• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Poetry in 1986

Italo-Hispanic Ballad Relationships: The Common Poetic Heritage by Graves, Alessandra Bonamore
The Face of Jack Munro by Wayman, Tom
Hurricane Lamp by Cassity, Turner
Karl Und Galie: Karlmeinet, Teil 1 by
R.S. Thomas: Poet of the Hidden God by Phillips, Dewi Zephaniah
On Love and Barley: Haiku of Basho by
Familiengeschichten und Heilsmythologie by Schmid, Elisabeth
The Buik of King Alexander the Conquerour by Sir Gilbert Hay: Volume II by Cartwright, John
The Buik of King Alexander the Conquerour by Sir Gilbert Hay: Volume III by
Liza's Monday and Other Poems by Sellers, Bettie
Owen the Poet by Hibberd, Dominic
Intricate Laughter in the Satire of Swift and Pope by Ingram, Allan
Power and Self-Consciousness in the Poetry of Shelley by Welburn, Andrew J.
Byron and the Eye of Appetite by Storey, Mark
Strategic Planning and Higher Education by Luhanga, Matthew L.
The Womb in the Heart & Other Poem by Nwankwo, Chimalum
Middle English Verse Romances by
Roman Poems by Pasolini, Pier Paolo
Station Island by Heaney, Seamus
Thomas and Beulah by Dove, Rita
Digenis Akritas: The Two-Blood Border Lord-The Grottaferrata Version by Hull, Denison B.
Ballads of a Bogman by Clifford, Sigerson
Sand & Other Poems by Darweesh, Mahmoud
On Love and Barley: Haiku of Basho by Basho, Matsuo
Yeats Annual No 4 by
The Uncertain Certainty: Interviews, Essays, and Notes on Poetry by Simic, Charles
The Complete Poems of Christina Rossetti: A Variorum Edition: Volume II by Rossetti, Christina
The Divine Comedy: Volume 3: Paradise by Alighieri, Dante
Erasmus Darwin and the Romantic Poets by King-Hele, D.
Collected Poems 1912-1944 by Doolittle, Hilda
Chicano Poetry: A Critical Introduction by Candelaria, Cordelia
Where Water Comes Together with Other Water by Carver, Raymond
The Key to the City by Winters, Anne
Thomas Hardy: The Poetry of Perception by Paulin, Tom
Selected Poems of McClure Pa by McClure, Michael
Towards a Mythology: Studies in the Poetry of W.B. Yeats by Ure, Peter, Unknown
Horses Make a Landscape Look More Beautiful by Walker, Alice, Walker, Lawrie
Poetry in a Divided World: The Clark Lectures 1985 by Gifford, Henry
What Women Know, What Men Believe by Prunty, Wyatt
Memories of the Future: The Daybooks of Tina Modotti by Gibson, Margaret
Poems Plain & Fancy by Higgins, Dick
In Evidence: Poems of the Liberation of Nazi Concentration Camps by Hyett, Barbara Helfgott
John Dryden by Hopkins, David
Half Promised Land Pa by Lux, Thomas
The Bright Nails Scattered on the Ground: Poetry by Grossman, Allen
Pity the Monsters: The Political Vision of Robert Lowell by Unknown
Fantasy, Fashion, and Affection: Editions of Robert Herrick's Poetry for the Common Reader, 1810-1968 by Gertzman, Jay
Comrade Past & Mister Present by Codrescu, Andrei
Hans Magnus Enzensberger by Dietschreit, Frank, Heinze-Dietschreit, Barbara
Representative Works: 1938-1985 by Mac Low, Jackson
Second Language: Poems by Mueller, Lisel
Beyond Ego Psychology: Developmental Object Relations Theory by Blanck, Gertrude, Blanck, Rubin
Makamat of Al Hariri of Basra by Al Hariri, Abu Mohammed Al-Qasim Ali
Liberty, the Castle of Indolence, and Other Poems by Thomson, James
Alle Menschen sind Künstler by Patsch, Hermann
Mermaids in the Basement by Kizer, Carolyn
Patterns of Poetry: An Encyclopedia of Forms by Williams, Miller
Anteparadise, a Bilingual Edition by Zurita, Raul
Kingdom of Back by Williams, Lg
Wordplays Five: New American Drama by Strahs Et Al, James
Terms to Be Met by Bradley, George
The Nearness of You by Kizer, Carolyn
Adirondack Portraits: A Piece of Time by Foster, Jeanne Robert
Romantic Tradition in Modern English Poetry by Harvey, G.
Milton: Poet of Exile, Second Edition by Martz, Louis L.
Poems of Jules Laforgue by Terry, Patricia, Laforgue, Jules
American Poetry of the Seventeenth Century by
West African Poetry: A Critical History by Fraser, Robert
A Question of Syllables: Essays in Nineteenth-Century French Verse by Scott, Clive
Pick Up the House by Hollo, Anselm
Bells of Lombardy by Stryk, Lucien
In Time and Place by Hollander, John
The Enchanted Room by Simon, Maurya
Forms of Conversion by Funk, Allison
Arabian Nights by Marshall, Jack
The Poems of Wilfred Owen the Poems of Wilfred Owen by Owen, Wilfred
The Imaginary Lover by Ostriker, Alicia Suskin
Tennyson: the muses' tug of war by Albright, Daniel
Coleridge's Philosophy of Language: Volume 195 by McKusick, James C.
Rooms Overhead by Sholl, Betsy
Cold Comfort by Anderson, Maggie
Black Dog by Lockwood, Margo
Norma: Vocal Score by
Macbeth: Vocal Score by
Owen the Poet by Hibberd, Dominic
Wet Dreams and Placid Silence by Shaw, Scott
Larkin: The Whitsun Weddings and the Less Deceived by Swarbrick, Andrew
The Memoirs of Frédéric Mistral by Mistral, Frederick
Wallace Stevens: Words Chosen Out of Desire by Vendler, Helen
Poetry in the Wars by Longley, Edna
John Clare: Selected Poetry and Prose by Clare, John
Unending Blues: Poems by Simic, Charles
You Must Revise Your Life by Stafford, William
Curses, Foiled Again! - A Play by Hood, Evelyn
Travels by Amichai, Yehuda
Ovid in Sicily: A New Verse Translation of Selections from the "metamorphoses" of Ovid, with Foreword, Latin Facing Text, and 14 Color by Mandelbaum, Allen
Argumentum E Silentio by
Selected Poems by Ashbery, John
The Essential Etheridge Knight by Knight, Etheridge
Cross Currents in the International Women's Movement, 1848-1948 by D'Itri, Patricia Ward
The Collected Poems of William Carlos Williams: 1909-1939 by Williams, William Carlos, Macgowan, Christopher
On the Bridge by Cope, David
On the Bridge by Cope, David