• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Music in 2011

The Edge of the Hallways by Santy, Jeff
The Edge of the Hallways by Santy, Jeff
Adalbert Stifter: Eine Studie by Kosch, Wilhelm
The Poetical Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow; With Bibliographical and Critical Notes by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
The Poetical Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow; With Bibliographical and Critical Notes by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
The Poetical Works of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow; With Bibliographical and Critical Notes by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
The Problem Of Human Life: With A Review Of The Six Great Modern Scientists, Darwin, Huxley, Tyndall, Haeckel, Helmholtz, And Mayer... by Hall, Alexander Wilford
Jewish Wedding Music: Processionals and Recessionals: KOL DODI Vol. II: Instrumental Music for the Jewish Wedding Service by Feinsinger, Mary
Schuberts Winterreise: Ein Wegweiser zum Verstaendnis und zur Interpretation- Die Winterreise von Wilhelm Mueller und Franz Schubert by Kreuels, Hans-Udo
Pagan Metal in Skandinavien und Deutschland: Kampf um ein Genre by Zöllner, Philipp
Asthetik Der Tonkunst by Wallaschek, Richard
Lyrics 1964-2011 by Simon, Paul
La scena di prigione nell'opera italiana fra Settecento e Ottocento by Mechelli, Paolo
Haensel And Gretel: The Story Of Humperdinck's Opera by
The 50 State Songs Of The United States Of America by de Lange, Ray, Delanghe, George
Allgemeine Musikalische Zeitung, Volume 16 by Anonymous
The History and Literature of the Wind Band and Wind Ensemble: The Wind Band and Wind Ensemble Before 1500 by Whitwell, David
The New Music Review And Church Music Review, Volume 9 by
There's a Place for Us: The Musical Theatre Works of Leonard Bernstein by Smith, Helen
A Selection of Psalms and Hymns for Public Worship [Compiled by G. Baldwin]. by Anonymous
Singing Among Strangers by Hunt, Mabel Leigh
Willie Dixon: Preacher of the Blues by Inaba, Mitsutoshi
Life Begins at Eighty: A Life of Love, Music and Laughter by Beck, Virginia Bathurst
Life Begins at Eighty: A Life of Love, Music and Laughter by Beck, Virginia Bathurst
Lennon: The Man, the Myth, the Music - The Definitive Life by Riley, Tim
Erreurs Sur La Musique Dans L'encyclopédie by Rameau, Jean-Philippe
140 Folk-Songs with Piano Accompaniment - Rote Songs for Grades I, II and III by Davison, Archibald Thompson
Catalog of the Salem Congregation Music by Cumnock, Frances
Fritz Hofmann's Koburger Quackbrunnla: Volksdichtungen in Nordfrankisch-Koburger Mundart. Koborgher Quackbrunnla. Tausend Stuck Lauter Schlumperliedla by Hofmann, Fritz
Rock and Roll: Fun Facts and Trivia by Shore, Jersey C.
Fashion and Music by Miller, Janice
Fashion and Music by Miller, Janice
Musical Warriors: The Set Apart Ones by Jeffryes, Ross, Torborg, Winner
Soul Purge - Volume 1 by Hinckson, Tameika R.
Mr. Trumpet: The Trials, Tribulations, and Triumph of Bunny Berigan by Zirpolo, Michael P.
The Idlers of March by Forrest, Christopher
The Idlers of March by Forrest, Christopher
Catalog of the Lititz Congregation Collection by
Playing with the Classics: Music Masterworks for Children, Book & CD by
Just Can't Get Enough: The Making of Depeche Mode by Spence, Simon
Led Zeppelin FAQ: All That's Left to Know About the Greatest Hard Rock Band of All Time by Case, George
The Doors FAQ: All That's Left to Know About the Kings of Acid Rock by Weidman, Rich
Hymns and Songs for Social and Sabbath Worship by
Catalogue De La Bibliothèque Du Conservatoire Royal De Musique De Bruxelles, Volume 2... by Wotquenne, Alfred
National Anthems Volume 2 by Delanghe, George, de Lange, Ray
Youth, Music and Creative Cultures: Playing for Life by Bloustien, Geraldine, Peters, Margaret
Evangelical Hymns, For Private, Family, Social, And Public Worship / by 1778-1858, Cleland Thomas
The Young People's Hymnal, No. 3 by 1850-1923, Atkins James
First Series of Church Songs by
Cottage Melodies: A Hymn and Tune Book, for Prayer and Social Meetings and the Home Circle by
New Golden Chain of Sabbath School Melodies: Containing Every Piece, (Music and Words), of the Golden Chain, with about One-Third Additional by
Twenty-Four Memory Hymns and Their Stories by
Vocal Companion: Containing a Concise Introduction to the Practice of Music, and a Set of Tunes of Various Metres, Arranged Progressively for the Use by Holyoke, Samuel, 1771-1816, Holyoke Samuel
The Problem Of Human Life: Containing The Fundamental Principles Of The Substantial Philosophy, With A Review Of The Six Great Modern Scientists, by Hall, Alexander Wilford
The Book of Dale George Lytle: Layers of Success from the Bands Angeles and Kore by Russell, Jeff Wayne-Patrick, Lytle, Dale George
Resonance: Philosophy for Sonic Art by Price, Peter
Dictionnaire de Musique Moderne... by
Portishead's Dummy by Wheaton, R. J.
Der Himmlische Palmgarten: Auszug Aus Des P. Wilhelm Nacatenus S. J. Palmgarten: Nebst Andern Bewährten Gebeten Und Einer Auswahl Bei Gottesdiens by Nakatenus, Wilhelm
The Golden Censer; by
Mathematics and Music: A Diderot Mathematical Forum by
Eargle's Microphone Book: From Mono to Stereo to Surround - A Guide to Microphone Design and Application by Rayburn, Ray
Music Notation and Terminology Fully Illustrated by Gehrkens, Karl W.
Follies by Goldman, James
Walk Like a Man: Coming of Age with the Music of Bruce Springsteen by Wiersema, Robert J.
Broadway Scrapbook by Atkinson, Brooks
Haydn: A Creative Life In Music by Geiringer, Karl
National Anthems Volume 4 by Delanghe, George, de Lange, Ray
Zauberwahn, Inquisition Und Hexenprozess Im Mittelalter Und Die Entstehung Der Grossen Hexenverfolgung by Hansen, Joseph
Her Art: Greek Women in the Arts from Antiquity to Modernity by
A Piper's Book of Irish Tunes Volume 2 by Delanghe, George, de Lange, Ray
Musical Understandings: And Other Essays on the Philosophy of Music by Davies, Stephen
Gunther Schuller: A Life in Pursuit of Music and Beauty by Gunther Schuller, Gunther
American Indian Songs by Dawley, Muriel, McLaughlin, Roberta
The Divine Quest in Music by Mendl, R. W. S.
The Other Casanova: A Contribution to Eighteenth-Century Music and Manners by Nettl, Paul
Music For The Millions: The Encyclopedia Of Musical Masterpieces by Ewen, David
Wagner On Records by Bagar, Robert C.
Byzantine Hymnology: The Divine Services Of The Greek Orthodox Church by Vrionides, Christos
My Teenage Soundtrack by Faulkner, Vic
The History and Literature of the Wind Band and Wind Ensemble: The Renaissance Wind Band and Wind Ensemble by Whitwell, David
Violine Solo: Violine Für Anfänger. Mit Musik Von Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Vivaldi Und Anderen Komponisten. by Marco, Javier
Harmonizing Across Korea: Operation ''Harmony'' by Russell, William
Das klassische Zitat in der Filmmusik - Plagiat oder Programmmusik? by Steinbügl, Regina
Rhythms of African Drums: Rhymes and Lyrics for School Children and Youngsters by Kessey, K. O.
Harmonizing Across Korea: Operation ''Harmony'' by Russell, William
Mozart and Enlightenment Semiotics: Volume 14 by Rumph, Stephen
Steel Pier by Kander, John, Thompson, David
Las mujeres de Wagner: Una aproximación simbólica a Isolda, Brünnhilde y Kundry by
Piano Lyrics and Shorter Compositions by Grieg, Edvard
Melodies and Memories by Melba, Nellie
The Philosophy of Music: A Series of Essays by Goddard, Joseph
My Musical Life by Haweis, H. R.
Richard Wagner's Women by Rieger, Eva
Reminiscences of Michael Kelly, of the King's Theatre, and Theatre Royal Drury Lane: Including a Period of Nearly Half a Century by Kelly, Michael
Reminiscences of Michael Kelly, of the King's Theatre, and Theatre Royal Drury Lane: Including a Period of Nearly Half a Century by Kelly, Michael
Memoir of Madame Jenny Lind-Goldschmidt - Volume 2 by Holland, Henry Scott, Rockstro, William Smith
Memoir of Madame Jenny Lind-Goldschmidt - Volume 1 by Holland, Henry Scott, Rockstro, William Smith
György Ligeti: Of Foreign Lands and Strange Sounds by
Letters and Diaries of Kathleen Ferrier by
The John Ireland Companion by
Jean Sibelius by Mäkelä, Tomi
Rumanian Folk Music: Instrumental Melodies by Bartok, Bela
La Fille Du Tambour Major; Opéra-comique En 3 Actes by 1829-1889, Duru Alfred, Offenbach, Jacques, Chivot, Henri
Prince: Inside the Music and the Masks by Ro, Ronin
When Blood and Bones Cry Out: Journeys Through the Soundscape of Healing and Reconciliation by Lederach, John Paul, Lederach, Angela Jill
Listen to This by Ross, Alex
Songs of Newfoundland by Delanghe, George, de Lange, Ray
Musical Warriors: Come to Life by Torborg, Winner, Jeffryes, Ross
Beethoven in America by Broyles, Michael
Performers' Voices Across Centuries and Cultures - Selected Proceedings of the 2009 Performer's Voice International Symposium by
Prince: The Making of a Pop Music Phenomenon by Hawkins, Stan, Niblock, Sarah
Musical Chronicle, 1917-1923 by Rosenfeld, Paul
Our Story Jets and Sharks Then and Now: As Told by Cast Members from the Movie West Side Story by
Die Kantaten von Johann Sebastian Bach: Eine Einführung in die Werkgattung by Zedler, Günther
Analyzing Schubert by Clark, Suzannah
A Splash of Color, Bk 3: Romantic and Contemporary Piano Solos Designed to Enhance an Awareness of Imagery in Performance by
Preludes for Piano, Bk 3: 6 Late Intermediate Pieces That Explore and Develop Lyrical Playing by
The Burning of the Royal Fortune: Score & Parts by
Music: Then and Now by Keating, Bernie
Mantras für die Neue Zeit: 333 spirituelle Lieder by Nagel, Horst
Muffin Man by Harris, Camille
Bullets for Broadway by Landau, David
Music: Then and Now by Keating, Bernie
The Hammond Organ: An Introduction to the Instrument and the Players Who Made It Famous by Faragher, Scott
Fifty Songs... by Franz, Robert
Schumann on Music: A Selection from the Writings by Schumann, Robert
Comportamiento Sexual Y Prevención de HIV en Estudiantes de Maputo by Mudender Florindo Martins
How to Play Piano Quick by Bell, Tim
Geschichtsbild Des Deutschen Volksliedes in Wort Und Weise, Dargestellt Und Erlautert... by Widmann, Benedict
Indian Games and Dances with Native Songs by Fletcher, Alice Cunningham
Geschichte Der Mensural-Notation Von 1250-1460: Geschichtliche Darstellung... by Wolf, Johannes
Music in Java: Its History, Its Theory and Its Technique by Kunst, J.
Hymns and Spiritual Songs by Watts, Isaac
Dwight's Journal of Music, Volumes 27-28... by Dwight, John Sullivan
Mignon: Opera in Three Acts and Five Tableaux... by Thomas, Ambroise
Symphonies and Their Meaning, Third Series, Modern Symphonies by Goepp, Philip H.
Rumanian Folk Music: Vocal Melodies by Bartok, Bela
The Letters of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart by Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus
The Recollections and Reflections of J. R. Planche: A Professional Autobiography by Planch, J. R.
The Recollections and Reflections of J. R. Planche: A Professional Autobiography by Planch, J. R.
Rumanian Folk Music: Maramure? County by Bartok, Bela
La Bohème: Quatre Actes de MM. G. Paul Ferrier. Partition Pour Chant Et Piano... by Ferrier, Paul, Puccini, Giacomo, Murger, Henri
Geschichte Des Kirchenlieds Und Kirchengesangs Der Christlichen, Insbesondere Der Deutschen Evangelischen Kirche: Die Dichter Und Sänger ... by Lauxmann, Richard, Koch, Eduard Emil
Solo Gig: Essential Curiosities in Musical Free Improvisation by Williams, Davey
Giacomo Puccinis "Madama Butterfly" - Kitsch oder Kunst (oder etwa beides)? by Kowalewski, Felisa
Geschichte der Musik in Italien, Deutschland und Frankreich. Vierte Auflage. by Brendel, Franz
Geschichte Der Musik In Italien, Deutschland Und Frankreich... by Brendel, Franz
Publicidad, propaganda e imagen pública by Vaqueiro Romero María Montserrat
Parisina: Tragedia Lirica Para Representarse En El Teatro Principal de Mejico... by Donizetti, Gaetano
Parisina: Tragedia Lirica in Tre Atti... by Donizetti, Gaetano, Romani, Felice
Salomé: A Tragedy in One Act by Wilde, Oscar
Les Preludes, S.97: Study score by Liszt, Franz
Orpheus, S.98: Study score by Afshar, Liszt, Franz
Prometheus, S.99: Study score by Taubmann, Otto, Liszt, Franz
Der Planctus: Die Entwicklung des Trauerritus vom frühen bis zum späten Mittelalter by Kowalewski, Felisa
The Listening Book: Discovering Your Own Music by Mathieu, W. A.
In The Space Of A Song: The Uses of Song in Film by Dyer, Richard
Believers Hymn Book REV Ed Blk Lth by Various Authors
Naughty Mariettea: A Comic Opera. Book and Lyrics by Rida Johnson Young... by Herbert, Victor
David Baker: A Legacy in Music [With online content] [With CD (Audio)] by Herzig, Monika
Chapters of Opera Being Historical and Critical Observations and Records Concerning the Lyric Drama in New York from Its Earliest Days Down to the Pre by Krehbiel, Henry Edward
Männerchor - Eine Tradition mit Zukunft? by Zorn, Piet
2011 by
Arias, Ensembles, & Choruses: An Excerpt Finder for Orchestras by Yaffé, John, Daniels, David
Anomie/Bonhomie & Other Writings by Slater, Howard
"Shatters of My Broken Heart": "My Music book of Poetry" by Harris-Wright, Yaronnica
Musik-Lexikon by Riemann, Hugo
Fab: An Intimate Life of Paul McCartney by Sounes, Howard
Look, I Made a Hat: Collected Lyrics (1981-2011) with Attendant Comments, Amplifications, Dogmas, Harangues, Digressions, Anecdotes and Miscellany by Sondheim, Stephen
Choirbook for the Queen: A Collection of Contemporary Sacred Music in Celebration of the Diamond Jubilee by
Das Klavierkonzert von Carl Philipp Emmanuel Bach am Beispiel vom 1. Satz seines Klavierkonzerts in d-moll (Wq23): Einschließlich einer Analyse by Krause, Alexander
Synthiepop - Die gefühlvolle Kälte: Geschichten des Synthiepop by Horst, Dirk
Haydn by Hadden, J. Cuthbert
Beethoven, the Man and the Artist, as Revealed in His Own Words by Beethoven, Ludwig Van
Waltzes, Op.39 (orchestra): Study score by Brahms, Johannes
Romanian Folk Dances, Sz.68: Study score by Bartok, Bela
St. Paul's Suite, Op.29 No.2: Study score by Holst, Gustav
In The Space Of A Song: The Uses of Song in Film by Dyer, Richard
Emotions in Jewish Music: Personal and Scholarly Reflections by
Fantasia on a Theme of Thomas Tallis: Study score by Vaughan Williams, Ralph
Schubert's Fingerprints: Studies in the Instrumental Works by Wollenberg, Susan
Ligeti's Laments: Nostalgia, Exoticism, and the Absolute by Bauer, Amy
I'll Be Here in the Morning: The Songwriting Legacy of Townes Van Zandt by Atkinson, Brian T.
Musical Creativity: Strategies and Tools in Composition and Improvisation by Park, Joomi, Mazzola, Guerino, Thalmann, Florian
Heart of Gold, the Musical by Martin, Luc Roger, Kuhl, Laureen
"Reflections from My Heart" by Mallory, Pat
Richard Wagner Composer of Operas by Runciman, John F.
La Boheme by Giacosa, Giuseppe
How to Listen to Music, 7th Ed. Hints and Suggestions to Untaught Lovers of the Art by Krehbiel, Henry Edward
Purcell by Runciman, John F.
Edward MacDowell by Gilman, Lawrence
Debussy's Pelleas Et Melisande a Guide to the Opera with Musical Examples from the Score by Gilman, Lawrence
Haydn by Runciman, John F.
Jewish Music: Its Historical Development by Idelsohn, Abraham Z.
The Music of Alban Berg by Headlam, Dave
Ancient Music Adapted to Modern Practice by Vicentino, Nicola
'Tis Sixty Years Since: The First People's Festival Ceilidh and the Scottish Folk Revival by
Ravel: Man and Musician by Orenstein, Arbie
Solid Air: The Life of John Martyn by Nickson, Chris
See More