• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Poetry in 1978

Green Water Blues by Skapski, John
How the Dead Count: Poems by Sherwin, Judith Johnson
The Southern Version of Cursor Mundi, Vol. I by
Jean Baptiste: A Poetic Olio, in II Cantos by Adams, Levi
Sturmgesang, Krieg Und Kampf: Gedichte by Möller, Werner
Home at Grasmere: Part First, Book First, of "the Recluse" by Wordsworth, William
Life in the Forest by Levertov, Denise
The Five Stages of Grief: Poems by Pastan, Linda
A Selection of English Carols by Unknown, Greene, Richard Leighton
The Prosody of Chaucer and His Followers: Supplementary Chapters to "Verses of Cadence" by Unknown, Southworth, James Granville, Blackwell, Basil
The Chatto Book of Modern Poetry, 1915-1955. by Unknown, Day Lewis, C.
The Complete Poems by Blake, William
Signature: New and Selected Poems by Overstreet, Bonaro W.
The Crafting of Absalom and Achitophel: Dryden's Pen for a Party by Thomas, W.
La Vie Saint Jehan-Baptiste: A Critical Edition of an Old French Poem of the Early Fourteenth Century by Gieber, Robert L.
A Metrical Study of Five 'Lais' of Marie de France by Le Mée, Katharine W.
Antechamber: And Other Poems by McClure, Michael
Myths and Texts by Snyder, Gary
The Two Harmonies: Poetry and Prose in the Seventeenth Century by Unknown, Hamilton, K. G., Hamilton, Kenneth Gordon
Song of Roland: An Analytical Edition. Vol. I: Introduction and Commentary by Brault, Gerard J.
Writing the Australian Crawl by Stafford, William
Appalachian Winter by Sholl, Betsy
Early American Poetry: Selections from Bradstreet, Taylor, Dwight, Freneau, and Bryant by Eberwein, Jane Donahue
And Still I Rise: A Book of Poems by Angelou, Maya
English Poetry: A Critical Introduction by Bateson, Frederick Wilse
Song of Roland: An Analytical Edition. Vol. II: Oxford Text and English Translation by Brault, Gerard J.
Day by Day by Lowell, Robert
Charles Olson: Call Him Ishmael by Christensen, Paul
Modern African Poetry and the African Predicament by Egudu, Romanus N.
Beowulf: The Oldest English Epic by
Poetry for Pleasure: A Choice of Poetry and Verse on a Variety of Themes by
From Room to Room by Kenyon, Jane
Moabit Sonnets by Haushofer, Albrecht
Willehalm by Eschenbach, Wolfram Von
The Bus to Veracruz by Shelton, Richard
Miscellany 1759$1763. by Unknown, Shenstone, William
The Art of Ted Hughes by Sagar, Sagar, Keith, Sagar, Keith M.
Poems from the Greek Anthology: In English Paraphrase by Translated by Dudley Fitts, Anthologia Graeca Selections
The Porcine Legacy: Poems by Lee, David