• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Poetry in 2004

Love and Lust: Combine and Combust by Khaghani, Ali
Silk and Sonnets by Davies, Karen Anne
Glimpses by Katsuura, Jaden
Conversations With My Absent Heart: A Dialogue Transcending Space & Time by Frost, Spencer
Through The Eyes of Paragon by Deena, Shivaun Orissa
Love and Lust: Combine and Combust by Khaghani, Ali
Ambrosian Absolution by Deaton, Steven G.
Ambrosian Absolution by Deaton, Steven G.
If Dreams Were Thunder by Weddle, Richard A.
If Dreams Were Thunder by Weddle, Richard A.
HEARTBEATS "A Book of Wisdom" by Flemming, Ron J.
Volles Rohr gedichtet by Flachs, Reiner
The Silvae of Statius by
The Quarry by Lechay, Dan
The Quarry by Lechay, Dan
He Cares: God's Love for You by Hunter, D. A. R.
The Address Book by Heighton, Steven
Sounds of Love by Klim, Yevgeniy
Ready for your love: And other poems by Nyamidie, Kwami E.
Beulahland: Visionary Prose and Poetry by Howard, D. F.
Poems of Contrast: Including a Short Story Poem Earth's Course to Destruction by Finch, Peter John
Beulahland: Visionary Prose and Poetry by Howard, D. F.
70 Unforgettable Poems That Will Mess with Your Mind by Marquardt, Robert Russell
70 Unforgettable Poems That Will Mess with Your Mind by Marquardt, Robert Russell
Poetry by Joyce by Geyer, Joyce Ann
The Solitary Poet: poems of reflection by Schmidt, Stan
The Solitary Poet: poems of reflection by Schmidt, Stan
In Worte gefasstes, gedankliches Feuer: Gedichte by Härtel, Michael
Glottal Stop: 101 Poems by Celan, Paul
Life Without: Selected Poetry & Prose 1992-2003 by Shcherbina, Tatiana
Chasing Catullus: Poems, Translations & Transgressions by Balmer, Josephine
Die Dinge und Du: Lyrisch-philosophische Gedanken by Koch, Walter a.
Poems of Love and Hate by Catullus, Catullus
Poetic Prayers of a Fallen Angel by Ingram, Sean
Prayers and Meditations by Taylor, D.
Manna From The Hoover's Son: Ruready? by Arnold, Delvin R.
In the Depths of My Eyes by Chiem, David Hoang
The Silent After by Stuart, L. C.
Manna from the Hoover's Son: Ruready? by Arnold, Delvin R.
In the Depths of My Eyes by Chiem, David Hoang
March Book by Ball, Jesse
Verse in English from Tudor and Stuart Ireland by
State of Blessed Gluttony by Thomas, Susan
100 Limericks by Hamilton, Bruce
Dancing Alone: A Poetic Journey by Kamran, Zahid
Helm at the Helm by Helm
My Words by Knight, Rose
Rap, Rhyme and Rhythm: Rapsody in Hip-Hop, Rhythm and Rhyme: Greatest Unrecorded Rap, Hip-Hop, Poetry and Spoken Word Hits by Barton, Paul Alfred
The Celestial Songbook by Cleveland, Jim
Because I Am Different by Garner, Venice R.
Appetite by Sens, Jean-Mark
Sacred Eye: Poetry in Search of the Divine by McDonald Jr, W. H.
An Essay in Asterisks by Osman, Jean
Midnight in the Guest Room by Bailey, Jan
Ghost Orchid by Simon, Maurya
The Ardors by Peirce, Kathleen
Verse und andere Ungereimtheiten: Eine Sammlung by Schirnick, Barbara
Elegies & Vacations by Lazer, Hank
Spoon River Anthology by Masters, Edgar Lee
The Nerve: Poems by Maxwell, Glyn
The Ardors by Peirce, Kathleen
Cornucopia: New and Selected Poems by Peacock, Molly
Lepanto by Chesterton, G. K.
Songs of Life by Beverly, Sister
Hey There Miss Sassy Girl A Collection of Lyrical Expressions by Heard, Tifanie
Carusoism II: More Poems of Riveting Revelations from Stone Sculptor Richard Caruso Featuring: Oh Could It Be? by Caruso, Richard
From the Top of My House by Rainbolt, Lossie
Storms of the Heart by Anderson, Della
Inspirations by Myers, Zech
Rooms and Doorways by Tate, Mark
Storms of the Heart by Anderson, Della
Hafez: Teachings of the Philosopher of Love by Montgomery, Roger, Pourafzal, Haleh
A Poetic Word by Fogle, Crystal L.
A Poetic Word by Fogle, Crystal L.
The Poethical Wager by Retallack, Joan
Beauty and the Word: Planting Seeds by Boyer, Ford
Don Juan: Cantos 11 Through 16 by Byron, Lord George Gordon, Byron, George Gordon
Manfred; The Lament of Tasso; Beppo; Mazeppa; The Morgante Maggiore of Pulci; The Prophecy of Dante; Occasional Pieces by Byron, George Gordon, Byron, Lord George Gordon
Lara; The Siege of Corinth; Parisina; The Prisoner of Chillon; The Dream by Byron, Lord George Gordon, Byron, George Gordon
Don Juan: Cantos 1 Through 3 by Byron, George Gordon
Don Juan: Cantos 4 Through 10 by Byron, George Gordon, Byron, Lord George Gordon
Hours of Idleness by Byron, George Gordon, Byron, Lord George Gordon
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage by Byron, George Gordon
Francesca of Rimini; The Blues; Marino Faliero; The Vision of Judgment by Byron, George Gordon, Byron, Lord George Gordon
Heaven and Earth; Sardanapalus; The Two Foscari; The Deformed Transformed by Byron, Lord George Gordon, Byron, George Gordon
Cain; Werner; The Age of Bronze; The Island; Occasional Pieces by Byron, George Gordon, Byron, Lord George Gordon
Occasional Pieces; Hints from Horace; The Curse of Minerva; The Waltz; The Giaour; The Bride of Abydos; The Corsair by Byron, George Gordon, Byron, Lord George Gordon
The Shi King: The Old Poetry Classic of the Chinese a Close Metrical Translation with Annotations by
Poems of the Rod and Gun: Sports by Flood and Field by McLellan, Isaac
Twelve Centuries of English Poetry and Prose by
The Four Ancient Books of Wales by Skene, W. F.
Scared To Come Out by Nugent, Lisa
Paa: A Tribute by Okoampa-Ahoofe, Kwame, Jr.
Everyone in the 309, Stand Up Now, and Hear Me Rhyme by Tagtmeier, Curt W.
Poems Plain and Simple by Negaard, Mel
NightDreamer: Second Edition by Palacio, Johan
The Rebirth of the Renaissance: Rendezvous......Words of a Fallen Angel by Sanchez, Erik S.
Awakening to Love: Dedicated to Ntate Paulosi Masibunyane Matseletsele by Matseletsele, Mats'eliso T.
Of Thee I Sing: Poems by Liu, Timothy
Dwelling Song: Poems by Keith, Sally
Botschaft & Mutterwitz by Scheike-Zapp, Margret
If God Was a Poet by Sibanda, Nkosi
From Me To You: Reflections Of ABUSE by Block, June
Poems and Thoughts by Wright, Lloyd
Poems and Thoughts by Wright, Lloyd
Sun Out: Sun Out: Selected Poems 1952-1954 by Koch, Kenneth
Absolute Trust in the Goodness of the Earth: New Poems by Walker, Alice
Purgatory by Dante
My Poems, My Beliefs by Fuller, Wayne
Los Poemas de mi Pubertad by Zamora, Alberto Ochoa
My Poems, My Beliefs by Fuller, Wayne
Papillons by Blanzat, Clementine de
Mallarmé and Circumstance: The Translation of Silence by Pearson, Roger
You Especially Smile 2 Give Others Direction: Just Omitting Some Hatred by Weightman, Josh
Ono Ono Girl's Hula by Lei-Lanilau, Carolyn
The Slaying of Meghanada: A Ramayana from Colonial Bengal by Datta, Michael Madhusudan, Dutt, Michael Madhusudan
The Cuckoo by Streckfus, Peter
Mit Humor gewürzt: Gedichte und anderes aus Brandenburg by Gräbig, Gerhard
Picture Your Life as a Painting: & Other Poems by Madonia, Andrew M.
This Is Our Word by George E, E, George
Insomnia Diary by Hicok, Bob
Complete Works of Judi Donnelly: Poetry, Essays and Short Stories by Donnelly, Judi
Vexation of Spirit: A Collection of Poetry by Masters, Gerald W.
Listen . . . God Speaks Through the Internet! by Ellis, Patsy Payne, Brooke, Shirley
The Moon, the Chief Hairdesser (Highlights) by Hawkins, Ralph
Calligrammes: Poems of Peace and War (1913-1916) by Apollinaire, Guillaume
Lorine Niedecker: Collected Works by Niedecker, Lorine
The Book of Common Man: a Rite of passage by Johnson, Sidney Earl
Blue Suburbia: Almost a Memoir by Albanese, Laurie
Poetry's New Leash on Life by Darr, James Daniel
The Poems of an Anointed Breakthrough by Cotton, Yolanda Atkins
Kingdom of the Instant by Jones, Rodney
A Gathering of Quiet Hours by Davi, Richard
A Gathering of Quiet Hours by Davi, Richard
Sunrise on Cesar Chavez by Dixon, Mike
Lectures on The Sacred Poetry of the Hebrews by Lowth, Robert
The Salamandrine by MacKay, Charles
Shells from Life, Love, God by Sears, Julia Seton
Selections from the Early Ballad Poetry of England and Scotland by
The Poem Book of the Gael: Translations From Irish Gaelic Poetry Into English Prose and Verse by
Poems by Alan Seeger by Seeger, Alan
Francis Bacon's Cryptic Rhymes and the Truth They Reveal by Bormann, Edwin
Samson Agonistes by Milton
The Political Songs of England from the Reign of John to that of Edward II by
Select Works of Mr. Abraham Cowley by Cowley, A.
The Wars of Alexander: An Alliterative Romance by
The Kalevala: The Epic Poem of Finland by
Where April Comes by Cruz, Elliah B.
Treasures From The Heart by Crowell-Holt, Evelynn
Where April Comes by Cruz, Elliah B.
Treasures From The Heart by Crowell-Holt, Evelynn
Queralphabeet by Thomsen, Rainer
Henry Vaughan: Selected Poems by Vaughan, Henry
Total Depravity: Poems by Kim, H. C.
Night Street Repairs by Moritz, A. F.
On the Shoulders of Giants by Clark, D. B.
Dog Angel: Poems by Kercheval, Jesse Lee
The Being...I Was...Born to Be by Daneen, Elisabeth Noyes
Leaving the Scars Behind by Robbins, Michelle
Pondering What? by Goscha, Craig P.
Briefe an Goethe: Band 7: 1816-1817(7/1 Regesten + 7/2 Register) by
Splitting Off by Finlay, Triny
Monks' Fruit by Levin, A. J.
In the Name of Love by Fahy, Yvonne
Love & Romance From Every Twist And Turn by Leon, Alfredo
Oh What A Journey by Jonquille
there is wisdom in walnuts by Ellis, Tony
The Self-Dismembered Man: A Social History of the American Musical Theatre by Apollinaire, Guillaume
Notes on Leaving by Rosnau, Laisha
Haiku Sands: The Scenes and Sentiments of Haiku and Sketchbook for Haiga by Faust, Paul Holman
Meditations in Rhythm and Rhyme by Wakal, Olga
Movements by Gonzalez, Sofia
Angels Among Us by Reid, S. E.
The Columbia Anthology of Modern Korean Poetry by
Aloha Fat Man Says...Collection by Allen, Leroy Robert
Aloha Fat Man Says...Collection by Allen, Leroy Robert
Tails by MacPhee, Kona
A Sheaf of Leaves: Literary Memoirs by Turco, Lewis
Searching, Looking I Don't Know Where for God by Baross, Donna Lea
Late Psalm by Sholl, Betsy, Peterson, Franklynn
Searching, Looking I Don't Know Where for God by Baross, Donna Lea
Collected Later Poems by Thomas, R. S.
Sylvia Cohn: 1904 - 1942 Gedichte und Briefe by Mendelsson, Eva, Ruch, Martin
Romantic Rocks, Aesthetic Geology by Heringman, Noah
The Children of Signatures by Lagunju, Abimbola
Poetik Elise ''Has Something to Say'' by Simpson, Kamilla
Poetic Revelations: of JMJ by Cox, Jacqueline
Endless Rivers: From darkness to light by Jungquist, Douglass
Poems and Short Stories: (For The Thinker) by Vogt, Andrew Charles
"Unveiled" Damsel Arise by Broadwater, Marie A.
Secrets of My Heart by Woods, Karl T.
A Season in Hell: An English Translation from the French by Rimbaud, Arthur
Poetik Elise ''Has Something to Say'' by Simpson, Kamilla
The Alexander Pope Encyclopedia by Rogers, Pat
New and Selected Poems 1974-2004 by Dennis, Carl
Selected Poems by Dunbar, Paul Laurence
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight by
Love Words and Other Thoughts by Patel, Ben
Mechanical Occult: Automatism, Modernism, and the Specter of Politics by Clinton, Alan Ramon
His Hammock In The Shade by Barngrover, Connie
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