• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Poetry in 1976

A Nip in the Air: Poems by Betjeman, John
Pride & Splendor: Stolz Und Pracht by Pedrick, Jean
Claiming Kin by Voigt, Ellen Bryant
Die naturwissenschaftlichen Grundlagen der Poesie by Bölsche, Wilhelm
The Drama of Self in Guillaume Apollinaire's Alcools by Stamelman, Richard Howard
Fire and Ice: The Poetry of Xavier Villaurrutia by Forster, Merlin M.
A Structural Analysis of Pound's Usura Canto by Brooke-Rose, Christine
Sudden Apprehension by Jacobus, Lee a.
A Commentary on the Poems of Thomas Hardy by Pinion, F. B.
Maurice Scève: Concordance de la Délie by Nash, Jerry C.
Philip Larkin by Brownjohn, Alan
Jonathan Swift by Jeffares, A. Norman
John Keats by Allott, Miriam
Hugh MacDiarmid by Morgan, Edwin
Delta Blues and Home Songs by Ojaide, Tanure
The Salisbury Plain Poems of William Wordsworth by Wordsworth, William
Eagle or Sun?: Poems by Paz, Octavio
A Critical Introduction to Modern Arabic Poetry by Badawi, Muhammad Mustafa
The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson by Dickinson, Emily
German Poetry by Gray, Ronald D., Gray, Murray
Once by Walker
Change of Weather. by Scott, Winfield Townley, Unknown
The Dance of Death by Strindberg, August
Bliocadran: A Prologue to the Perceval of Chrétien de Troyes; Edition and Critical Study by
The Poetry of Dante G. Rossetti: A Critical Reading and Source Study by Boos, Florence S.
Le Lyrisme Dans La Poésie Française de 1760 À 1820: Analyse Et Textes de Quelques Auteurs by
Scanty Plot of Ground: Studies in the Victorian Sonnet by Going, William T.
Worlds Apart: Structural Parallels in the Poetry of Paul Valéry, Saint-John Perse, Benjamin Péret and René Char by Jackson, Elizabeth R.
Deutsche Wanderer-, Vagabunden- und Vagantenlyrik in den Jahren 1910 bis 1933 by Spicker, Friedemann
Not Without Glory: The Poets of the Second World War by Scannell, Vernon
English Poems by Wright, Hrh Prince Reginald, Wright, Hrh Prince Nolan, Wright, Hrh Prince George Garnet
Three Some Poems by Knies, Elizabeth, Gensler, Kinereth, Dobbs, Jeannine
The Portable Milton by Milton, John
An Anthology of Modern French Poetry (1850 1950) by
The Appreciation of Modern French Poetry (1850 1950) by Chesters, Graham, Broome, P., Broome, Peter
Twenty-Five German Poets: A Bilingual Collection by Kaufmann, Walter Arnold
Alexander Pope by Gooneratne, Yasmine
The Gawain-Poet: A Critical Study by Spearing, A. C., Spearing
Letter from an Outlying Province by Cumming, Patricia
Complete Poems of Cavafy: Expanded Edition (Expanded) by Cavafy, C. P.
Medieval Dream-Poetry by Spearing, A. C.
Personal Effects by Becker, Robin, Minton, Helena, Zuckerman, Marilyn
New Provinces: Poems of Several Authors by
A Handbook on Old High German Literature by Bostock, J. Knight