• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Poetry in 1987

A Preface to the Nibelungenlied by Andersson, Theodore Murdock
The Minor Poems of the Vernon MS II by
Killing Memory, Seeking Ancestors by Madhubuti, Haki R.
Transmemberment of Song: Hart Crane's Anatomies of Rhetoric and Desire by Edelman, Lee
Antologia de La Poesia Hispanoamericana Actual by Ortega, Julio
And the Word by Corman, Cid
Blue Holes by Trivelpiece, Laurel
Consuming Myth: The Work of James Merrill by Yenser, Stephen
Coleridge and Christian Doctrine by Barth, Robert J.
Disciplining the Devil's Country by Borges, Carole
Athelston: A Middle Eng ROM Eetso: C 224 C by Trounce
Destruction of the Jaguar: From the Books of Chilam Balam by Sawyer-Lauçanno, Christopher
A Study of the Poems of D. H. Lawrence: Thinking in Poetry by Lockwood, M.
The Insomniac Dragon by Ebereonwu
Narrative Unbound: Re-Visioning William Blake's "The Four Zoas" by Ault, Donald
The Wandering Border by Kaplinski, Jaan
The Annie Poems by Cameron, Anne
French for Soldiers by Nyhart, Nina
Color, Sex, and Poetry: Three Women Writers of the Harlem Renaissance by Hull, Gloria T.
Lucretius: de Rerum Natura IV by Godwin, John
The Wandering Border by Kaplinski, Jaan
Derek Walcott Collected Poems 1948-1984 by Walcott, Derek
Kneeling in Bethlehem by Weems, Ann
The Poem of My Cid by Hodgkinson, J.
Surrealism: The Road to the Absolute by Balakian, Anna
The Columbia Book of Chinese Poetry: From Early Times to the Thirteenth Century by
Post-Structuralist Readings of English Poetry by Machin, Norris, C.
English Elegy: Studies in the Genre from Spenser to Yeats by Sacks, Peter M.
Spanish Ballads by Wright, Roger
Gold Cell by Olds, Sharon
Gypsy Guitar by McFadden, David W.
The Complete Works of Christopher Marlowe by Marlowe, Christopher
Before Recollection by Lauterbach, Ann
Coming Home: 3 Principles based poetry book by Pettit, Sue Shellabarger
German Poetry: An Anthology from Klopstock to Enzensberger (Large Print Edition) by
Quiet Money by McDowell, Robert
Moving in Memory: Poems by Randall, Julia
The Selected Poems by Ammons, A. R.
Pieces of Map, Pieces of Music by Bringhurst, Robert
Manyfaced Glass: Tennyson'S Dramatic Monologues by Hughes, Linda K.
Breathing the Water by Levertov, Denise
Leopardi: Poems and Prose by Unknown, Leopardi, Giacomo
Heinrich Heine by Hofrichter, Laura, Unknown
Brocade River Poems: Selected Works of the Tang Dynasty Courtesan by Tao, Xue
Baudelaire and Le Spleen de Paris by Hiddleston, J. a.
John Keats by Barnard, John
Don't Look Back: Poems by Stuart, Dabney
Garveyism as a Religious Movement: The Institutionalization of a Black Civil Religion by Burkett, Randall K.
Shadow of Paradise: by Aleixandre, Vicente
The Owl of Minerva by Laughlin, James
Sam's Book: The Debate on Afro-American Character and Destiny, 1817-1914 by Ray, David
Night Watch on the Chesapeake by Meinke, Peter
The Awakening of Intelligence by Krishnamurti, Jiddu
Miscellaneous Poems in English and Latin by Smart, Christopher
Sleep Handbook by Lagomarsino, Nancy
Sumerian Vistas: Poems by Ammons, A. R.
The Dream and Drink of Freedom by Dolphin, Johnny
Goethe in the Twentieth Century by Unknown
Sonnets to Orpheus by Rilke, Rainer Maria
Cromwell by Kennelly, Brendan
T. S. Eliot and Indic Traditions: A Study in Poetry and Belief by Kearns, Cleo McNelly
From Topic to Tale: Logic and Narrativity in the Middle Ages Volume 47 by Vance, Eugene
The Uncommon Tongue: The Poetry and Criticism of Geoffrey Hill by Sherry, Vincent
The Unremarkable Wordsworth: Volume 34 by Hartman, Geoffrey H.
Prose Essays Poems: Gottfried Benn by
Yeats Annual No 5 by
Clayfeld Rejoices, Clayfeld Laments: A Sequence of Poems by Pack, Robert
Selected Poems by Tsvetaeva, Marina
Idanre and Other Poems by Soyinka, Wole
Letter at the End of Winter by Stap, Donald L.
The Tale of Kieu: A Bilingual Edition of Nguyen Du's Truyen Kieu by
The Heart of Chinese Poetry by Whincup, Greg
Archy and Mehitabel by Marquis, Don
The Theme of Government in Piers Plowman by Baldwin, Anna P.
Easter Sunday by Clark, Tom
Traditionality and Genre in Middle English Romance by Fewster, Carol
Ultramarine: Poems by Carver, Raymond
Saving the Young Men of Vienna by Kirby, David
Martín and Meditations on the South Valley: Poems by Baca, Jimmy Santiago
White Shroud: Poems 1980-1985 by Ginsberg, Allen
Selected Poems II: 1976 - 1986 by Atwood, Margaret
Good Woman: Poems and a Memoir 1969-1980 by Clifton, Lucille
Jean Toomer, Artist: A Study of His Literary Life and Work, 1894-1936 by McKay, Nellie y.
The Calling by Absner, Tom
Palabrala by Nino, Jose
New and Selected Poems: From the Book of My Life by Field, Edward
Walks in Rome by Prince, F. T.
Nightwords: 50 Poems by Hazo, Samuel
Callimachus: Hymns, Epigrams, Select Fragments by
The Cast of Consciousness: Concepts of the Mind in British and American Romanticism by McClanahan, Susan, Bain, Michael A., Brigman, Robin B.
Matthew Arnold and the Betrayal of Language by Riede, David G.
A Study of the Poems of D. H. Lawrence: Thinking in Poetry by Lockwood, M.
Anouilh Plays: 1: Antigone; Leocadia; The Waltz of the Toreasors; The Lark; Poor Bitos by Anouilh, Jean
The Poetry of Life: Shelley and Literary Form by Tetreault, Ronald
Tennyson and Swinburne as Romantic Naturalists by McSweeney, Kerry
A Breeze Swept Through: Poetry by Tapahonso, Luci