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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Military History in 2024

Camp Fire Yarns of the Lost Legion by Hamilton-Browne, G.
First in the Field A Story of New South Wales by Manville Fenn, George
Campaigning in Kaffirland Or, Scenes and Adventures in the Kaffir War of 1851-52 by King, William Ross
The Campaign in Russian Poland by Standing, Percy Cross
Campaigning in Cuba by Kennan, George
The Campaign of Chancellorsville by Dodge, Theodore A.
The Young Cavalier a Story of the Civil Wars by F. Westerman, Percy
Campaign Pictures of the War in South Africa (1899-1900) by Hales, A. G.
Campaign of the Fourteenth Regiment New Jersey Volunteers by Terrill, J. Newton
The Battle of the Falkland Islands Before and After by Spencer-Cooper, Henry Edmund Harvey
Battles of English History by George, Hereford B.
The Battle of Gettysburg by Aretas Haskell, Frank
Barbarossa an Historical Novel of the XII Century by Von Bolanden, Conrad
The Battle of the Marne by Perris, George Herbert
The Battle-Fields of Ireland from 1688 to 1691 by Boyle, John
Campaign of the Indus by Holdsworth, T. W. E.
Camp, Court and Siege by Hoffman, Wickham
Camps, Quarters And Casual Places by Forbes, Archibald
The Greek Histories: The Sweeping History of Ancient Greece as Told by Its First Chroniclers: Herodotus, Thucydides, Xenophon, and Plutarch by
The Han-Xiongnu War, 133 Bc-89 AD: The Struggle of China and a Steppe Empire Told Through Its Key Figures by Crawford, Scott
Turquie agonisante by Loti, Pierre
Le Désert by Loti, Pierre
Prime Jeunesse by Loti, Pierre
Happy Landings: A Military Family's Odyssey by Scanlon, Robert E., Scanlon, James J.
The German Infantryman on the Eastern Front by Forty, Simon, Taylor, Richard Charlton
The Soviet Infantryman on the Eastern Front by Forty, Simon
Putin's Wars and Nato's Flaws: Why Russia Invaded Ukraine by Moorcraft, Paul
Great Battles of the Early Roman Empire by Elliott, Simon
Last Stand at Le Paradis: The Events Leading to the SS Massacre of the Norfolks 1940 by Lane, Richard
Conflict Projections in U.S. Central Command: Incorporating Climate Change by Allendorf, Emily, Toukan, Mark, Watts, Stephen
Troopers' Tales of the British South Africa Police by Berry, John, Stock, Alan
What Do We Know about War? by
Defense Planning Implications of Climate Change for U.S. Central Command by Martini, Jeffrey, Sudkamp, Karen M., Yoshiara, Elisa
What Do We Know about War? by
Courage, Sacrifice, and Honor: Tales from the Frontline Heroes by Stephens, Jim
Mata Hari's Legacy: Unveiling the Dark Secrets of the Alluring Dancer and Mistress Who Turned French Spy During WWI and the Betrayal That by T. Peters, Cassandra
Money, Warfare and Power in the Ancient World: Studies in Honour of Matthew Freeman Trundle by
Purpose and Power: Us Grand Strategy from the Revolutionary Era to the Present by Stoker, Donald
鸢飞戾天: 一位国军少将的抗战军旅实录 by 吴鸢
The Secret History: New Large Print Edition (Large Print Edition) by Procopius
The Secret History: New Large Print Edition (Large Print Edition) by Procopius
Rise of the Republic by Griffin, D. S.
Geoffroy of Villehardouin, Marshal of Champagne: His Life and Memoirs of the Fourth Crusade by Evergates, Theodore
Disrupting the Chinese Military in Competition and Low-Intensity Conflict: An Analysis of People's Liberation Army Missions, Tasks, and Potential Vuln by Heath, Timothy R., Robinson, Eric, Curriden, Christian
Cold War Alabama by Deaile, Melvin G.
Barbarian Warrior Vs Roman Legionary: Marcomannic Wars AD 165-180 by Dahm, Murray
Patton's Tactician: The War Diary of Lieutenant General Geoffrey Keyes by Keyes, Geoffrey
Gunpowder Technology in the Fifteenth Century: A Study, Edition and Translation of the Firework Book by Müller, Axel
The Charge of the Light Brigade by Caillou, Alan
Romulus: The Legend of Rome's Founding Father by Hyden, Marc
Axis Victorious: Book 4 of the Axis Alternate Series by Lamirande, Max
Tactical Air Power and the Vietnam War by Haun, Phil
French Revolution: Revolutions That Changed the Course of History (The History and Legacy of the World's Most Famous Social Revolution) by Holmes, Leslie
Tactical Air Power and the Vietnam War by Haun, Phil
Military Account of James H. Power of the 111th Illinois Infantry During the Civil War by Lane, Molly Michelle, Smith, Timothy James
The Life of Sir Stanley Maude Lieutenant General K.C.B, C.M.G., D.S.O. by Callwell, C. E.
The Life of Sir Stanley Maude Lieutenant General K.C.B, C.M.G., D.S.O. by Callwell, C. E.
King Arthur's Last Battle: Arthur's Death in America by Maccann, Robert
Hitler's Panzer Generals: Guderian, Hoepner, Reinhardt and Schmidt Unguarded by Stahel, David
Hitler's Panzer Generals: Guderian, Hoepner, Reinhardt and Schmidt Unguarded by Stahel, David
Lincoln in the Black Hawk War by Jackson, Alfred Augustus
Lincoln in the Black Hawk War by Jackson, Alfred Augustus
Resistance and Liberation: France at War, 1942-1945 by Porch, Douglas
The Household Cavalry at War: The Story of the Second Household Cavalry Regiment by Orde, Roden
Armies of the Crusaders, 1096-1291: History, Organization, Weapons and Equipment by Esposito, Gabriele
The Russian Invasion of Ukraine, February - December 2022: Destroying the Myth of Russian Invincibility by Harrel, John S.
Understanding Ancient Battle: Combat in the Classical World from the Unit Commander's Perspective by Elton, Hugh
NATO in the Cold War and After: Contested Histories and Future Directions by
Scènes de la vie mexicaine by Ferry, Gabriel
Les Squatters by Ferry, Gabriel
Scènes de la vie militaire au Mexique by Ferry, Gabriel
La Guerre des États-Unis et du Mexique by Ferry, Gabriel
Defence Innovation and the 4th Industrial Revolution: Security Challenges, Emerging Technologies, and Military Implications by
Empire and Gunpowder: Military Industrialisation and Ascendancy of the East India Company in India, 1757-1856 by Chowdhury, Moumita
Routledge Handbook of Environmental Security by
Health Security Intelligence by
Rome and Attila by Holmes
Battlefields Past and Present by Darman, Peter
Las cruzadas: Un apasionante recorrido por un acontecimiento de la historia cristiana que tuvo lugar en la Edad Media by Wellman, Billy
The German Fleet by Hurd, Archibald
Custer's Last Shot Or, The Boy Trailer Of The Little Horn by Travers, Col J. M.
Experiences Of A Dug-Out 1914-1918 by Callwell, C. E.
Arguing Until Doomsday: Stephen Douglas, Jefferson Davis, and the Struggle for American Democracy by Woods, Michael E.
Notes on Enemy Army Identifications: October 1941 by The General
The Wars of the Jews, or History of the Destruction of Jerusalem by Josephus, Flavius
An Unexpected Coddiwomple: The Story of a Father's Sudden Death, a Box of WWII Letters, and a Daughter's Life Transformed by Thompson, Loretto M.
A Guardsman in the Crimea: The Life and Letters of William Scarlett by Sheppard, Martin
White School, Black Memories by Barnes, Cwo John G.
White School, Black Memories by Barnes, Cwo John G.
Palestine 1936: The Great Revolt and the Roots of the Middle East Conflict by Kessler, Oren
Palestine 1936: The Great Revolt and the Roots of the Middle East Conflict by Kessler, Oren
Roman Winchester by Chittenden, Joseph
Soldier Secretary: Warnings from the Battlefield & the Pentagon about America's Most Dangerous Enemies by Miller, Christopher C.
Medieval Arms and Armour: A Sourcebook. Volume II: 1400-1450 by
Recounting the Memories of Bangladesh's Liberation War: Why It Is Still Relevant by
Pathways from Climate Change to Conflict in U.S. Central Command by Sudkamp, Karen M., Chandler, Nathan, Martini, Jeffrey
A Brief History of Napoleon Bonaparte - Emperor, Exile, Eternity by Matthews, Scott
A Brief History of Napoleon Bonaparte - Emperor, Exile, Eternity by Matthews, Scott
The Military History of the Russian Empire from Peter the Great Until Nicholas II by Steinberg, John W.
Handbook on Psychiatric Casualties in Battle 1951: For Medical Officers by The General
The Battle of Lepanto: A Captivating Guide to the Pivotal Naval Conflict between the Ottoman Turks and the Holy League by History, Captivating
Exposing the Truth by Fowler, Wallace
Armies of the First French Republic and the Rise of the Marshals of Napoleon I: VOLUME I: The Armee du Nord by Phipps, Ramsay Weston
Armies of the First French Republic and the Rise of the Marshals of Napoleon I: VOLUME II: The Armees de la Moselle, du Rhin, de Sambre-et-Meuse, de R by Phipps, Ramsay Weston
Armies of the First French Republic and the Rise of the Marshals of Napoleon I: VOLUME III: The Armies in the West, 1793 to 1797; The Armies in the So by Phipps, Ramsay Weston
Military Honours and Awards: Surrey & Sussex Yeomanry 1939-1947 by Buckman, Richard
Israel's Civil-Military Relations and Security Sector Reform: Lessons for Conflict-Affected Societies by Westerman, Ian
Armies of the First French Republic and the Rise of the Marshals of Napoleon I: VOLUME IV: The Army of Italy 1796 to 1797; Paris and the Army of the I by Phipps, Ramsay Weston
Armies of the First French Republic and the Rise of the Marshals of Napoleon I: VOLUME V: The Armies on the Rhine, in Switzerland, Holland, Italy, Egy by Phipps, Ramsay Weston
Egito Antigo - 20 Respostas Fascinantes by Ciman, Mike
Ancient Egypt - 20 Fascinating Answers by Ciman, Mike
From The End of The Tracks to The Stars by Hood, Major General Charles M.
Coastal Warfare Against the Viet Cong: Volume Three (1968) by Steffes, James
Coastal Warfare Against the Viet Cong: Volume Three (1968) by Steffes, James
The Army Under Fire: The Politics of Antimilitarism in the Civil War Era by Zander, Cecily N.
Apo Joe by Duff, Donald Ray
Maids, Wives, Widows: Exploring Early Modern Women's Lives, 1540-1714 by Read, Sara
Conwy's Military Heritage by Hughes, Adrian
Surviving War and Crime: From the War in Vietnam to Crime on Our Streets by Miller, N. Pat
Surviving War and Crime: From the War in Vietnam to Crime on Our Streets by Miller, N. Pat
Forged in War: How a Century of War Created Today's Information Society by Lankes, R. David
The Drug To Control: How The Elite Conspire Against You by Pane, Tom S.
A Forgotten British War: The Accounts of Korean War Veterans by
Inmates in Charge: Top Level Leadership - Lacking Vision, Corrupt, & Couldn't Be Trusted by Beamon, Walter
Inmates in Charge: Top-Level Leadership-Lacking Vision, Corrupt, & Couldn't Be Trusted by Beamon, Walter
Lothar Von Trotha in Deutsch-Südwestafrika, 1904-1905: Band I: Das Tagebuch. Band II: Das Fotoalbum by Eckl, Andreas, Häussler, Matthias
Commando: A History of the Elite British Military Force and Its Operations in World War Two by Young, Peter
A Lady's Experiences in the Great Siege of Gibraltar (1779-83) by Green, Miriam
The Art of Medieval Warfare: Strategies, Tactics, and Weapons of the Battlefield by Clarke, Andy
Vikingos. Entre la historia y la leyenda by Forbus, Jason R.
Courage, Sacrifice, and Honor (Large Print Edition): Tales from the Frontline Heroes (Large Print Edition) by Stephens, Jim
European History: Everything You Need to Know to Ace Saq (Explore the Astonishing Rebirth of European History From Beginning to End) by Mackey, Robert
The Archaeology of War: Studies on Weapons of Barbarian Europe in the Roman and Migration Period by Kontny, Bartosz
I Tip My Hat: A Granddaughter Reminisces by Brooks, Cathy Linda
I Tip My Hat: A Granddaughter Reminisces by Brooks, Cathy Linda
The Battle of Allegan: The 1936 Second Army Maneuvers in Allegan County by Causley, Chris
Arab-Israeli Conflict: The Essential Reference Guide by
The AIF in Battle by
L'Égypte Ancienne - 20 Réponses Fascinantes by Ciman, Mike
Russia's Turkish Wars: The Tsarist Army and the Balkan Peoples in the Nineteenth Century by Taki, Victor
Don't Forget Me, Cobber by Corfield, Robin
Not On My Watch by Humenuck, Richard
Turning Points: Forgotten Conflicts That Molded America by Smock, Douglas
Die kurfürstlich und königlich sächsische Infanterie (I): Die Linien-Regimenter und die Grenadier-Bataillone 1805 - 1810 by Titze, Jörg
An Alternative History of Britain: Normans and Early Plantagenets by Venning, Timothy
The Grand Strategy of the Roman Empire: From the First Century CE to the Third, Revised and Updated Edition by Luttwak, Edward N.
The Streltsy: Russia's First Standing Forces, 1550 - 1705: Russia's First by Sanders, Richard
The Grand Strategy of the Roman Empire: From the First Century CE to the Third, Revised and Updated Edition by Luttwak, Edward N.
Occupazione italiana dell'Albania by Notaro, Daniele
Albania's Italian occupation by Notaro, Daniele
An Alternative History of Britain: Normans and Early Plantagenets by Venning, Timothy
Leisure with Dignity: Essays in Celebration of Charles R. Kesler by
The Wars of the Roses: The Medieval Art of Graham Turner by Turner, Graham
Testimonianze di guerra nell'estate del 1944 a Castel Focognano (Arezzo) by Mattesini, Francesco
Human Factors in Effective Counter-Terrorism: A Comparative Study by Warnes, Richard
The Battle of Lepanto: A Captivating Guide to the Pivotal Naval Conflict between the Ottoman Turks and the Holy League by History, Captivating
Visions of War: Art of the Imperial War Museums by Brenard, Claire
Pilote de Drone by Le Viavant, Pierre-Yves
Campaign in Western Asia: Official History of the Indian Armed Forces in the Second World War 1939-45 Campaigns in the Western Theatre by Pal, Dharm
The Secession of the South: The History of the Confederacy's Establishment Before the Civil War by Gianos-Steinberg, Jonathan, Charles River
Roman St Albans by Chittenden, Joseph
Campaign in Western Asia: Official History of the Indian Armed Forces in the Second World War 1939-45 Campaigns in the Western Theatre by Pal, Dharm
The Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World From Marathon to Waterloo by Creasy, Edward Shepherd
Honoring Native Warriors by Robinson, Gary
THE RECONQUEST OF BURMA June 1944-June 1945: Volume 2: Official History of the Indian Armed Forces in the Second World War 1939-45 Campaigns in the Ea by Khera, P. N., Prasad, S. N.
The First Hundred Thousand Being the Unofficial Chronicle of a Unit of "K(1)" BOOK TWO LIVE ROUNDS by Hay, Ian
"Green Balls" The Adventures of a Night-Bomber by Bewsher, Paul
The First Hundred Thousand Being the Unofficial Chronicle of a Unit of "K(1)" BOOK ONE BLANK CARTRIDGES by Hay, Ian
THE RECONQUEST OF BURMA June 1942-June 1944: Official History of the Indian Armed Forces in the Second World War 1939-45 Campaigns in the Eastern Thea by Prasad, S. N., Bhargava, K. D., Khera, P. N.
The Retreat from Burma 1941-1942: Official History of the Indian Armed Forces in the Second World War 1939-45 Campaigns in the Eastern Theatre by Prasad, Bisheshwar
CAMPAIGNS IN SOUTH-EAST ASIA 1941-42 Hong Kong, Malaya and Sarawak & Borneo: Official History of the Indian Armed Forces in the Second World War 1939- by Sastri, K. N. V., Bhargava, K. D.
CAMPAIGNS IN SOUTH-EAST ASIA 1941-42 Hong Kong, Malaya and Sarawak & Borneo: Official History of the Indian Armed Forces in the Second World War 1939- by Sastri, K. N. V., Bhargava, K. D.
THE RECONQUEST OF BURMA June 1942-June 1944: Volume 1: Official History of the Indian Armed Forces in the Second World War 1939-45 Campaigns in the Ea by Prasad, S. N., Bhargava, K. D., Khera, P. N.
THE RECONQUEST OF BURMA June 1944-June 1945: Volume 2: Official History of the Indian Armed Forces in the Second World War 1939-45 Campaigns in the Ea by Prasad, S. N., Khera, P. N.
Roman Empire: The Ancient World Economy & the Empires of Parthia (The History From the Founding of Ancient Rome to the Fall of the R by Mason, Arnoldo
The Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe: Russian Foreign and Security Policy, from the End of the USSR to the War in Ukraine by Wilcox, Mark
Simple Sabotage Field Manual by Services, United States
A Piece of the Greatest Generation by Scranton, Harrison C.
South American Armies 1825-1865 by Esposito, Gabriele
Eight Controversial Questions of History: A Critical Examination by Doti, Bob
The Big Three Allies and the European Resistance: Intelligence, Politics, and the Origins of the Cold War, 1939-1945 by Piffer, Tommaso
Fort Holabird by Lari, David
The World War I Book by DK
Women Waging War in the American Revolution by
World War 1 Heroes: Unforgettable Tales of Courage, Selflessness, and Resilience by Publications, Ahoy
Down from the Mountain: The Path of a Baby Boomer by Vickery, Brian
Axis Overwhelming: Book 5 of the Axis Alternate Series by Sokol, Stephen, Lamirande, Max
Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution in Comparative Organizations: Case Studies of Selected Non-Dod Federal Agencies by Consaul, Ryan, McKernan, Megan, Young, Stephanie
Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution in Comparative Organizations: Executive Summary by McKernan, Megan, Young, Stephanie, Heath, Timothy R.
Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution in Comparative Organizations: Case Studies of China and Russia by Young, Stephanie, Heath, Timothy R., McKernan, Megan
Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution in Comparative Organizations: Case Studies of Selected Allied and Partner Nations by Dowse, Andrew, McKernan, Megan, Young, Stephanie
Varhaug, Sonne and Elektra: The Rudolf Hess Flight Book by Wilbourn, Richard, Harris, John
Finis Britanniae: A Military History of Late Roman Britain and the Saxon Conquest by Dahm, Murray
Bundeswehr Und Gesellschaft - Wahrnehmungen Im Wandel by
Britain and the Dhofar War in Oman, 1963-1976: A Covert War in Arabia by Hughes, Geraint
Kriegsgefangene Oder Kriminelle?: Internierungslager, Gericht Und Gefängnis Im Nordirlandkonflikt 1968-1981 by Spreier, Andreas
War, Peace and the Military: Sociological Perspectives by Kernic, Franz
FM 1-02.2 Military Symbols: With Special AI-powered Essay on Graphic Design & Military Symbology by Department of the Army
An Alternative History of Britain: The Tudors by Venning, Timothy
An Alternative History of Britain: The Tudors by Venning, Timothy
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