• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Poetry in 1998

Diwan of Abu'l-Ala by Baerlein, Henry
Needs of the Hour: An Original Rhythmical Message and New Year's Greeting by Watson, Clara
Poems of the Life Beyond and Within by Stebbins, Giles B.
Towards the Light: A Mystic Poem by Karadja, Princess
Bending Home: New & Collected Poems by Griffin, Susan
Courtesans and Fishcakes: The Consuming Passions of Classical Athens by Davidson, James
Bathwater Wine by Coleman, Wanda
Most Way Home by Young, Kevin
Errancy by Graham, Jorie
Travels in an Old Tongue: Touring the World Speaking Welsh by Petro, Pamela
Poem a Day: Vol. 1: 366 Poems, Old and New - One for Each Day of the Year by
Fuel by Nye, Naomi Shihab
Mysteries of Small Houses: Poems by Notley, Alice
Early Poems by Frost, Robert
The Collected Works of Mary Sidney Herbert, Countess of Pembroke: Volume II: The Psalmes of David by Herbert, Mary Sidney
The Collected Works of Mary Sidney Herbert, Countess of Pembroke: Volume I: Poems, Translations, and Correspondence by
Goethe in seiner Epoche by Perels, Christoph
Ovid: Fasti Book IV by Ovid
Chaucer: The Canterbury Tales by Ashton, Gail
German Radio Plays: Jurgen Becker, Gunter Eich, Peter Handke, and Others by
Out of Battle: The Poetry of the Great War by Silkin, J.
The Lion Bridge: Selected Poems 1972-1995 by Palmer, Michael
English Victorian Poetry: An Anthology by
Out of Battle: The Poetry of the Great War by Silkin, J.
Guillen: Cantico by Guillen, Jorge
Literarische Gruppenbildung by Kolk, Rainer
Whispers, Secrets and Promises by Miller, E. Ethelbert
Love's Labour's Lost: Third Series by Shakespeare, William
Keat's Paradise Lost by Lau, Beth
Así te veo Mujer by Hernández Molina, Rafael
Keat's Odes and Contemporary Criticism by O'Rourke, James
Blue Pajamas: Poems by Cushman, Stephen
Uncommonplace: An Anthology of Contemporary Louisiana Poets by
Blue Pajamas by Cushman, Stephen
Queen Hynde by Hogg, James
Take My Word for It: Poems by Cassian, Nina
Basho's Narrow Road: Spring and Autumn Passages by Basho, Matsuo
Right Under the Big Sky, I Don't Wear a Hat by Ozaki, Hosai
The Inferno by Alighieri, Dante
The Revolutionary 'i': Wordsworth and the Politics of Self-Presentation by Nichols, A.
Silences for Love by Cope, David
Silences for Love by Cope, David
Out of Battle: The Poetry of the Great War by Silkin, J.
H, V., & O: The Poetry of Tony Harrison by Byrne, Sandie
Esther's Areolas by Rapant, Larry
The Groundnote by Kaplan, Janet
Der "Willehalm" Wolframs von Eschenbach by Greenfield, John, Miklautsch, Lydia
Rules for the Dance: A Handbook for Writing and Reading Metrical Verse by Oliver, Mary
The House That Jack Built: The Collected Lectures of Jack Spicer by Spicer, Jack
Chaucer and His English Contemporaries: Prologue and Tale in the Canterbury Tales by Davenport, Tony
Green by Wade, Sidney
Lilac Cigarette in a Wish Cathedral by Magowan, Robin
PS3569.L3 by Slavitt, David R.
Reluctantly: Autobiographical Essays by Carruth, Hayden
Clinch by Scholnick, Michael
Trip Trap by Kerouac, Jack, Welch, Lew, Saijo, Albert
Gratitude by Hamill, Sam
Loba by Di Prima, Diane
Tierische Träume: Lektüren Zu Gertrud Kolmars Gedichtband >Die Frau Und Die Tiere by Zarnegin, Kathy
The Best American Poetry by
Complete Poems by Bacchylides
Radio Corpse: Imagism and the Cryptaesthetic of Ezra Pound by Tiffany, Daniel
Lyric and Labour in the Romantic Tradition by Janowitz, Anne
Clouds Without Heaven by Cameron, Mary
Troilus and Cressida: Third Series by Shakespeare, William
Nine Gates: Entering the Mind of Poetry by Hirshfield, Jane
The Poetical Works of Robert Browning: Volume VII: The Ring and the Book, Books I-IV by Browning, Robert
The Collected Poetry by Senghor, Leopold Sedar
The Anne Finch Wellesley Manuscript Poems: A Critical Edition by
News of Home by Kang Dean, Debra
Things Are Happening by Beckman, Joshua
Entire Dilemma: Poems by Burkard, Michael
Routine Disruptions by Elmslie, Kenward
Holderlin and the Dynamics of Translation by Louth, Charlie
Configurations: New & Selected Poems, 1958-1998 by Major, Clarence
Things Are Happening by Beckman, Joshua
Entire Dilemma: Poems by Burkard, Michael
The Work of Poetry by Hollander, John
Deepstep Come Shining by Wright, C. D.
Selected Poems and Fragments: Dual-Language Edition by Hölderlin, Friedrich
Andrew Marvell by Healy, Thomas
Delia and Nemesis - The Elegies of Albius Tibullus: Introduction, Translation and Literary Commentary by Shea, George W.
King Richard III by Shakespeare, William
Canaan by Hill, Geoffrey
An Introduction to West Indian Poetry by Breiner, Laurence A.
An Introduction to West Indian Poetry by Laurence a., Breiner, Breiner, Laurence A.
Life Near 310 Kelvin [With 20-Minute Recitation] by Keith, Lawrence Ed., Keith, Greg
A Far Rockaway of the Heart: Poems by Ferlinghetti, Lawrence
Trilogy by Doolittle, Hilda
Mountain River: Vietnamese Poetry from the Wars, 1948-1993 by
Gedichte 1827-1844 Und Versepen. Kommentar III: Deutschland. Ein Wintermährchen by
A Two-Part Invention by Garrett, Elizabeth
Image of the Poet in Ovid's Metamorphoses by Pavlock, Barbara
Halfway Down the Hall by Hadas, Rachel
Romantic Geography: Wordsworth and Anglo-European Spaces by Wiley, M.
Milton and Heresy by
Twelve Men by Dreiser, Theodore
Byron by Stabler, Jane
Tannhäusers heimliche Trauer by Kischkel, Heinz
Talking in the Dark by McNair, Wesley
No Borders by Bruchac, Joseph
Where Water Begins: New Poems and Prose by Stone, John
A New Pleiade: Selected Poems by Seven American Poets
Traffic: New and Selected Prose Poems by Anderson, Jack
Instead of Indonesia by Bein, Sarah
Plus Shipping by Hicok, Bob
The Roads of the Roma: A Pen Anthology of Gypsy Writers by
City of a Hundred Fires by Blanco, Richard
Void of Course by Carroll, Jim
Forgiveness Parade by McDaniel, Jeffrey
The Collected Poems of Robert Penn Warren by Warren, Robert Penn
Chaucer: The Canterbury Tales by Chaucer, Geoffrey, Ellis, Steve
Plath: Poems: Selected by Diane Wood Middlebrook by Plath, Sylvia
Mörikes heimliche Modernität by Hötzer, Ulrich
The Poetics of Sensibility: A Revolution in Literary Style by McGann, Jerome
The Poems of Emily Dickinson: Variorum Edition by Dickinson, Emily
The Little Space: Poems Selected and New, 1968-1998 by Ostriker, Alicia Suskin
Superior Illusions by Pope, Richard
The Dying Poem by Budde, Rob
Dante's Modern Afterlife: Reception and Response from Blake to Heaney by
Renaissance Poetry by Malcomson, Cristina
Milton and Republicanism by
The Odes of Horace (Bilingual Edition) by
Selling the Hammock by Gale, Kate
Equipoise: Poems by Halme, Kathleen
The Veritable Years: Poems 1949-1966 by Everson, William
The Acquiescent Villa by Buck, Paula Closson
From a Person Sitting in Darkness: New and Selected Poems by Barrax, Gerald
Camp Notes and Other Writings by Yamada, Mitsuye
Equipoise: Poems by Halme, Kathleen
Shakespeare's Sonnets: Critical Essays by
Wattaya Mean, Men Don't Care by Saunders, Lewis
The Iliad: (Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition) by Homer
Beowulf: An Edition by
From Both Sides Now: The Poetry of the Vietnam War and Its Aftermath by
Beowulf: A Prose Translation: A Norton Critical Edition by
The Odyssey: The Fitzgerald Translation by Homer
Carnegie Hall with Tin Walls by Voss, Fred
Lilith by Ludlow, Kit
Classics in Translation by Jones, Peter
The Laurelude by Herbert, W. N.
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight by Barron, W.
The Clouds Float North: The Complete Poems of Yu Xuanji by Yu
Chaucer's Legendary Good Women by Florence, Percival, Percival, Florence
The Heavy-Petting Zoo by Pollard, Clare
Verse in English from Eighteenth Century Ireland [Op] by
The Collected Works of Wes Patterson: Past the Galaxies of Stars by Patterson, Wes
Woman Police Officer in Elevator: Poems by Lasdun, James
Little Fires by Bentley, Beth
Friction by Bateman, Claire
Selected Poems, 1960-1990 by Kumin, Maxine
Early Poems by Millay, Edna St Vincent
Selected Poems of Thomas Hardy by Hardy, Thomas
Mowing Fargo: The Poet's Experience in Fargo, North Dakota by Lupert, Rick
Dante by Tambling, Jeremy
Early French Tristan Poems: II by
Goethes Klassische Lyrik by Wild, Reiner
Aufklärung Und Skepsis: Internationaler Heine-Kongreß 1997 Zum 200. Geburtstag by
Chapman's Homer: The Iliad by Homer
Fire & Flower by Kasischke, Laura
No Thanks by Cummings, E. E.
Three Archaic Poets: Archilochus, Alcaeus, Sappho by Burnett, Anne Pippin
Poetry & Prose by Burie, Frank
Statius: Silvae IV by Statius, Publius Papinius
Disturbances of Progress by Downe, Lise
Seven Pages Missing Volume 2: Selected Ungathered Work by McCaffery, Steve
The Great Mess (Illegals, Drugs, Crime, No Government): And Letters to Clinton by Barcala, Rogelio Garcia
Dislocations in Crystal by Boughn, Michael
The Odyssey by Homer
Word Play Place: Essays on the Poetry of John Matthias by Archambeau, Robert
Renaissance by Forman, Ruth
What the Fortune Teller Didn't Say: American Religious Life / John Corrigan by Lim, Shirley Geok-Lin