• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Poetry in 1985

The Canal Bed: Poems by Minton, Helena
Romance & Capitalism at the Movies: Poems by Hall, Joan J.
Smoke from the Fires by Browne, Michael Dennis
Pinero Three Plays by Price Stern Sloan Publishing, Price Stern Sloan Publishing, Stern Sloa, Pinero, Arthur Wing
Geechies: Poems 1972-1982 by Millard, Gregory
Night Watches: Inventions on the Life of Maria Mitchell by Oles, Carole
Mannerism and Renaissance Poetry: Concept, Mode, Inner Design by Mirollo, James V.
The Southern Version of Cursor Mundi, Vol. III by
Byron the Satirist by Beaty, Frederick
Horizon Note: Volume 2001 by Behn, Robin
Ovid: Metamorphoses Books I-IV by
The Ruodlieb by Grocock, Chirstopher W.
Coleridge and the Concept of Nature by Modiano, Raimonda
The Canal Bed by Minton, Helena
La Versione Franco-Italiana Della Bataille d'Aliscans: Codex Marcianus Fr. VIII [=252] by
Die Utopie im "Tristan" Gotfrids von Straßburg by Tomasek, Tomas
Einführung in die Sprache Chaucers by Fries, Udo
Erec by Hartmann Von Aue
Das lyrische Ich by Sorg, Bernhard
The Wanderer by
The Poem of the Cid: Dual Language Edition by Anonymous
The Complete Works of Robert Browning, Volume VII: With Variant Readings and Annotations by Browning, Robert
A Critical Introduction to Twentieth-Century American Drama: Volume 2, Williams, Miller, Albee by Bigsby, C. W. E.
Virgil's Iliad: An Essay on Epic Narrative by Gransden, K. W.
Collected Poems 1953-1983 by Stryk, Lucien
William Wordsworth: The Pedlar, Tintern Abbey, the Two-Part Prelude by Wordsworth, William
Purgatory by Alighieri, Dante
de Rerum Natura: V by Lucretius
The Collected Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Volume 7: Biographia Literaria. (Two Volume Set) by Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
Mignon: French, English Language Edition, Vocal Score by
Lucia Di Lammermoor: Italian Language Edition, Vocal Score by
Peter Bell by Wordsworth, William
The Kalevala: Or, Poems of the Kaleva District by
The Odes of John Keats by Vendler, Helen
Grief and English Renaissance Elegy by G. W., Pigman, III, Pigman, G. W., Pigman, III
Winter Stars by Levis, Larry
A Preface to Shelley by Hodgart, P.
Metrische Analysen Zu Vergil Aeneis Buch VIII by Ott, Wilhelm
Metrische Analysen Zu Vergil Aeneis Buch IX by Ott, Wilhelm
Das Rolandslied Des Pfaffen Konrad by
The Black Poets by Randall, Dudley
Sweeney Astray by Heaney, Seamus
Margaret & Dusty by Notley, Alice
More Latin Lyrics, from Virgil to Milton by
Limericks: Too Gross by Asimov, Isaac
Moral Tales by Laforgue, Jules
Personification in Piers Plowman Personification in Piers Plowman Personification in Piers Plowman by Griffiths, Lavinia
Chaucer and the Early Writings of Boccaccio by Wallace, David
Romance & Capitalism at the Movies: Poems by Hall, Joan Joffe
Andrew Marvell by Wilcher, Robert, Wilcher, R.
British Poetry of the Second World War by Shires, L.
The Russian Image of Goethe, Volume 1: Goethe in Russian Literature of the First Half of the Nineteenth Century by Gronicka, Andre Von, Gronicka, André Von
In the Soul's House by Wilson Ph. D., Marcia B.
Stanley Kunitz: An Introduction to the Poetry by Orr, Gregory
01 by Shaw, Scott
The Maximus Poems by Olson, Charles
Coleridge and the Concept of Nature by Modiano, Raimonda
The Daring Muse: Augustan Poetry Reconsidered by Doody, Margaret Anne
Academic Festival Overtures by Hine, Daryl
A Fraction of Darkness by Pastan, Linda
Mama's Promises: Poems by Nelson, Marilyn
The Chicago Home by Johnson, Linnea
Selected Poems by Williams, William Carlos
The Russian Image of Goethe, Volume 2: Goethe in Russian Literature of the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century by Gronicka, André Von, Gronicka, Andre Von
Love on the Alexander Hamilton by Overton, Ron
Robeson Street by Howe, Fanny
Schicksal und Dichtung by Redslob, Edwin
Perceval; Or, the Story of the Grail by de Troyes, Chrétien
Collected Poems, 1936-1796 by Francis, Robert
Love Known: Theology and Experience in George Herbert's Poetry by Strier, Richard
Antipoems: New and Selected by Parra, Nicanor
The Canterbury Tales by Pearsall, Derek
Pope and Horace: Studies in Imitation by Stack, Frank, Frank, Stack
Irish Musicians/American Friends by Winch, Terence
Emily Dickinson by Dickenson, Donna, Dickinson, Bruce
Renaming the Streets: Poems by Stone, John
Source: Poems by Chappell, Fred
One for the Road by Pinter, Harold
Una's Lectures by McGowan, Margaret M.
The Promise Is by Zegers, Kip
Chaucer's Narrators by Lawton, David
Five Indiscretions: A Book of Poems by Rios, Alberto
A Chorus of Disapproval by Ayckbourn, Alan
The Flying Change by Taylor, Henry
The Poetry of Ezra Pound by Kenner, Hugh
Flying Change by Taylor, Henry
Collected Poems 1917 to 1982 by MacLeish, MacLeish, Archibald
Essays on Chaucerian Irony by Birney, Earle
The Text of Paradise Lost: A Study in Editorial Procedure by Moyles, R. G.
The Poems of Catullus: A Teaching Text by Forsyth, Phyllis Young
Next-To-Last Things: New Poems and Essays by Kunitz, Stanley