• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Music in 2011

Youth, Music and Creative Cultures: Playing for Life by Bloustien, Geraldine, Peters, Margaret
Weinzweig: Essays on His Life and Music [With CD (Audio)] by
The Orchestral Conductor: Theory of His Art by Belioz, Hector
Keyboard Presents Synth Gods by
Gwen Stefani and No Doubt: Simple Kind of Life by Apter, Jeff
Jazzy Fairy Tales: A Resource Guide for Introducing Jazz Music to Young Children, Book & CD by Rogers, Louise, Strong, Rick, Milligan, Susan
The Ultimate Guitar Tone Handbook: A Definitive Guide to Creating and Recording Great Guitar Sounds, Book & Online Video/Audio [With DVD] by Owsinski, Bobby
Musikpräferenzen von Musikern und Nicht-Musikern: Eine vergleichende Fragebogenstudie by Feudel, Anne
Why Jazz?: A Concise Guide by Whitehead, Kevin
Kiss of the Spider Woman by Ebb, Fred, Kander, John, McNally, Terrence
Michael Jackson for the Soul: a fanthology of inspiration and love by Luzajic, Lorette C.
Empirical Problems and Perspectives of Music-based Town and Metropolis Research: Klagenfurt as case study by Thom, Nico
Versuch über die wahre Art Violine zu spielen: Die Sonaten und Partiten für Violine solo BWV 1001-1006 von Johann Sebastian Bach als ein Lehrbuch der by Misonova, Adela
Music Around Us by Rothrock, Carson
Glimpses of the Moon by Mercurio, John, Wharton, Edith, Levis, Tajlei
Sherlock Holmes and the Curious Adventure of the Clockwork Prince by Hitt, James Alfred, Haubold, Cleve
King Crimson A Discography by James, Brendan
The Christian Book of Mystical Verse by Tozer, A. W.
The Christian Book of Mystical Verse by Tozer, A. W.
Nashville Flashing Star by Miller Jr, Rad
Ustad Amir Khan by Ali, Ibrahim
Music and Urban Society in Colonial Latin America by
Melodies of Love by Kholodov, Eiiu, Kholodov, Yuri
Melodies of Love by Kholodov, Yuri
Rethinking Schumann by
Caddie Woodlawn by Ryrie Brink, Carol, C. Hunter, Susan, Shelton, Tom
Bass Xmas Christmas Songs: 18 Solo Pieces, Chord Melody Style by Kofler, Bernd
Poetic Justice by Thompson, Lisa Allen
Il tema della natura nella letteratura pianistica: un percorso didattico strumentale by Flocco, Cristina
Shine!: The Horatio Alger Musical by Seff, Richard, Anderson, Roger, Goldsmith, Lee
Digitale Distribution klassischer Musik: Eine Analyse der digitalen Mediamorphose by Haase, Katrin
"Ich ende behende mein irdisches Leben" - Tod und Sterben in den geistlichen Kantaten Johann Sebastian Bachs by Bury, Katja
Diary of a Song Writer by Winborne, Stephanie
See Rock City & Other Destinations by Mathias, Adam, Alexander, Brad
Songs and Meditations. by Hewlett, Maurice Henry
A Jolly Jingle-Book by Chandler, Laura
The Golden Age of American Musical Theatre: 1943-1965 by Naden, Corinne J.
The Gospel according to Bob Dylan by Gilmour, Michael J.
What to Listen for in Music by Copland, Aaron
Professionelle Musikproduktion vs. Freeware Homerecording: Ein qualitativer Vergleich zwischen ausgewählter professioneller Tonstudiotechnik und koste by Klebs, René
Showtime: A History of the Broadway Musical Theater by Stempel, Larry
Olney Hymns in Three Books; Book I on Select Texts of Scripture; Book II on Occasional Subjects; Book III on the Rise, Progress, Changes, and Comforts by Newton, John
Mind and body: A theory for understanding levels of musical performance by Gorrie, Jon
Beethoven's Immortal Beloved: Solving the Mystery by Walden, Edward
Composers in the Classroom: A Bio-Bibliography of Composers at Conservatories, Colleges, and Universities in the United States by Floyd, James Michael
Allan's Illustrated Edition of Tyneside Songs and Readings. with Lives, Portraits, and Autographs of the Writers, and Notes on the Songs by Anon
Semiramis by Voltaire, Arouet, Fran Ois-Marie, Fleming, William F.
Chamber Orchestra and Ensemble Repertoire: A Catalog of Modern Music by Meyer, Dirk
The New Masonic Music Manual, Containing Odes, Chants, Male Quartets, Solos And Marches, Adapted To All The Ceremonies Of The Fraternity. Also Organ S by Janes, William H.
An Evaluation of Strategies in place for EAL pupils in Music Education: PGCE Course project by Regan, Sonia
Der Gehalt der Notation für das musikalische Werk by Kalustian, Kework
Peter Maxwell Davies Studies by
The Music of the Sumerians: And Their Immediate Successors, the Babylonians and Assyrians by Galpin, Francis W.
Beethoven: The Man and the Artist, as Revealed in His Own Words by Kerst, Friedrich
Beethoven as I Knew Him by Schindler, Anton Felix
Gesangliche Intonation in Gegenwart digitaler Medien: Technik als Erweiterung des menschlichen Gesangorganes by Groenewold, Eike
Carl Nielsen and the Idea of Modernism by Grimley, Daniel
IN BETWEEN SOUNDSCAPES - Schwellenbereiche auditiver Ebenen im Film by Groenewold, Eike
Mantras für die Welt: Erweiterte Neuauflage by Nagel, Horst
The Spitfire Grill by Alley, Fred, Valcq, James
Lullaby-Land. Songs of Childhood ... Selected by K. Grahame ... and Illustrated by Charles Robinson. by Robinson, Charles, Field, Eugene, Grahame, Kenneth
Knight Moves: The K J Knight Story by Knight, K. J.
Mahler Re-Composed by Cummins, George M., III
Mahler Re-Composed by Cummins, George M., III
Ruach 5771: New Jewish Tunes - Social Action by
Songs of the 20th Century by Ariel, Brian
Man with a Load of Mischief: The Complete Piano/Vocal Score by Tarver, Ben
Villa-Lobos -- A Prole Do Bebe, No. 1: Book & CD by
Sephro, A Fantasy Opera in Two Acts by Quinn, Kate
From the Inside: A Backdrop to the Music of My Life by Dibella, Russ
Messiaen Studies by
Classroom Guitar for School Music Program: Walking in Harmony Level I: Teacher's Copy by Tyborowski, Richard
From the Inside: A Backdrop to the Music of My Life by Dibella, Russ
The Rise of the English Street Ballad 1550 1650 by Wrzbach, Natascha, Wurzbach, Natascha
Chopin's Heart: The Quest to Identify the Mysterious Illness of the World's Most Beloved Composer by Lagerberg, Steven J.
Warm ups: Professional Fingertraining For Guitarists by Kofler, Bernd
The fingering logic and performing of woodwind instruments: A psychological study and model by Ninaus, Peter
The Girlhood Of Clara Schumann. Clara Wieck And Her Time. [Facsimile of 1912 edition]. by May, Florence
The Chorister's Guide by Barrett, William Alexander
Concert Hall. Discography of the Concert Hall Society and Concert Hall Record Club. by Hunt, John
Eine musikalische Analyse von Robert Schumanns "Zwielicht" op. 39 Nr. 10 by Bellenberg, Karl
Die Messe - Inhalt und Form by Bellenberg, Karl
Sonic Resource Guide by Arnold, Bruce E.
Technische Entwicklung der Trompete und deren Einfluss auf Komposition und Instrumentation by Knorr, Benjamin
Musik und Medien - Filmmusik by Steinbügl, Regina
Guillaume de Machaut by Leach, Elizabeth Eva
American Idol Exposed by Bale, Aaron, Buckles, Justin
Die Suche nach einem neuen Bildungskonzept in Spätantike und Frühem Mittelalter by Steinbügl, Regina
Rev. J. M. Gates & His Sermons A Discography 1926 - 1941: Christian Scott by Scott, Christian
Secrets to Efficient Brass Playing!: From Trumpet to Tuba...A Common Sense Approach by Fiala, Keith
Von Wagner kommend, zu Wagner kehrend - Verismo als theatraler Akt by Pachl, Peter P.
Bernardo Pisano (1490-1548) - Ein Florentiner Musiker als Vorreiter des frühen Madrigalismus by Stürzkober, Ulrike
Jay-Z: Essays on Hip Hop's Philosopher King by
Miklós Rózsa's Ben-Hur: A Film Score Guide by Hickman, Roger
Personals by Kauffman, Marta, Crane, David, Friedman, Seth
Eine Oper aus Klanggebilden - die größte Choroper des 20. Jahrhunderts: Anton Urspruchs "Die heilige Cäcilia" by Pachl, Peter P.
DUB - Geschichte, Techniken, Einflüsse by Anonym
The Studio Recordings of the Miles Davis Quintet, 1965-68 by Waters, Keith
Arrau on Music and Performance by Horowitz, Joseph
Scriabin, a Biography: Second, Revised Edition by Bowers, Faubion
52 Präludien und Fugen - zwei-achtstimmig für Klavier: Kompositionen in den Tonarten des Quintenzirkels by Michel, Josef Johann
52 Präludien und Fugen - vierstimmig für Klavier: Kompositionen in den Tonarten des Quintenzirkels by Michel, Josef Johann
52 Präludien und Fugen - dreistimmig für Klavier: Kompositionen in den Tonarten des Quintenzirkels by Michel, Josef Johann
Understanding Music by Hopkins, Antony
Changing Tempos by Samuel, Tiffany L.
Grundlegende Techniken am Schlagzeug by Svensson, Tomas
Changing Tempos by Samuel, Tiffany L.
Cole by Strachan, Alan, Green, Benny, Porter, Cole
52 kleine Präludien und Fugen - zweistimmig für Klavier: Kompositionen in den Tonarten des Quintenzirkels by Michel, Josef Johann
Kirchenmusik während des Nationalsozialismus in Deutschland 1933-1945 by Halter, Thomas
Das Jiddische Lied by V. Moellendorff, Friederike
Béla Bartók: A Research and Information Guide by Antokoletz, Elliott, Susanni, Paolo
Chicken Soup for the Soul: Grandmothers: 101 Stories of Love, Laughs, and Lessons from Grandmothers and Grandchildren by Canfield, Jack, Hansen, Mark Victor, Newmark, Amy
Jerry's Girls by Herman, Jerry, Alford, Larry
Ruthless! by Laird, Marvin, Paley, Joel, Paley, Joal
Johannes Brahms: A Research and Information Guide by Platt, Heather
Gabriel Faure: A Guide to Research by Phillips, Edward R.
Einordnung, Strukturanalyse und Hintergrund von Beethovens Op. 13, Klaviersonate 8: "Pathétique" by Pinkel, Christoph
The Musical Language of Pierre Boulez: Writings and Compositions by Goldman, Jonathan
The Catholic Choirbook 5: Gratia Plena by Jones, Noel
The Cambridge Companion to Medieval Music by
Dave's Music Database presents: The Top 100 Songs of the Rock Era 1954-1999 by Whitaker, Dave
Prince: Chaos, Disorder and Revolution by Draper, Jason
Illegal Harmonies: Music in the Modern Age by Ford, Andrew
Man with a Load of Mischief: Complete Script of the Musical by Tarver, Ben, Clifton, John
Resurrection of Johnny Cash: Hurt, Redemption, and American Recordings by Thomson, Graeme
Family Tradition: Three Generations of Hank Williams by Masino, Susan
And on Piano ...Nicky Hopkins: The Extraordinary Life of Rock's Greatest Session Man by Dawson, Julian
The Last Five Years: The Complete Book and Lyrics of the Musical by
The Christian Book of Mystical Verse by Tozer, A. W.
Absolute Musik im Gesamtkunstwerk?: Sinfonische Strukturen in Richard Wagners "Parsifal" by Gebhardt, Hans
52 Präludien und Fugen - fünfstimmig für Klavier und Querflöte - Teil B: Nr. 27 - 52: Kompositionen in den Tonarten des Quintenzirkels by Michel, Josef Johann
Beyond the Music by Taylor, Robert
52 Präludien und Fugen - fünfstimmig für Klavier und Querflöte - Teil A: Nr. 1 - 26: Kompositionen in den Tonarten des Quintenzirkels by Michel, Josef Johann
52 Präludien und Fugen - fünfstimmig für Klavier und Querflöte: Stimmauszug Querflöte Nr. 1 - 52: Kompositionen in den Tonarten des Quintenzirkels by Michel, Josef Johann
Building Singing Communities: A Practical Guide to Unlocking the Power of Music in Jewish Prayer by Weisenberg, Joey
33 Revolutions Per Minute: A History of Protest Songs, from Billie Holiday to Green Day by Lynskey, Dorian
Poems and Songs: Cohen by Cohen, Leonard
Money Music 101: Essential Finance Skills for Musicians, Artists & Creative Entrepreneurs by Kownatzki, Clemens
Der Klang als Formel by Reimer, Manfred
Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy: A Research and Information Guide by Cooper, John Michael, Mace, Angela R.
Cowboy Songs And Other Frontier Ballads by Lomax, John Avery
Alban Bergs fünf Orchesterlieder nach Ansichtskarten-Texten von Peter Altenberg op. 4 by Fang, Hsing-Hua
Music and the Language of Love: Seventeenth-Century French Airs by Gordon-Seifert, Catherine
Blue Notes: Profiles of Jazz Personalities by Vande Kappelle, Robert P.
Blue Notes: Profiles of Jazz Personalities by Vande Kappelle, Robert P.
Guerrilla Music Marketing Online: 129 Free & Low-Cost Strategies to Promote & Sell Your Music on the Internet by Baker, Bob
Filippo d'Agliè's Ballets (1604-1667) by Grammeniati, Barbara
Musikindustrie im 21. Jahrhundert: Aufsätze und Essays by Mombree, Benjamin
Soundscape und Atmosphäre im urbanen everyday Soundtrack by Braun, Marius
Rethinking Debussy by
A Schoenberg Reader by Auner, Joseph
The Catholic Choirbook Anthology: Large Size Paperback by Jones, Noel
Electronic Sounds: Zur Elektronisierung von Mainstream-Pop by Desse, Bruno
Tristan and Isolde by Wagner, Richard
52 Toccaten und Fugen für Orgel - Teil B: Nr. 27 - 52: Kompositionen in den Tonarten des Quintenzirkels für Orgel by Michel, Josef Johann
52 Toccaten und Fugen für Orgel - Teil A: Nr. 1 - 26: Kompositionen in den Tonarten des Quintenzirkels für Orgel by Michel, Josef Johann
Die Geschichte des Berliner Kabaretts vor und nach dem ersten Weltkrieg - Friedrich Hollaender zwischen Amüsierbrettl und politischem Kabarett by Mühe, Dominik
The Musical: A Research and Information Guide by Everett, William
The Oxford Handbook of Computer Music by
North American Fiddle Music: A Research and Information Guide by Beisswenger, Drew
Early Music: A Very Short Introduction by Kelly, Thomas Forrest
Early Music: A Very Short Introduction by Kelly, Thomas Forrest
The Divine Quest In Music by Mendl, R. W. S.
How To Memorize Music: With Helpful Hints By World Famous Musicians by Cooke, James Francis
African Americans on Album Covers: A Pictoral Essay Volume 1 by Blue, Al W., II
The Old, Weird America: The World of Bob Dylan's Basement Tapes by Marcus, Greil
Percorsi didattici vocali e strumentali per soggetti ipoacusici by Flocco, Cristina
Blue Is the Sea: Music, Dance & Visual Arts by L, L?pez-Ibor
Genetic Soul Brothers by Criss, Wayne E.
Music in Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity by Smith, John Arthur
Genetic Soul Brothers by Criss, Wayne E.
52 Passacaglien und Fugen für Orgel - Teil A: Nr. 1 - 26: Kompositionen in den Tonarten des Quintenzirkels für Orgel by Michel, Josef Johann
52 Passacaglien und Fugen für Orgel - Teil B: Nr. 27 - 52: Kompositionen in den Tonarten des Quintenzirkels für Orgel by Michel, Josef Johann
Music Scrambles: 30 Melody Mix-Up Puzzles for Classroom and Home Use, Book & Data CD by Moore, Donald
Music for Little Mozarts Meet the Music Friends: 5 Introductory Music Lessons for Ages 4--6 (Teacher Book), Book & CD by Barden, Christine H., Kowalchyk, Gayle, Lancaster, E. L.
Music for Little Mozarts Meet the Music Friends: 5 Introductory Music Lessons for Ages 4--6 (Student Book) by Barden, Christine H., Kowalchyk, Gayle, Lancaster, E. L.
Ready to Sing . . . Broadway: 12 Showtunes, Simply Arranged for Voice & Piano for Solo or Unison Singing by
Holiday Partners!: 10 Tremendous 2-Part Songs for Young Singers (Teacher's Handbook) by
Holiday Partners!: 10 Tremendous 2-Part Songs for Young Singers (Soundtrax) by
North Pole Diaries: Collected Christmas Chronicles for Unison and 2-Part Voices (Soundtrax) by
Sex and Drugs and Rock 'n' Roll: The Life of Ian Dury by Balls, Richard
Black Sabbath FAQ: All That's Left to Know on the First Name in Metal by Popoff, Martin
Ready to Sing . . . Broadway: 12 Showtunes, Simply Arranged for Voice & Piano for Solo or Unison Singing, Book & CD by
Holiday Partners!: 10 Tremendous 2-Part Songs for Young Singers (Kit), Book & Online Pdf/Audio (Book Is 100% Reproducible) by
Chicken Soup for the Soul: Country Music: The Inspirational Stories Behind 101 of Your Favorite Country Songs by Rudder, Randy, Canfield, Jack, Hansen, Mark Victor
Prince: The Internet, Relevancy & Respect by Droppin', Dey, Ken, Big, Sexynsac, Big
Living Fountain: a New and Choice Collection of Sunday School Songs by Straub, S. W.
Musical Renderings of the Philippine Nation by Castro, Christi-Anne
A Thesaurus Of Cantorial Liturgy, Part 1: For The Sabbath And Three Festivals by Katchko, Adolph
Commentary On The Seven Penitential Psalms by Fisher, John
Byzantine Hymnology: The Divine Services Of The Greek Orthodox Church by Vrionides, Christos
Divine Inspirations: Music and Islam in Indonesia by
Guitarist's Tablature Book: Guitar Music Staff and Tablature Pages by Peterson Harvey, D.
The Doors. The History Of The Doors 1965-1966 by Gerstenmeyer, Heinz
Classroom Guitar for School Music Program: Walking in Harmony Level I Student's Copy by Tyborowski, Richard
Laughter at My Window: A Book of Songs and Song Poems by Parker, Blake
Gay Nineties Troubadour: Autobiography Of Joe Howard by Howard, Joseph Edgar
Music and Solidarity: Questions of Universality, Consciousness, and Connection by Laurence, Felicity
Unmasking Ravel: New Perspectives on the Music by
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