• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Poetry in 2001

Love and Zen in the Outer Hebrides by MacNeil, Kevin
The Cane Groves of Narmada River: Erotic Poems from Old India by
Early and late poems of Alice and Phoebe Cary. by Cary, Alice
Lullaby land. Songs of childhood, by Eugene Field. Selected by Kenneth Grahame and illustrated by Charles Robinson. by Field, Eugene
The poems of Alfred B. Street. Vol. 2. by Street, Alfred Billings
The Book of pleasures: containing The pleasures of hope, by Thomas Campbell; The pleasures of memory, by Samuel Rogers; and The pleasures of by None
The poetical works of John Keats. With a life. by Keats, John
Virgil's Aeneid: with explanatory notes. By Henry S. Frieze ... by Virgil
The poetical works of Alice and Phoebe Cary, with a memorial of their lives by Mary Clemmmer. by Cary, Alice
The Columbiad; a poem. by Joel Barlow. by Barlow, Joel
Poems of James Russell Lowell, with biographical sketch by Nathan Haskell Dole. by Lowell, James Russell
Urban Coyote a Yukon Anthology by
Life of Robert Burns by Carswell, Catherine
Birds Fly, Why Can't I? by Troy, Florence
Driftwood: 101 Poems & "Hanna"-A Spiritual Story about How a Broken Marriage Affects a Little Girl's Life. by
Sycamore and Other Poems by Mawer, Randall
My Mirror of Me: Poetry 1988-2000 by Borgmann, James
Fresco W.E.B.: My Heart's Story by Barham, Warran E.
Bar Scenes and Bad Dreams: Lost and Found Loves by Bowers, Scott T.
Poems from a Magic Wand by Beach, Don
From Bitter to Verse: The Very Best Poems of Will Shad Book 1: 1995-1996 by Shad, Will
Hoofbeats: Song of You: A Poetic History of the United States by Gandharva
Tapestries of the Soul by Jeaux
The Purple and Blue Collection of Poems: Volumes I and II 1982-1998 by Thomas, Michael B.
The Rhythms of Life and Love by Traylor, Steven G.
The Warning of What I Feel Now: Poems and Images by Metivier, George Michael
Darkness and Silence by Bowling, Tim
The Chick at the Back of the Church by Livingston, Billie
Concerning the Angels by Alberti, Rafael
A Hot January: Poems 1996-1999 by Morgan, Robin
Rare Earths by Linett, Deena
A Study of Coleridge's Three Great Poems - Christabel, Kubla Khan and the Rime of the Ancient Mariner by Stevenson, Warren
India's Love Lyrics: Including the Garden of Kama by
The Years Between and Poems from History by Kipling, Rudyard
Land and Sea Tales: For Scouts and Scout Masters by Kipling, Rudyard
Mannerism and Baroque in Seventeenth-Century French Poetry: The Example of Tristan L'Hermite by Shepard, James Crenshaw
Erec by Hartmann Von Aue
Aeneid, Books 7-12. Appendix Vergiliana by Virgil
10-2 and Other Poems by Foster, Kurt L.
Reflections of Breeze: Poetry, Prose, Love Letters and Meditations by Ostrander, Mollee
Words of Poetic Verse: Volume One (Have You Ever Felt This Way?) by McClellan, Jim M.
Behind the Little House by Penniman, William L.
City of Dreadful Night by Thomson, James
Moisture...: The Unfinished Works of Jesus by Oyefara, Solagbade
Watching the Lord God Do His Thing Again by Everton, Terry
Elizabeth Bishop's World War II - Cold War View by Roman, C.
Volcán: Poems from Central America by
Freezing by Langan, Steve
Lwo English Dictionary by Odonga, Alexander
Two Songs: Song of Prisoner & Song of Malaya by P'Bitek, Okot
Humanities and Social Sciences in East a by Kimambo, Isaria N.
A Poet Is a Man by Egbuson, Vincent
Farting Presidents and Other Poems by Omoniyi, Tope
Propertius: Book I by Baker, Robert J.
Slant by Quan, Andy
Love about Love by Williams, C. K.
Poems of Schiller by Schiller, Frederick
Poems, by Frances S. Osgood. by Osgood, Frances Sargent Locke
Li Sao: And Other Poems of Qu Yuan by Yuan, Qu
Palabras de Mediodia = Noon Words by Corpi, Lucha
Intervale: New and Selected Poems by Adcock, Betty
Sleeping, Sinning, Falling by Takahashi, Mutsuo
The poetical works of Alfred Tennyson, poet laureate, etc. Complete in one volume. by Tennyson, Alfred Tennyson Baron
Ode to Walt Whitman by García Lorca, Federico
Collected Poems of St Therese of Lisieux by Lisieux, Saint Therese, Martin, Therese
Barb of Fire: Twenty Poems of Blessed Elizabeth of the Trinity with Selected Passages from Blessed Columba Marmion, Osb by Of the Trinity, Saint Elizabeth, Marmion, Columba
We Heal from Memory: Sexton, Corde, Anzaldua, and the Poetry of Witness by Steele, C.
We Heal from Memory: Sexton, Corde, Anzaldua, and the Poetry of Witness by Steele, C.
Joy Songs: Poems of Praise and Worship by Gibbs, Lynn
Ivor Gurney by Lucas, John
T. S. Eliot and Our Turning World by
T.S. Eliot and Our Turning World by
Brutal Imagination by Eady, Cornelius
Genders, Races, and Religious Cultures in Modern American Poetry, 1908 1934 by Duplessis, Rachel Blau
Extravagaria: A Bilingual Edition by Neruda, Pablo
Brandstellen by Mützelfeldt, Wolfgang
Schwäbisch gschwätzt und Deutsch geredet by Morandell, Maria
Eichhörnchen Countdown by Motte, Lotte
Cathedral Of The North by Voisine, Connie
A Century of Hope by Miller, Jake C.
Barrack Room Ballads and Other Verses by Kipling, Rudyard
A Homegirl Returns to the Ghetto by Gibson, E.
Held der andern Welt by Blunck, Hanns-Diethelm
The Poetry of Richard Betts, Jr. by Betts, Richard, Jr.
Appetites of Love by Bartlett, Elizabeth
Changes of Address: Poems 1980-1998 by Gross, Philip
1800: The New Lyrical Ballads by
1800: The New Lyrical Ballads by
Straight Wobblings of My Father by Hord, Fred L.
For Black Girls: Who Feel Ebony and Essence Are Not Enough by Miller, Tasha C.
All My Thoughts: On the Matter by Bridgets, Cheri'
Miss American Pie and Other Lies by Tysick, Noah M.
Long After Forever: A Love Story by Albee, Joseph
Inner-Thoughts: A Collection of Poems by Brown, Terry L.
Little Songs and Other Sounds of Poetry: A Collection of Verses by Epstein, Moray
Always Remembering: The Art of Loving by Gaiser, Joy
Expressions by Balticbard
Mercy Hat by Gatti, Mark Lazarus
1975... by Cook, Eric
Honest Sexuality: Poetry from a Woman's Thoughts by Lubov, Irina
Blood Sister, I Am to These Fields: New and Selected Poems by Hussa, Linda
Spectres of Exile and Other Poems by Al-Qurashi, Hasan Abdallah
Into My Arms by Psomas, Paul P.
House of Verse by Bodnar, Joseph J., III
Straight Out of View: Poems by Sutphen, Joyce
Fragile & Fearless by Jayce
Chants of a Lonely Heart: A Book of Poems by Pritchard, Carol
The Shine Poems by Forbes, Calvin
Renaissance Women: Five Plays by Holder, Laurence
Falling from Silence: Poems by Slavitt, David R.
Messenger: Poems by Smith, R. T.
Unsleeping: Poems by Burkard, Michael
Marrow of Mystery: Selected Poems by McKenna, Megan
Elegy for the Southern Drawl by Jones, Rodney
11 Year Old Refugee by Tiganov, Bogdan
As for Dream by Hamilton, Saskia
Unsleeping by Burkard, Michael
Shiny Pencils at the Edge of Things: New and Selected Poems by Gallup, Dick
Classical Poems by Arab Women by
Inanna, Lady of Largest Heart: Poems of the Sumerian High Priestess Enheduanna by Meador, Betty de Shong
Horace's Carmen Saeculare: Ritual Magic and the Poet`s Art by Putnam, Michael C. J.
Beowulf: A New Verse Translation by Heaney, Seamus
Orpheus & Eurydice: A Lyric Sequence by Orr, Gregory
Yeats and the Nineties: Yeats Annual No 14: A Special Number by
Erotikon: Poems by Mitchell, Susan
A Traveler's Tale by Kew, Douglas
My Soul Says Yes by Green, Melissa Noelle
Order and Disorder by Hutchinson, Lucy
Order and Drderder by Hutchinson, Lucy
Meine Lieder by Höpner, Dora
Ferse Verse by Ullmann-Goertz, Esther-Marie
Grow Long, Blessed Night: Love Poems from Classical India by Selby
Unverhüllt by Graunke, Stefanie
Blake and Homosexuality by Hobson, C.
Blake and Homosexuality by Hobson, C.
Il Frammento Inedito »Resplendiente Stella de Albur« Di Giacomino Pugliese E La Poesia Italiana Delle Origini by Brunetti, Giuseppina
This Tremor Love is by Marlatt, Daphne
Complete Poems and Selected Letters of John Keats by Keats, John
Plot by Rankine, Claudia
The Song of Roland by
Men in the Off Hours by Carson, Anne
Ein Mitbringsel vom Tod by Kramer, Thomas
Starting Lines in Scottish, Irish, and English Poetry: From Burns to Heaney by Stafford, Fiona
Transformations by Sexton, Anne
Donde Oficia La Sangre by Reyes Ávila, Carlos
Beowulf: A New Verse Translation by
22 and 50 Poems by e. e. cummings by Cummings, E. E.
Fertile Ground: A Collection of Poems by Peat, Melbourne
Sun Soul Child Speaks by Duckett, Lila Wheeler
Jelly Roll Morton and King Oliver by Bisso, Ray
Amen by Mae, Charlotte
Imposters by Barnes, Rick
Queen for a Day: Selected And New Poems by Duhamel, Denise
The Tormented Mirror by Edson, Russell
Greek Epic Cycle by Davies, Malcolm
Men's Work: Gender, Class, and the Professionalization of Poetry, 1660-1784 by Zionkowski, L.
Men's Work: Gender, Class, and the Professionalization of Poetry, 1660-1784 by Zionkowski, L.
I See Through Eyes by Payne, Eric
When the Empress Laughs by Hamburg, Ethan F.
Scorpio: Poetry of Romantic Expressions for Women by Scorpio
Verses and Visions by Honaker, Teresa Kay
Birds in Mid Flight by Thompson, Scout, C Salvaggio
A Hundred Haiku by Orton, Geoffrey D. C.
Field Notes: New and Collected Poems by Dubie, William
Shadows of My Mind: Beauty Barbs Babbitry by Dougherty, Dolores
Up Liberty's Skirt: The Poet's Experience In New York City by Lupert, Rick
The Five Nations by Kipling, Rudyard
Poasis: New and Collected Poems by Joris, Pierre
Gemischte Doppelspiele by Puzicha, Waltraud
Love, Lies, Linnea, and Lucky Lucifer by Gregory, Kemp
A Collection of Stuff: Poetry for Those Who Are Cool! by C Bryant, Bryant, Air Conditioner
Dream & Reality by Ali, Syeda Hina Babar
In Full Effect: Poetry for the Fully Figured Woman by Pullom, Jennifer L.
Lollygagged and Flannel Flogged by Watson, Adam, D Watson
Tin Can Rust Thing by Serene, Syzygy, Echo
Eclecticana: An Eclectic Collection of Poetry by Brungart, David L.
Sunday Went on a Pal Horse Through Monday Morning: The Novelty of a Life in Poetry 1992-2000 by Shattuck, Arthur E., II
Poet in America: Winfield Townley Scott by Donaldson, Scott
Crows Do Not Have Retirement by Zieroth, David
Soul Disclosure: Poetic Intimacies by Arnold, Edward D.
You Asked for It, It's Here! by McGhee-Siehoff, Estella M.
Singing to the Goddess: Poems to Kali by McDermott, Rachel Fell
Singing to the Goddess: Poems to Kali and Uma from Bengal by McDermott, Rachel Fell
Selected Poems Ciaran Carson by Carson, Ciaran
The Gang: Coleridge, the Hutchinsons, and the Wordsworths in 1802 by Worthen, John
Underground Rivers by Shumaker, Peggy
Anthology of Twentieth-Century British and Irish Poetry by
Cheyenne Line and Other Poems by Brummels, J. V.
Selected Poems of Robert Penn Warren by Warren, Robert Penn
The 100 Best Poems of All Time by Pockell, Leslie
Vom Rollen und anderen Dingen by Muster, Tatjana
Sparks from a Nine-Pound Hammer: Poems by Scafidi, Steve
The T.E. Lawrence Poems by Macewen, Gwendolyn
The Pre-Raphaelites: An Anthology of Poetry by Dante Gabriel Rosetti and Others by
The Cave: Selected And New Poems by Hanzlicek, Charles
Journey: New and Selected Poems, 1969-1999 by Norris, Kathleen
Selected Poems of Solomon Ibn Gabirol by Ibn Gabirol, Solomon
Vita Nova by Gluck, Louise
Desde Mi Ventana by Escalera, Manuel Silva
Keats, Hunt and the Aesthetics of Pleasure by Mizukoshi, Ayumi
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