• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Poetry in 1996

Winnie by Brooks, Gwendolyn
Groundwork: New and Selected Poems, Don L. Lee/Haki R. Madhubuti from 1966 - 1996 by Madhubuti, Haki R.
God on His Haunches by Tucker, Diane L.
Groundwork: New and Selected Poems, Don L. Lee/Haki R. Madhubuti from 1966-1996 by Madhubuti, Haki R.
The Pomegranate Tree Speaks from the Dictator's Garden by White, J. P.
When I Looked Back You Were Gone by Waterman, Cary
Through the Green Fire: Personal Essays, Prose Poems and Poems by Grabill, James
Drawings of the Song Animals: New & Selected Poems by Niatum, Duane
How to Enter the River by Thompson, Jeanie
Boars' Dance by Paddock, Joe
The Lord and the General Din of the World: Poems by Mead, Jane
The Sun Takes Us Away by Saltman, Benjamin
Homing Pigeon by J-Son, Wooi-Chin
Il Re Torrismondo by Tasso, Torquato
William Wordsworth: A Poetic Life by Mahoney, John L.
Studies in Poetic Discourse: Mallarmé, Baudelaire, Rimbaud, Hölderlin by Frey, Hans-Jost
The Complete Poems of C. Day Lewis by Lewis, C. Day
The Invisible Musician by Young Bear, Ray A.
Starry Sky to Starry Sky by White, Mary Jane
Yeats's Poetry and Poetics by Sidnell, Michael J.
The Hudson Letter by Mahon, Derek
Pindar: Selected Odes by Instone, Stephen
Men Love Chocolates But They Don't Say by Barya, Mildred Kiconco
Principles and Practice of Public Health in Africa. Volume 1 by
Pindar: Selected Odes by Instone, Stephen
A Patriot to the Core by Crowther, Bishop Ajayi
If the World Is Running Out by Green, Kate
Starry Sky to Starry Sky by White, Mary Jane
Hymn for a Night Feast: Poems: 1979-1986 by Brandi, John
The Pomegranate Tree Speaks from the Dictator's Garden by White, J. P.
Horse of Earth by Smith, Thomas R.
Possession by Ball, Angela
The Sacrilege of Alan Kent by Caldwell, Erskine
The Unholy Grail: A Social Reading of Chrétien de Troyes's 'Conte Du Graal' by Cazelles, Brigitte
King Torrismondo by Tasso, Torquato
Rooms for Rent in the Outer Planets: Selected Poems 1962-1996 by Purdy, Al
Nice Fish: New and Selected Prose Poems by Jenkins, Louis
Drawings of the Song Animals: New & Selected Poems by Niatum, Duane
History: The Home Movie by Raine, Craig
Poems from East Africa by
An American Primer by Whitman, Walt
Lady Mary Wroth: Poems: A Modernized Edition by Pritchard, R. E.
The Poet's Handbook by Jerome, Judson
The Poems of Ossian and Related Works: James MacPherson by Gaskill, Howard
Hymns, Prayers, and Songs: An Anthology of Ancient Egyptian Lyric Poetry by
Poems: Just Give Me a Cool Drink of Water 'Fore I Diiie/Oh Pray My Wings Are Gonna Fit Me Well/And Still I Rise/Shaker, Why Don't You Sing? by Angelou, Maya
Fast Speaking Woman: Chants and Essays by Waldman, Anne
Howl and Other Poems by Ginsberg, Allen
Mad River by Beatty, Jan
The Complete Poems of Emily Jane Brontë by Brontë, Emily Jane
Modernist Alchemy by Materer, Timothy
A.S.Byatt by Todd, Richard
The Princeton Handbook of Multicultural Poetries by
The Routledge Anthology of Cross-Gendered Verse by
The Routledge Anthology of Cross-Gendered Verse by
Four Women Poets by
The Selected Poems of Nikki Giovanni by Giovanni, Nikki
Warrior Women and Popular Balladry, 1650-1850 by Dugaw, Dianne
Poetry of the Universe: A Mathematical Exploration of the Cosmos by Osserman, Robert
Winter Numbers: Poems by Hacker, Marilyn
We Jive Like This: Collective and Individual Poems by
Sinuosities, Lesbian Poetic Politics by Allen, Jeffner
Life of Samuel Taylor Coleridge by Ashton, Rosemary
The Poems of William Cowper: Volume II: 1782-1785 by Cowper, William
The Chansons de Geste in the Age of Romance: Political Fictions by Kay, Sarah
The Poems of William Cowper: Volume III: 1785-1800 by Cowper, William
Portable Kisses by Gallagher, Tess
Poetry as Performance: Homer and Beyond by Nagy, Gregory
T. S. Eliot and the Ideology of Four Quartets by Cooper, John Xiros
Poetic Rhythm: An Introduction by Attridge, Derek, Derek, Attridge
Ovid: Heroides Select Epistles by Ovid
Wordsworth and the Geologists by Wyatt, John F.
Wordsworth's Pope by Griffin, Robert J.
Making and Breaking Governments: Cabinets and Legislatures in Parliamentary Democracies by Laver, Michael
Making and Breaking Governments: Cabinets and Legislatures in Parliamentary Democracies by Laver, Michael
Rome the Sorceress: La Sorcère de Rome by Frénaud, André
The Wellspring: Poems by Olds, Sharon
Cora Fry's Pillow Book by Brown, Rosellen
A Gift: The Life of Da Ponte: A Poem by Slavitt, David R.
All American Girl by Becker, Robin
The Great Fires: Poems, 1982-1992 by Gilbert, Jack
The Chain by Sleigh, Tom
Breaking Bounds: Whitman and American Cultural Studies by
The Poetical Works of Robert Browning: Volume V: Men and Women by Browning, Robert
Unbroken Poetry II: Poésie Ininterrompue II by Éluard, Paul
Five Plays: Kamala; Silence! the Court Is in Session; Sakharam Binder; The Vultures; Encounter in Umbugland by Tendulkar, Vijay
The Poetics of Fascism: Ezra Pound, T.S. Eliot, Paul de Man by Morrison, Paul
Dante's Political Purgatory by Scott, John A.
Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri: Volume 1: Inferno by Alighieri, Dante
Quick, Now, Always by Irwin, Mark
Quick, Now, Always by Irwin, Mark
An Animal of the Sixth Day by Fargas, Laura
Cinque Canti = Five Cantos by Ariosto, Ludovico
Mapping The Faerie Queene: Quest Structures and the World of the Poem by Erickson, Wayne
Mixed Company: Volume 1996 by Shapiro, Alan
The Fading Smile: Poets in Boston, 1995-1960, from Robert Frost to Robert Lowell to Sylvia Plath by Davison, Peter
Grace & Desolation by Bentley, Sean
The Wanderer King by Deppe, Theodore
Body Mutinies by Perillo, Lucia
Romancero Gitano by García Lorca, Federico
Where a Nickel Costs a Dime by Perdomo, Willie
Songs of a Friend: Love Lyrics of Medieval Portugal by
Milton's Imperial Epic by Evans, J. Martin
Meister Johans Hadloub: Autorbild Und Werkkonzeption Der Manessischen Liederhandschrift by Fischer, Ursel
William Wordsworth: A Literary Life by Williams, John
The Poems of Emily Brontë by Brontë, Emily
Edge Effect: Trails and Portrayals by McPherson, Sandra
Selected Poems of Robert Creeley by Creeley, Robert
Walt Whitman's America: A Cultural Biography by Reynolds, David S.
Selected Poems of Shmuel Hanagid by Hanagid, Shmuel
Geoffrey Chaucer by Ellis, Steve
Die Brüder des Marquis Posa by Schings, Hans-Jürgen
Classical Women Poets by
Milton Unbound by Rumrich, John P.
Theocritus and the Archaeology of Greek Poetry by Hunter, Richard
Plato on Poetry: Ion; Republic 376e 398b9; Republic 595 608b10 by Plato
Wordsworth's Reading 1800 1815 by
Juvenal: Satires Book I by Juvenal
The Inferno of Dante by Dante
A. E. Housman: A Critical Biography by Page, Norman
In the Garden of the Beast by
I Have Tasted the Apple by Crow, Mary
Avalanche by Troupe, Quincy
I Have Tasted the Apple by Crow, Mary
Resurrection: Poems by Cooley, Nicole
"Voi Altri Pochi": Ezra Pound and His Audience, 1908-1925 by Kyburz, Mark
The Dream of the Rood by
Cant Be Wrong by Lally, Michael
Certainty by Romtvedt, David
Heavy Grace by Cording, Robert
Homecoming: New and Collected Poems by Alvarez, Julia
Returning a Borrowed Tongue: An Anthology of Filipino and Filipino American Poetry by
Avalanche by Troupe, Quincy
Poems of the Passing by Rabbani, Ruhiyyih
The Long Marriage: Poems by Kumin, Maxine
Passages: Poems by Brosman, Catharine Savage
Mona Queen of Lost Atlantis an Idyllic Reembodiment of Long Forgotten History by Dryden, J. L.
The Knight of the Two Swords: A Thirteenth-Century Arthurian Romance by
The Descent of Alette by Notley, Alice
Meditations in an Emergency by O'Hara, Frank
Scrambled Eggs & Whiskey: Poems, 1991-1995 by Carruth, Hayden
Talking to My Body by Swir, Anna
Wordsworth and the Zen Mind: The Poetry of Self-Emptying by Rudy, John G.
Emily Bronte: Poems: Edited by Peter Washington by Brontë, Emily
The Language of Old and Middle English Poetry by Lester, G. A.
Poetic Madness and the Romantic Imagination by Burwick, Frederick
Dante's Interpretive Journey: Volume 1996 by Franke, William
W.B. Yeats: Man and Poet by Na, Na
Garden Poems by
Poems of the River Spirit by Kilwein Guevara, Maurice
Ovid: Heroides XVI-XXI by Ovid, Kenney, E. J., Ovid, Ovid
Novemberland: Selected Poems 1956-1993 by Grass, Grass, Gunter, Grass, Gnter
Chickamauga by Wright, Charles
After Ovid: New Metamorphoses by Hofmann, Michael
Pier Paolo Pasolini Poems by Pasolini, Pier Paolo
Search Procedures by Moure, Erín
Roots in the Air: New & Selected Poems by Kaufman, Shirley
Leaving a Shadow by Allen, Heather
War Baby Express by Lloyd, Roseann
Framing the Word: Gender & Genre in Caribbean Women's Writing by
Four Questions of Melancholy: New & Selected Poems by Salamun, Tomaz
Die Französische Heine-Kritik: Band 1: Rezensionen Und Notizen Zu Heines Werken Aus Den Jahren 1830-1834 by
The Dream Police: Selected Poems, 1969-1993 by Cooper, Dennis
Offense of Love: Ars Amatoria, Remedia Amoris, and Tristia 2 by Ovid
The Selected Poems of Li Po by Po, Li, Li, Bai, Hinton, David
Mother Love: Poems by Dove, Rita
Cabaret McGonagall by Herbert, W. N.
Oxford Guides to Chaucer: The Canterbury Tales by Cooper, Helen
Poetry In the Garden by Bachar, Jacqueline
Kya Kami Thi by Khan, Ali
Maiden Speech by Brown, Eleanor
Red Sauce, Whiskey and Snow: Poems by Kleinzahler, August
Fiore in Context by
White Elephants by Vazirani, Reetika
Framing the Word: Gender and genre in Caribbean women's writing by
Original Love by Peacock, Molly
Approximate Darling: Poems by Upton, Lee
Edmund Spenser by Burrow, Colin
The Purpose of Playing: Shakespeare and the Cultural Politics of the Elizabethan Theatre by Montrose, Louis
Seeing Through the Mother Goose Tales: Visual Turns in the Writings of Charles Perrault by Lewis, Philip
Love & Memory: Reflections of an Exile for Somaliland by Gabobe, Jamal
Medieval Venuses and Cupids: Sexuality, Hermeneutics, and English Poetry by Tinkle, Theresa
Conjure Blues: Poems by Green, Jaki Shelton
The Heart Aroused: Poetry and the Preservation of the Soul in Corporate America by Whyte, David
Poetry Today: A Critical Guide to British Poetry 1960-1995 by Thwaite, Anthony
Modern Drama by Women 1880s-1930s by
Poetry of the People: Poems to the President, 1929-1945 by Whisenhunt, Donald W.
Frame Structures: Early Poems 1974-1979 by Howe, Susan
The Cantos by Pound, Ezra
American Dreams by Sapphire
Femme Poète: Madeleine de Scudéry Und Die 'Poésie Précieuse' by Kroll, Renate
The Polemics and Poems of Rachel Speght by Speght, Rachel
The Polemics & Poems of Rachel Speght by Speght, Rachel
Tennyson by Stott, Rebecca
Collected Poems: 2: Poems 1985-1996 by Reading, Peter
The New French Poetry by
Modern Japanese Tanka: An Anthology by Ueda, Makoto
Modern Japanese Tanka: An Anthology by Ueda, Makoto
Landscape, Liberty and Authority: Poetry, Criticism and Politics from Thomson to Wordsworth by Fulford, Tim, Fulford, Timothy
Outing Goethe & His Age by
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