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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Military History in 2017

Les Guerres de la Révolution. Tome 3 by Chuquet, Arthur
Les Guerres de la Révolution. Tome 2 by Chuquet, Arthur
Le Siège de Paris: Impressions Et Souvenirs by Sarcey, Francisque
Stormy Sexton's Third Bn. Third Marines, 1961 by Keith, Charles D.
Histoire de la Dernière Guerre de Russie 1853-1856 Dans La Mer Noire Et La Mer d'Azov T01 by Guérin, Léon
Warriors in Mr. Lincoln's Army by Shier, Quita V.
Soldier Mountaineer: The Colonel who got Siachen Glacier for India by Kumar, Col N., Bhatia, Col N. N.
The French Army and Its African Soldiers: The Years of Decolonization by Ginio, Ruth
England's Colonial Wars 1550-1688: Conflicts, Empire and National Identity by Lenman, Bruce
The Emperor and the Army in the Later Roman Empire, AD 235-395 by Hebblewhite, Mark
Gideon: The Sound and The Glory by Ganci, Joseph
The British Commonwealth and Victory in the Second World War by Johnston-White, Iain E.
Manhood and the Making of the Military: Conscription, Military Service and Masculinity in Finland, 1917-39 by Ahlbäck, Anders
Civil War Graves of Northern Virginia by Mills, Charles a.
Maria's War: A Soldier's Autobiography by Bochkareva, Maria
A Soldier's Diary: The Story of a Volunteer by Lane, David
Religious War and Religious Peace in Early Modern Europe by Te Brake, Wayne P.
Religious War and Religious Peace in Early Modern Europe by Te Brake, Wayne P.
Winston Churchill: Politics, Strategy and Statecraft by
Winston Churchill: Politics, Strategy and Statecraft by
Founding Friendships: Friendships Between Men and Women in the Early American Republic by Good, Cassandra A.
Secondary Trauma and Burnout in Military Behavioral Health Providers: Beyond the Battlefield by Benight, Charles C.
Militärärztliche Studien by Roth, Wilhelm
Aus Leben Und Sprache Des Schweizer Soldaten: Proben Aus Den Einsendungen Schweizerischer Wehrmänner by Bächtold, Hanns
Motivation in War by Berkovich, Ilya
Invisible Weapons: Liturgy and the Making of Crusade Ideology by Gaposchkin, M. Cecilia
Warriors for a Living: The Experience of the Spanish Infantry During the Italian Wars, 1494-1559 by Sherer, Idan
Right-wing Extremism in Western Europe by Beyme, Klaus Von
Home Front Diary 1944: A Family's Awakening to Truth and Courage by B. G. Webb
Captives of the Southwest by Fletcher, Noel Marie
Die Transvaal-Republik und ihre Entstehung: Ein historisches Dokument zur Begründung des guten Rechts der Bauern by Smit, J. a. Roorda
Friend or Foe?: Occupation, Collaboration and Selective Violence in the Spanish Civil War by Anderson
Justice: Military Tribunals in Civil War Missouri by King, J. B.
Running with Tigers by Thompson, Edward
Running with Tigers by Thompson, Edward
Understanding Information Warfare: All You Need to Know by Mishra, Lalit V.
Athens Burning: The Persian Invasion of Greece and the Evacuation of Attica by Garland, Robert
African Insurgencies: From the Colonial Era to the 21st Century by Dalton, Christopher, Lobban, Richard
Waterloo Lectures: A Study of the Campaign of 1815 by Chesney, Charles
Sir Charles Oman's England and the Hundred Years' War (1327-1485) by Oman, Charles William
Sir Charles Oman's Great Revolt of 1381 by Oman, Charles William
Political Organization in Central Asia and Azerbaijan: Sources and Documents by
Sir Charles Oman's History Of The Art of War in the Middle Ages Volume 2 by Oman, Charles William
Sir Charles Oman's The History of the Art of War in the Sixteenth Century by Oman, Charles William
Sir Charles Oman's History of The Art of War in the Middle Ages Volume 1 by Oman, Charles William
The 7th Waffen- SS Volunteer Gebirgs (Mountain) Division Prinz Eugen: An Illustrated History by Afiero, Massimiliano
History of the 33rd Iowa Infantry Volunteer Regiment, 1863-6 by Sperry, A. F.
Reinterpreting the Dutch Forty Years War, 1672-1713 by Onnekink, David
Chinese Just War Ethics: Origin, Development, and Dissent by
'Elliniki Istoria' "Greek History": The History of Greek, (Elliniki), (Romaios); Technological, Military, Social and Political Development and Advance by Tapinou, Patrick
Carl Friedrich Ferdinand Böhme Tagebuch 2te Periode (II): vom 10.11.1812 bis mit 11.05.1813 by
The Lost Art of War: Recently Discovered Companion to the Bestselling the Art of War, the by Sun-Tzu
Belligerent Muse: Five Northern Writers and How They Shaped Our Understanding of the Civil War by Cushman, Stephen
Hear the Boat Sing: Oxford and Cambridge Rowers Killed in World War I by McCrery, Nigel
Lincoln's Last Speech: Wartime Reconstruction and the Crisis of Reunion by Masur, Louis P.
Geschichte Krains von der ältesten Zeit bis auf das Jahr 1813: Vierter Teil.: Mit besonderer Rücksicht auf Kulturentwicklung by Dimitz, August
Geschichte Krains von der ältesten Zeit bis auf das Jahr 1813: Mit besonderer Rücksicht auf Kulturentwicklung by Dimitz, August
Der spanisch-marokkanische Krieg in in den Jahren 1859 und 1860: Mit Benützung der vorhandenen Quellen und nach eigner Beobachtung by Schlagintweit, Eduard
Der spanisch-marokkanische Krieg in den Jahren 1859 und 1860: Mit Benützung der vorhandenen Quellen und nach eigener Beobachtung dargestellt. by Schlagintweit, Eduard
Amberg und Würzburg 1796: Ein Säkular-Beitrag zur Kriegsgeschichte by Massenbach, Hermann
Redlands in World War I by Colato, Maria Carrillo, Gonzales, Nathan D., Deegan, Ann Cordy
Redlands in World War I by Deegan, Ann Cordy, Colato, Maria Carrillo, Gonzales, Nathan D.
Art of War by Tzu, Sun
30 Years After: Issues and Representations of the Falklands War by Berbéri, Carine, Castro, Monia O'Brien
Search for my Roots: Little Sanders Book by Cooley, Jimmy Earl
The Prospect of War: The British Defence Policy 1847-1942 by Gooch, John
Beiträge zur Geschichte der preussische Politik und Strategie im Jahre 1744 by Sapper, Gustav
Vietnam Remembered Today: A Tale of Two Brothers by Shaughnessy, Donald H., Shaughnessy, Mark William
Ordnungsvorstellungen im deutschen Offizierskorps 1915-1923: Friedrich von Boetticher, Oskar von Niedermayer, Hans von Seeckt by Sutterer, Grischa
De Arte Gladiatoria Dimicandi by Vadi, Philippo
The Plague of War: Athens, Sparta, and the Struggle for Ancient Greece by Roberts, Jennifer T.
France, Britain, and the Struggle for the Revolutionary Western Mediterranean by Meeks, Joshua
Genghis Khan: A Biography by Stone, Zofia
Horsemen from the Steppe: Nothing But Glory by Volo, James M.
Love and War: Timeless by Blaine, Josie
Sir Charles Oman's Castles by Oman, Charles
The Papers of Thomas Jefferson: Retirement Series, Volume 13: 22 April 1818 to 31 January 1819 by Jefferson, Thomas
War, Capital, and the Dutch State (1588-1795) by Brandon, Pepijn
Curse on This Country: The Rebellious Army of Imperial Japan by Orbach, Danny
La guerra de Yom Kipur: El conflicto que provocó la primera crisis del petróleo by 50minutos
La batalla de las Termópilas: El heroico sacrificio de Leónidas y sus 300 espartanos by 50minutos
Alfred Thayer Mahan: The Man and His Letters by Seager, Robert
The Roots and Consequences of Civil Wars and Revolutions: Conflicts that Changed World History by Tucker, Spencer
A Hero's Journey by Kinsey, Mose M.
Tembien: Note di un legionario della 28 ottobre in Africa Orientale by Pace, Biagio
The Principality of Antioch and Its Frontiers in the Twelfth Century by Buck, Andrew D.
Disappearing War: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Cinema and Erasure in the Post-9/11 World by
A Hero's Journey by Kinsey, Mose M.
Bolt Action: Campaign: Battle of the Bulge by Games, Warlord
The Invasion Spy by Lawrence, Donald L.
The Invasion Spy by Lawrence, Donald L.
Franco by Iribarren, Joaquín Arrarás
Arthur Conan Doyle - The War In South Africa by Doyle, Arthur Conan
Arthur Conan Doyle - The Great Boer War by Doyle, Arthur Conan
Japan's Postwar Military and Civil Society: Contesting a Better Life by Sasaki, Tomoyuki
Belgium in War by Whitehouse, J. H.
Us Foreign Policy Towards the Middle East: The Realpolitik of Deceit by Kaussler, Bernd, Hastedt, Glenn P.
Die hippologische Literatur von 1848 bis einschliesslich 1857 by Graefe, Carl
The Army Catering Corps - Our Memories - Volume One (Black & White) by Moore, Anthony John
Classical Art of Command C by Roisman, Joseph
Reconfiguring the Fifteenth-Century Crusade by
The Army Catering Corps - Our Memories - Volume Two (Black & White) by Moore, Anthony John
Deming, New Mexico's Camp Cody: A World War One Training Camp by Eckles, Jim
NATO and Collective Defence in the 21st Century: An Assessment of the Warsaw Summit by
William Wells and the Struggle for the Old Northwest by Heath, William
Naval Actions of the War of 1812 by Barnes, James
The Japanese Empire by Paine, S. C. M.
The Japanese Empire by Paine, S. C. M.
The Future of War In it's Technical, Economic, and Political Relations by Long, R. C., Bloch, Jan
Stories, Sketches and Speeches of General Grant: At Home and Abroad, in Peace and in War by McClure, J. B.
The Rise of Iran's Revolutionary Guards' Financial Empire: How the Supreme Leader and the IRGC Rob the People to Fund International Terror by Iran, National Council of Resistance of, Us, Ncri-, U. S. Representative Office, Ncri-
A Military History of the Modern Middle East by McNabb, James
Campaigns and Battles of the Sixteenth Regiment, Tennessee Volunteers... by Head, Thomas A.
The Spy Unmasked: Memoirs of Enoch Crosby, Alias Harvey Birch by Barnum, H. L.
History of the XXX Regiment: 30th Regiment of Foot by Museum, Lancashire Infantry
Airplane Stories and Histories by Currey, Norman
Air Capabilities of the U.S. Navy SEALs: A History of Bravery and Innovation by Norman, Olson
Airplane Stories and Histories by Currey, Norman
The Judge Advocate's Vade Mecum by Lee, Charles Henry
The Teutonic Knights in the Holy Land, 1190-1291 by Morton, Nicholas
The Spy Unmasked by Barnum, H. L.
History of the 88th Pennsylvania Volunteers in the War for the Union: 1861-1865 by Vautier, John D.
Official Letters to the Honorable American Congress: Vol. I by Washington, George, Carey, John, Robinson, John
Records of the 24th Independent Battery, N.Y. by Merrill, Julian Whedon
The Clash of Civilizations by Trawinski, Allan
The Clash of Civilizations by Trawinski, Allan
Gorichen to Siachen: The Untold Saga of Hoisting the Tricolour on Saltoro by Khanna, D. K.
Long Time Gone: Neighbors Divided by Civil War by Rolston, Les
Trautenau 1866: Erinnerungen, Erlebnisse und Schriftstücke aus dem Kriegsjahr in und bei Trautenau by Pauer, Bernhard
Turnreigen und Aufmärsche für Volkschulen,: Präparandenanstalten, Seminarien und Turnvereine by Franzmann, H.
The Maine: An Account of her Destruction in Havana Harbor by Sigsbee, Charles Dwight
Reminiscences and Letters of George Arrowsmith of New Jersey by Applegate, John Stilwell
Gender and Conflict Since 1914: Historical and Interdisciplinary Perspectives by Carden-Coyne, Ana
The D-Day Landing on Gold Beach: 6 June 1944 by Holborn, Andrew
Airplane Stories and Histories: Volume 1 by Currey, Norman
La batalla de Eylau: El combate más sangriento de las guerras napoleónicas by 50minutos
La guerra de Corea: El símbolo del enfrentamiento entre dos mundos by 50minutos
Airplane Stories and Histories: Volume 2 by Currey, Norman
La guerra Irán-Irak: Sadam Hussein y el controvertido papel de los Estados Unidos by 50minutos
Die literarischen Erscheinungen der letzten 20 Jahre, 1845-1864 by Baldamus, Eduard
The Maine by Sigsbee, Charles Dwight
Canadians in the Imperial Naval And Military Service Abroad by Burnham, John Hampden
History of the Ninth and Tenth Regiments Rhode Island Volunteers: And the Tenth Rhode Island Battery, in the Union Army in 1862 by Spicer, William Arnold
Ancestral Bonz III: Civil War by Silvera, Carroll
Lust, Commerce, and Corruption: An Account of What I Have Seen and Heard, by an EDO Samurai, Abridged Edition by
Letters Written by Sir Samuel Hood: in 1781 by Hood, Samuel, Hannay, David
Lust, Commerce, and Corruption: An Account of What I Have Seen and Heard, by an EDO Samurai, Abridged Edition by
Official Letters to the Honorable American Congress: Vol. II by Robinson, John, Carey, John, Washington, George
The Hundred Years War, Volume 4: Cursed Kings by Sumption, Jonathan
KJV, Pew Bible, Hardcover, Blue, Red Letter Edition by Thomas Nelson
KJV, Pew Bible, Hardcover, Black, Red Letter Edition by Thomas Nelson
KJV, Pew Bible, Hardcover, Burgundy, Red Letter Edition by Thomas Nelson
The Influence of Sea Power Upon the French Revolution and Empire: Vol. I by Mahan, Alfred Thayer
Strategische Betrachtungen über den Krieg Jahre: 1812 by Cornaro, Ludwig Von
The Influence of Sea Power upon the French Revolution and Empire, 1793-1812: Vol. 1 by Mahan, Alfred Thayer
The Influence of Sea Power Upon the French Revolution and Empire: Second Edition, (Volume 2) by Mahan, Alfred Thayer
Memories of a Lacerated Heart (1971): A War Memoir (From East Pakistan to Bangladesh) by Ahmad (Retired), Major Iftikhar-Ud-Din
Memories of a Lacerated Heart (1971): A War Memoir (From East Pakistan to Bangladesh) by Ahmad (Retired), Major Iftikhar-Ud-Din
Britain's Naval Power: A short history of the growth of the British navy from the earliest times to Trafalgar by Williams, Hamilton
Lone Wolf and Autonomous Cell Terrorism by
The 125th Regiment, Illinois Volunteer Infantry Attention Batallion! by Rogers, Robert M.
The Honest History Book by
The Mutinies in Rajpootana: Being a Personal Narrative of the Mutiny at Nusseerabad by Prichard, Iltudus Thomas
The Capture, the Prison Pen, and the Escape, Giving an Account of Prison Life in the South by Glazier, Willard W.
The Mexican War, by an English Soldier.: Comprising Incidents and Adventures in the United States and Mexico with the American Army by Ballentine, George
The Long Road: Australia's train, advise and assist missions by
The Adventures of Buffalo Bill by Cody, William F.
Carl Friedrich Ferdinand Böhme Tagebuch 2te Periode (I): vom 21.06.1812 bis mit 09.11.1812 by
The Shadow Men: The leaders who shaped the Australian Army from the Veldt to Vietnam by
Terrorism and Policy Relevance: Critical Perspectives by
L'esercito dello stato della Chiesa 1683-1870 by Cristini, Luca Stefano
Dirty War: Rhodesia and Chemical Biological Warfare 1975-1980 by Cross, Glenn
Tank: The Definitive Visual History of Armored Vehicles by DK
One of the Finest . . .: World War II Service and U.S. Navy Career of by Samsot, Robert D.
One of the Finest . . .: World War II Service and U.S. Navy Career of by Samsot, Robert D.
Arab-Israeli Conflict: A Documentary and Reference Guide by Roberts, Priscilla
L'esercito del Ducato di Modena 1625-1818: Volume 1 by Cristini, Luca Stefano
L'esercito del Ducato di Modena 1819-1859: Volume 2 by Cristini, Luca Stefano
Fourteen Months in Southern Prisons by Davidson, Henry M.
Official letters to the Honorable American Congress: written during the war between the United Colonies and Great Britain, by His Excellency, George W by Washington, George, Carey, John
Army Memoirs of Lucius W. Barber, Company "D," 15th Illinois Volunteer Infantry: May 24, 1861, to Sept. 30, 1865 by Barber, Lucius W.
A Soldier of the Legion by Manington, George
Sherman's March Through the South by Conyngham, David Power
Official letters to the Honorable American Congress: written during the war between the United Colonies and Great Britain, by His Excellency, George W by Carey, John, Washington, George
The Prisoner of War, and How Treated by Roach, Alva C.
History of the Ninth and Tenth Regiments Rhode Island Volunteers: And the Tenth Rhode Island Battery, in the Union Army in 1862 by Spicer, William Arnold
Building Peace: Feminist Perspectives by
World War I New Mexico by Cillis, Daniel R.
New Haven in World War I by Macaluso, Laura A.
New Haven in World War I by Macaluso, Laura A.
In Distant Lands: A Short History of the Crusades by Brownworth, Lars
Five Wars: A Soldier's Journey to Peace by Johnson, Fred
Soldiers and Gentlemen: Australian Battalion Commanders in the Great War, 1914-1918 by Westerman, William
Message of the President of the United States: Communicating in Answer to a Resolution of the Senate of the 26th Ultimo by Lincoln, Abraham
Lockhart's Advance through Tirah by Shadwell, Leonard Julius
Young Folk's History of the War for the Union by Champlin, John Denison
Sherman's March Through the South: With Sketches And Incidents of the Campaign by Conyngham, David Power
Fourteen Months in Southern Prisons: Being a narrative of the treatment of federal prisoners of war in the rebel military prisons of Richmond, Danvill by Davidson, Henry M.
The Song of the Rappahannock: Sketches of the Civil War by Dodd, Ira Seymour
Uniforms of Russian army in the XVIII century Vol. 3: Under the reign of Catherine II Empress of Russia between 1762 and 1796 by Cristini, Luca Stefano
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