• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Poetry in 1975

The Popularity of Middle English Romance by Richmond, Velma B.
Heartland II by
Jaguar Skies by McClure, Michael
New Southern Poets: Selected Poems from Southern Poetry Review by
Robert Graves: Peace-Weaver by Mehoke, James S.
Mythe et Psychologie chez Marie de France dans Guigemar by Knapton, Antoinette
Charles d'Orléans and the Allegorical Mode by Harrison, Ann Tukey
Doubting Conscience: Donne and the Poetry of Moral Argument by Cathcart, Dwight
Falling Off the Roof by Lindsey, Karen
Raw Honey by Harris, Marie
Coleridge's Decline as a Poet by Berkoben, L. D.
Craftmanship in Context: The Development of Ben Jonson's Poetry by Gardiner, Judith Kegan
Andrew Crawfurd's Collection of Ballads and Songs: Volume 1 by Lyle, E. B.
Short Eyes: A Play by Pi Ero, Miguel, Pinero, Migu, Pinero, Miguel
Ben Jonson and the Cavalier Poets by Jonson, Ben
Freeing of the Dust by Levertov, Denise
The Hungry Lions: Poems by De Longchamps, Joanne, Unknown
John Donne's Poetry by Sanders, J. Wilbur, Sanders, Wilbur
Odes, Pastorals, Masques by Milton, John
In the Dark Body of Metamorphosis: & Other Poems by Luzi, Mario
Le morte Arthur by
The Throne and the Chariot by Cohen, Kitty
Shelley and Nonviolence by Young, Art
An Idle Singer and His Audience: A Study of William Morris's Poetic Reputation in England, 1858-1900 by Gardner, Delbert R.
The Works of John Dryden, Volume XVIII: Prose: The History of the League, 1684 Volume 18 by Dryden, John
What Thou Lovest Well, Remains American: Poems by Hugo, Richard
Some Aspects of Hadewijch's Poetic Form in the 'Strofische Gedichten' by Guest, Tanis M.
Aspects of Eve by Pastan, Linda
Dryden and the Tradition of Panegyric: by Garrison, James
A Colder Fire: The Poetry of Robert Penn Warren by Strandberg, Victor H., Unknown
Orlando Furioso: A Romantic Epic: Part 1 by Ariosto, Ludovico
The Gift to Be Simple: A Garland for Ann Lee by Peters, Robert
English Romantic Poets: Modern Essays in Criticism by
Complete Tales/Poems/Poe by Poe, Edgar Allan
The Pre-Raphaelites and Their Circle by
Diversifications: Poems by Ammons, A. R.
Poems of Black Africa by Soyinka, Wole
The Bedbug and Selected Poetry by Mayakovsky, Vladimir
Angle of Ascent: New and Selected Poems by Hayden, Robert Earl
The Homeric Hymns: A Verse Translation by Sargent, Thelma
The World of Piers Plowman by
Die deutsche Gelehrtenrepublik by Klopstock, Friedrich Gottlieb
The Poems of Sir John Davies by Davies, John
The Owl and the Nightingale: The Poems and Its Critics by Hume, Kathryn
Etai-Eken by Roberson, Ed
Sadness and Happiness: Poems by Robert Pinsky by Pinsky, Robert
A Variorum Commentary of the Poems of John Milton: Paradise Regained by Mackellar, Walter
The Works of Stephen Crane: Poems and Literary Remains Volume 10 by Crane, Stephen