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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Military History in 2016

A Short History of Standing Armies in England by Trenchard, John
The Ethics of War: Second Edition by Coates, A. J.
Target Markets: North Korea's Military Customers by Berger, Andrea
Soldiers on the Home Front: The Domestic Role of the American Military by Dycus, Stephen, Banks, William C.
A Historic Context for the African American Military Experience by U. S. Army Command and General Staff Coll
War, Demobilization and Memory: The Legacy of War in the Era of Atlantic Revolutions by
Loyalty, Leadership, and the Profession: A Grass Roots Approach to Civil-Military Relations by United States Army War College
World War II Arroyo Grande by Gregory, Jim
World War II Arroyo Grande by Gregory, Jim
Participants in the Battle of the Little Big Horn: A Biographical Dictionary of Sioux, Cheyenne and United States Military Personnel, 2d ed. by Wagner, Frederic C.
Cultural Responses to Occupation in Japan: The Performing Body During and After the Cold War by Broinowski, Adam
Military History of North Korea by Brown, Daniel
Die Wirtschaftlichen Grundlagen Der Kriegführenden Mächte by Oppel, A.
Die Vogesen Und Ihre Kampfstätten by Mayer, Adrian
Der Russisch-Türkische Kriegsschauplatz by Grothe, Hugo
Der Kanal Mit Seinen Küsten Und Flottenstützpunkten by Spethmann, Hans
Kohlennot Und Kohlen-Vorräte Im Weltkriege by Frech, F.
Japan- Und Die Japaner by Erkes, Ed
Indian Power Projection: Ambition, Arms and Influence by Joshi, Shashank
Chiang Kai Shek and the Kuomintang Army: A Pictorial History of Taiwan in 1955 - 1956 by Joyce, Eileen
The Big E: The Story of the USS Enterprise, Illustrated Edition by Stafford, Estate Of Edward P.
Wie der Weltkrieg entstand by Kautsky, Karl
The United States Infantry Squad: Year 2015 by U. S. Army Command and General Staff Colle
The Overland Campaign: 4 May - 15 June 1864 by United States Army
The War: "Stonewall" Jackson His Campaigns, and Battles, The Regiment As I Saw Them by Wood, James H.
The Search for a Cold War Grand Strategy by United States Army Command and General S.
Reg Dixon's Photoalbum: War Photos 1940s onwards by Van Praag, Walter J. J., Dixon, John Frederick
Attache Extraordinaire: Vernon A. Walters in Brazil by de Oliveira, Frank Márcio
The Ethics of War: Second Edition by Coates, A. J.
The New Zealand Cross: The rarest bravery award in the world by Kieran, Brian L.
Military Experience in the Age of Reason by Duffy, Christopher
Military Manpower, Armies and Warfare in South Asia by Roy, Kaushik
Detente in Europe, 1972-1976: Documents on British Policy Overseas, Series III, Volume III by
Merchants and the Military in Eighteenth-Century Britain: British Army Contracts and Domestic Supply, 1739-1763 by Bannerman, Gordon E.
War for the Hell of It; A Fighter Pilot's View of Vietnam by Cobleigh, Ed
Preußische Zündnadelgewehre: Leitfaden für angehende Sammler und Schützen by Finze, Wolfgang
2024 Unmanned Undersea Warfare Concept by Naval Postgraduate School
88 Days to Kandahar: A CIA Diary by Grenier, Robert L.
Friedrich Vollborn - Erlebtes (I+II): vom 16.04.1808 bis mit 27.03.1813 by
Spain's Martyred Cities: From the Battle of Madrid to Picasso's Guernica by Minchom
Coups from Below: Armed Subalterns and State Power in West Africa by Kandeh, Jimmy, Kandeh, J.
Auschwitz Death Camp by Baxter, Ian
The Russo-Turkish War, 1768-1774: Catherine II and the Ottoman Empire by Davies, Brian L.
The Struggle for North America, 1754-1758: Britannia's Tarnished Laurels by Yagi, George
The Russo-Turkish War, 1768-1774: Catherine II and the Ottoman Empire by Davies, Brian L.
Conduct Unbecoming: Fifteen Military Criminals, Rogues and Victims of Justice from the Revolutionary War to Vietnam by James Wise, Jr., Baron, Scott
El Atentado Del Siglo A Fidel Castro by Marchante, Frank
The Democratic Soldier: The life of General Gustave P. Cluseret by Phalen, William J.
Bringing Intelligence About: Practitioners Reflect on Best Practices by College, Joint Military Intelligence
The Japan-Russia War by Tyler, Sydney
L'Empire Libéral: Études, Récits, Souvenirs. Tome 15 by Ollivier, Emile
L'Empire Libéral: Études, Récits, Souvenirs. Tome 16 by Ollivier, Emile
L'Empire Libéral: Études, Récits, Souvenirs. Tome 4 by Ollivier, Emile
L'Empire Libéral: Études, Récits, Souvenirs. Tome 9 by Ollivier, Emile
L'Empire Libéral: Études, Récits, Souvenirs. Tome 11 by Ollivier, Emile
L'Empire Libéral: Études, Récits, Souvenirs. Tome 3 by Ollivier, Emile
L'Empire Libéral: Études, Récits, Souvenirs. Tome 14 by Ollivier, Emile
L'Empire Libéral: Études, Récits, Souvenirs. Tome 12 by Ollivier, Emile
L'Empire Libéral: Études, Récits, Souvenirs. Tome 5 by Ollivier, Emile
L'Empire Libéral: Études, Récits, Souvenirs. Tome 10 by Ollivier, Emile
L'Empire Libéral: Études, Récits, Souvenirs. Tome 6 by Ollivier, Emile
L'Empire Libéral: Études, Récits, Souvenirs. Tome 7 by Ollivier, Emile
L'Empire Libéral: Études, Récits, Souvenirs. [Tome 13] by Ollivier, Emile
L'Empire Libéral: Études, Récits, Souvenirs. Tome 8 by Ollivier, Emile
L'Empire Libéral: Études, Récits, Souvenirs. Tome 17 by Ollivier, Emile
L'Empire Libéral: Études, Récits, Souvenirs. Tome 1 by Ollivier, Emile
L'Empire Libéral: Études, Récits, Souvenirs. Tome 2 by Ollivier, Emile
Citizenship Law in Africa: 3rd Edition by Manby, Bronwen
Edward J. Steptoe and the Indian Wars: Life on the Frontier, 1815-1865 by McFarland, Ron
What I Remember of the Great Rebellion: Late Surgeon Eighth Michigan Infantry and Surgeon-in-Chief Field Hospital, First Devision, Ninth Army Corps by Jackson, James N., Fox, Wells B.
Corruption Risks in Nigeria's Defence and Security Establishments: An Assessment by Uddoh, Jude
World War I and the Sacramento Valley by Dewilde, Amanda G., Special Collections of the Sacramento Pu
Utilitarianism and the Ethics of War by Shaw, William H.
American Policy Toward Israel: The Power and Limits of Beliefs by Thomas, Michael
Understanding Network Centric Warfare by Sirohi, M. N.
Historical Dictionary of the British and Irish Civil Wars 1637-1660 by Bennett, Martyn
Military Space Force and Modern Defence by Sirohi
War in Europe: 1450 to the Present by Black, Jeremy
Foch the Man by Laughlin, Clara E.
Fort Lewis:: Cold War to the War on Terror by Archambault, Alan H.
The Army of Afghanistan: A Political History of a Fragile Institution by Giustozzi, Antonio
Collateral Damage: A Candid History of a Peculiar Form of Death by Rosen, Frederik
Utilitarianism and the Ethics of War by Shaw, William H.
An Illustrated Introduction to the Somme 1916 by Parker, Robert J.
Iwo Jima 1945 by Rawson, Andrew
Kitchener's Mob by Hall, James Norman
From Indus to Independence - A Trek Through Indian History: The Disintegration of Empires by Kainikara
History of the United States from the Compromise of 1850 - Vol. I by Rhodes, James Ford
An Historical Review of the Spanish Revolution by Blaquiere, Edward
Players Plans & Pawns: A Comprehensive Narrative of Military Operations, Planning and Dramatis Persona in the Eastern Armies January to June by Campbell, Kevin
Players Plans & Pawns: A Comprehensive Narrative of Military Operations, Planning and Dramatis Persona in the Eastern Armies January to June by Campbell, Kevin
I Am a Good Ol' Rebel: A Biography and Civil War Account of Confederate Brigadier General William H. F. Payne by Houghtalen, Robert
I Am a Good Ol' Rebel: A Biography and Civil War Account of Confederate Brigadier General William H. F. Payne by Houghtalen, Robert
Struggle for Control of the Hinterland of the Bight of Biafra: The Untold Story of the British Military Expedition to Igbo Land (1830-1930) by Ihekwaba, Frank Nwabueze
Struggle for Control of the Hinterland of the Bight of Biafra: The Untold Story of the British Military Expedition to Igbo Land (1830-1930) by Ihekwaba, Frank Nwabueze
Struggle for Control of the Hinterland of the Bight of Biafra: The Untold Story of the British Military Expedition to Igbo Land (1830-1930) by Ihekwaba, Frank Nwabueze
Struggle for Control of the Hinterland of the Bight of Biafra: The Untold Story of the British Military Expedition to Igbo Land (1830-1930) by Ihekwaba, Frank Nwabueze
Struggle for Control of the Hinterland of the Bight of Biafra: The Untold Story of the British Military Expedition to Igbo Land (1830-1930) by Ihekwaba, Frank Nwabueze
Struggle for Control of the Hinterland of the Bight of Biafra: The Untold Story of the British Military Expedition to Igbo Land (1830-1930) by Ihekwaba, Frank Nwabueze
In the Name of Rome: The Men Who Won the Roman Empire by Goldsworthy, Adrian
American Cobra Pilot: A Marine Remembers a Dog and Pony Show by Groom, Capt J. L.
American Cobra Pilot: A Marine Remembers a Dog and Pony Show by Groom, Capt J. L.
Heroes, Villains, and Conflicts by Kenny, Peter Francis
Military Supply Chain Management and People's Liberation Army Logistics by Chauhan, Rajiv
PLA Modernisation and Likely Force Structure 2025 by Bisht, Nagender Sp
Out on the Limbs: Searching for Answers in the Family Tree by Teaford, Sean M.
Size and Survival: The Politics of Security in the Caribbean and the Pacific by
The Quotable Warrior by Underwood, Lamar
Researching the Military by
Spain Bleeds: The Development of Battlefield Blood Transfusion During the Civil War by Palfreeman
An Account of the Escape of Six Federal Soldiers From Prison at Danville, VA. of 1863-64 by Newlin, William Henry
L'esercito imperiale al tempo del Principe Eugenio di Savoia 1690-1720 - la fanteria vol. 1 by Mugnai, Bruno
The IRA Bombing Campaign Against Britain, 1939-1940 by McKenna, Joseph
Uniforms of Russian army during the Napoleonic war vol.1: The Infantry Fusiliers, Grenadiers and Musketeers by Viskovatov, A. V.
Italy 1636: Cemetery of Armies by Hanlon, Gregory
The Tamil Separatist War in Sri Lanka by Wickremesekera, Channa
Uniforms of Russian army during the Napoleonic war vol.2: The Infantry Grenadiers, Musketeers & Jägers by Viskovatov, Aleksandr Vasilevich
The Edinburgh Companion to Twentieth-Century British and American War Literature by
US Merchant Mariner's WW II Diary: A Small Window of Tens of Thousands by Pierson, Harry G., Jr.
US Merchant Mariner's WW II Diary: A Small Window of Tens of Thousands by Pierson, Harry G., Jr.
Shooting Up: A Short History of Drugs and War by Kamienski, Lukasz
How Wars Are Won: Leadership, Friendship, Family, and Unit Cohesion by Bullock, Damon J.
How Wars Are Won: Leadership, Friendship, Family, and Unit Cohesion by Bullock, Damon J.
Uniforms of Russian army during the Napoleonic war vol.3: The cavalry by Viskovatov, Aleksandr Vasilevich
Histoire du consulat et de l'empire, faisant suite à l'Histoire de la révolution française by Thiers, M. a.
Anzac Battlefield by
The Irish Mars: Bilingual Facsimile Edition by Claudianus, Andreas
You Can't Crack Me... I'm a Rubber Duck by Northage, Charlie
You Can't Crack Me... I'm a Rubber Duck by Northage, Charlie
Volunteering in India by Nash, John Tulloch
Confessions of a Surviving Alien: A Memoir of a Life Defined by One Word-Vietnam by Meade, Jon
Confessions of a Surviving Alien: A Memoir of a Life Defined by One Word-Vietnam by Meade, Jon
L'esercito del Ducato di Parma: parte prima 1814-1847 by Cristini, Luca Stefano
Chivalry, Kingship and Crusade: The English Experience in the Fourteenth Century by Guard, Timothy
A Memoir: Pilot Duty - WWII and Beyond by Ostrye, Norbert
Veteran Memorial Speeches: One Nation Under God by Eanes, Greg
A Superior Body of Men by M. S. James
A Superior Body of Men by M. S. James
For King and Country by Gildea, James
South Africa the 1853 Medal by Everson, G. R. M. F.
World War II and Chester County, Pennsylvania by Piccolomini, Marion
The Campaign of Waterloo by Ropes, John Codman
NATO in Afghanistan: Fighting Together, Fighting Alone by Auerswald, David P., Saideman, Stephen M.
European Military Culture and Security Governance: Soldiers, Scholars and National Defence Universities by Libel, Tamir
Domestic History of the American Revolution by Ellet, Mrs
L'esercito del Ducato di Parma parte seconda 1848-1859 by Cristini, Luca Stefano, Cenni, Quinto
L'esercito del Ducato di Parma parte terza 1848-1859 by Cristini, Luca Stefano, Cenni, Quinto
War and Peace in the Western Political Imagination: From Classical Antiquity to the Age of Reason by Manning, Roger B.
The Better Germany in War Time Being Some Facts Towards Friendship by Picton, Harold
Die Kämpfe bei Schöngrabern und Ober-Hallabrunn by Kwiatkowski, Ernst Von
Forgotten Anzacs: The Campaign in Greece, 1941 by Ewer, Peter
Living with War: Twentieth-Century Conflict in Canadian and American History and Memory by Teigrob, Robert
The Echoes of Babylon by Hastings, Michael
Women Warriors and Wartime Spies of China by Edwards, Louise
United States Colored Troop: Importance in Civil War by Brown, Willie
United States Colored Troop: Importance in Civil War by Brown, Willie
They Rode with Custer by Keating, Bernie
They Rode with Custer by Keating, Bernie
War and Society in the Roman World by
Warfare, State And Society In The Byzantine World 565-1204 by Haldon, John
Settle and Conquer: Militarism on the American Frontier, 1607-1890 by Flynn, Matthew J.
Unnecessary Wars by Reynolds, Henry
The Eurasian Way of War: Military Practice in Seventh-Century China and Byzantium by Graff, David A.
Memoirs of a Veteran who Served as a Private in the 60's in the War Between the States by Hermann, I.
La Lealtad Olvidada: Agustín Agualongo y la Ciudad de Pasto by Jiménez, José Enrique López
Den kroniske krig: Et forsvar for Israel by Højlund, Poul
Unionists in the Heart of Dixie: 1st Alabama Cavalry, USV, Index to Volumes I-IV by Todd, Glenda McWhirter
Unionists in the Heart of Dixie: 1st Alabama Cavalry, USV, Volume V, Supplement A by Todd, Glenda McWhirter
Young Peoples' History of the War With Spain by Holmes, Prescott
Stealing Tesla's Weapons by Roberts, Ma Lawrence
Stealing Tesla's Weapons by Roberts, Ma Lawrence
War and Society in Early Rome by Armstrong, Jeremy
A Brief History of the 6th Marines by Marine Corps
Paul Revere's Ride by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
Turkey's New Foreign Policy: Davutoglu, the AKP and the Pursuit of Regional Order by Stein, Aaron
With A Reservist in France by Bolwell, F. A.
Of Love and Sanity by White, Ian Nimmo
Stirring Incidents in the Life of a British Soldier An Autobiography by Faughnan, Thomas
Sangin Valley: The mental rollercoaster of a Marine deployed to Sangin, Afghanistan by Holmes, Mitchell
MiG-35/D 'Fulcrum' F: Towards the Fifth Generation by Harkins, Hugh
Spies of the American Revolution: The History of George Washington's Secret Spying Ring (The Culper Ring) by Brinkley, Howard
Bosworth 1485 by Ingram, Mike
The French Navy and American Independence: A Study of Arms and Diplomacy, 1774-1787 by Dull, Jonathan R.
The Arab-Israeli Conflict, Volume IV, Part II: The Difficult Search for Peace (1975-1988) by
Between War and Peace by Feis, Herbert
The Civil Wars in Chile: (Or the Bourgeois Revolutions That Never Were) by Zeitlin, Maurice
Behind the Front Lines of the Civil War: Political Parties and Social Movements in Russia, 1918-1922 by Brovkin, Vladimir N.
Military Attache by Vagts, Alfred
Logistics and the Failure of the British Army in America, 1775-1783 by Bowler, Arthur R.
Fire Across the Sea: The Vietnam War and Japan 1965-1975 by Havens, Thomas R. H.
The Arab-Israeli Conflict, Volume IV, Part I: The Difficult Search for Peace (1975-1988) by
The U.S. Government and the Vietnam War: Executive and Legislative Roles and Relationships, Part III: 1965-1966 by Gibbons, William Conrad
The Demes of Attica, 508/7 -Ca. 250 B.C.: A Political and Social Study by Whitehead, David
The U.S. Government and the Vietnam War: Executive and Legislative Roles and Relationships, Part IV July 1965-January 1968 by Gibbons, William Conrad
Signals of War: The Falklands Conflict of 1982 by Gamba-Stonehouse, Virginia, Freedman, Lawrence
Education and Military Leadership. a Study of the Rotc by Masland, John Wesley, Lyons, Gene Martin
Knowing One's Enemies by
This Glorious Cause: The Adventures of Two Company Officers in Washington's Army by Lively, Robert A., Wade, Herbert Treadwell
Civil-Military Conflict in Imperial Russia, 1881-1914 by Fuller, William C.
From Serf to Russian Soldier by Wirtschafter, Elise Kimerling
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