• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Poetry in 1995

Too Spare, Too Fierce by Lane, Patrick
Watch Fire by Merrill, Christopher
Frogs in the Rain Barrel by Ito, Sally
Low Water Slack by Bowling, Tim
Wounds Beneath the Flesh: Fifteen Native American Poets by
A Drifting Boat: Chinese Zen Poetry by
Crazy Horse in Stillness by Heyen, William
Why Not by Oppenheimer, Joel
Tekonwatonti: Molly Brant: Poems of War by Kenny, Maurice
Wine of Endless Life: Taoist Drinking Songs from the Yuan Dynasty by
Sargasso by Allende, Isabel
Selected Poems of Ben Jonson by Jonson, Ben
The Poems of Aphra Behn: A Selection by
Goethe und die geschichtliche Welt by Cassirer, Ernst
Robinson Jeffers: The Dimensions of a Poet by Brophy, Robert J.
Voice of the Night Masquerade by Ezenwa Ohaeto, Ohaeto, Ezenwa
The Book of Yeats's Vision: Romantic Modernism and Antithetical Tradition by Adams, Hazard
Damages by Terranova, Elaine
Chosen by the Lion: Poems by Gregg, Linda
Night Open: Selected Poems by Jacobsen, Rolf
Dawn of the Senses: Selected Poems of Alberto Blanco by Blanco, Alberto
At the Edge by Carlson, Douglas
The Hafez Poems of Gertrude Bell by Bell, Gertrude
Alfonsina Storni: Selected Poems by Storni, Alfonsina
Thomas Hardy: Wessex Poems by Johnson, Trevor
The Legend of Marguerite by Martin, George
Savitri: A Legend & a Symbol - New U.S. Edition by Aurobindo
Robinson Jeffers: The Dimensions of a Poet by Brophy, Robert J.
Starting from Ameliasburgh: The Collected Prose of Al Purdy by Purdy, Al
Paradoxes of Traditional Chinese Literature by
Manuscript, Print, and the English Renaissance Lyric by Marotti, Arthur F.
Manuscript, Print, and the English Renaissance Lyric by Marotti, Arthur F.
Some Are Drowning by Shepherd, Reginald
The Life of Geoffrey Chaucer: A Critical Biography by Pearsall, Derek
Romanticism, Writing, and Sexual Difference: Essays on the Prelude by Jacobus, Mary
Chivalry in Twelfth Century Germany: The Works of Hartmann Von Aue by Jackson, W. H.
Phenomenal Woman: Four Poems Celebrating Women by Angelou, Maya
Women in Praise of the Sacred by Hirshfield, Jane
A Song of the Pen: A Collection of Life's Musings by Ravennah, Crown Prince Maurice D.
Zen Poetry: Let the Spring Breeze Enter by
On the Outside Looking Out: John Ashbery's Poetry by Shoptaw, John
Mose by Graham, Loren
Pastoral and the Poetics of Self-Contradiction: Theocritus to Marvell by Haber, Judith
Thomas Stearns Eliot, Poet by Moody, A. David
Movements in Chicano Poetry: Against Myths, Against Margins by P. Rez-Torres, Rafael, Perez-Torres, Rafael
Banished Voices: Readings in Ovid's Exile Poetry by Williams, Gareth D., Gareth D., Williams
Virgil: Aeneid Book IX by Virgil
Cranial Guitar by Kaufman, Bob
The Enigmatic Narrator: The Voicing of Same-Sex Love in the Poetry of John Donne by Klawitter, Georg
An Early Afterlife: Poems by Pastan, Linda
La Vie de Saint Alexis by
The Patriot Opposition to Walpole: Politics, Poetry, and National Myth, 1725-1742 by Gerrard, Christine
War Poetry: An Introductory Reader by Featherstone, Simon
War Poetry: An Introductory Reader by Featherstone, Simon
The Angel of History by Forche, Carolyn
Language and Relationship in Wordsworth's Writing by Baron, Michael
Johann Christoph Gottsched (1700-1766) the Harbinger of German Classicism by Mitchell, P. M.
Cyrano de Bergerac: A New Prose Translation by John Murell by Rostand, Edmond
Cartouches by Tostevin, Lola Lemire
Th Influenza UV Logik by Bissett, Bill
Aurora by Thesen, Sharon
Canadian Drama and the Critics: Revised Edition by
Anglo-Saxon Poetry by Bradley, S. A. J.
The Doubtful Strait / El Estrecho Dudoso by Cardenal, Ernesto
The Cambridge Companion to T. S. Eliot by
Edouard Glissant by Dash, Jean M., Dash, Michael, Dash, J. Michael
The Poems of John Dryden: Volume Two: 1682-1685 by Hammond, Paul
Carnal Rhetoric: Milton's Iconoclasm and the Poetics of Desire by Cable, Lana
Gary Soto: New and Selected Poems (Contemporary American Poetry, Poetry Books for Teens and Adults) by Soto, Gary
Afterrimages by Retallack, Joan
Love, Death, and the Changing of the Seasons by Hacker, Marilyn
Ocean Power: Poems from the Desert Volume 32 by Zepeda, Ofelia
The Iliad by Homer
Yvan Golls Gedicht "Paris Brennt": Zur Bedeutung Von Collage, Montage Und Simultanismus ALS Gestaltungsmittel Der Avantgarde. Mit Einer Edition Der Za by Ullmaier, Johannes
Von Nachtigallen Und Handwerkern: 'Dichtung Über Dichtung' in Minnesang Und Sangspruchdichtung by Obermaier, Sabine
Loose Woman by Cisneros, Sandra
Career Moves: Olson, Creeley, Zukofsky, Berrigan, and by Rifkin, Libbie
Essays & Poems Emerson by Emerson, Ralph Waldo
The Variorum Edition of the Poetry of John Donne, Volume 6: The Anniversaries and the Epicedes and Obsequies by Donne, John
The Force of Poetry by Ricks, Christopher
Two Women Dancing: New & Selected Poems by Bartlett, Elizabeth
Vita Nuova: Italian Text with Facing English Translation by Alighieri, Dante
Edouard Glissant by Dash, J. Michael
The Collected Poems of Frank O'Hara by O'Hara, Frank
From Thunder to Sunrise: Reflections of Vietnam by Cherry, Corbin L.
Poetic Process by Kudszus, W. G.
The Poetry of Scotland: Gaelic, Scots & English 1380-1980 by Watson, Roderick
A Muriel Rukeyser Reader by Levi, Jan Heller
From Thunder to Sunrise: Reflections of Vietnam by Cherry, Corbin L.
The Fuehrer Bunker: The Complete Cycle by Snodgrass, W. D.
Armored Hearts: Selected & New Poems by Bottoms, David
Infanta by Belieu, Erin
Heartbeat Geography: New and Selected Poems by Brandi, John
Upside Down in the Dark by Potter, Carol
Beyond the Archipelago: Selected Poems by Salleh, Muhammad Haji
Iona: The Earliest Poetry of a Celtic Monastery by Clancy, Thomas, Markus, Gilbert
Poems of Phillis Wheatley by Wheatley, Phillis
The Complete Poems of Walt Whitman by Whitman, Walt
Edda by Sturluson, Snorri
The Complete Poetical Works of Thomas Hardy: Volume IV: The Dynasts, Parts First and Second by Hardy, Thomas
The Complete Poetical Works of Thomas Hardy: Volume V: The Dynasts, Part Third; The Famous Tragedy of the Queen of Cornwall; The Play of Saint George; by Hardy, Thomas
Timber and Prayer: The Indian Pond Poems by Weaver, Afaa Michael
The Metamorphoses of Ovid by Ovid
Paterson by Williams, William Carlos
Ovid's Fasti: Roman Holidays by Ovid
Die Auferlegte Heimat: Else Lasker-Schülers Emigration in Palästina by Bodenheimer, Alfred
Poems of the Infinite Dream by Kelly, T. Byron
T. S. Eliot and Ideology by Asher, Kenneth
Keats and History by
Dante Now: Current Trends in Dante Studiesydevers Series in Dante Studies V1 by
Out of Danger: Poems by Fenton, James
Notebook 1967-68: Poems by Lowell, Robert
Collected Poems by Gunn, Thom
Bruise Theory by Kenvin, Natalie
The Fall of Kings and Princes: Structure and Destruction in Arthurian Tragedy by Guerin, M. Victoria
Kontext Und Kontingenz: Kommunikationstheoretische Überlegungen Zur Literaturhistoriographie. Mit Einer Fallstudie Zur Goethe-Rezeption Des Ju by Berg, Henk de
Psalms: Poems by Bernard, April
Happiness by Keenan, Deborah
Alibi School by McDaniel, Jeffrey
Bruise Theory by Kenvin, Natalie
The Three Perils of Woman by Hogg, James
Basho and His Interpreters: Selected Hokku with Commentary by Ueda, Makoto
New & Selected Poems: 1974-1994 (Revised) by Dunn, Stephen
In a Time of Violence: Poems by Boland, Eavan
Prosodie im Gespräch by Selting, Margret
Das Problem Der Individualität ALS Herausforderung an Die Semantik Im Sturm Und Drang: Studien Zu Goethes Brief Des Pastors Zu *** an Den Neuen Pastor by Willems, Marianne
City Of Salt by Orr, Gregory
Great German Poems of the Romantic Era: A Dual-Language Book by
Clough: Selected Poems by Clough, Arthur Hugh, Phelan, Joseph
Auden: Poems: Edited by Edward Mendelson by Auden, W. H.
Wordsworth: Poems: Edited by Peter Washington by Wordsworth, William
Friendship Poems by
The Origins of Drama in Scandinavia by Gunnell, Terry
Selected Writings of Jean Genet by Genet, Jean
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and French Arthurian Romance by Putter, Ad
Little Girls In Church by Norris, Kathleen
Six Poets of the Great War by
Sciences and the Self in Medieval Poetry: Alan of Lille's Anticlaudianus and John Gower's Confessio Amantis by Simpson, J., Simpson, James
The Reformation of the Subject: Spenser, Milton, and the English Protestant Epic by Gregerson, Linda
Pindar: Victory Odes: Olympians 2, 7 and 11; Nemean 4; Isthmians 3, 4 and 7 by Pindar, Peter, Willcock, M. M., Pindar
View with a Grain of Sand: Selected Poems by Szymborska, Wislawa
Modernism and Ireland: The Poetry of the 1930s by
Jumping Off Shadows by Delanty, Greg
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight - Facing Page Translation by Anonymous
For the Kingdom by Piccione, Anthony
Song of the Heart: Selected Poems by Ramón López Velarde by López Velarde, Ramón
The Columbia Anthology of American Poetry by
Archipelago by Sze, Arthur
For the Kingdom by Piccione, Anthony
Sphere: The Form of a Motion by Ammons, A. R.
... Aber Von Ihnen Dependier Ich Unüberwindlich... Friedrich Hölderlins Ferne Leidenschaft: M&p Schriftenreihe by Darsow, Götz-Lothar
Light of Asia by Arnold, Edwin
Tale of Eternity and Other Poems by Massey, Gerald
Action Theater: The Improvisation of Presence by Zaporah, Ruth
The Art Of Drowning by Collins, Billy
Deeds/Abstracts: The History of a London Lot, 1 January 1991 - 6 October 1992 by Curnoe, Greg
Early Work 1970-1979 by Smith, Patti
The Modern Voice in American Poetry by Doreski, William
Dante's Inferno, the Indiana Critical Edition by Dante Alighieri
The Merchant of Venice by Shakespeare, William
Collected Poems: 1: Poems 1970-1984 by Reading, Peter
Collected Poems by Downie, Freda
Spanish Poetry of the Twentieth Century: Modernity and Beyond by Debicki, Andrew
The Legend of the Good Women by
Presenting Poetry by
A Defense of Poetry: Reflections on the Occasion of Writing by Fry, Paul H.
A Defense of Poetry: Reflections on the Occasion of Writing by Fry, Paul H.
The Blood That Keeps Singing/La Sangre Que Sigue Canta by Vélez, Clemente Soto
The Concrete River: Poems by Rodríguez, Luis J., Rodriguez, Luis J.
Split Horizon Pa by Lux, Thomas
Fugues by Alegría, Claribel
The Complete English Works of George Herbert: Introduction by Ann Pasternak Slater by Herbert, George
Brother Hermann's 'Life of the Countess Yolanda of Vianden' [Leben Der Graefen Iolande Von Vianden] by Lawson, Richard H.
Oxford Guides to Chaucer: The Shorter Poems by Minnis, A. J.
Dante Now: Current Trends in Dante Studiesydevers Series in Dante Studies V1 by
Radical Literary Education by Robinson, Jeffrey, Peters, Robert
Selected Poetry by Hollander, John
They Tell Me You Danced by Willis, Irene
The Rebel's Silhouette: Selected Poems by Faiz, Faiz Ahmed
The Player, the Rapture, the New Age: Three Screenplays by Tolkin, Michael, Tolkin
George Seferis: Collected Poems - Revised Edition by Seferis, George
The Romance of the Rose: Third Edition by de Lorris, Guillaume, De Meun, Jean
Briefe an Goethe: Ergänzungsband Zu Den Bänden 1-5 by
Where Crows and Men Collide by Gale, Kate
Blue Air by Gale, Kate
A Garden in Kentucky: Poems by Gentry, Jane
Fifty Years of American Poetry: Over 200 Important Works by America's Modern Masters by Academy of American Poets
Disfortune by Wenderoth, Joe
Blue Air by Gale, Kate
Burnt Offerings by Liu, Timothy
My Town by Lee, David
The Divine Comedy: Inferno; Purgatorio; Paradiso (in One Volume); Introduction by Eugenio Montale by Alighieri, Dante
Essential Haiku Volume 20 by Hass
Kindly Similitude: Marriage and Family in Piers Plowman by Tavormina, M. Teresa
As I Walked Out One Evening: Songs, Ballads, Lullabies, Limericks, and Other Light Verse by Auden, W. H.
Marianne Moore: Questions of Authority by Miller, Cristanne
Iliad Book IX by Homer
The Black Unicorn: Poems by Lorde, Audre
Battle-Pieces and Aspects of the War: Civil War Poems by Melville, Herman
Destination Zero: Poems 1970-1995 by Hamill, Sam
See More