• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Music in 1989

Joyful Noise: A Service For The Celebration Of Easter by Kelchner-Cochran, Ruthanne
Berg Companion by
Ernst Kurth as Theorist and Analyst by Rothfarb, Lee A.
Anthony Milner: A Bio-Bibliography by Siddons, James
Alexander Tcherepnin: A Bio-Bibliography by Arias, Enrique Alberto
The Big Band Almanac by Walker, Leo
Edward Burlingame Hill: A Bio-Bibliography by Tyler Schmidt, Linda, Tyler, Linda L.
American Musicologists, C. 1890-1945: A Bio-Bibliographical Sourcebook to the Formative Period by Steinzor, Curt Efram
The Burston Drum by Dryden, Ellen
Ernst Krenek: A Bio-Bibliography by Bowles, Garrett H.
Proust as Musician by Nattiez, Jean Jacques, Nattiez, Jean-Jacques
The Letters of Mozart and His Family by Sadie, Stanley, Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
The Works of John Wesley Volume 7: A Collection of Hymns for the Use of the People Called Methodists by Hildebrandt, Franz
The Invisible Medium: Public, Commercial and Community Radio by
Ned Rorem: A Bio-Bibliography by McDonald, Arlys L.
Greek Musical Writings: Volume 1, the Musician and His Art by
Musings: The Musical Worlds of Gunther Schuller by Schuller, Gunther
Words and Spaces: An Anthology of Twentieth Century Musical Experiments in Language Sonic Environments by Delio, Thomas, Smith, Stuart Saunders
Billie's Blues by Chilton, John
The Worship Resources of the United Methodist Hymnal by
Dexter Gordon: A Musical Biography by Britt, Stan
The Rolling Stone Interviews: 1967-1980 by Rolling Stone Magazine
Hymns of the United Methodist Hymnal by
Michael Tippett: A Bio-Bibliography by Theil, Gordon
Music and the Personal Computer: An Annotated Bibliography by Waters, William J.
Benny Goodman and the Swing Era by Collier, James Lincoln
Sound Sentiment by Kivy, Peter
'A Commonsense View of All Music': Reflections on Percy Grainger's Contribution to Ethnomusicology and Music Education by Blacking, John
Cosmic Music: Musical Keys to the Interpretation of Reality by
The End of the Pier Show by Parsley, Roger