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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Military History in 2019

The Art of War: The Oldest Military Treatise in the World by Tzu, Sun
Patriotism and Piety: Federalist Politics and Religious Struggle in the New American Nation by Den Hartog, Jonathan J.
Nebuchadnezzar's Dream: The Crusades, Apocalyptic Prophecy, and the End of History by Rubenstein, Jay
Terrorism and Policy Relevance: Critical Perspectives by
The Common Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union: As Implemented in its Overseas Regions, Countries and Territories and its Influence on E by Freeman, Isaac
Origins of the North Korean Garrison State: The People's Army and the Korean War by Kim, Youngjun
Alexander the Great: Conqueror, Commander, King by Serdiville, Rosie, Sadler, John
Medal Without Bar: An English War Novel by Blaker, Richard
A Sketch of the Waterloo Campaign: A Tactical Study for Young Officers by Clarke, Seymour
Napoleon's War Maxims with His Social and Political Thoughts by
Malta Strikes Back: The Story of 231 Brigade by Gilchrist, R. T.
Standards, Guidons and Colours of the Commonwealth Forces by Edwards, T. J.
Carl Rückert's Memoirs of the Franco-Prussian War by Kelly, Alfred
Memórias Da Caserna: No Tempo da Ditadura Militar by Gomes, Antonio Luiz
China's Evolving Surface Fleet: July 2017 by U. S. Naval War College
The Chinese Air Force - Evolving Concepts, Roles, and Capabilities: August 2012 by National Defense University
The Chinese People's Liberation Army In 2025: July 2015 by Army War College
History of the Eighty-third Regiment, Indiana Volunteer Infantry, for three years with Sherman by Grecian, Joseph
African and Afro-Caribbean Repatriation, 1919-1922: Black Voices by Chapman, Jane L.
The 22nd Michigan Infantry and the Road to Chickamauga by Cohassey, John
Legacy by Moore, William E.
True Tales of Puget Sound by Wilhelm, Dorothy
True Tales of Puget Sound by Wilhelm, Dorothy
Reporting the First World War in the Liminal Zone: British and American Eyewitness Accounts from the Western Front by Prieto, Sara
Armies of Sand: The Past, Present, and Future of Arab Military Effectiveness by Pollack, Kenneth M.
Famous Sieges: Siege of Constantinople by Frost, Renato
China Military Power: Modernizing a Force to Fight and Win by Defense Intelligence Agency
Famous Sieges: Siege of Yorktown by Frost, Renato
World Military Guide: United States of America by McCune, Kiera
World Military Guide: United Kingdom by McMillian, Eldon
World Military Guide: Germany by Brantley, Kermit
World Military Guide: France by Ruff, Pandora
World Military Guide: Australia by Cothran, Edith
World Military Guide: Russia by Ruff, Pandora
World Military Guide: Iran by Ruff, Pandora
World Military Guide: Pakistan by Ruff, Pandora
Famous Sieges: Siege of Alamo by Tibbetts, Jann
Robotics and Military Operations by
World Military Guide: China by Brantley, Kermit
Peace Support Operations: Nordic Perspectives by
Military Spouses with Graduate Degrees: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Thriving amidst Uncertainty by
From Bullets to Ballots: The Transformation of Rebel Groups into Political Parties by
The Last Corpsman: The Story of John I. Unger, Chief Hospital Corpsman, U.S. Navy, and Former World War II Prisoner of War in the Pacific by Marcos, Juan Carlos
A Hard Look at Hard Power: Assessing the Defense Capabilities of Key U.S. Allies and Security Partners by Army War College
Uniforms of Russian army during the years 1825-1855 vol. 05: Engineers, general staff, garrison and others by Viskovatov, Aleksandr Vasilevich
Vietnam Ironclads: A Pictorial History of U.S. Navy River Assault Craft, 1966-1970 by Carrico, John M.
Defence Inflation: Perspectives and Prospects by
Argentine Foreign Policy During the Military Dictatorship, 1976-1983: Between a Nationalist and Pragmatic Approach by Lisińska, Magdalena
War and Its Causes by Black, Jeremy
From Pearl Harbor to 9/11: One Final Mission for Love of the United States to Respect, Heal, and Remember by Cahill, Michael
A Register of TERRITORIAL FORCE CADET UNITS 1910-1922 by Westlake, Ray a.
The Artois Battlefields: A Guide to the Cemeteries and Memorials of the Battlefields of Artois 1914-18 by Scott, Michael
From Pearl Harbor to 9/11: One Final Mission for Love of the United States to Respect, Heal, and Remember by Cahill, Michael
Badges on Battledress: Post-War Formation Signs and Rank and Regimental Badges by Cole, Howard N.
Renaissance Mass Murder: Civilians and Soldiers During the Italian Wars by Bowd, Stephen D.
Statistical Record of the Armies of the United States by Phisterer, Frederick
Famous Sieges: Siege of Leningrad by Pitta, Terra
La battaglia di Anzio: L'operazione "Shingle" gennaio 1944 by Cristini, Luca Stefano
Athenian Democracy at War by Pritchard, David M.
Revival: The Cambodian Agony (1990) by Ablin, David A., Hood, M.
Revival: Women, Work and Family in the Soviet Union (1982) by Lapidus, Gail
The First Emperor of China by
The "People's War" in France 1870-71 by Hale, Lonsdale
Nuremberg tournaments 1446-1561 by Cristini, Luca Stefano
Byzantine Military Manuals as Literary Works and Practical Handbooks: The Case of the Tenth-Century Sylloge Tacticorum by Chatzelis, Georgios
Anglo-Soviet Relations, 1917-1921, Volume 1: Intervention and the War by Ullman, Richard
Gender and Power in Rural Greece by
Anglo-Soviet Relations, 1917-1921, Volume 1: Intervention and the War by Ullman, Richard
Gender and Power in Rural Greece by
The Dutch East Indies Red Cross, 1870-1950: On Humanitarianism and Colonialism by Bergen, Leo Van
The Sword Arm: Military Forces in the Twenty-First Century by Kainikara
First Know Your Enemy: Comprehending Imperial German War Aims & Deciphering the Enigma of Kultur by Moses, John a.
National Service in Singapore by
Indigenous Peoples and the Second World War by Sheffield, R. Scott, Riseman, Noah
How the War Was Won by O'Brien, Phillips Payson
The Fortifications of Nafplio by Brooks, Allan
Decolonization and Conflict: Colonial Comparisons and Legacies by
We Never Did It That Way Before: Memoirs of The Vietnam War, All-Volunteer Army, and Sergeant Major of the Army Court Martial by Brooks, Thomas
The Myriad Legacies of 1917: A Year of War and Revolution by
Monarchies and the Great War by
War: A poem, with copious notes, founded on the Revolution of 1861-62 by Hewitt, John Hill
L'esercito romano da Romolo a re Artù - Vol. 2: Da Augusto a Caracalla, 30 a. C, 217 d. C by Lucchetti, Marco
Elastic Truth by Green, Kevin, Burrill, David
Elastic Truth by Burrill, David, Green, Kevin
The American Jew as Patriot. Soldier and Citizen by Wolf, Simon
Patriots, Royalists, and Terrorists in the West Indies: The French Revolution in Martinique and Guadeloupe, 1789-1802 by Cormack, William
Great Captain Alexander: A History of the Origin and Growth of the Art Of War from the Earliest Times to the Battle of Ipsus, B.C. 301, With a by Dodge, Theodore Ayrault
The Art of War in Italy 1494-1529 by Taylor, F. L.
The Captains of the Roman Republic: As Compared With the Great Modern Strategists; Their Campaigns, Character, and Conduct From the Punic Wars to the by Herbert, Henry William
National Guard Manual by Pinckney, Stephen R.
The story of the guard: A chronicle of the war - Vol. 2 by Frémont, Jessie Benton
Katechismus für Soldaten: Anleitung zu Unterhaltungsstunden by
Der bayerische Bauernkrieg, mit den Schlachten von Sendling und Aidenbach. ... Mit 30 Bildern. by Sepp, Johann Nepomuk
Aus dem Lager des Rheinbundes 1812 und 1813. by Pfister, Albert Von
Der Kampf um Schleswig-Holstein in den Jahren 1848-50. by Wenck, Woldemar Bernhard
Operationen der Schleswig-Holsteinischen Truppen in der Landschaft Stapelholm und der Sturm auf Friedrichstadt in den Monaten September und Oktober 18 by Gagern, A. Von
Der deutsche Krieg von 1866. 1 BAND by Fontane, Theodor
Geschichte des Schmalkaldischen Krieges, eine reformationsgeschichtliche Denkschrift zur Erinnerung an das Jahrzehend von 1537 bis 1547, etc. by Jahn, J. G. Phil
Recuerdos de la invasion norte-americana, 1846-1848, etc. by Roa Bárcena, José María
Die Feldzüge der Regimenter Ufm Keller und von Hornumb von Hessen-Cassel in dem Reichskriege gegen Schweden, 1677 und 1678, etc. by Stamford, Carl Von
Souvenirs militaires. Napoléon à Waterloo, ou précis rectifié de la Campagne de 1815; avec des documents nouveaux et des pièces inédites. Par un ancie by Pontécoulant, Louis Gustave de
Erinnerungen eines preussischen Beamten. by Ernsthausen, A. Ernst Von
Der Nationalkrieg in Ungarn und Siebenburgen in den Jahren 1848 und 1849 ... Mit einer Karte von Ungarn. Erfter Band. by Klapka, György
Oliver Cromwell und die puritanische Revolution. by Brosch, Moritz, Cromwell, Oliver
Achtzig Tage in preussischer Gefangenschaft und die Schlacht bei Trautenau am 27. Juni 1866, etc. by Roth, Hieronymus Von
Chronik der Kriegs-Ereignisse in der Stadt Hammelburg 1836. by Rappert, G. M.
Les Patriotes de 1837-1838. by David, Laurent Olivier
Die Theilnahme des Königlichen 5. Pommerschen Infanterie-Regiments Nr. 42 an dem Feldzuge gegen Oesterreich und Sachsen, 1866, etc. by Romberg, Von
Die Theilnahme des 5. Armee-Korps an den kriegerischen Ereignissen gegen Oesterreich in den Tagen vom 27 Juni bis 3 Juli, 1866, spezieller der 10 Infa by Kirchbach, Hans
Die Schlacht bei Jena nach den besten Quellen und Schriften, etc. by Klopfleisch, Chr
Die Pariser Kommune 1871 unter den Augen der deutschen Truppen. Mit einem farbigen Plane von Paris. by Holleben, Albert Hermann Ludwig Von
Die Seeschlacht bei Lissa nach den Berichten udn Urtheilen der englischen Presse. [Edited by A. H.] by Hilberg, Arnold
Geschichte des Krieges in Hannover, Hessen und Westphalen von 1757 bis 1763, etc. Zweiter Band. by Renouard, C. Hauptmann
La Guerre du pays de Gex et l'occupation genevoise 1589-1601. by Fazy, Henri
1815: La première restauration - Le retour de l'Ile d'Elbe - Les cent jours by Houssaye, Henry
Histoire de la guerre de Guienne. by Barry, Charles, Baltazar, Jean
Der bernische Bauernkrieg in den Jahren 1641 und 1653. Nach den Akten im bernischen Staats-Archiv dargestellt. by Boegli, Hans
Der Nationalkrieg in Ungarn und Siebenburgen in den Jahren 1848 und 1849 ... Mit einer Karte von Ungarn. Zweiter Band. by Klapka, György
Kriegsgeschichte von Bayern, Pfalz und Schwaben von 1347 bis 1506. by Wuerdinger, Joseph
Der Italienische und Ungarische Krieg 1848-1849. Im Auszuge aus den besten Werken, etc. by Krtschek, Emanuel
From Gettysburg to the Rapidan. The Army of the Potomac, etc. by Humphreys, Andrew Atkinson
Die grosse Reiterschlacht bei Brandy Station, 9 Juni 1863. Mit 6 Porträts, 5 Karten und 7 Vollbildern. by Von Heinrich, Heros, Borcke, Johann August Heinrich, Scheibert, Justus
Historia de la revolucion hispano-americana. Tomo II by Torrente, Mariano
Historia de la revolucion hispano-americana. Tomo III by Torrente, Mariano
Histoire militaire du Roussillon. by Jannesson, Victor
Der deutsche Krieg im Jahre 1866. Nach den geschichtlichen Quellen zusammen gestellt, etc. by Beiche, W. E.
Die Schlacht bei St. Jakob an der Birs. Eine kritische Untersuchung, etc. [With a sketch-map.] by Bernoulli, August
Geschichte des Deutschen Krieges im Jahre 1866 und des Krieges in Italien. by Hocker, Nicolaus
Reconocimiento Militar del Rio Desaguadero y de la Altiplanicie Andina. by Billinghurst, Guillermo Enrique
Geschichte der Feldzüge des Herzogs Ferdinand von Braunschweig-Lüneburg. (Herausgegeben von F. O. W. H., Westphalen.). Band III. by Westphalen, Christian Heinrich Philipp V.
Erinnerungen an den Sonderbundskrieg 1847, etc. [With map.] by Niederer, B.
Militarized Cultural Encounters in the Long Nineteenth Century: Making War, Mapping Europe by
Die oesterreichische Nordarmee im Feldzuge des Jahres 1866, etc. Teil 1. by Trotha, Thilo Wolf Von, Anonymous
Der Feldzug von 1866 in Deutschland. Redigirt von der kriegsgeschichtlichen Abtheilung des Grossen Generalstabes. [With plates.] by Anonymous
Descobrimentos, guerras e conquistas dos portuguezes em terras do ultramar nos seculos xv e xvi by Parr, Ruth, Bettencourt, Emiliano Augusto De, Parr, Charles McKew Donor
Der Deutsch-Dänische Krieg. Geschichte des Feldzugs in Schleswig-Holstein im Jahre 1864. Mit Illustrationen von A. Beck. by Beck, August Artist, Pflug, Ferdinand
La invasion inglesa en el Rio de la Plata. by Pereira, Antonio N.
Geschichte der k. und k. Wehrmacht, etc. II. Band. by Wrede, Alphons Von
Entscheidungsschlachten der Weltgeschichte. by Maurer, Chr Friedrich
Die Operationen des achten deutschen Bundes-Corps im Feldzuge des Jahres 1866. Nach authentischen Quellen dargestellt, etc.Wit 10 Beilagen by Anonymous
Die Operationen des achten deutschen Bundes-Corps im Feldzuge des Jahres 1866. Nach authentischen Quellen dargestellt, etc. BAND XXIII by Anonymous
Illustrirte Kriegs-Chronik des Jahres 1866, etc. by Adolph, Carl
Russland's Geschichte und Politik dargestellt in der Geschichte des russischen hohen Adels. by Kleinschmidt, Arthur
Historia de la insurreccion y guerra de la isla de Cuba ... Edicion illustrada, etc. by Llofriu y. Sagrera, Eleuterio
Aktenmässige Darstellung der Polnischen Insurrektion im Jahre 1848. by Voigts-Rhetz, Constantin Bernhard Von
Beleuchtung der Kriegswirren zwischen Preussen und Sachsen vom Ende August bis Ende October 1756 ... Mit einem Plane. [With "Beilagen."] by Aster, Carl Heinrich
Journal du siège de Québec du 10 mai au 18 septembre 1759 by Fauteux, Aegidius
Ursachen und Vorspiel der Burgunderkriege. Eine schweizergeschichtliche Studie. by Daendliker, Karl
La bataille de Jarnac et la campagne de 1569 en Angoumois. [With 2 plates.] by Gigon, Claude Marie
Der deutsche Krieg von 1866. Zweiter Band by Fontane, Theodor
Zur Geschichte des Jahres 1806. Glogaus Belagerung und Vertheidigung. Mit zwei Karten. by Below, Ludwig
El Combate naval del Papudo el 26 de noviembre de 1865, etc. by Concas y. Palau, Victor
Ost-Europa. Kampf-Gebiet und Sieges-Preis in geschichtlich-statistischer Darstellung. by Reden, Friedrich Wilhelm Otto Ludwig Von
Geschichte des Bairischen Erbfolgekrieges. by Reimann, Eduard
Die Schlacht von nicht bei Rossbach, oder die Schlacht auf den Feldern von und bei Reichardtswerben ... und was ihr voranging und nachfolgte, etc. by Wiltsch, Johann Elieser Theodor
Historia de la insurreccion y guerra de la isla de Cuba ... Edicion illustrada, etc. Tomo II. by Llofriu y. Sagrera, Eleuterio
Aus dem Kriegsleben 1866 mit besonderem Bezug auf die preussische 19. Brigade und eine einheitliche Kriegswissenschaft. by Probst, P. Von
Clave Historial con que se abre la puerta a la historia, eclesiástica, y política. Chronologia de los Papas, y Emperadores, Reyes de España, Italia, y by Malo, Nicolas, Canal, José del, Florez, Henrique
La France sous Louis XVI. by Jobez, Alphonse
For Slavery and Union: Benjamin Buckner and Kentucky Loyalties in the Civil War by Lewis, Patrick A.
Die Schlacht am weissen Berge bei Prag, 8. November 1620, im Zusammenhange der kriegerischen Ereignisse, etc. by Krebs, K. Julius
Histoire de la Guerre de 1870-1871: 1, series 1 by Lehautcourt, Pierre
Ósterreichs Untergang: Die Folge von Franz Josefs Missregierung by Gopcevic, Spiridion
En captivité. la vie que nous y menons; Lettres et récits de soldats français, belges et anglais, prisonniers en Allemagne by Montvert, J.
Histoire du consulat et de l'empire, faisant suite à l'Histoire de la révolution française: 1 by Thiers, Adolphe
Historia de la República Argentina: su origen, su revolución y su desarrollo político hasta 1852: 4 by López, Vicente Fidel
Détails Militaires Dont La Connaissance Est Nécessaire À Tous Les Officiers Et Principalement Aux Commissaires Des Guerres; Volume 3 by Chennevières, François de
La marine royale en 1789 by Loir, Maurice
De Froeschwiller À Paris: Notes Prises Sur Les Champs De Bataille... by Delmas, Emile
Documentos Inéditos Ó Muy Raros Para La Historia De México, Volumes 19-20 by Pereyra, Carlos, García, Genaro
Les conquêtes africaines des belges by Daye, Pierre
To the Sound of the Guns: 1st Battalion, 27th Marines from Hawaii to Vietnam 1966-1968 by Birdsong, Grady Thane
Graball Road: The Story of the Great Lincoln County Gold Train Robbery of 1865 by Young, Bob
Abraham Du Quesne Et La Marine De Son Temps, Volume 2... by Jal, Augustin
La battaglia di Montaperti vol. 1: Storia e cronaca di una battaglia del duecento by Venturi, Mario, Romeo Di Colloredo Mels, Pierluigi
La battaglia di Montaperti vol. 2: Storia e cronaca di una battaglia del duecento by Venturi, Mario, Romeo Di Colloredo Mels, Pierluigi
Potato People: Tales from the Trenches of the U.S. Army-1967 to 1970 by Schmitt, Jack
Potato People: Tales from the Trenches of the U.S. Army-1967 to 1970 by Schmitt, Jack
L'Algérie de 1830 à 1840 by Rousset, Camille
History of 112th Regiment of Illinois Volunteer Infentry in the Great War of the Rebellion 1862-1865 by Thompson, B. F.
Alphabetical list of Battles 1754-1900: War of the Rebellion Spanish-American War Philippine Insurrection and All Old Wars with dates by Strait, Newton A.
Mogul Emperors of Hindustan A.D. 1398- A.D. 1707 by Holden, Edward S.
The Military Encyclopaedia: A Technical, Biographical, and Historical Dictionary, Referring Exclusively to the Military Sciences, the Memoirs of D by Stocqueler, J. H.
Machiavelli: With an Introduction (Volume I) by Cust, Henry
Manual of Military German by Lieder, Frederick W. C.
A Military Dictionary, Or, Explanation of the Several Systems of Discipline of Different Kinds of Troop, Infantry, Artillery, And Cavalry; The Princip by Duane, William
The Nation in Arms: A treatise on Modern military Systems and the Conduct of war by Goltz, Bron Von Der
Principals of Military Training Volume Three by McCoy, Major Frank R.
The Realty of War A Companion to Clausewitz by Murray, Stawart L.
Rifle & Romance in the Indian Jungle by Glasfurd, Captain a. I. R.
The Rise of Maratha Power: Volume I by Ranade, M. G.
The Science of War: A Collection of Essays and Lectures, 1891-1903 by Henderson, G. F. R.
Soldiering in Sunshine and Storm by Douglas, William
Ten Years in India: in the 16th Queen's Lancers; And Three Years in South Africa, in the Cape Corps Levies by Gould, W. J. D.
Soldiers and Traveller: Memoirs of Alexander Gardner Colonel of Artillery in the Service of Maharaja Ranjit Singh by Pearse, Hugh Wodehouse, Gardner, Alexander Haughton Campbell
Die königlich sächsische Intendanz: Büros Generalstäbe und Intendant, Feld-Proviant-Amt, Feld-Kriegs-Kasse; Feld-Post, Kommissariats-Fuhrwesen by Titze, Jörg
Sir Ian Hamilton's Despatches from the Dardanelles by Hamilton, Ian
The Ukraine Conflict: Security, Identity and Politics in the Wider Europe by
La Cordelière de Portzmoguer - Corsaire du Pays d'Iroise by Kévorkian, Georges
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