• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Poetry in 1988

Romance of Cheuelere Assigne by
A/Z Does It by Riddell, John
e.q. by Shaw, Scott
The Poems of John Audelay by Audelay, John
Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Woman and Artist by Cooper, Helen M.
Humanist Pietas: The Panegyric of Ianus Pannonius on Guarinus Veronensis by Thomson, Ian
Browning the Revisionary by Woolford, John
Three Old English Elegies by
Denkformen im Minnesang by Eikelmann, Manfred
Twenty Prose Poems by Baudelaire, Charles
Poem of the Deep Song by García Lorca, Federico
Weathering by Reid, Alastair
Selected Poems by Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth
The Poems by Shakespeare, William
The Good Thief by Howe, Marie
From Ritual to Allegory: Seven Essays in Early Chinese Poetry by Wang, C. H.
Authors to Themselves: Milton and the Revelation of History by Grossman, Marshall
A Coherent Splendor: The American Poetic Renaissance, 1910 1950 by Gelpi, Albert
How to Study a Poet by Peck, John
Sir Philip Sidney: An Anthology of Modern Criticism by
Tracing the Paths: Reading = Writing the Martyrology by
Shades Shades Shades Shades Shades by McHugh, Heather
The Gaza of Winter: Poems by Revell, Donald
Selected Poems 1938-1988 by McGrath, Thomas
Take Five: Collected Poems, 1971-1986 by McClane, Kenneth a.
The Rain in the Trees by Merwin, W. S.
Antonio Machado: Selected Poems by Machado, Antonio
Dante: The Poetics of Conversion by Freccero, John
The Collected Poems of Jean Toomer by
Para nunca ser vistos by Suñén, Juan Carlos
Sensual Math: Poems by Fulton, Alice, de Leo, Hank
Savings by Hogan, Linda
Hang-Gliding from Helicon: New and Selected Poems by Hoffman, Daniel
The Most Beautiful Woman in Shanghai by Shaw, Scott
Suicide Slowly by Shaw, Scott
Complete Poems of Frances E.W. Harper by Harper, Frances Ellen Watkins
Collected Black Women's Poetry: Volume 1 by
Collected Black Women's Poetry: Volume 3 by
Collected Black Women's Poetry: Volume 4 by
The Collected Works of Phillis Wheatley by Wheatley, Phillis
Power in Verse: Metaphor and Metonymy in the Renaissance Lyric by Hedley, Jane
The Stillness of the World Before Bach: Poetry by Gustafsson, Lars
The Works of John Dryden, Volume VI: Poems, the Works of Virgil in English 1697 Volume 6 by Dryden, John
The End of Beauty by Graham, Jorie
Alexander Pope: Selected Poetry and Prose by Pope, Alexander
Vanishing Lives: Style and Self in Tennyson, D. G. Rossetti, Swinburne, and Yeats by Richardson, James
Paradise Lost by Stocker, Margarita
The Excesses of God: Robinson Jeffers as a Religious Figure by Everson, William
A Gospel Treasury: Poems Based on Lectionary Gospels: Cycle C by Daughters, Andrew
The Riches of Rhyme: Studies in French Verse by Scott, Clive
A Disturbance in Mirrors: The Poetry of Sylvia Plath by
The Theory of Oral Composition: History and Methodology by Foley, John Miles
Friedrich Von Schiller and the Drama of Human Existence by
Alfred Tennyson by Elaine, Jordan, Jordan, Elaine
The Poetical Works of Robert Browning: Volume III: Bells and Pomegranates I-VI (Including Pippa Passes and Dramatic Lyrics) by Browning, Robert
Casey at the Bat by Thayer, Ernest Lawrence
Parties: Poems by Morgan, Elizabeth Seydel
The Secret of the Runes by List, Guido Von
George Crabbe: The Complete Poetical Works by Crabbe, George
Before the Knight's Tale: Imitation of Classical Epic in Boccaccio's Teseida by Anderson, David
Virgil: Georgics: Volume 1, Books I-II by Virgil
Anne Hébert: Selected Poems: Selected Poems by Hébert, Anne
Surfaces and Masks by Major, Clarence
A Zen Harvest by
Tristan and Isolde: Gottfried Von Strassburg by
Beowulf and Other Old English Poems by Hieatt, Constance
The Hound of Heaven by Thompson, Francis
A Hunger: Poems by Brock-Broido, Lucie
The White Doe of Rylstone; Or the Fate of the Nortons by Wordsworth, William
Instabilities in Contemporary British Poetry by Robinson, Alan
Instabilities in Contemporary British Poetry by Robinson, Alan
Complete Poems by Bell, Martin
The Poetical Works of Christopher Smart: Volume III: A Translation of the Psalms of David by Smart, Christopher
Human Relations in Education by Hall, Carol, Hall, Eric
An Age Ago: A Selection of Nineteenth-Century Russian Poetry by
The One Day by Hall, Donald
The Collected Poetry of Robinson Jeffers: Volume One: 1920-1928 by Hunt, Tim
Hymns to the Night (Revised) by Novalis, Higgins, Dick
Selected Poems by Doolittle, Hilda
Dien Cai Dau by Komunyakaa, Yusef
Echoes from Hell by Shaw, Scott
Ovid by Mack, Sara
Bus Ride...(S) by Shaw, Scott
Love Lived Too Long by Shaw, Scott
Four Dubliners: Wilde, Yeats, Joyce, and Beckett by Ellmann, Richard
Poems of Richard Wilbur by Wilbur, Richard
Israeli Poetry: A Contemporary Anthology by Bargad, Warren, Chyet, Stanley F.
Robert Frost & New Eng Renaissance by Monteiro, George
Dryden's Final Poetic Mode: The Fables by II, Cedric D. Reverand
The Anzac Sonata: New and Selected Poems by Stallworthy, Jon
Christina Rossetti in Context by Harrison, Antony H.
Carrying Over by Kizer, Carolyn
The Varieties of Enchantment: Early Greek Views of the Nature and Function of Poetry by Walsh, George B.
Chaucer: Complaint and Narrative by Davenport, W. a.
American Poetry and Culture, 1945-1980 by Von Hallberg, Robert
Your Skin Is a Country by Mitchell, Nora
Last Will and Testament According to the Divine Rites of the Drug Cocaine by Shaw, Scott
Black Iris by Joubert, Jean
Beowulf: An Imitative Translation by
Selected Poems Philippe Jaccottet by Jaccottet, Philippe
Maldoror and Poems by Lautréamont
The Niobe Poems by Daniels, Kate
Yeats Annual No 6 by
John Clare: Selected Letters by Clare, John
Chaucer's Drama of Style: Poetic Variety and Contrast in the Canterbury Tales by Benson, C. David
Contemporary Irish Poetry, New and Revised Editon by
Reply from Wilderness Island: Poems by Balakian, Peter
The Saga of the Jomsvikings by
Späte Prosa 1847-1856 by
Pages from a Scrapbook of Immigrants by Marcus, Morton
Poems of Phillis Wheatley by Wheatley, Phillis
Woman of the River: Bilingual Edition by Alegría, Claribel
Plato Baptized: Towards the Interpretation of Spenser's Mimetic Fictions by Bieman, Elizabeth
Many Glancing Colours: An Essay in Reading Tennyson, 1809-1850 by McKay, Kenneth
Wild Dreams of a New Beginning by Ferlinghetti, Lawrence
Rudyard Kipling: Complete Verse by Kipling, Rudyard
Reviving Liberty: Radical Christian Humanism in Milton's Great Poems by Bennett, Joan S.
Nicaraguan Peasant Poetry from Solentiname by
Briefe an Goethe: Band 4: 1802-1804 by
James Wright: The Poetry of a Grown Man: Constancy and Transition in the Work of James Wright by Stein, Kevin
Skins and Bones by Allen, Paula Gunn