• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Poetry in 1990

Radical Renfrew: Poetry in the West of Scotland from the French Revolution to the First World War by Leonard, Tom
Witches and Idiots by Mitchell, Ken
The Southern Version of Cursor Mundi, Vol. II by
Art Facts by Nichol, BP
Play of Double Senses: Spenser's Faerie Queene by Giamatti, A. Bartlett
About Crows by Blais, Craig
Coleridge's Career by Davidson, Graham
T. S. Eliot: A Voice Descanting: Centenary Essays by
Happier Eden: The Politics of Marriage in the Stuart Epithalamium by Dubrow, Heather
The Phoenix by
Marbles: A Play in Three Acts by Brodsky, Joseph
Sea Level by Matson, Suzanne
Outlying Districts by Hollo, Anselm
Terra Firma by Centolella, Thomas
Zeitgeschichte in Ovids Metamorphosen by Schmitzer, Ulrich
A Drowning Man Is Never Tall Enough: Poems by Lawler, Patrick
Paroles: Selected Poems by Prévert, Jacques
Pieces of a Song: Selected Poems by Di Prima, Diane
Building the Nation and Other Poems by Barlow, Henry, Barlow, Christopher Henry Muwanga
Early Works: Actos, Bernabe & Pensamiento Serpentino by Valdez, Luis, Teatro Campesino (Organization)
Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror: Poems (Pulitzer Prize, National Book Award, and National Book Critics Circle Award Winner) by Ashbery, John
Yeats Annual No 7: Including Essays in Memory of Richard Ellmann by
Fragments from the Stars by Cope, David
Fragments from the Stars by Cope, David
Nineteenth-Century French Poetry: Introductions to Close Reading by
Horace: Epistles Book II and Ars Poetica by Mayer, Roland Horace, Horace
Desire in L.A.: Poems by Ronk, Martha Clare
Homer, Poet of the Iliad by Edwards, Mark W.
The Silence Now: New and Uncollected Early Poems by Sarton, May
At Midnight 31st of March by Case, Josephine
John Brown's Body by Benet, Stephen Vincent
Gaps and Verges by Hoffman, Roald
Hanging Fire by Webb, Phyllis
Down Time by Derksen, Jeff
Camelot Regained: The Arthurian Revival and Tennyson 1800-1849 by Simpson, Roger
Philip Larkin and English Poetry by Whalen, T.
Philip Larkin and English Poetry by Whalen, T.
Opus Posthumous by Stevens, Wallace
The Divine Comedy, I. Inferno, Vol. I. Part 2: Commentary by Alighieri, Dante
The Divine Comedy, I. Inferno, Vol. I. Part 1: Text by Alighieri, Dante
Waiting for the Unicorn, English Edition: Poems and Lyrics of China's Last Dynasty, 16441911 by
Poetic Form and British Romanticism by Curran, Stuart
Fallen from the Symboled World: Precedents for the New Formalism by Prunty, Wyatt
Texas Poets in Concert: A Quartet by Gwynn, R. S.
Beautiful Sublime: The Making of 'Paradise Lost, ' 1701-1734 by Moore, Leslie E.
Eight Longer Poems by Slavitt, David R.
Joseph Seamon Cotter Jr.: Complete Poems by Cotter, Joseph Seaman
Conversations with Richard Wilbur by
Punching Out by Daniels, Jim
A Companion to Piers Plowman by
The Poetry of Han-Shan: A Complete, Annotated Translation of Cold Mountain by Henricks, Robert G.
No Private Life by Boisseau, Michelle
Arthurian Poets: Matthew Arnold and William Morris by
Robert Frost: The Work of Knowing by Poirier, Richard
Between Angels by Dunn, Stephen
Poems of the Elder Edda by
Arthurian Poets: Edwin Arlington Robinson by
Giacomettis Dog by Becker, Robin
Personae: Revised Edition: Poetry by Baechler, Lea, Pound, Ezra, Litz, A. Walton
Early Welsh Saga Poetry: A Study and Edition of the Englynion by
The Orphan Stone: The Minnesinger Dream of Reich by Berleth, Richard J.
Politics, Poetics, and Hermeneutics in Milton's Prose by
Channel by
Charles Olson & Robert Creeley: The Complete Correspondence: Volume 9 by Olson, Charles, Creeley, Robert
An Introduction to Gaelic Poetry by Thomson, Derrick
Wings Will Not Be Broken by Holmes, Darryl
Gottfried Benn: Ein Schriftsteller Zwischen Erneuerung Und Reaktion by Ridley, Hugh
Lancelot; Or, the Knight of the Cart by de Troyes, Chrétien
In Mad Love and War by Harjo, Joy
Baudelaire: Collected Essays, 1953 1988 by Leakey, F. W., F. W., Leakey
A Gospel Treasury: Poems Based on Lectionary Gospels: Cycle B by Daughters, Andrew
The City in Which I Love You by Lee, Li-Young
The Alphabet in the Park: Selected Poems by Prado, Adélia
The Canterbury Tales by Chaucer, Geoffrey
People Yes by Sandburg, Carl, Sandburg
The People, Yes by Sandburg, Carl
The Song of Roland by Anonymous
Before We Were Born by Potter, Carol
The Aeneid by Virgil
The Disenchanted Self: Representing the Subject in The"canterbury Tales" by Leicester, H. Marshall
The Disenchanted Self: Representing the Subject in the Canterbury Tales by Leicester, H. Marshall
Woman by the Shore and Other Poems: A Tribute to Louise de Kiriline Lawrence by Nero, Robert W.
Great Balls of Fire by Padgett, Ron
Charles Olson & Robert Creeley: The Complete Correspondence: Volume 9 by Olson, Charles, Creeley, Robert
Old and New Poems by Hall, Donald
Iris of Creation by Bell, Marvin
Melodious Guile: Fictive Pattern in Poetic Language by Hollander, John
Milton and the Drama of History: Historical Vision, Iconoclasm, and the Literary Imagination by Loewenstein, David, David, Loewenstein
The Complete Poems of Christina Rossetti: A Variorum Edition: Volume III by Rossetti, Christina
Reading Race by Nielsen, Aldon Lynn
Selected Poems of Salvador Espriu by Espriu, Salvador
Nineteenth Century German Plays: Fraz Grillparzer, Johann Nepomuk Nestroy, Friedrich Hebbel: King Ottocar's Rise and Fall, the Talisman, Agnes Bernaue by
Hyperion and Selected Poems: Friedrich Hölderlin by
Soliciting Interpretation: Literary Theory and Seventeenth-Century English Poetry by
Poem and Symbol: A Brief History of French Symbolism by Fowlie, Wallace
Between Silences: A Voice from China by Jin, Ha
The Bacchae of Euripides: A New Version by Euripides, Williams, C. K.
Time and the Crystal: Studies in Dante's"rime Petrose" by Durling, Robert M., Martinez, Ronald L.
Āṇṭāḷ and Her Path of Love: Poems of a Woman Saint from South India by Dehejia, Vidya
Rhetoric, the Bible, and the origins of free verse by Kohl, Katrin M.
The World Between the Eyes: Poems by Chappell, Fred
Narcissus Dreaming: Poems by Stuart, Dabney
Pinches of Salt: Spiritual Seasonings by Shriver, Peggy L.
Lyric and Dramatic Poetry, 1946-82 by Cesaire, Aime
Troilus and Criseyde: The Book of Troilus by Geoffrey Chaucer by Windeatt, B. a.
Hermit with Landscape by Hall, Daniel
Neruda: Selected Poems by Neruda, Pablo
Selected Poems of Langston Hughes: A Classic Collection of Poems by a Master of American Verse by Hughes, Langston
Hellenistic Poetry: An Anthology by
Selected Writings Michaux by Michaux, Henri
The Sovereign Sun: Selected Poems by Elytis, Odysseus
Eclogues and Georgics of Virgil by Virgil
Imitations by Lowell, Robert
Homeplace: Poems by Nelson, Marilyn
Heroides by Ovide
The Ink Dark Moon: Love Poems by Ono No Komachi and Izumi Shikibu, Women of the Ancient Court of Japan by Komachi, Ono No, Shikibu, Izumi
Selected Poems Shelley by Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft, Shelley, Percy Bysshe
Three Contemporary Poets: Thom Gunn, Ted Hughes and R.S. Thomas by
The Muses of Resistance: Laboring-Class Women's Poetry in Britain, 1739 1796 by Landry, Donna
The 18th Century Mock Heroic P by Broich, Ulrich
When One Has Lived a Long Time Alone by Kinnell, Galway
Smoke from This Altar by L'Amour, Louis
The Red Azalea by
Red Azalea by
Journeying from Canyon de Chelly: Poems by Brosman, Catharine Savage
Chaucer's Religious Tales Chaucer's Religious Tales Chaucer's Religious Tales by
Sunflower Splendor: Three Thousand Years of Chinese Poetry by Liu, Wu-Chi
Ezra Pound as Literary Critic by Ruthven, K. K., Ruthven, Emeritus K. K.
How to Study Modern Poetry by Curtis, Tony
Romantic Medicine and John Keats by de Almeida, Hermione
British and Irish Political Drama in the Twentieth Century: Implicating the Audience by Rabey, D.
Eighteenth Century Women Poets: An Oxford Anthology by
Immigrants in Our Own Land and Selected Early Poems by Baca, Jimmy Santiago
Distance from Loved Ones by Tate, James
Refuge by Waring, Belle
The Robert Lowell Papers at the Houghton Library, Harvard University: A Guide to the Collection by Miehe, Patrick K.
The Book of Gods and Devils by Simic, Charles, Simic
The Sunken Lightship by Makuck, Peter
Sing Sing Sing: Poems by Murphy, Bruce
de Vulgari Eloquentia: Dante's Book of Exile by Shapiro, Marianne
Baptism of Desire: Poems by Erdrich, Louise
The Sunken Lightship by Makuck, Peter
A Burns Companion by Bold, Alan