the Subsequent Imprisonm by Hobson, Richmond Pearson
What I Saw of the War at the Battles of Speichern, Gorze and Gravelotte. a Narrative of Two Months' Campaigning with the Prussian Army of the Moselle by Winn, Charles Mark Allanson
Springhaven. a Tale of the Great War ... Third Edition. by Blackmore, R. D.
Sebastopol Trenches, and Five Months in Them by Pack, Reynell
The History of the Norman Conquest of England, Its Causes and Its Results. by Freeman, Edward Augustus
Waterloo. a Narrative and a Criticism by Horsburgh, Edward Lee Stuart
A Short History of the Union Jack. Comprising a Chronological List of Its Important Victories. by Holmes, William Henry B. C. L.
The Victories of the British Army in the Peninsula and the South of France, from 1808 to 1814. an Epitome ... of Napier's "History of the Peninsular W by O'Byrne, Robert W., Gurwood, John, Napier, William Francis Patrick
Narrative of the Defence of Kars, Historical and Military. from Documents and Notes Taken by the Several Officers Serving on the Staff of Her Majesty' by Teesdale, Charles Christopher, Lake, Henry Atwell, Simpson, William
The Peninsular Campaign of General McClellan in 1862. by Macclellan, George Brinton
The History of the Twenty-Ninth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry, in the Late War of the Rebellion. by Osborne, William H.
History of the Great Civil War, 1642-1649. by Gardiner, Samuel Rawson
The Last Punic War. Tunis, Past and Present, with a Narrative of the French Conquest of the Regency ... with Illustrations [And a Map]. by Broadley, Alexander Meyrick
Narrative of the Ashantee War; With a View of the Present State of the Colony of Sierra Leone. by Ricketts, H. I.
The History of the Helvetic Confederacy. the Second Edition. Vol. III. by Planta, Joseph
Napoleon Bonaparte's First Campaign. with Comments by Sargent, Herbert Howland, Napoleon
Historical Sketch of the Old Sixth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteers During Its Three Campaigns in 1861, 1862, 1863 and 1864, ... Illustrated by Ph by Hanson, John Wesley
Memoirs of the Principal Events in the Campaigns of North Holland and Egypt: Together with a Brief Description of the Islands of Crete, Rhodes, Syracu by Maule, Francis
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