• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Poetry in 2000

The Bare Plum of Winter Rain by Lane, Patrick
Green Tombs to Jupiter by Ballard, Barry
Russkie Poety XX Veka / Twentieth Century Russian Poets: Anthology for Students by Draitser, Emil
This: Poetry and Prose of Dancing Emptiness by Poonja, Sri H. W. L.
Describe the Moment: A Collection of Literary Works from Gallery 37 by Madhubuti, Haki R.
The Sonnets and a Lover's Complaint by Shakespeare, William
Northside Poetry by Tone One
The Solid Letter: Readings of Friedrich Hölderlin by
Alexander Montgomerie: Poems: Volume II: Notes by
White City by Irwin, Mark
Dante's Testaments: Essays in Scriptural Imagination by Hawkins, Peter S.
Pas un Jour Sans une Ligne by Leotard, Philippe
Basmati Brown by Dulai, Phinder
The Afterlife of Christina Rossetti by Chapman, A.
Yeats, Coleridge and the Romantic Sage by Gibson, M.
The Lianja Epic by Maneniang', Mubima, Mubima, Maneniang
Ovid: Metamorphoses XIII-XV (Plus Indexes to All Volumes) by Hill, Donald E.
New and Collected Poems: 1952-1992 by Hill, Geoffrey
Invisible Tender by Clarvoe, Jennifer
Invisible Tender by Clarvoe, Jennifer
American Boy: Poems by Smith, Dean
New and Collected Poems: 1952-1992 by Hill, Geoffrey
Portraits of Life: New and Selected Poems by Ward, L. E.
From Sand Creek: Volume 42 by Ortiz, Simon J.
Poems of Grace: Texts of the Hymnal 1982 by Church Publishing Incorporated
Cold Angel of Mercy by Randolph, Amy
Heart-Work: George Herbert and the Protestant Ethic by Malcolmson, Cristina
Singular Pleasures by Matthews, Harry, Mathews, Harry
Women Writers of Traditional China: An Anthology of Poetry and Criticism by
The Daily Mirror by Lehman, David
Romanticism and Male Fantasy in Byron's Don Juan: A Marketable Vice by Donelan, C.
Coleridge and the Psychology of Romanticism: Feeling and Thought by Vallins, D.
Romanticism and Male Fantasy in Byron's Don Juan: A Marketable Vice by Donelan, C.
Fredy Neptune: A Novel in Verse by Murray, Les
Gawain Poet by Burrow, J. A.
The Triumph of Love by Hill, Clint, Hill, Napolean, Hill, Geoffrey
Durchlebte Gedichte by Petzold, R. D.
Romantic Dynamics: The Poetics of Physicality by Lussier, M.
A Historical Guide to Walt Whitman by
The Politics of Romantic Poetry: In Search of the Pure Commonwealth by Cronin, R.
Poemas del Alma by Ramirez Soto, Rosaura
The Romaunt of the Rose, Volume 7 by Chaucer, Geoffrey
Weil jedes Kind ein Sternchen hat by Hogger, Birgitta
The Complete Poetry of Percy Bysshe Shelley: Volume One by
Leaving Chris, Stealing Rick by Monti, Meredith
Wordsworth's Classical Undersong: Education, Rhetoric and Poetic Truth by Clancey, Richard
Yeats as Precursor: Readings in Irish, British and American Poetry by Matthews, S.
Writing the English Republic: Poetry, Rhetoric and Politics, 1627 1660 by Norbrook, David
A Browning Chronology: Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning by Garrett, M.
Ovid: Metamorphoses Books I-XV Set by Hill, Donald E.
Mulroney & Others: Poems by Wormser, Baron
Pearly Everlasting by Reiter, Thomas
By Herself by McQuade, Molly
Dying for Beauty: Poems by Wronsky, Gail
Mulroney & Others: Poems by Wormser, Baron
Dylan Thomas: The Complete Screenplays by Thomas, Dylan
Phenomenal Woman by Angelou, Maya
Lift Every Voice and Sing: Selected Poems by Johnson, James Weldon
Being a Strong Black Woman Can Get U Killed by Mataka, Laini
Feeling the Shoulder of the Lion: Poetry and Teaching Stories of Rumi by Rumi, Jalaluddin
A Protocol for Touch by Merritt, Constance
Erec and Enide by de Troyes, Chrétien
Cligès by de Troyes, Chrétien
Beautiful False Things: Poems by Feldman, Irving
Blizzard of One: Pulitzer Prize Winner by Strand, Mark
Po Chü-I: Selected Poems by
Po Chü-I: Selected Poems by
Selected Poems by Transtromer, Tomas
Callimachus' Book of Iambi by Kerkhecker, Arnd
Columbia Granger's (R) World of Poetry Online by
Gold Indigoes by Clarke, George Elliot
The Vintage Book of African American Poetry: 200 Years of Vision, Struggle, Power, Beauty, and Triumph from 50 Outstanding Poets by
Beowulf: A New Verse Translation by Heaney, Seamus
The Poetry of Seamus Heaney: Essays, Articles, Reviews by
The Collected Poems of Audre Lorde by Lorde, Audre
For the Dreamers by Spendley, George
A Working Girl Can't Win: and Other Poems by Garrison, Deborah
Homer: The Odyssey by Homer
Irish Poetry: An Interpretive Anthology from Before Swift to Yeats and After by
In the Grip of Strange Thoughts: Russian Poetry in a New Era by
Carolina Ghost Woods by Jordan, Judy
Sweet Music by Bryant, Gerry Fraser
Plainfield Follies and Israel to Prague Poems by Hamburg, Ethan F., Kitzis, Lee
The Complete Poetical Works of Gerard A. Geiger by Geiger, Gerard a.
Childhood Hills by Mullan, Pat
Brief Candles: 101 Clerihews by Taylor, Henry
Carolina Ghost Woods: Poems by Jordan, Judy
What Do I Know?: New & Selected Poems by Rezmerski, John Calvin
Olga Broumas [With Booklet] by Broumas, Olga
Ovid's Metamorphoses by
Romanticism on the Road: The Marginal Gains of Wordsworth's Homeless by Benis, T.
Chaucer's Pardoner and Gender Theory: Bodies of Discourse by Na, Na
Windfall: New and Selected Poems by Anderson, Maggie
A Cry Like a Bell by L'Engle, Madeleine
Jewels of Remembrance: A Daybook of Spiritual Guidance Containing 365 Selections From the Wisdom of Rumi by Helminski, Camille
Transit Authority: Poems by Sanders, Tony
Sylvia Plath and the Theatre of Mourning by Britzolakis, Christina
The Horse Fair by Becker, Robin
Ultima Thule by McCombs, Davis
Milton and the Natural World: Science and Poetry in Paradise Lost by Edwards, Karen L.
Zu neuen Ufern by Schard, Tanja A.
Handwriting by Ondaatje, Michael
The Broadview Anthology of Victorian Poetry and Poetic Theory: Concise Edition by
Selected Poems from Les Fleurs Du Mal: A Bilingual Edition by Baudelaire, Charles
Baudelaire's Prose Poems: The Practice and Politics of Irony by Stephens, Sonya
English Women's Poetry, 1649 - 1714 by Barash, Carol
All You Expect of the Road: Poems by Sue Nevill by Nevill, Sue
What Was Lost: Poems by Morris, Herbert
Iracema by Alencar, Jose Martiniano De, De Alencar, Jose Martiniano, De Alencar, Jos?
It Is If I Speak by Wenderoth, Joe
Brotherly Love by Hoffman, Daniel
Moby Jane by Gilbert, Gerry
E.E. Cummings to May Swenson by
American Poetry: The Twentieth Century Vol. 1 (Loa #115): Henry Adams to Dorothy Parker by
Let us not be totally absurd by Siddiqi, Jawaid Ahmad
Abschied vom "historischen Volkslied" by Kellermann, Karina
The Mask of Keats: The Endeavour of a Poet by McFarland, Thomas
Mauritius von Craûn by
The Folding Cliffs: A Narrative by Merwin, W. S.
John Wilmot, Earl of Rochester by Greer, Germaine
Trappings: New Poems by Howard, Richard
Abortifacients: Selected Poems 1991-1999 by Everett, Jason Price
Phoebe 2002: An Essay in Verse by Trinidad, David
The Way Back by Cooper, Wyn
Curios: Poems by Taylor, Judith
The Emperors by Manley, Frank
Perpetua by Grace, Fraser
Poetryâ (Tm)S Appeal: Nineteenth-Century French Lyric and the Political Space by Burt, E. S.
Interpretation of a Dream: Thoughts, Reflections and Poems by Barr, Bobby
First Moment After Death by Firan, Carmen
Remembering the God to Come by de Nicolas, Antonio T.
Poetryâ (Tm)S Appeal: Nineteenth-Century French Lyric and the Political Space by Burt, E. S.
The First Four Books of Poems by Merwin, W. S.
Doing Lucretius by Burris, Sidney
One Above & One Below: New Poems by Belieu, Erin
The Weather in Japan by Longley, Michael
The Blessing: New and Selected Poems by Jones, Richard
Misterioso: Poems by Feinstein, Sascha
The Annotated Here and Selected Poems by Welish, Marjorie
The Cartographer's Tongue: Poems of the World by Rich, Susan
Curios: Poems by Taylor, Judith
Posthumous Diary / Diario Postumo by Montale, Eugenio
The Golden Ecco Anthology by Strand, Mark
Places in Mind by Brosman, Catharine Savage
Poetry Slam: The Competitive Art of Performance Poetry by
Verserzählungen I by Der Stricker
Chicken, Shadow, Moon & More by Strand, Mark
Christ in the Pizza Place by Rose, Clyde
The KGB Bar Book of Poems by
Talking Cures: New Poems by Howard, Richard
The Wick of Memory: New and Selected Poems, 1970--2000 by Smith, Dave
Jackstraws: Poems by Simic, Charles
Selected Poems by Borges, Jorge Luis
Blessing the Boats: New and Selected Poems 1988-2000 by Clifton, Lucille
All of Us: The Collected Poems by Carver, Raymond
Civilian Histories by Upton, Lee
Queen of the Mist: The Forgotten Heroine of Niagara by Murray, Joan
Cries of the Spirit: More Than 300 Poems in Celebration of Women's Spirituality by
Shake Loose My Skin: New and Selected Poems by Sanchez, Sonia
Carrot on a Stick: A Book about Everything, Well Almost Everything by Jones, Billy
Gospel Woven in Words by Robertson, Jenny
Enola Gay by Levine, Mark
Selected Poems by Howe, Fanny
Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock by Kohl, Katrin
Homer's People: Epic Poetry and Social Formation by Haubold, Johannes
Heartwood by Vermilya, Miriam
The Complete Poems of Michelangelo by Michelangelo
One Leaf Shaking by Skelton, Robin
What the Small Day Cannot Hold by Musgrave, Susan
The Anchor Anthology of French Poetry: From Nerval to Valery in English Translation by Flores, Angel
Konfessions of an Elizabethan Fan Dancer by Nichol, BP
The Ubiquitous Big by Samuels, Ian
Hello Serotonin by Fiorentino, Jon Paul
Carrot on a Stick: A Book about Everything, Well Almost Everything by Jones, Billy
Thoughts of You by Me: A Book of Prose and Poetry by Witherspoon, Ronald Anthony
Tiambic by Ali, Sifwat
The Endless Evolving Trilogy: A Poem Cycle by Owen, Hudson
The Poet's Tree by Donovan, Sean William
Poemas Dejame Penetrar A Tu Laberinto by Rodriguez, Maria
Winter Hours: Prose, Prose Poems, and Poems by Oliver, Mary
The Bhagavad Gita by
Cold Water Shielded: Selected Poems by Stétié, Salah
The Beowulf Reader: Basic Readings by
Poems, 1960-2000 by Adcock, Fleur
The Best of Robert Service by Service, Robert
Song for Anninho by Jones, Gayl
Fun with Poems-A Collection of Poems for 7-11 Year Olds by
Of Angels and Women, Mostly by de Nicolas, Antonio T.
Roxa: Voices of the Culver Family by Patrick, William B.
I'm A Jew, Are You?: Poems From A Tribal Perspective by Lupert, Rick
Swan, What Shores? by Patterson, Veronica Lee
Swan, What Shores? by Patterson, Veronica Lee
Silent Urns: Romanticism, Hellenism, Modernity by Ferris, David
Drumming Through Woodsmoke: Poetry and Essays by Longstreth, Jamie
Until It Ropes Like Okra: Rhymes in the Vernacular by Barbera, Don
Humanity, Darling by Goolsby, Bert
Mirrors by Gilbert, Lela Hamner
Of Darkness and Light: Penned Poetry and Prose, Beings Solid and Those Not Seen. from the Vampire to Angels and of This Life In-Between by Herman-Gagon, Lisa
Love and Sensual Poems for the Soul by Heaton, Babette
The Light in Our Houses by Maginnes, Al
See More