• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Music in 2010

Dasz [!] Elfte Lied Vom Zorne Des Achilleus by Homer
Studien Zur Geschichte Der Theologie Und Der Kirche, Volume 10 by Anonymous
Studien Zur Geschichte Der Franzosischen Musik, Volume 3 by Anonymous
Katolsk Messa: Komponerad for Fyra Soloroster, Chor Och Orchester. Klaverutdrag Med Text by Sderman, August, Soderman, August
Jongleurs Und Menestrels by Freymond, Emile
Variations on an Original Theme for Orchestra, Op. 36 by West, John E., Elgar, Edward
Histoire De La Musique: Hollande, Volume 2 by Soubies, Albert
Menschenlieder by Von Hanstein, Adalbert
Sing- Und Sprech-Gymnastik: Der Weg Zur Meisterschaft in Der Gesanglichen Und Rednerischen Vollverwerthung Des Stimmorgans by Weiss, G. Gottfried
Supplemente, Enthaltend Quellen Zu Handel's Werken, Volume 1 by Handel, George Frideric
Ein Vierteljahrhundert Bohmischer Musik by Chvala, Emanuel, Chvla, Emanuel
Glad Hallelujahs: Replete with Sacred Songs by Anonymous
The New Music Review and Church Music Review, Volume 15 by
Lieder Und Gedichte in Auswahl by Mrike, Eduard Friedrich, Morike, Eduard Friedrich
Musikalien-Catalog Von Heinrichshofen's Verlag in Magdeburg by Heinrichshofen, Publishers
Sunday School Hymns, Issue 1 by Anonymous
Romancero De Romances Caballerescos É Históricdos Anteriores Al Siglo XVIII by Anonymous
Thirty Sterling Songs by the Great Masters by Bentley, Alys E.
Kriegs-Und Siegeslieder Aus Dem 15ten Jahrhundert by Wachter, Leonhard, Schreiber, Heinrich, Wchter, Leonhard
Pater Noster Und Ave Maria in Deutschen Uebersetzungen: Nebst Einem Anhange: Die Altdeutschen Namen Gottes Und Marias by Kehrein, Joseph
Blumen Und Baume: Lieder Und Geschichten Aus Dem Pflanzenreich, Die Welt Unter Bluten Und Blattern by Anonymous
Uber Die Musik Der Neueren Griechen by Kiesewetter, Raphael Georg
Gloria Patri: Prayers, Chants, and Responses, for Public Worship, Volume 25; Volume 450 by Anonymous
Calvary: An Oratorio by Spohr, Louis
Johann George Sulzers Theorie & Praktik Der # Hrsg by Sulzer, Johann Georg
Das Lied Von Der Glocke, with a Tr. in Prose, and Notes, by T.J. Livesey and F. Hagelüken by Von Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich
La Lira Poblana: Poesías De Las Sritas by Anonymous
Die Symphonien Beethovens Und Anderer Beruhmter Meister, Mit Hinzuziehung Der Urtheile Geistreicher Manner Analysirt Und Zum Verstandnisse Erlautert by Von Durenberg, F. L. S., Von Drenberg, F. L. S.
The Children's Hymnal: With Accompanying Tunes by
Songs of Christian Service by Kirkpatrick, William James, Gilmour, H. L.
Das Spiel Von Den Zehn Jungfrauen: Eine Opera Seria: Gegeben Zu Eisenach Am 24. April 1322 by Freybe, Albert
Science of Voice Production and Voice Preservation: For Use of Speakers and Singers by Holmes, Gordon
The New Music Review and Church Music Review, Volume 19 by
Los DOS Foscari by Verdi, Giuseppe, Piave, Francesco Maria
Oratorio of Isaiah by Patton, Willard
Kurze Anleitung Zum Grundlichen Studium Des Gesanges by Sieber, Ferdinand
Die Instrumental-Stucke Des Orfeo Und Die Venetianischen Opern-Sinfonien by Heuss, Alfred
Proben Althollandischer Volkslieder: Mit Einem Anhange Altschwedischer, Englischer, Schottischer, Italienischer, Madecassischer, Brasilianischer Und A by Wolff, Oskar Ludwig Bernhard
A Song of Redemption by Gray, Alan
México Poético: Colección De Poesias Escogidas De Autores Mexicanos by Esteva, Adalberto A.
Lift Up Your Hearts: A Sacred Symphony for Bass Solo, Chorus, and Orchestra. Op. 20 by Davies, Walford
Louise: Roman Musical En Quatre Actes Et Cinq Tableaux by Charpentier, Gustave
Sangbog for Skolen Og Hjemmet by Baardseth, Nils
Piano Compositions: Shorter Compositions.-V.2. Larger Compositions by Bach, Johann Sebastian, Prout, Ebenezer
Les Luthiers Italiens Aux Xviie Et Xviiie Siecles by Sibire, Sbastien-Andr, Gallay, Jules, Sibire, Sebastien-Andre
Hymnal by
Hymns and Sacred Songs by Excell, Edwin Othello
Lessing, Volume 1 by Schmidt, Erich
Histoire Du Théatre De L'opéra Comique, Volume 2 by Desboulmiers, Jean-Augustin-Julien
Lessing, Volume 2 by Borinski, Karl
Village Hymns for Social Worship, Selected and Original: Designed as a Supplement to Dr. Watts's Psalms and Hymns by Anonymous
Der Nebeljungen Lied, Zweite Auflage by Brunner, Sebastian
Preussische Soldatenlieder in Den Jahren Von 1778 Bis 1790 by Gleim, Johann Wilhelm Ludwig
Das Rätsel Der Musik: Eine Theorie Der Tonvorstellungen by Fischer, Konrad
Das Lied Von Der Glocke, with Notes and a Synopsis of German Grammar by C. Bilton by Von Schiller, Johann Christoph Friedrich
Geschichte Des Kirchenlieds Und Kirchengesangs Der Christlichen, Insbesondere Der Deutschen Evangelischen Kirche, Volume 7 by Koch, Eduard Emil
Letzte Lieder by Jordan, Wilhelm
Sonatas for Pianoforte, Volume 2 by Schumann, Robert
The St. Stephen's Penny Hymn Book by Anonymous
The Church Hymnal: A Book of Hymns Adapted to the Use of the Church of England and Ireland: Arranged as They Are to Be Sung in Churches by Anonymous
Hymns Selected from the Most Approved Authors: For the Use of Trinity Church, Boston by Church, Trinity
Geschichte Der Geistlichen Liedertexte VOR Der Reformation Mit Besonderer Beziehung Auf Deutschland by Frantz, Clamor
How Music Developed: A Critical and Explanatory Account of the Growth of Modern Music by Henderson, William James
Lyra Domestica by Huntington, Frederic Dan, Massie, Richard, Spitta, Karl Johann Philipp
Suzanne's Secret by Wolf-Ferrari, Ermanno
Eine Carneval Scene: Op. 5 by Bird, Arthur H.
Op. 25 by Foote, Arthur
Lobetanz: Ein Singspiel by Bierbaum, Otto Julius
England Und Schottland in Den Englisch-Schottischen Volksballaden by Hillmann, Wilhelm
Otto Von Bodenlaube in Seinen Liedern by Otto
Gospel and Epistle Hymns for the Christian Year by Anketell, John
Kleines Hand-Buchlein, Darinnen Morgen- Und Abendgebete, Wie Auch Zur Tauf Und Communion Und Verschiedene Gebete Enthalten Sind: ALS Anhand Mehrere Ma by Anonymous
Geschichte Der Musik: Bd. Fragment: Palestrina. Die Zeit Des Palestrinastyles. Der Monodische Styl in Rom. Die Musikreform Und Der Kampf Geg by Ambros, August Wilhelm, Nottebohm, Gustav, Becker, Carl Ferdinand
Schubart ALS Musiker by Holzer, Ernst
Das Volkslied Im Appenzellerlande by Anonymous
Lehrbuch Der Harmonie: Praktische Anleitung Zu Den Studien in Derselben by Richter, Ernst Friedrich
Der Cursus S. Benedicti Nursini Und Die Liturgischen Hymnen Des 6.-9. Jahrhunderts in Ihrer Beziehung Zu Den Sonntags- Und -Ferialhymnen Unseres Brevi by Blume, Clemens
Dies Irae in Thirteen Original Versions by Thomas, Frederic
Additional Hymns by Anonymous
Uber Die Provenzalischen Lieder-Handschriften Des Giovanni Maria Barbieri: Eine Untersuchung by Mussafia, Adolfo
Te Deum Laudamus: Set to Music for Soprano and Bass Soli, Chorus, and Orchestra by Parry, Charles Hubert Hastings
Opera Songs: The Choicest Selection from All the Standard Operas, New and Old, Volume 4 by Anonymous
Peter Tschaikowsky: Eine Monographische Studie by Hruby, Carl
The Psalms of David, in Metre: Tr. and Diligently Compared with the Original Text and Former Translations: More Plain, Smooth, and Agreeable to the T by Brown, John
Pseaumes En Vers Mezurez, Volume 21 by Le Jeune, Claude
Praktisch-Theoretisches Lehrbuch Der Musikalischen Composition. ... Dritte Auflage by Schtze, Friedrich Wilhelm, Schutze, Friedrich Wilhelm
Der Neuen Aristoxener Zerstreute Aufsatze Uber Das Irrige Der Musikalischen Arithmetik Und Das Eitle Ihrer Temperaturrechnungen by Kiesewetter, Raphael Georg
The Electric Guitar Handbook: A Complete Course in Modern Technique and Styles [With CD (Audio)] by Fogg, Rod
Radetzky-Lieder: Ein Album Zu Ehren Des Feldherrn, Seiner Paladine Und Seiner Tapfern Dargebracht Von Deutschen Dichtern by Anonymous
La Verbena De La Paloma: Ó El Boticario Y Las Chulapas Y Celos Mal Reprimidos: Sainete Lírico, En Un Acto Y En Prosa by De La Vega, Ricardo
Lira Yucateca, Volume 1 by Anonymous
Flores Musice Omnis Cantus Gregoriani by Spechtshart, Hugo
La Boheme: Four Acts by Illica, Luigi, Puccini, Giacomo, Giacosa, Giuseppe
The First Music Reader, Book 1 by Whiting, Charles Edward
Ueber Den Altdeutschen Meistergesang, Part 245 by Grimm, Jacob Ludwig Carl
Fingere Per Godere: Comedia Per Musica by Mariani, Tomaso
Raimunds Vorganger by Bauerle, Adolf, Meisl, Karl, Furst, Rudolf
Song Album by Anonymous
The Beatles Solo on Apple Records by Spizer, Bruce
Muggletonian Celestial Harmonies and Divine Songs by
Six Anthems by Milton, John, Arkwright, Godfrey Edward Pellew
Rhymeplay: Playing with Children and Mother Goose by
Die Murbacher Hymnen by Sievers, Eduard
Antike Tragodien Im Gewande Moderner Musik: Asthetische Und Metrische Studien by Seeliger, Hermann
Chansons: Édition Complète Avec Les Airs Notes Et La Portrait De L'auteur by Clesse, Antoine
Das Höfische Leben Zur Zeit Der Minnesinger, Volume 1 by Schultz, Alwin
Studien Zur Geschichte Der Italienischen Oper Im 17. Jahrhundert, Volume 1 by Anonymous
Lessings Dramen: Im Lichte Ihrer Und Unserer Zeit by Kettner, Gustav
Vore Folkeviser Fra Middelalderen by Steenstrup, Johannes Christoffer Hageman
Carmen: Opera in 4 Acts by Baker, Theodore, Meilhac, Henri
Die Theorie Des Schalles, Volume 1 by Rayleigh, Baron John William Strutt
Neugriechische Volkslieder by Anonymous
Songs, Odes, & Other Poems, on National Subjects: Patriotic.-V.2. Naval.-V.3. Military by McCarty, William
The New Sabbath Hymn and Tune Book: For the Service of Song in the House of the Lord by Wayland, Francis, Park, Edwards Amasa, Phelps, Austin
The Book of English Songs: From the Sixteenth to the Nineteenth Century by MacKay, Charles
Abriss Der Geschichte Israels Und Juda's; Lieder Der Hudhailiten, Arabisch Und Deutsch by Wellhausen, Julius
A History of the Holy Eastern Church, Part 2, Volume 2 by Anonymous
Le Nouveau Siècle De Louis Xiv; Ou, Choix De Chansons: Historiques Et Satiriques, Presque Toutes Inédites, De 1654 À 1712, Accompagnées De Notes Par L by Anonymous
Richard Wagner: Vorlesungen Gehalten an D. Univ. Zu Wien by Adler, Guido
Die Gedruckten Englischen Liederbucher, Bis 1600: Ein Beitrag Zur Geschichte Der Sangbaren Lyrik in Der Zeit Shakespeares, Volume 29 by Bolle, Wilhelm
The Alliterating Philosopher: Philosophy Can Be Phun by Weaver, Washington
The Alliterating Philosopher: Philosophy Can Be Phun by Weaver, Washington
The American History and Encyclopedia of Music, Volume 12 by Green, Janet M., Thrall, Josephine
Lieder by Meli, Giovanni, Gregorovius, Ferdinand Adolf
El Teatro Real Por Dentro: Memorias De Un Empresario by Araco, Manuel Gonzalez
Le Petit Chansonnier François, Ou Choix Des Meilleures Chansons,: Sur Des Airs Connus by Anonymous
Cantiones Et Muteti: Lieder Und Motetten Des Mittelalters by Dreves, Guido Maria
Caecilia, Volume 14 by Anonymous
Sayings and Doings: Or, Sketches from Life. Second Series by Hook, Theodore Edward
The Book of Common Prayer, & Administration of the Sacraments, & Other Rites & Ceremonies of the Church...: Together with the Psalter, or Psalms of Da by
Fuhrer Durch Den Concertsaal: Abth. Sinfonie Und Suite by Kretzschmar, Hermann
A Selection of Hymns: Designed As a Supplement to the "Psalms and Hymns" of the Presbyterian Church by Boardman, Henry Augustus
Jamie Noraa: The Inspired Dreamer by Harris, Gregory
Critical & Bibliographical Notes on Early Spanish Music by Riano, Juan Facundo, Riao, Juan Facundo
Ein Wort Zur Gesangbuch-Frage: Zugleich Prolegomena Zu Einem Buchlein Geistlicher Volkslieder by Dreves, Guido Maria
Volkslieder Der Polen by Pol, Wincenty, Pol, Vincenz
Bases Covered by Regel
Sacred Writings: With Introductions and Notes, Volume 45 by Anonymous
Sacred Writings by Anonymous
Romancero Castellano, Ó Colección De Antiguos Romances Populares De Los Españoles, by Depping, Georges-Bernard
Sayings and Doings: Merton (Concluded) Martha, the Gypsy by Hook, Theodore Edward
Deutsche Lyrik by Buchheim, Karl Adolf
A Book of Common Worship by
Die Grundzuge Der Griechischen Rhythmik Im Anschluss an Aristides Quintilianus by Quintilianus, Aristides, Caesar, Julius
Anne & Gilbert by Hochhauser, Jeff, Johnston, Bob
Die Tief-Einathmung: Ihre Anwendungsmethode Zur Forderung Der Gesangskunst, Sowie Zur Heilung Verschiedener Krankheiten, Inbesondere Der SC by Ciccolina, Sophia A.
L'Huitre Et Les Plaideurs, Ou, Le Tribunal de la Chicane: Opera-Comique by Philidor, Francois Danican, Sedaine
Folk-Lore: Ó, Cancionero Salmantino by Anonymous
Teatro, Musica E Musicisti in Recanati by Radiciotti, Giuseppe
The Mascot (La Mascotte): Comic Opera in Three Acts by Duru, Alfred
Sonetos Varios De La Musa Mexicana: Colección Dedicada Al Insigne Poeta Español José Zorrilla by Segura, Jose Sebastian
de Schriftuurlijke Liedekens: de Liederen Der Nederlandsche Hervormden Tot Op Het Jaar 1566, Inhoudsbeschrijving En Bibliographie by Wieder, Frederik Caspar
... El Sendero Andante: Momentos, Modos, Ditirambos, Doctrinal De Vida Y Naturaleza, Poemas by Anonymous
Hansel Und Gretel: Marchenspiel in Drei Bildern by Grimm, Jacob Ludwig Carl, Humperdinck, Engelbert, Grimm, Wilhelm
The First Book of Songs or Airs of Four Parts: 1605, Volume 20 by Pilkington, Francis
Histoire de la Musique: Le Xixe Siècle by Soubies, Albert
Airs, Or, Fantastic Spirits, Volume 16 by Weelkes, Thomas, Arkwright, Godfrey Edward Pellew
First Steps to Thorough Bass, in Twelve Familiar Lessons Between a Teacher and Pupil by Anonymous
Jubilate Deo: A Hymn and Service Book by Anonymous
Studien Zur Geschichte Der Franzosischen Musik, Volume 1 by Anonymous
The Order of the Daily Service of the United Church of England and Ireland by
Adstant Angelorum Chori: A Motet for Chorus A Cappella by Parker, Horatio
Die Musikalischen Zeitschriften Seit Ihrer Entstehung Bis Zur Gegenwart: Chronologisches Verzeichniss Der Periodischen Schriften Uber Musik by Anonymous
Preludes by Clara, Sister Mary
Poesías by Sanchez, Luis Sergio
The Educational Music Course, Volume 5 by Mason, Luther Whiting
Melodic Second Reader, Book 2 by Tapper, Thomas, Ripley, Frederic Herbert
Zesstemmige Madrigalen by Tollius, Jan
XLIX English Hymns Rendered in Latin Rhyme by Blaikie, William Garden
Song Miscellany: Alto by Spicker, Max
The University Hymn Book: Altered by Permission for Use in the First Parish of Concord by Anonymous
Les Instruments Des Écoles Italiennes: Catalogue, Précédé d'Une Introduction Et Suivi de Notes Sur Les Principaux Maîtres by Gallay, Jules
Hymns Composed on Various Subjects: With the Author's Experience, the Supplement, and Appendix by Anonymous
Los Amantes de Teruel: Contestaci N a Un Folleto by Sanchs, Enrique
A Selection of the Most National and Popular of Moore's Melodies by Machale, John, Moore, Thomas
Songs from the Elizabethans by Squire, J. C.
Songs from the Elizabethans by Squire, J. C.
The University Hymn Book: Altered by Permission for Use in the First Congregational Society, New Bedford by
Moderne Musikasthetik in Deutschland: Historisch-Kritische Uebersicht by Moos, Paul
Geschichte Der Musik in England, Volumes 1-2 by Nagel, Wilibald
The New Living Hymns: (living Hymns No. 2): For Use in the Sabbath School, Christian Endeavor Meetings, the Prayer Meetings, the Brotherhood by Wanamaker, John
OEuvres Poétiques D'adam De S.-Victor: Précédées D'un Essai Sur Sa Vie Et Ses Ouvrages by Adam, Gautier, Léon
Hymns and Sacred Lyrics by Cottle, Joseph
The Church Hymnal: A Book Which Meets Every Demand of Common Worship and Emphasizes the Spirit of Church Unity by Albertson, Charles Carroll
English and Scottish Ballads, Volume 3 by Child, Francis James
Mârouf: The Cobbler of Cairo: Comedy-Opera in Five Acts from the Arabian Nights, After the Translation by J. C. Mardrus by Rabaud, Henri
Die Grundverhältnisse Der Musik by Richter, Theodor Wilhelm
Gluck Und Die Oper, Volume 2 by Marx, Adolf Bernhard
The Universalist Manual: Or Book of Prayers and Other Religious Exercises: Adapted to the Use Both of Public and Private Devotion in Churches, by Rayner, Menzies
Histoire Du Théatre De L'opéra Comique. Tome Premier[-Second]. by Jullien, Jean-Auguste
Hymns for the Use of the Evangelical Lutheran Church by
Chamber Music: A Research and Information Guide by Baron, John H.
Judas Maccabaeus - An Oratorio In Vocal Score by Handel, G. F.
Judas Maccabaeus - An Oratorio In Vocal Score by Handel, G. F.
The Cottager's Monthly Visitor, Volume 36 by Anonymous
Musica Sacra, Volume 23 by Anonymous
A History of the Holy Eastern Church, Part 2, Volume 1 by Anonymous
Cancionero Popular: Colección Escogida De Seguidillas Y Coplas, Volume 2 by Anonymous
Handbuch Der Musikgeschichte, Volumes 1-2 by Riemann, Hugo
The Common-Place Book of Ancient and Modern Ballad: And Metrical Legendary Tales: An Original Selection, Including Many Never Before Published by Anonymous
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