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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Military History in 2012

Alfred's Wars: Sources and Interpretations of Anglo-Saxon Warfare in the Viking Age by Lavelle, Ryan
The Diary of Terror: Ethiopia 1974 to 1991 by Shifaw, Dawit
Middle East Perspectives: From Lebanon (1968-1988) by Mardelli, Bassil A.
The Diary of Terror: Ethiopia 1974 to 1991 by Shifaw, Dawit
Middle East Perspectives: From Lebanon (1968-1988) by Mardelli, Bassil A.
The Golden Peaches Of Samarkand: A Study Of T'ang Exotics by Schafer, Edward H.
The New Russia: Between the First and Second Five Year Plans by
Elements of Chinese Historiography by Han, Yu Shan
International Intelligence Cooperation and Accountability by
Radicalisation and Media: Connectivity and Terrorism in the New Media Ecology by Hoskins, Andrew, Awan, Akil, O'Loughlin, Ben
Die Wehrmacht: Mythos Und Realität. Sonderausgabe by
Hitlers Wehrmacht 1935-1945 by Müller, Rolf-Dieter
Boysna the Austrian Dancing Bear: Volume 1 by McGee, Jo-Anne
Paris-London Connection: The Assassination of Princess Diana by Morgan, John
Asia: A Short History from the Earliest Times to the Present Day by Gowen, Herbert Henry
The Quest For A Principle Of Authority In Europe, 1715-Present: Select Problems In Historical Interpretation by Foord, Archibald S., Mendenhall, Thomas Corwin, Henning, Basil Duke
The Delaware Continentals, 1776-1783 by Ward, Christopher Longstreth
Horses, People and Parliament in the English Civil War: Extracting Resources and Constructing Allegiance. Gavin Robinson by Robinson, Gavin
Suitors and Suppliants: The Little Nations at Versailles by Bonsal, Stephen
Why The North Won The Civil War by
Why The North Won The Civil War by
The Rise and Fall of Civilization: An Inquiry Into the Relationship Between Economic Development and Civilization by Clough, Shepard Bancroft
Small Unit Action in Vietnam Summer 1966 by West, Francis J.
History of U.S. Marine Corps Operations in World War II. Volume I: Pearl Harbor to Guadalcanal by Ludwig, Verle E., Us Marine Corps Historical Branch, Hough, Frank O.
History of U.S. Marine Corps Operations in World War II. Volume III: Central Pacific Drive by Us Marine Corps Historical Branch, Nalty, Bernard C., Shaw, Henry I.
Marine Corps Aviation: The Early Years 1912-1940 by Johnson, Edward C., III
Marines in the Spanish-American War 1895-1899: Anthology and Annotated Bibliography by Schulimson, Jack, Renfrew, Wanda J.
One Hundred Eighty Landings of United States Marines 1800-1934 by Ellsworth, Harry Allanson
Small Unit Action in Vietnam Summer 1966 by West, Francis J.
The United States Marine Corps in the World War by McClennan, Edwin N., Chapman, L. F.
U.S. Marines in the Vietnam War: An Expanding War 1966 by Schulimson, Jack
U.S. Marines in the Vietnam War: High Mobility and Standdown 1969 by Smith, Charles R., Jr.
U.S. Marines in the Vietnam War: The War That Would Not End 1971-1973 by Melson, Charles D., Arnold, Curtis G.
Atlas and Titan Space Operations at Cape Canaveral 1993-2006 by Cleary, Mark C., History Office, 45th Space Wing
Marine Advisors with the Vietnamese Marine Corps: Selected Documents Prepared by the U.S. Marine Advisory Unit, Naval Advisory Group by
Leadership Lessons and Remembrances from Vietnam by Nickerson, Herman
History of U.S. Marine Corps Operations in World War II. Volume II: Isolation of Rabual by Shaw, Henry I., Us Marine Corps Historical Branch, Kane, Douglas T.
History of U.S. Marine Corps Operations in World War II. Volume V: Victory and Occupation by Us Marine Corps Historical Branch, Frank, Benis M., Shaw, Henry I.
Marines and Helicopters 1946-1962 by Rawlins, Eugene W.
U.S. Marine Corps Civic Action Effort in Vietnam March 1965 - March 1966 by Us Marine Corps Historical Branch, Stolfi, Russell H.
Marines and Helicopters 1962-1973 by Fails, William R.
Airpower and Ground Armies: Essays on the Evolution of Anglo-American Air Doctrine, 1940-43 by Spires, David, Mets, David R., Mortensen, Daniel R.
Pearl Harbor Revisited: United States Navy Communications Intelligence, 1924-1941 by Parker, Frederick D., History, Center for Cryptologic
A War of Their Own: Bombers Over the Southwest Pacific by Rodman, Captain Usaf Matthew K.
Inside the Cold War: A Cold Warrior's Reflections by Adams, Chris
Technology and Military Doctrine: Essays on a Challenging Relationship by Holley, Jr. Major General Usaf Retire
The Air Campaign: John Warden and the Classical Airpower Theorists by Mets, David R.
Essays on World War I by
Survivor: A Wartime Memoir by Fisher, Michiko
Winning the War on War: The Decline of Armed Conflict Worldwide by Goldstein, Joshua S.
Hidden History of Civil War Charleston by Eastman, Margaret Middleton Rivers
Alexandria Goes to War: Beyond Robert E. Lee by Kundahl, George G.
Inside the Cold War - A Cold Warrior's Reflections by Adams, Chris, Press, Air University
The Machinery of Government Needs a Tune-Up - Lessons for the U.S. National Security Council from the British Committee of Imperial Defence by Manske, Chad T.
The Routledge Handbook of the Responsibility to Protect by
Another Yin Oan a Wan Way Tickut: A personal diary documenting the rise from Belisha Boy signalman to the giddy heights of 2nd Lieutenant by Brown, Brian
Warriors, Diplomats, Heroes, Why America's Army Succeeds - Lessons for Business and Life by Paradis, Scott F.
A UN 'Legion': Between Utopia and Reality by Kinloch Pichat, Stephen
Thunder Over Europe by Powell, Edward Alexander
Cave Paintings of the Great Hunters by Fairservis, Walter Ashlin, Jr.
The Cryptographic Mathematics of Enigma by Miller, A. Ray
Future Operator Symposium Proceedings: Air University Air Force Symposium Series 2010-2 by Johnson, Colonel Us Air Force Retired, Landry, Ph. D. Lieutenant Colonel Us Ai
Marine Corps Historical Center Writing Guide by Corps, U. S. Marine
Those Red Tag Bastards: Their Dreams, Their Lives, Their Memories by
The Routledge Handbook of European Security by
The Dirty Boots: The Stories of a Reluctant Warrior by Holm, John F.
The Dirty Boots: The Stories of a Reluctant Warrior by Holm, John F.
Buddhism and Violence: Militarism and Buddhism in Modern Asia by
Chaos Theory: The Essentials for Military Applications: Naval War College Newport Papers 10 by James, Major Us Air Force Glenn E.
Spirits of the Border: The History and Mystery of Concordia by Hudnall, Ken
Bringing Intelligence About: Practitioners Reflect on Best Practices by Swenson, Russell G.
Mentalität im Wandel: Untersuchung des Denkmalstreits in Estland Hauptstadt Tallinn von 2006 by Bolz, Michael
The Eleventh Day: The Full Story of 9/11 by Summers, Anthony, Swan, Robbyn
To Any Foe: History of the Ninety-Eighth Engineer (General Service) Regiment of African Americans in World War II by Gordon, Robert D.
Theatre and War: Theatrical Responses Since 1991 by Colleran, J.
History of the War in France and Belgium, in 1815 2 Volume Set: Containing Minute Details of the Battles of Quatre-Bras, Ligny, Wavre, and Waterloo by Siborne, William
History of the War in France and Belgium, in 1815 - Volume 1 by Siborne, Captain William, Siborne, William
History of the War in France and Belgium, in 1815 - Volume 2 by Siborne, William, Siborne, Captain William
A Gallant Defense: The Siege of Charleston, 1780 by Borick, Carl P.
Beginnings,1948: The Beginning of an Era the Beginning of a State the Beginning of a Family by Eizik, Tova
Beginnings,1948: The Beginning of an Era the Beginning of a State the Beginning of a Family by Eizik, Tova
Military Comedy Films: A Critical Survey and Filmography of Hollywood Releases Since 1918 by Erickson, Hal
Watching War by Mieszkowski, Jan
Watching War by Mieszkowski, Jan
George Napier of the 52nd: Personal Recollections of Service with the Light Division During the Peninsular War Under Moore & Wellington by Napier, George T.
George Napier of the 52nd: Personal Recollections of Service with the Light Division During the Peninsular War Under Moore & Wellington by Napier, George T.
AB-Sa-Ra-Ka or Wyoming Opened: The Classic Account of A U. S. Army Officer's Wife on the Great Plains During the Indian War by Carrington, Margaret Irvin
AB-Sa-Ra-Ka or Wyoming Opened: The Classic Account of A U. S. Army Officer's Wife on the Great Plains During the Indian Wars by Carrington, Margaret Irvin
The Bravest of the Brave: Michel Ney, Marshal of France Under Napoleon by Atteridge, A. Hilliard
The Bravest of the Brave: Michel Ney, Marshal of France Under Napoleon by Atteridge, A. Hilliard
Nobody's Children: The Recollections of a Nurse in India in the Last Years of the British Raj by Green, Irene
Military Service and Adventures in the Far East: The Experiences of an Officer of the H. M. 16th (the Queen's) Lancers During the 1st Afghan War & the by MacKinnon, Daniel Henry
Military Service and Adventures in the Far East: The Experiences of an Officer of the H. M. 16th (the Queen's) Lancers During the 1st Afghan War & the by MacKinnon, Daniel Henry
Bonaparte in Egypt: The French Campaign of 1798-1801 from the Egyptian Perspective by Browne, Haji a.
Bonaparte in Egypt: The French Campaign of 1798-1801 from the Egyptian Perspective by Browne, Haji a.
Joachim Murat: Napoleon's Great Commander of Cavalry by Atteridge, A. Hilliard
Joachim Murat: Napoleon's Great Commander of Cavalry by Atteridge, A. Hilliard
Nobody's Children: The Recollections of a Nurse in India in the Last Years of the British Raj by Green, Irene
A History Of Browning Guns From 1831 by J. M. and M. S. Browning Company
War-Path and Bivouac or the Conquest of the Sioux: a Newspaper Reporter's Experiences of the Plains Indian War 1876-79 by Finerty, John Frederick
Semi-Private: Or How To Be A Soldier In Ten Easy Lessons by O'Leary, Edward J.
Rufus Dawes of the Iron Brigade: Service with the Sixth Wisconsin Volunteers During the American Civil War by Dawes, Rufus R.
War-Path and Bivouac or the Conquest of the Sioux: A Newspaper Reporter's Experiences of the Plains Indian War 1876-79 by Finerty, John Frederick
Rufus Dawes of the Iron Brigade: Service with the Sixth Wisconsin Volunteers During the American Civil War by Dawes, Rufus R.
France Under Fire: German Invasion, Civilian Flight and Family Survival During World War II by Dombrowski Risser, Nicole
Winning and Losing on the Western Front: The British Third Army and the Defeat of Germany in 1918 by Boff, Jonathan
Memoirs of a Wartime Romance by Whitmore, Jane Siegel, Feinberg, Andrea Siegel
War and Peace in Our Time: Mormon Perspectives by
The Gulf War, 1990-91 by Allison, William Thomas
The Gulf War, 1990-91 by Allison, William Thomas
Gender and Conflict Since 1914: Historical and Interdisciplinary Perspectives by Carden-Coyne, Ana
Planning for Action: Campaign Concepts and Tools by Kem, Jack D., Army Command and General Staff College, Us Army Combined Arms Center
"They Wouldn't Let Us Win": Jackson County, Alabama, Veterans Relive the Vietnam War by Dykes, Ronald H.
"They Wouldn't Let Us Win": Jackson County, Alabama, Veterans Relive the Vietnam War by Dykes, Ronald H.
The Iraq War: A Documentary and Reference Guide by Mockaitis, Thomas
Miss You to Pieces: A Deployment Story and Project Idea for Kids by Purkey, Donna M.
The History Of Salt by Morton Salt Company
A Political History Of Parthia by Debevoise, Neilson Carel
Benning's Brigade: Volume 2, a History and Roster of the Second, Seventeenth, and Twentieth Georgia Volunteer Infantry Regiments by Dameron, J. David
Saddle and Saber: The Letters of Civil War Cavalryman Corporal Nelson Taylor by Taylor, Gray Nelson
The Civil War Letters of William A. Robinson and the Story of the 89th New York Volunteer Infantry by Taylor, Robert J.
A Documentary History of the Problem of Fall from Kepler to Newton: de Motu Gravium Naturaliter Cadentium in Hypothesi Terrae Motae by Koyre, Alexandre
A History Of Man's Progress From 1830 To The Present by Warp, Harold
Jasper County Yankee: Campaigns of the 38th Regiment, Illinois Volunteer Infantry, Company K Written by William Elwood Patterson, 1861-1863 by Patterson, William Elwood, Patterson, Lowell Wayne
The Great Illusion A Study of the Relation of Military Power to National Advantage by Angell, Norman
Birthright of War: Civilization's Struggles from Ancient to Modern Times by King, Charles R.
The Blockade Runners by Verne, Jules
Criminal Insurgencies in Mexico and the Americas: The Gangs and Cartels Wage War by
History of The Civil War 1861-1865 by Rhodes, James Ford
To Follow in Their Footsteps by Paul, Nicholas L.
Chronological History of the West Indies - Volume 1 by Southey, Thomas
Chronological History of the West Indies - Volume 3 by Southey, Thomas
Custer 1861-1865: The Custer America Forgot by Walker, Paul D.
Hostages in the Middle Ages by Kosto, Adam J.
Custer 1861-1865: The Custer America Forgot by Walker, Paul D.
A History Of Metallography: The Development Of Ideas On The Structure Of Metals Before 1890 by Smith, Cyril Stanley
A History Of Technology, V3: From The Renaissance To The Industrial Revolution, 1500 To 1750 by
A History of Slavic Studies in the United States by Manning, Clarence Augustus
New London Whaling Captains: The Marine Historical Association, No. 12, November 25, 1936 by Colby, Barnard Ledward
3 D Deceit, Duplicity & Dissimulation of U.S. Foreign Policy Towards India, Pakistan & Afghanistan by Goswami, Arvind
3 D Deceit, Duplicity & Dissimulation of U.S. Foreign Policy Towards India, Pakistan & Afghanistan by Goswami, Arvind
History of the Early Settlement and Indian Wars of Western Virginia by de Hass, Wills
Bombs Over Bosnia: The Role of Airpower in Bosnia-Herzegovina by Beale, Michael O.
Paris-London Connection: The Assassination of Princess Diana by Morgan, John
The Army in the Pacific: A Century of Engagement by McNaughton, James C., Center of Military History, United States Army
The Army in the Pacific: A Century of Engagement by McNaughton, James C., United States Army, Center of Military History
The Continental Commitment: Britain, Hanover and Interventionism 1714-1793 by Black, Jeremy
Orde Wingate and the British Internal Security Strategy During the Arab Rebellion in Palestine, 1936-1939 by Combat Studies Institute Press, Lehenbauer, Mark
German Disarmament After World War I: The Diplomacy of International Arms Inspection 1920-1931 by Shuster, Richard J.
Railways and International Politics: Paths of Empire, 1848-1945 by
Indonesia's War over Aceh: Last Stand on Mecca's Porch by Davies, Matt
Lone Wolf Terror and the Rise of Leaderless Resistance by Michael, George
The Untold Story of German and Austrian Prisoners of War in China by Weiming, Gu, Xuetong, Li
How To Shoot The U.S. Army Rifle: A Graphic Handbook On Correct Shooting by Goodfriend, Arthur
How England Got Its Merchant Marine, 1066-1776 by Hunter, Henry C.
U.S. Marines in Battle: Fort Fisher, December 1864-January 1865 by Kummer, David W., U. S. Marine Corps History Office
Reports of General MacArthur: Japanese Operations in the Southwest Pacific Area. Volume 2, Part 1 by Center of Military History, MacArthur, Douglas
Reports of General MacArthur: Japanese Operations in the Southwest Pacific Area. Volume 2, Part 2 by Center of Military History, MacArthur, Douglas
Guns Of The Old West by Chapel, Charles Edward
Guns Of The Old West by Chapel, Charles Edward
Reports of General MacArthur: MacArthur in Japan: The Occupation: Military Phase. Volume 1 Supplement by Center of Military History, MacArthur, Douglas
Reports of General MacArthur: The Campaigns of MacArthur in the Pacific. Volume 1 by Center of Military History, MacArthur, Douglas
Reports of General MacArthur: MacArthur in Japan: The Occupation: Military Phase. Volume 1 Supplement by Center of Military History, MacArthur, Douglas
Reports of General MacArthur: Japanese Operations in the Southwest Pacific Area. Volume 2, Part 1 by Center of Military History, MacArthur, Douglas
Reports of General MacArthur: Japanese Operations in the Southwest Pacific Area. Volume 2, Part 2 by MacArthur, Douglas, Center of Military History
Reports of General MacArthur: The Campaigns of MacArthur in the Pacific. Volume 1 by Center of Military History, MacArthur, Douglas
Normandy: A Graphic History of D-Day: The Allied Invasion of Hitler's Fortress Europe by Vansant, Wayne
Reclaiming the Strike Zone: Do It American by Baltov, Victor Alexander, Jr.
Survival Through Adaptation: The Chinese Red Army and the Encirclement Campaigns, 1927-1936 by Hsu, Wilbur W.
Reclaiming the Strike Zone: Do It American by Baltov, Victor Alexander, Jr.
Chicken Soup for the Veteran's Soul: Stories to Stir the Pride and Honor the Courage of Our Veterans by Hansen, Mark Victor, Slagter, Sidney R., Canfield, Jack
Duty Driven: The Plight of North Alabama's African Americans During the Civil War by Towns, Peggy Allen
Lord of the Loincloth: The Adventures of the Royal Naval African Expedition and Its Intrepid Leader, Commander Geoffrey Basil Spicer-Simson by Dow, Christopher
Duty Driven: The Plight of North Alabama's African Americans During the Civil War by Towns, Peggy Allen
A History of the United States Marine Corps by Metcalf, Clyde Hill
Stilwell's Mission to China by Romanus, Charles F., Sunderland, Riley
The Psychology of the Athenian Hoplite: The Culture of Combat in Classical Athens by Crowley, Jason
The Balkans: Nationalism, War, and the Great Powers, 1804-2011 by Glenny, Misha
The Use of Horses in the Military - A Collection of Classic Equestrian Magazine Articles by Various
American Resolve and the Art of War: A Study and Application of Military Tactics by Proctor, John
American Resolve and the Art of War: A Study and Application of Military Tactics by Proctor, John
The Global Partnership Against WMD: Success and Shortcomings of G8 Threat Reduction since 9/11 by Chalmers, Hugh, Bowen, Wyn Q., Heyes, Alan
The Cambridge History of War: Volume 4, War and the Modern World by
Rompiendo Cadenas by Gonzalez, Juan
'The Army Isn't All Work': Physical Culture and the Evolution of the British Army, 1860-1920 by Campbell, James D.
Greek and Macedonian Land Battles of the 4th Century B.C.: A History and Analysis of 187 Engagements by Ray, Fred Eugene
How Fighting Ends: A History of Surrender by
The U.S. Army and the Korean War: Truce Tent and Fighting Front by Center of Military History, Us Army, Hermes, Walter G.
The Civil War Begins: Opening Clashes, 1861 by Center of Military History, Us Army, Murray, Jennifer M.
The U.S. Army and the Korean War: Policy and Direction - The First Year by Center of Military History, Us Army, Schnabel, James F.
The U.S. Army and the Korean War: Policy and Direction - The First Year by Schnabel, James F., Center of Military History, Us Army
The U.S. Army and the Korean War: South to the Naktong, North to the Yalu by Appleman, Roy E., Center of Military History, Us Army
The U.S. Army and the Korean War: Truce Tent and Fighting Front by Hermes, Walter G., Center of Military History, Us Army
The U.S. Army and the Korean War: Ebb and Flow by Mossman, Billy C., Center of Military History, Us Army
The U.S. Army and the Korean War: Ebb and Flow by Center of Military History, Us Army, Mossman, Billy C.
Humanitarian Intervention Assisting the Iraqi Kurds in Operation PROVIDE COMFORT, 1991 by Rudd, Gordon W., Center of Military History, Us Army
Humanitarian Intervention Assisting the Iraqi Kurds in Operation PROVIDE COMFORT, 1991 by Rudd, Gordon W., Center of Military History, Us Army
The Army Medical Department, 1775-1818 by Center of Military History, Us Army, Gillet, Mary C.
The Army Medical Department, 1775-1818 by Center of Military History, Us Army, Gillet, Mary C.
The Army Medical Department, 1818-1865 by Gillet, Mary C., Center of Military History, Us Army
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