• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Poetry in 1997

The Lay of Havelok the Dane by
Ghost Wrestling by Weingarten, Roger
The Buke of the Chess: Edited from the Asloan Manuscript (Nls MS 16500) by
Selected Poems: 1977-1997 by Lane, Patrick
Pig Notes & Dumb Music: Prose on Poetry by Heyen, William
Forbidden Entries by Yau, John
Taking Eden: Poems by Clinton, Robert
Figuring Out Roman Nobility: Juvenal's Eighth 'Satire' by Henderson, John
Poetics of Inconstancy: Etienne Durand and the End of Renaissance Verse by Rogers, Hoyt
If I Do Say So Myself: More Thoughts About Faith and Life by Armstrong, Richard Stoll
Dying Scarlet by Bowling, Tim
Open Field, Understory by Seay, James
Saturae Sedecim by Iuvenalis, Decimus Iunius
Lucretius: De Rerum Natura III by Brown, P. Michael
Reflections of the Vale: Poems and prose of the Evesham countryside and beyond by Woodroofe, Bob
John Glassco: Selected Poems with Three Notes by Glassco, John
Taking Eden: Poems by Clinton, Robert
Doubled Flowering: The Notebooks of Araki Yasusada by Yasusada, Araki
Charles Baudelaire: A Lyric Poet in the Era of High Capitalism by Benjamin, Walter
Angelo Poliziano: Dichter, Redner, Stratege. Eine Analyse Der Fabula Di Orpheo Und Ausgewählter Lateinischer Werke Des Florentiner Human by Leuker, Tobias
To Paris Never Again by Purdy, Al
City of Memory and Other Poems by Pacheco, José Emilio
The Parisian Prowler, 2nd Ed. by Baudelaire, Charles
Women Creating Women: Contemporary Irish Women Poets by Haberstroh, Patricia Boyle
The House of Belonging by Whyte, David
The Brier Poems by Miller, Jim Wayne
Versos Sencillos: Simple Verses by Marta, Josa, Marti, Jose, Mart, Jos
Listen! Early Poems by Mayakovsky, Vladimir
Ornate with Smoke by Plumpp, Sterling
Irish Poetry: Politics, History, Negotiation: The Evolving Debate, 1969 to the Present by Matthews, S.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge by Bygrave, Stephen
A Companion to the Gawain-Poet by
The Late Poems of Meng Chiao by Chiao, Meng
Spring Again: And Other Poems by Nero, Robert W.
John Keats Eman Poet Lib #04 by Keats, John
Samuel Taylor Coleridge Eman Poet Lib #18 by Coleridge, Samuel Taylor
Studies in the Age of Chaucer: Volume 19 by
Yet Another Home by Jailall, Peter
True North by Strickland, Stephanie
Unforgotten Dreams: Poems by the Zen Monk Shotetsu by Shōtetsu
Thoughts of One Woman, as She Reads Her Own Mind by Streeter, Toni L.
The New Oxford Books of Verse Set: Consisting of the New Oxford Book of English Verse and the New Oxford Book of American Verse 2-Volume Set by
Chaucer in Context: Society, Allegory and Gender by Rigby, S. H.
Velocities of Rage by Fasanaro, Charles
Quantum Poetics: Yeats, Pound, Eliot, and the Science of Modernism by Albright, Daniel
Love Songs and Sonnets by
The Cinnamon Peeler: Selected Poems by Ondaatje, Michael
The Defiant Muse: Dutch and Flemish Feminist Poems Fro: A Bilingual Anthology by
At My Ease: Uncollected Poems of the Fifties and Sixties: Uncollected Poems of the Fifties and Sixties by Ignatow, David
Sky and Island Light: Poems by Galvin, Brendan
Earth Elegy: New and Selected Poems by Gibson, Margaret
Earth Elegy: New and Selected Poems by Gibson, Margaret
Broken Symmetry by Citino, David
The Defiant Muse: Dutch and Flemish Feminist Poems Fro: A Bilingual Anthology by
Selected Poems of May Sarton by
Eros, Eros, Eros: Selected & Last Poems by Elytis, Odysseas
Life of Metrical and Free Verse by Silkin, Jon
The Life of Metrical and Free Verse in Twentieth-Century Poetry by Silkin, Jon
99 Poems in Translation by
Novalis und die Wissenschaften by
Partisans and Poets by Wienen, Mark W. Van
Love Poems by Giovanni, Nikki
Blonds on Bikes by Bowering, George
Pacific Windows: Collected Poems of Roy K. Kiyooka by Kiyooka, Roy K.
Loving Without Being Vulnrabul by Bissett, Bill
Words of Wisdom from a Man Claiming to Be Fred Rogers by Wincenty, Daniel
Donne's Religious Writing: A Discourse of Feigned Devotion by Oliver, P. M.
Seven Pages Missing Volume 1 by McCaffery, Steve
Repetition in Latin Poetry: Figures of Allusion by Wills, Jeffrey
Beyond Spring: Tz'u Poems of the Sung Dynasty by
Shelley's Poetry: The Divided Self by Haines, S.
Erec and Enide by Chrétien de Troyes
Bruce by Barbour, John
The Sonnets by Shakespeare, William
The Nakedness of the Fathers: Biblical Visions and Revisions by Ostriker, Alicia Suskin
Geopoetics: The Politics of Mimesis in Poststructuralist French Poetry and Theory by Brandt, Joan
The Steel Cricket: Versions: 1958-1997 by Berg, Stephen
Poetics by Aristotle
Poems, Protest, and a Dream: Selected Writings by de la Cruz, Juana Inés
Der vollkommene Regent by Heldt, Kerstin
Vergil's Eclogues by
What Are Big Girls Made Of?: Poems (ALA Notable Books for Adults) by Piercy, Marge
The Complete Poetry & Prose of William Blake by Blake, William
W.H. Auden by
Georgian Poetry 1911-22 by
W.B. Yeats by
Wallace Stevens by
Blessing the House by Daniels, Jim
The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri: Volume 1: Inferno by Durling, Robert M.
Heinrich Von Mügeln Der Meide Kranz: A Commentary by Volfing, Annette
Die Fabeln by
Verses That Hurt: Pleasure and Pain from the Poemfone Poets by Trachtenberg, Jordan
Ghost Volcano by Gilbert, Sandra M.
River of Stars: Selected Poems of Yosano Akiko by Akiko, Yosano
Seeing in the Dark: The Poetry of Phyllis Webb by Butling, Pauline
Unthinkable Tenderness: Selected Poems by Gelman, Juan
Siegfried Sassoon: Scorched Glory: A Critical Study by Moeyes, P.
The Vixen by Merwin, W. S.
La Jeune Parque by Valéry, Paul
My Shining Archipelago by Ansel, Talvikki
Psychedelic Prayers: And Other Meditations by Leary, Timothy
Against Distance by Makuck, Peter
Baudelaire and the Aesthetics of Bad Faith by Blood, Susan
Ode to the Cold War: Poems New and Selected by Allen, Dick
Flying Out with the Wounded by Caston, Anne
Seamus Heaney by Allen, Michael
The Collected Poems of John Ciardi by Ciardi, John
Flying Out with the Wounded by Caston, Anne
Drawing the Line by Inada, Lawson Fusao
Piers Plowman: The Three Versions. Volume III: The C Version by
A Long Way from St. Louie by McElroy, Colleen
Ode to the Cold War: Poems New and Selected by Allen, Dick
The Old Life by Hall, Donald
Gedichte: Teil 1: Der Spruchdichter by Walther Von Der Vogelweide
Pharaoh, Pharaoh by Emerson, Claudia
Resurrection Update: Collected Poems, 1975-1997 by Galvin, James
From a Three-Cornered World by Mitsui, James Masao
Entries by Berry, Wendell
The Master Letters: Poems by Brock-Broido, Lucie
Bite Hard by Chin, Justin
Dog Road Woman by Hedge Coke, Allison Adelle
Poemcrazy: Freeing Your Life with Words by Wooldridge, Susan G.
Dante: Contemporary Perspectives by
Poetic Designs: An Introduction to Meters, Verse Forms, and Figures of Speech by Adams, Stephen
The Figured Wheel by Robert, Pinsky, Pinsky, Robert
The Lost Lunar Baedeker: Poems of Mina Loy by Loy, Mina
Hopkins' Idealism: Philosophy, Physics, Poetry by Brown, Daniel
Petrarca by Hoffmeister, Gerhart
The Spirit Level: Poems by Seamus, Heaney
The Anxiety of Influence: A Theory of Poetry, 2nd Edition by Bloom, Harold
Chaucer: Contemporary Critical Essays by Allen, Valerie, Axiotis, Ares
Uncollected Poems: Bilingual Edition by Rilke, Rainer
Gottfried Von Strassburg: Tristan by Chinca, Mark
Candy Necklace by Bedient, Cal
Von Der Natur Zur Kunst Zurück: Neue Beiträge Zur Goethe-Forschung. Gotthart Wunberg Zum 65. Geburtstag by
Sprache des Dramas - Drama der Sprache by Ostmeier, Dorothee
Selected Poems by Duncan, Robert
Persian Sufi Poetry: An Introduction to the Mystical Use of Classical Persian Poems by Bruijn, J. T. P. De
Persian Sufi Poetry: An Introduction to the Mystical Use of Classical Persian Poems by Bruijn, J. T. P. De
Busted by Shaw, Nancy, Strang, Catriona
Songs of the Tewa: American Indian Home Songs, Sacred Chants, Ceremonial Songs, Magic Songs & Prayers by Spinden, Herbert Joseph
British Poetry from the 1950s to the 1990s: Politics and Art by
The Critical Response to John Milton's Paradise Lost by Miller, Timothy
Things That Happen Once: New Poems by Jones, Rodney
Running to Paradise: Yeats's Poetic Art by Rosenthal, M. L.
Writings 2 Vols Ed Bentley by Blake, William
Milton's Warring Angels: A Study of Critical Engagements by Kolbrener, William
Black Bard of North Carolina by
Marriage Poems by
James Merrill's Poetic Quest by Adams, Don
Lorca & Jimenez: Selected Poems by
Wounded in the House of a Friend by Sanchez, Sonia
The Fields of Praise: New and Selected Poems by Nelson, Marilyn
The Ideology of Imagination: Subject and Society in the Discourse of Romanticism by Pyle, Forest
We Live in Bodies by Watson, Ellen Doré
Poems of Akhmatova: Izbrannye Stikhi by Akhmatova, Anna Andreevna
Locusts at the Edge of Summer: New and Selected Poems by Balaban, John
Coming Into Eighty: Poems by Sarton, May, Sarton, M.
Blue Horses Rush in: Poems and Stories Volume 34 by Tapahonso, Luci
Passing Through: The Later Poems, New and Selected by Kunitz, Stanley
Poems of Akhmatova by Akhmatova, Anna Andreevna
Fields of Praise: New and Selected Poems by Nelson, Marilyn
Meadowlands by Gluck, Louise
The Falling Hour by Wojahn, David
Beowulf: Revised Edition by Swanton, Michael
Siegfried Sassoon: Scorched Glory: A Critical Study by Moeyes, P.
Poems: Maya Angelou by Angelou, Maya
John Clare Eman Poet Lib #27 by Clare, John
Traditionen der Lyrik by
The Stream and the Sapphire: Selected Poems on Religious Themes by Levertov, Denise
Early Poetry of Jaroslav Seifert by Seifert, Jaroslav
The Body and Eucharistic Devotion in Catharina Regina Von Greiffenberg's 'Meditations' by Foley-Beining, Kathleen
Romantic Confusions of the Good: Beauty as Truth, Truth Beauty by Montgomery, Marion
Leopardi: Selected Poems by Leopardi, Giacomo
Extended Similes by Joseph, Jenny
Salvaging Spenser: Colonialism, Culture and Identity by Maley, W.
Postcards from God: [With Purdah] by Dharker, Imtiaz
Shelley and Greece by Wallace, J.
Understanding "Les Fleurs du Mal": Critical Readings by
Understanding Les Fleurs Du Mal: Critical Readings by
Journey Fruit: Poems and a Memoir by Gensler, Kinereth
The Christmas Show by Levin, Harriet
Odd Mercy: Poems by Stern, Gerald
1968 by Sanders, Edward
Epic and Epigram: Two Elizabethan Entertainments by Slavitt, David R.
Beautiful Signor by Cassells, Cyrus
Ranking the Wishes by Dennis, Carl
Origin Like Water: Collected Poems 1957--1987 by Boland, Eavan
Ästhetischer Katholizismus: Stefan Georges Rituale Der Literatur by Braungart, Wolfgang
Vergil: Aeneid 10 by Virgil
Frost: Poems: Edited by John Hollander by Frost, Robert
Utamakura, Allusion, and Intertextuality in Traditional Japanese Poetry by Kamens, Edward
Lies, Slander and Obscenity in Medieval English Literature by Craun, Edwin David
Arc International Poets Series by Kinsella, John
Life Sentence: Selected Poems by Cassian, Nina
Eve--From the Autobiography and Other Poems by Colquitt, Betsy
The Moonlit Pond: Korean Classical Poems in Chinese by
Dark Blonde: Poems by Waring, Belle
The Five-Book Prelude by Wordsworth, William
The Five-Book Prelude by Wordsworth, William
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