• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Poetry in 1971

An Anonymous Short English Metrical Chronicle by
The Rape of the Lock by Pope, Alexander
Shelley: A Critical Reading by
Keats: Odes by
Matthew Arnold: A Survey of His Poetry and Prose by Bush, Douglas
Tennyson by C. Southam, B.
Dream on Monkey Mountain and Other Plays by Walcott, Derek
The Satiric Poems of John Trumbull: The Progress of Dulness and M'Fingal by
Scattered Poems by Kerouac, Jack
Spring Shade: Poetry by Fitzgerald, Robert
Apocalypse and Other Poems by Cardenal, Ernesto
Configurations: Poetry by Paz, Octavio
The Back Country by Snyder, Gary
The Mathnawí of Jaláluʾddín Rúmí: Volume 5, Persian Text by Nicholson, Reynold a.
The Tattooed Desert by Shelton, Richard
Briefings: Poems Small and Easy by Ammons, A. R.
A Grain of a Mustard Seed by Sarton, May
Birthday Party and the Room by Pinter, Harold
The Collected Poems of A. E. Housman by Housman, A. E.
The Visionary Company: A Reading of English Romantic Poetry by Bloom, Harold
The Will to Change: Poems 1968-1970 by Rich, Adrienne Cecile
The Mountain Men (Volume 1 of a Cycle of the West) by Neihardt, John G.
Shakespeare Lexicon and Quotation Dictionary, Vol. 1: Volume 1 by Schmidt, Alexander
The Dance of Death by Holbein, Hans
The Twilight of the Sioux (Volume II of a Cycle of the West) by Neihardt, John G.
The Complete Poetry of John Milton by Milton, John
The Selected Papers of Wolfgang Kohler by Kohler, Wolfgang
The Anatomy of Love: The Tristan of Gottfried Von Strassburg by Jackson, W. T. H.
The Lords and the New Creatures by Morrison, Jim
Archibald MacLeish - American Writers 99: University of Minnesota Pamphlets on American Writers by Smith, Grover
Collected Works of Paul Valery, Volume 1: Poems by Valery, Paul
Ere-Voice by Rakosi, Carl
Milton in Deutschland by Kreuder, Hans-Dieter