• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Poetry in 1994

Radical Innocence by Pass, John
Lonely in a Cool, Sweet Way by McCarthy, Maureen
Wordworks: Poems Selected and New by Kostelanetz, Richard
Roxa: Voices of the Culver Family by Patrick, William B.
Exaltation of Light by Aridjis, Homero
Where We Live by Makuck, Peter
Beings and Things on Their Own by Anghelaki-Rooke, Katerina
Whale by Wilbur, Richard
Bridge of Change by Logan, John
My Father Was Shiva: A Family Tragedy in Prose and Poetry by Flosdorf, Jim
Antiquitez de Rome by Du Bellay, Joachim
Where We Live by Makuck, Peter
Seeing It Was So by Piccione, Anthony
Along the Dark Shore by Byrne, Edward
Deeds of Utmost Kindness by Gander, Forrest
Whale by Wilbur, Richard
Light from a Nearby Window: Contemporary Mexican Poetry by
First Light: New and Selected Poems by Miller, E. Ethelbert
Lethal Frequencies by Galvin, James
Whomp and Moonshiver by Whitbread, Thomas
Beings and Things on Their Own by Anghelaki-Rooke, Katerina
Borders by Crow, Mary
Bone Dance: New and Selected Poems, 1965-1993 Volume 27 by Rose, Wendy
The Penguin Book of French Poetry: 1820-1950--With Prose Translations by Various
Meditations on America: John D. Macdonald's Travis McGee Series and Other Fiction by Moore, Lewis D.
Against the Evidence: Selected Poems, 1934 1994 by Ignatow, David
Thomas Hardy: Moments of Vision by Shelston, Alan
Blacks by Brooks, Gwendolyn
Home Planet by Henighan, Tom
Shenandoah: And Other Verse Plays by Schwartz, Delmore
Selected Poems by Tsvetaeva, Marina
Complete Poems by Lawrence, D. H.
Scripture of the Golden Eternity by Kerouac, Jack
Song by Kelly, Brigit Pegeen
John Clare by Lucas, John
Keats the Poet by Sperry, Stuart M.
John Donne by Davies, Stevie
The Collected Poems of William Wordsworth by Wordsworth, William
The Complete Poems of John Keats by Keats, John
Collected Poems of Rudyard Kipling by Kipling, Rudyard
Space to ACT: The Theater of J.M.R.Lenz by
Edward Lear and the Critics by Colley, Ann C.
100 Poems by 100 Poets by
Selected Poems: Pablo Neruda by Neruda, Pablo
100 Selected Poems by Cummings, E. E.
Velocities: New and Selected Poems 1966-1992 by Dobyns, Stephen
The Threepenny Opera by Brecht, Bertolt
A Taste of Honey, a Play by Delaney, Shelagh
Reunion: Dark Pony: Two Plays by Mamet, David
Au Revoir Les Enfants by Malle, Louis
Late and Posthumous Poems, 1968-1974: Bilingual Edition by Neruda, Pablo
Five Decades: Poems 1925-1970 by Neruda, Pablo
Mexico City Blues: [(242 Choruses] by Kerouac, Jack
Monkey: Folk Novel of China by Ch'êng-Ên, Wu
A New Path to the Waterfall by Carver, Raymond
Woods, Lakeboat, Edmond by Mamet, David
Postmoderns by
House of Games by Mamet, David
The Tongues of Men and of Angels by Fink, Robert A.
The Andrew Poems by Wagner, Shelly
The Lillian Lectures by Agnew, Wendy
A More Tender Ocean by Caple, Natalee
Outside the Hat by Barwin, Gary
Matinee Light by Hartog, Diana
Polite to Bees: A Bestiary by Hartog, Diana
This is Me Since Yesterday by Leggat, Alexandra
Martyrology Book 5 by Nichol, BP
A House of White Rooms by Tsiriotakis, Helen
Unrehearsed Beauty by Wren, Jacob
Aunt Dan & Lemon by Shawn, Wallace
Polaroids by Necakov, Lillian
Sensory Deprivation by Lopes, Damian
Buddyland by Burnham, Clint
The Inkblot Record by Farrell, Dan
Camera, Woman by Vaughan, Rm
Articles of Faith by Clark, Douglas
Zen Poems of China & Japan by
Martyrology Book 6 by Nichol, BP
Fidget by Goldsmith, Kenneth
Martyrology Books 3 & 4 by Nichol, BP
Gifts: The Martyrology Book(s) 7 & by Nichol, BP
Martyrology Books 1 & 2 by Nichol, BP
AD Sanctos: The Martyrology Book 9 by Nichol, BP
In the Boom Boom Room by Rabe, David
Song of Napalm: Poems by Weigl, Bruce
Collected Poems in English and French by Beckett, Samuel
A Preface to Pope by Gordon, Ian Robert Fraser
Under Clouded Skies & Beauregard: Pensées Sous Les Nuages & Beauregard by Jaccottet, Philippe
Snowmelt: Poems by Griffin, Shaun T.
Nikolai Zabolotsky by Goldstein, Darra
Brides and Doom: Gender, Property, and Power in Medieval German Women's Epic by Frakes, Jerold C.
Dante's Christian Astrology by Kay, Richard
Crossroads: Poems by Slavitt, David R.
Two Trees: Poems by Voigt, Ellen Bryant
Toward Robert Frost by Oster, Judith
Carducci: Selected Verse by Higgins, David
The Palms by Smith, Charlie
The Museum of Clear Ideas by Hall, Donald
Louis Zukofsky and the Transformation of a Modern American Poetics by Stanley, Sandra Kumamoto
Tennyson's Fixations: Psychoanalysis and the Topics of the Early Poetry by Rowlinson, Matthew
The New World: A Poem by Gardinier, Suzanne
Heinrich von Veldeke und Ovid by Kistler, Renate
Dwell by Derksen, Jeff
The Herne's Egg: Mathematical Physics by Yeats, W. B.
My Night with Federico Garcia Lorca by Manrique, Jaime
Memewars by Karasick, Adeena
Contemporary East European Poetry: An Anthology by
Rilke on Love and Other Difficulties: Translations and Considerations by Rilke, Rainer Maria, Mood, John J. L.
Anthology of Modern Chinese Poetry by
Satires of Horace by Rudd, Niall
The Art of the Odyssey by Clarke, Howard W.
Robert Frost and a Poetics of Appetite by Kearns, Katherine
William Carlos Williams and Alterity: The Early Poetry by Ahearn, Barry
Der Tanhûser: Organisationsprinzipien Der Werküberlieferung in Der Manesseschen Liederhandschrift. M&p Schriftenreihe by Paule, Gabriela
Red and Yellow Boat: Poems by Petrosky, Anthony
A Woman Kneeling in the Big City: Poems by Macklin, Elizabeth
Landscapes of Time by MacDonald, Alastair
Timely Departures by Maggs, Randall
Joker, Joker, Deuce by Beatty, Paul
Science and Other Poems by Deming, Alison Hawthorne
Selected Poems of Lord Byron: Including Don Juan and Other Poems by Byron, George Gordon, 1788-
Absolute Turkey by Feydeau, George
A Preface to Yeats by Malins, Edward, Purkis, John
You Are Not Who You Claim by Lau, Evelyn
The Studio Recordings of the Miles Davis Quintet, 1965-68: 1965-1968 by Herbert-Brown, Geraldine
Managing Language in Piers Plowman by Rudd, Gillian
Myth and Poetry in Lucretius by Gale, Monica R.
Jewish Wife and Other Short Plays: Includes: In Search of Justice; Informer; Elephant Calf; Measures Taken; Exception and the Rule; Salzburg Dance of by Brecht, Bertolt
Imageless Truths: Shelley's Poetic Fictions by Weisman, Karen A.
Mexican Poetry: An Anthology by
In the House of Slaves by Lau, Evelyn
The City of Women: A Sequence of Poems and Prose by Santos, Sherod
Tug by Booker, Stephen Todd
Word Traces: Readings of Paul Celan by
Canvas: Poems by Zagajewski, Adam
A Gilded Lapse of Time: Poems by Schnackenberg, Gjertrud
Allowing the Light by Dalton, Mary
Dantes Inferno by Halpern, Dan
The Selected Poetry & Prose of Shelley by Shelley, Percy Bysshe
Restoring the Queen by Mataka, Laini
Manual of Piety: Die Hauspotille by Brecht, Bertolt
The Mother by Brecht, Brecht, Bertolt
Rimbaud: Poems: Edited by Peter Washington by Rimbaud, Arthur
Keats: Poems: Edited by Peter Washington by Keats, John
Shakespeare: Poems: Edited by Graham Handley by Shakespeare, William
The Oxford Companion to Twentieth-Century Poetry in English by
Reactor by Vollmer, Judith
The Nature of Roman Comedy: A Study in Popular Entertainment by Duckworth, George E.
Children Of Paradise by Rosenberg, Liz
Gerard Manley Hopkins: A Literary Life by Roberts, Gerald
The Complete Poems of John Keats by Keats, John
That Kind of Danger by Masini, Donna
Under World Arrest by Eshleman, Clayton
Bell 8 by Lyon, Rick
Journey Into Joy: Selected Prose by Kennelly, Brendan
Mismapping the Underworld: Daring and Error in Dante's 'Comedy' by Kleiner, John
Blood Wedding and Yerma by García Lorca, Federico
The Metamorphoses of Ovid by Ovid
Beliefs, Reasoning, and Decision Making: Psycho-Logic in Honor of Bob Abelson by
Stained Glass by Warren, Rosanna
Odes to Common Things by Neruda, Pablo
Selected Poems by Burns, Robert
Run with the Hunted: Charles Bukowski Reader, a by Bukowski, Charles
The Collected Poems of Thomas Hardy by Hardy, Thomas
Coleridge and Textual Instability: The Multiple Versions of the Major Poems by Stillinger, Jack
The Poetic Art of Aldhelm by Andy, Orchard, Orchard, Andy
Dante and the Mystical Tradition: Bernard of Clairvaux in the Commedia by Botterill, Steven
Poetry of Mourning: The Modern Elegy from Hardy to Heaney by Ramazani, Jahan
Milton's Burden of Interpretation by Haskin, Dayton
Walk on the Wild Side: Urban American Poetry Since 1975 by Christopher, Nicholas
Fresh Peaches, Fireworks, and Guns by Platt, Donald
Andrew Marvell by Patterson, Annabel
Landlady in Bangkok by Swenson, Karen
The Green Lake Is Awake by Ceravolo, Joseph
The Wild Field by Gabis, Rita
Wine of the Mystic: The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam: A Spiritual Interpretation by Yogananda
Mother of the Universe: Visions of the Goddess and Tantric Hymns of Enlightenment by Hixon, Lex
My Tokyo: Poems by Seidel, Frederick
The City of Scholars: New Approaches to Christine de Pizan by
We Have Found a Path by Morgenstern, Christian
The Book of Images: Poems / Revised Bilingual Edition by Rilke, Rainer Maria
What We Carry by Laux, Dorianne
Georgics by Virgil, Mynors
Essay on Man and Other Poems by Pope, Alexander
King Lear by Shakespeare, William
Rimbaud and Jim Morrison: The Rebel as Poet by Fowlie, Wallace
Sweet Nothings: An Anthology of Rock and Roll in American Poetry by
Willehalm by Wolfram Von Eschenbach
John Clare in Context by
Radical Artifice: Writing Poetry in the Age of Media by Perloff, Marjorie
Chaucer at Work: The Making of The Canterbury Tales by Brown, Peter
Dark Harbor: A Poem by Strand, Mark
Isabella Valancy Crawford: We Scarcely Knew Her by Galvin, Elizabeth McNeill
Soul Make a Path Through Shouting by Cassells, Cyrus
Children in Exile: Poems 1968-1984 by Fenton, James
The Works of Alfred, Lord Tennyson: With an Introduction and Bibliography by Tennyson
T. S. Elliot's The Waste Land by Reeves, Gareth
Seamus Heaney and the Language Of Poetry by O'Donoghue, Bernard
Yeats The Poet: The Measures of Difference by Larrissy, Edward
Roots in a Parched Ground, Convicts, Lily Dale, the Widow Claire: Four Plays from the Orphans' Home Cycle by Foote, Horton
See More