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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Military History in 2019

Daring Deeds of American Heroes With Biographical Sketches by Brayman, James O.
Les Généraux Morts Pour La Patrie by Charavay, Jacques
A Poem Delivered at the Reunion of the Forty-ninth Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteers by Sumner, Samuel B.
Stupid Leaders: Incompetence throughout history by Vanderdussen, Andrew
Army Life on the Pacific: A Journal of the Expedition Against the Northern Indians, the Tribes of T by Kip, Lawrence
Memorandum and Anecdotes of the Civil War, 1862 - 1865 by Robinson, Arthur J.
An Address Commemorative of the Part Taken by the Inhabitants of the Original Town of Leicester by Washburn, Emory
The United States Army and Organized Militia Today by Huidekoper, Frederic Louis
Signalling Regulations: Being a Complete Compilation of All Orders, Regulations and Warrants Relatin by Sibbald, F. W.
Le uniformi militari dell'armata sarda 1840-1855: I piemontesi dalla guerra del 1848 alla Crimea by Cristini, Luca Stefano
History of Indian Depredations in Utah by Gottfredson, Peter
A Grandfather's Oft Told Tales of the Civil War, 1861-1865 by Albert, Allen Diehl
Das Heereswesen der Araber zur Zeit der Omaijaden nach Tabarî by Fries, Nicolaus
Grant as a Soldier and Statesman: Being a Succinct History of his Military and Civil Career by Howland, Edward
The Volunteer Force: A Social and Political History 1859-1908 by Cunningham, Hugh
Embodying Militarism: Exploring the Spaces and Bodies In-Between by
The Generals of the Last War With Great Britain by Jenkins, John S.
A Sketch of Suwarow and his Last Campaign by Macready, Edward Nevil
Les Cent-Jours en Vendée; le général Lamarque et l'insurrection royaliste, d'après les papiers inédi by Lasserre, Bertrand
Fourteen Months in Southern Prisons; Being a Narrative of the Treatment of Federal Prisoners of War by Davidson, Henry M.
Nation's Fortress by Kempinski, Robert Mark
International Mediation in a Fragile World by
History of the War of the Independence of the United States of America by Botta, Charles
Life of Lord Kitchener by Arthur, George
How Our Navy is Run by Hurd, Archibald S.
Major General Mcclellan by Edge, Frederick Milnes
Con Garibaldi Alle Porte di Roma (1867) by Barrili, Antonio Giulio
Con Garibaldi Alle Porte di Roma (1867) by Barrili, Antonio Giulio
History of Company F, 1st Regiment, R.I. Volunteers, During the Spring and Summer of 1861 by Clarke, Charles H.
Reminiscences of Service With the Twelfth Rhode Island Volunteers by Tillinghast, Pardon Elisha
Our First Year of Army Life: An Anniversary Address, Delivered to the First Regiment of Connecticut by Walker, Edward Ashley
A Bibliography of English Military Books up to 1642 and of Contemporary Foreign Works by Cockle, Maurice J. D.
The Mogul Emperors of Hindustan A.D. 1398 - A.D. 1707 by Holden, Edward S.
Campaigns on the North-west Frontier by Nevill, H. L.
Condensed Chronological History of the Great Rebellion, in the United States, From Nov. 8th., 1860 T by Rees, E.
History of Europe From the Commencement of the French Revolution in 1789 by Gould, Edward S., Alison, Archibald
In Memoriam; C. Rodman Jones, Born Aug. 14, 1875, Died June 25,1909 by Jones, Charles Henry
The Civil War in America by Russell, William Howard
The British Empire at Home and Abroad; an Account of its Origin, Progress, and Present Position, Wit by Sanderson, Edgar
A History of the United States Navy, From 1775 to 1898 by Maclay, Edgar Stanton, Smith, Roy Campbell
Foch The Man by Laughlin, Clara E.
The Rescue of Cuba by Draper, A. S.
A Boston Merchant of 1745 by Gibson, James
A Summary of the Case of General Fitz-John Porter by Lord, Theodore A.
Description of the Ceremony of Dedication of the Statue of Major-General John Sedgwick by Curtis, George William
The Service of Information, United States Army. A Review of the Nature, use, Field of Service, and O by Scriven, George Percival
Slavery and Four Years of War: A Political History of Slavery in the United States, Together With A by Keifer, Joseph Warren
Under Four Flags for France by Musgrave, George Clarke
The Presidential Armies of India by Rivett-Carnac, Colonel S.
The Life and Deeds of Gen. U. S. Grant by Headley, Phineas Camp
From Bunker Hill to Manila Bay by Dobbs, John F.
Chronological History of the West Indies by Southey, Thomas
The Fishguard Invasion by the French in 1797. Some Passages Taken by Rowlands, Daniel
Decolonisation and Regional Geopolitics: South Africa and the 'Congo Crisis', 1960-1965 by Passemiers, Lazlo
From Bunker Hill to Manila Bay by Dobbs, John F.
Les Princes en Afrique by Franque, Alfred
The Fishguard Invasion by the French in 1797. Some Passages Taken by Rowlands, Daniel
The Swamp Fox by Frost, John
Nature Study and Life by Hodge, Clifton F.
A Scientific Frontier; or, The Danger of a Russian Invasion of India by Dacosta, John
La battaglia di Desio 1277: L'ascesa dei Visconti e la sconfitta dei Torriani by Peruffo, Alberto
The Destruction of Belgium: Germany's Confession and Avoidance by Mears, E. Grimwood
Abraham Lincoln and his Presidency by Barrett, Joseph H.
The War by Russell, W. H.
Life and Public Services of General Ulysses S. Grant, From his Boyhood to the Present Time by Phelps, Charles A.
Histoire de Napoléon by Gallois, Léonard
President Lincoln As War Statesman by Conger, Arthur Latham
The Army and Navy of America: Containing a Full View of the Heroic Adventures, Battles, Naval Engag by Neff, Jacob K.
A Memoir of the Public Services of William Henry Harrison, of Ohio by Hall, James
The History of England From the Revolution in 1688 by Smollett, T.
A Memoir of the Public Services of William Henry Harrison, of Ohio by Hall, James
Narrative of the Expedition to China, From the Commencement of the war to its Termination in 1842; W by Bingham, John Elliot
German Clasic by Buchheim, C. A.
Historical Sketch Explanatory of Memorial or Certificate of Membership in the U.C.V.'s by Veterans, United Confederate
The Mississipps Valley in the Civil War by Fiske, John
A Sketch of the Charleston Light Dragoons, From the Earliest Formation of the Corps by Wells, Edward Laight
In South Africa With Buller by Musgrave, George Clarke
Ulysses S. Grant and the Period of National Preservation and Reconstruction by Church, William Conant
Un Mot D'Histoire Sur L'Alsace Et Strasbourg by Ott, Edmond
The War by Russell, W. H.
Brave Belgians by Hallard, Alys, Buffin, Baron C.
The legiones Cannenses: The first professional army of the Roman republic by Rocca, Samuel
Soldiers of Fortune in Camp and Court by Shand, Alexander Innes
The Boy's Life of General Sheridan by Goss, Warren Lee
The Life of Gen P. H. Sheridan by Larke, Julian K.
The Life of Gen P. H. Sheridan by Larke, Julian K.
General J. E. Johnston and G. T. Beauregard by Smith, Gustavus W.
Famous Naval Heroes by Eaton, Walter Pritchard
Leaves From A Lawyer's Life by Cowley, Charles
The Battle of Spring Hill Tennessiess by Shellenberger, John K.
Battles of Mexico: All the Battles Fought by Hutchinson, E.
Britain's Naval Power by Williams, Hamilton
War Memoran by Whittlesey, Charles
When and Where we Met Each Other by Strickler, Theodore D.
Pieces of Eight by Chaloner, John Armstrong
Memoirs of the Generals, Commodores, and Other Commanders, by Wyatt, Thomas
Correspondence, Despatches, and Other Papers of Viscount Castlereagh: Second Series: Military and Miscellaneous by Vane, Charles William
Gibraltar: The Greatest Siege in British History by Adkins, Roy, Adkins, Lesley
The Sons of Night: Antoine Gimenez's Memories of the War in Spain by Gimenez, Antoine
Popular Rumour in Revolutionary Paris, 1792-1794 by Porter, Lindsay
Adams Chronicles: Vol. II: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly by Adams, Louis E.
A Short History of the American Navy by Spears, John R.
The Elements of Military Hygiene by Ashburn, P. M.
A Narrative of the Campaign of the Valley of the Shenandoah, by Patterson, Robert
Narrative of the Central Division or Army of Chihuahua by Buhoup, Jonathan W.
Ball's Bluff by Peirson, Charles Lawrence
The Battle of Spring Hill Tennessiess by Shellenberger, John K.
Around the World With Uncle Sam by Kohr, Herbert O.
Life-Struggles in Rebel Prisons by Ferguson, Joseph
Don't Cry for Me: An Autobiography by Leggett, Arthur
Campaigns War of 1812-15, Against Great Britain, Sketched and Criticised by Cullum, George W.
Forty Six Months With the Fourth R. I. Volunteers in the War of 1861 to 1865 by Allen, Geo H.
Coalition Strategy and the End of the First World War by McCrae, Meighen
Samurai: An Encyclopedia of Japan's Cultured Warriors by Vaporis, Constantine
Aus Der Regierungszent Kaiser Franz Joseph1 by Schlitter, Hanns
The Battle Roll by Perce, Elbert
Blockade of Quebec in 1775-1776 by Würtele, Fred C.
Campaigns War of 1812-15, Against Great Britain, Sketched and Criticised by Cullum, George W.
Life in a Tank by Haigh, Richard
History of the Battles of America by Pollard, Josephine
Les Allemands Chez Eux Pendant La Guerre by Balmer, Paul
Proxy Wars: Suppressing Violence Through Local Agents by
A History of New York for Schools by Dunlap, William
Proxy Wars: Suppressing Violence Through Local Agents by
Costs of Conversation: Obstacles to Peace Talks in Wartime by
In the Line of Battle by Wood, Walter
Impressions de Guerre de Prêtres Soldats by Grandmaison, Léonce de
Boy's Book of Sea Fights by Fraser, Chelsea Curtis
The Siege of Quebec and the Battle of the Plains of Abraham by Doughty, A.
The Origin of the War by Federn, Karl
My Year of the Great War by Palmer, Frederick
The Naval and Military History of the Wars of England by Mante, Thomas
Taking Baghdad: Victory in Iraq With the US Marines by Grant, Aaron Michael
Taking Baghdad: Victory in Iraq With the US Marines by Grant, Aaron Michael
Histoire Critique Et Militaire Des Guerres De La Révolution, Volume 12... by Jomini, Henri
A Text-book Of Military Engineering: For The Use Of The Cadets Of The United States Military Academy, Part 1 by Wheeler, Junius Brutus
Storia Civile Della Fedelissima Città Di Capua: Partita In Tre Libri ...... by Granata, Francesco
Death Of A King by Wallace, Seoras
Diplomatic Style and Foreign Policy: A Case Study of South Korea by Robertson, Jeffrey
Feeding Occupied France During World War I: Herbert Hoover and the Blockade by Druelle, Clotilde
The New Complete History Of The United States Of America; Volume 12 by Ridpath, John Clark
Storia Della Guerra D'america Fra Chilì Il Perù E La Bolivia... by Caivano, Tommaso
Storia Delle Campagne E Degli Assedj Degl'italiani In Ispagna Dal Mdcccviii Al Mdcccxiii, 3... by Vacani, Camillo
Anti-j'accuse: Eine Deutsche Antwort... by Grelling, Kurt
Jihadist Insurgent Movements by
Recuerdos Históricos Sobre La Provincia De Cuyo, Volume 1... by Hudson, Damián
The Life Of Field Marshal The Duke Of Wellington: In Two Volumes, With Numerous Engravings; Volume 1 by Stocqueler, J. H.
A Treatise On Riot Duty For The National Guard by Bellows, Henry Adams
Souvenirs De La Guerre De L'indépendance De La Grèce... by Métaxas, Constantin
Storia Della Campagna D'italia Nel 1859: Descritta Ed Illustr. Ad Uso Dei Soldati E Del Popolo... by Croci, Rinaldo
The Great Events Of The Great War: A.d. 1915 by Horne, Charles Francis
Relazioni Degli Ambasciatori Veneti Al Senato: Raccolte, Annotate, Ed Edite Da Eugenio Albèri, A Spese Di Una Società, Volume 13... by Albèri, Eugenio
Relazioni Degli Ambasciatori Veneti Al Senato: Raccolte, Annotate, Ed Edite Da Eugenio Albèri, A Spese Di Una Società, Volume 13... by Albèri, Eugenio
Relazioni Degli Ambasciatori Veneti Al Senato Durante... by Albèri, Eugenio
Histoire De La Révolution Française, Volume 1... by Thiers, Adolphe
Histoire De La Révolution Française, Volume 1... by Thiers, Adolphe
Storia Della Campagna Di Novara Nel 1849 Dell'autore Di Custoza... by Masson, Alexandre Le
The Invasion Of The Crimea: Its Origin, And An Account Of Its Progress Down To The Death Of Lord Raglan; Volume 9 by Kinglake, Alexander William
Storia Del Reame Di Napoli... by Colletta, Pietro
Storia D'italia Dal 1789 Al 1814: Scritta Da Carlo Botta, Volume 4... by Botta, Carlo
Anales Del Reinado De Isabel Ii, 5: Obra Póstuma... by Burgos, Javier De
Recueil De Pièces Officielles Destinées À Détromper Les François Sur Les Événemens Qui Se Sont Passés Depuis Quelques Années, Volume 4... by Schoell, Frédéric
Souvenirs D'un Officier Royaliste...... by Romain, Félix de
Tacite: Avec Des Notes Politiques Et Historiques, Volume 9... by Tacitus, Cornelius
Tacite: Avec Des Notes Politiques Et Historiques, Volume 9... by Tacitus, Cornelius
The Life And Times Of Philip Schuyler; Volume 1 by Lossing, Benson John
Recueil De Pièces Officielles Destinées À Détromper Les François Sur Les Événemens Qui Se Sont Passés Depuis Quelques Années, Volume 4... by Schoell, Frédéric
I Dieci Giorni Dell'insurrezione Di Brescia Nel 1849... by Correnti, Cesare
Tacite... by Tacitus, Cornelius
Freedom Road: An American Family Saga from Jamestown to World War by Murphy, Ric
Recherches Sur La Force De L'armée Française... by Grimoard, Philippe-Henri De
Storia Delle Due Sicilie: Dal 1847 Al 1861, Volume 1... by De'sivo, Giacinto
Storia Delle Due Sicilie: Dal 1847 Al 1861, Volume 1... by De'sivo, Giacinto
The Dispatches Of Field Marshal The Duke Of Wellington During His Various Campaigns In India, Denmark, Portugal, Spain, The Low Countries, And France; by Wellington, Arthur Wellesley
Storia Delle Due Sicilie Dal 1847 Al 1861, Volume 2... by Sivo, Giacinto De'
Relazioni Degli Ambasciatori Veneti Al Senato: Raccolte, Annotate, Ed Edite Da Eugenio Albèri, A Spese Di Una Società, Volume 12... by Albèri, Eugenio
Storia Del Reame Di Napoli: Dal 1734 Sino Al 1825, Volume 2... by Colletta, Pietro
The Campaign Of Santiago De Cuba; Volume 2 by Sargent, Herbert Howland
Storia Della Repubblica Di Genova, Dalla Sua Origine Sino Al 1814, Volume 7... by Varese, Carlo
Storia Delle Invasioni Degli Arabi E Delle Piraterie Dei Barbareschi In Sardegna... by Martini, Pietro
Storia Del Reame Di Napoli: Dal 1734 Sino Al 1825, Volume 2... by Colletta, Pietro
British Prisoners of War in First World War Germany by Wilkinson, Oliver
Revolutionary France's War of Conquest in the Rhineland: Conquering the Natural Frontier, 1792-1797 by Hayworth, Jordan R.
The Red Army and the Second World War by Hill, Alexander
The Revolutionary services of John Greenwood of Boston and New York, 1775-1783 by Greenwood, Isaac J.
From Manassas to Appomattox: Memoirs of the Civil War in America by Longstreet, James
Records of the Revolutionary War: Containing the Military and Financial Correspondence of Distinguished Officers: Names of the Officers and Privates o by Saffell, W. T. R.
The Military Adventures of Charles O'Neil, Who Was a Soldier in the Army of Lord Wellington During the Memorable Peninsular War and the Continental Ca by O'Neil, Charles
Mosby's Rangers: A Record Of The Operations Of The Forty-Third Battalion Of Virginia Cavalry From Its Organization To The Surrender by Williamson, James J.
South Africa and the Transvaal War (Volume VI) by Creswicke, Louis
South Africa and the Transvaal War (Volume VII) by Creswicke, Louis
North Carolina, 1780-81: Being a History of the Invasion of the Carolinas by the British Army Under Lord Cornwallis in 1780-81 by Schenck, David
Noted Guerrillas or the Warfare of the Border: Being a History of the Lives and Adventures of Quantrell, Bill Anderson, and Numerous Other Well Known by Edwards, John N.
Co. Aytch, ' Maury Grays, First Tennessee Regiment or, A Side Show of the Big Show by Watkins, Sam R.
New York in the War of the Rebellion, 1861 to 1865 Five Volumes and Index by Phisterer, Frederick
Old Nineteenth Tennessee regiment, C.S.A. June, 1861-April, 1865 by Worsham, W. J.
Ten years in the ranks, U. S. army by Meyers, Augustus
The narrative of Colonel David Fanning (a Tory in the revolutionary war with Great Britain): giving an account of his adventures in North Carolina, fr by Fanning, David
The history of King Philip's war; also of expeditions against the French and Indians in the eastern parts of New-England, in the years 1689, 1690, 169 by Church, Thomas, Drake, Samuel G.
The war of Greek independence, 1821 to 1833 by Phillips, W. Alison
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