• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Poetry in 2019

One True Love: A Year of Love Poetry by Watkins, Michael
Hidayatein by Rashk, Rakesh Sood
What Goes into a Butterfly by Rajagopal, Sunil
Sarhad Ke Aar-Paar Ki Shayari - Azhar Farag Aur Ahmad Kamal Parvazi by Chaturvedi, Tufail
Sarhad Ke Aar-Paar Ki Shayari - Saud Asharaf Usmani Aur Rauf Raza by Chaturvedi, Tufail
Sarhad Ke Aar-Paar Ki Shayari - Rafi Raza Aur Tufail Chaturvedi by Chaturvedi, Tufail
The Shephered by Arjariya, Mayank Mohan
He Speaks Volumes: A Biography of George Bowering by Wigod, Rebecca
Saat Pakistani Shayar by Chaturvedi, Tufail
Sincerity by Duffy, Carol Ann
The Prophet by Gibran, Kahlil
Many Red Fish by Spence, Steve
Before We Know: A collection of poems by Brenton, Lindsey
A Colletion of Thoughts from a Young Man by Mitchell, Jon-Bonet
The Last Little Book of Verse: To Warm The Heart by Ashbourn, Julian
Of Paper Cuts And Origami Hearts by Staggs, Jesse Lee
Living in This Skin: Black British Poetry by Rumble, Martin
Broken Pieces: Book One: The Love by Shirley-Allaire, Lisa
A Branch, a Few Words by Nesbit, Rene Nicole
Oversized Heart by Lodico, Alexis Nicolette
Emerge: My Incandescent Heart: Book Ii by Ydris, Kassi
El poeta hecho poesía. by Castro, Rosita
Sexagenarian Stanzas by Parole, Smirk
Spandan by Prakash, Shanti
My Darling Derry: Letter-poems about Derek Richter founder of The Mental Health Foundation by Festing, Sally
Walks of Life, Roads less traveled by Pratt, Nicole
Heart and Soul: Poems of Thoughts & Emotions by Thomas, Mariah
psychodynamically designed II by L, E.
Les Métamorphoses: Avec XV Discours Contenans l'Explication Morale Et Historique by Ovide, Virgile, Renouard, Nicolas
Festival of Dangerous Ideas by Dellarocca, Lenny
Flower by Walker, Jay
Sifting Through the Ashes of Me by Walker, Jay
Growing Up Green: Poems of Wonder from a Heritage in Science by Alexander, Anne
Peeking into my Garden by Constantino, Marylou Kalb
Starving Writers Literary Journal - January 2019: Volume 1 by
One Day in the Secret Forest of Words by Valero, Vicente
Heady Scent of Lilac, A Collection of Romantic Poetry and Art by Atkins, Dorothy
The Dreamer and the Blood Moon by Duncan, Jason
Desde una tumba ignorada. by Bellido Vicente, Ignacio
Return to Inanna by Irving, Christine
Time Like Coins by Moyne, Colleen
An Inherited Epic of Gilgamesh: A poetic memoir dedicated to James McAuley by Hetherington, Graeme
Pine Cones & Rhubarb & Little Hissy Kisses by Munro, Jocelyn
if i'm honest by Eliza
The Music of the Aztecs by
Viaţă După Moarte by Faybish, Yossi
Silent Cry by Collins, Abrianna
Mucus in My Pineal Gland by Huxtable, Juliana
This Bright Darkness by Brown, Sarah
Breathing: Chaos and Poetry by Berardi, Franco Bifo
Lover Girl by Castelli, Salvador
A Yiddisher Sheygets by Kissin, Evgeny
Urdu Hai Mera Naam by Ashhar, Iqbal
Aansuon Ka Tarjuma by Khan 'sikandar', Irshad
Lokpriya Shayar Aur Unki Shayari Daag by Khan, Dost Mohammad
Neela Neela by Rajrishi, Gautam
Havayein Kya Kya Hain by Salil, Suresh
About Being Young by Celeste, Freya
First-time Visions of Earth from Space by Gouge, Ian
Ehsaas by Sidhu, Navjot Kaur
Landings by Skelton, Richard
Quelques Rêves by Novik, Emil
Flaking the Rope by Barry, Gene
Poems In The Keys Of Life by Thomas, Henry Lee
Poems In The Keys Of Life by Thomas, Henry Lee
The Aeneid by Vergil, Ovid
Wildfire Publications Magazine January 1, 2019 Issue, Edition 18 by Deborah Brooks Langford, Susan Joyner-St
Kagaz ki Kashti by Faakir, Sudarshan
Spectral Pegasus / Dark Movements by Beam, Jeffery
The Full Pomegranate: Poems of Avrom Sutzkever by Sutzkever, Avrom
The Wind Softly Murmurs: Poems of Family Love and Loss by Arthur, Sharon
X-Rays and Other Landscapes by McCord, Kyle
Millennial Roost by Pearson, Dustin
Harmonium by Stevens, Wallace
Poetic Faith by Mutschlecner, David
Not into the Blossoms and Not into the Air by Jacobson, Elizabeth
Lend a Hand: Poems about Giving by Frank, John
Lokpriya Shayar Aur Unki Shayari - Faiz Ahmad Faiz by Pandit, Prakash
Quantum Heresies: Poems by Mary Peelen by Peelen, Mary
Verses of David Seven: Victory by de Santos, Forester
Those Footsteps Behind: Illustrated Poems of Travel by Marsland, Bruce
Os dias passam por mim como insetos escalando as paredes: Poemas by Gutierres, Lucas
How to Drown in Thought by Wheeler, Shawn
Multicultural Poetics: Re-Visioning the American Canon by Parmar, Nissa
Betrayal, Sex, Love. When Two Hearts Collide by Nickerl, Norma L.
Collision of the Stars and Crosses: Over a Decade of Poetry by Caffrey, Lauren Michelle
Prose Illuminée by Bolduc, William
Amanuense de mar by Brauer, Gerardo
Speaking with My Second Mouth by Page, Angela
Ordslöjd: - dikter och prosa av Ingvar Holmberg by Holmberg, Ingvar
En la noche yerma by Tello, Antonio
No Illusions: Through the Looking Glass by
This and That: A Hodge Podge of Hülya's . . . Poetry by
Souris aussi... by Friedmann, Laura
Breathe, Girl by McCray, Niya T.
De puertas afuera by Martínez Sanz, Héctor
Notes amoureuses by Friedmann, Laura
10 Años de Rima Jotabé by Rodríguez Manzanares, Juan Benito
WORKaDAY by Held, Grey
Music Lesson by Rembold, Kristen Staby
Week/End by Duncan, Sarah
Dusk and Conjure: Poetry Inspired by New Orleans by Falina, Melanie P.
Emotions Blown Away: Thoughts of a Prisoner by Hiatt, Will
Ecos románticos by Depoveda, Gladys
America Abroad: An Epic of Discovery by Radavich, David
Yugen by Teacup
Der Er Et Fort Her by Sindberg, Kim
NuShIt '18 by Wllm
Eternal Spark by Nazon, Romuald
Quarterlife Crisis: Von der Orientierungslosigkeit junger Erwachsener by Osswald, Max
Fumeuse existence: Textes poétiques, ou pas... by Héris, Jean-Luc
Himmelsgedanken. Gedichte von Karl May: Reprint der ersten Buchausgabe Freiburg 1900 by May, Karl
Raga for What Comes Next by Borsenik, Dianne
A Drifter's Atlas: Finding the Peace in Solitude by Reid, Cheyenne
The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran - Special Edition by Gibran, Kahlil
The ABC's of: Love & Relationships by Johnson, Joseph
Blues In E Recording Studios LLC Lyrical Catalog Volume XVI by Bollman, Jeffery
The Room Is on Fire: The History, Pedagogy, and Practice of Youth Spoken Word Poetry by Weinstein, Susan
Figures of Time: Disjunctions in Modernist Poetry by Ben-Merre, David
Thoughts of a Man All Over The Place by Greene, Robertson
2am Thoughts by Campbell, Makenzie
From The Nuthouse and an Outdoor Existence: Poetry and Pictorial Art by
Savoring Eden: A Journey of Personal Discovery by Woolfork, Patricia Ann
A maior das loucuras by Gutierres, Lucas
The Seasonal State of Life by M. W., Carolyn
Lift: Poems by Gross, Luray
Tuntemattoman Sotilaan Hauta by Paavilainen, Sinikka
Infinito by Malatino, Nicolò
Beach Stones: Poems from a Wild Greek Island by Darnell, Detta
Early Mourning Hours by Pargas, Samihah
Amanuense by Brauer, Gerardo
Thoughts of a Broken Soul: Vol. II by Brown, Shont'a
kids on a carousel by Hilton, Josh
Collected Longer Poems: 2002-2010 by Woodson, Hue
The Morning After I Killed Myself by Jean, Shannon
Los dictámenes de la ausencia: Poetas de labio endrino by Brauer, Gerardo
In the Cradle of Silence: Inner and Outer Journeys through Beauty, Pain, Laughter, Reverie and the Infinite by Siegel, Gary
Breathing the Seasons: Collection of Thought Themed Poems by Bracy, James
Breathing the Seasons: Collection of Thought Themed Poems by Bracy, James
The Best I Can Do Is to Write My Heart Out: A Book of Poems Says a Lot by Harsimran Kaur Mand
Second Act Writings: An Eclectic Poetry & Prose Collection by Dorsey, R. H. W.
Lo Que Habita En Mí by Medina Flores, Alicia
Places of Emotion: Poetry Collection by Steward, Rebecca Jessica, Jb, Poetic
Unconditional Love: Letters to an Adopted Son by Wong, Samuel
Fact & Memory by Carroll, Tyler, Dead Reckoning Collective, Dow, Keith
Sueños de la Isla: Una Compilación de Poemas by Lopez Perez, Cesar Jorge
(Try Not To) Forget Me by Collantes, Shi
Burning Issues Conveyed by a Tender Girl: Collection of Poems by Ajay Sabla
Unkempt and Okay: Poetry by Reed, Candace
Unconditional Love: Letters to an Adopted Son by Wong, Samuel
Those Footsteps Behind: Around the World in 50 Poems by Marsland, Bruce
Arjen harmaa valo: Runoja by Virkkunen, Ville
Ghost by Pendergast, P. L.
Luna Star and my mother by McQuistion, Marian
Of Love by Vitulli, E. G.
Mondstaub und Ascheregen: Eine lyrische Seelenreise by Willmes, Claudia
Rudyard Kipling: 100 Poems by Kipling, Rudyard
(Try Not To) Forget Me by Collantes, Shi
Babel und Bibel. Arabische Fantasia in zwei Akten von Karl May: Reprint der ersten Buchausgabe Freiburg 1906 by May, Karl
Poetry From The Soul by Williams, Shawneequa A.
Break In Blackness II by Hall, Michelle
Lo Mejor de David by de Santos, Forester
Grimoire by Nyoka, Rachyl
Banalities by Schenck, Jr. Walter Joseph
Contrastes de Un Alma Desordenada by Leon, Rafael Garcia
In my head by Garratt, G. D.
Eine Reise zurück zur Kindheit by Rabótnik, David
Eine Reise zurück zur Kindheit by Rabótnik, David
Trials and Tribulations: Lies, Life, and Love by Leger, K. a.
looking for summer by Raulia, Gurpreet
The Rose: Tell me you love me -With a Rose by Smart, Delroy
Songs from the Heart: Poems That Stir the Soul and Awaken Faith in a Chaotic World by Davis, Ann
Songs from the Heart: Poems That Stir the Soul and Awaken Faith in a Chaotic World by Davis, Ann Howle
Passages by Knott, Gussy
Hacia Ítaca: Un viaje hacia el alma by Velázquez Rodríguez, José Luis
Unconditional Love: Letters to an Adopted Family by Wong, Samuel
Corazón De Poeta by Delara
Visits and Other Passages by Smallwood, Carol
Rupture, Light by Poulin, Melissa Reeser
Thump: and other poems by Madigan, Mark
¡La Mujer En La Vida Y La vida en la Mujer! by Ramirez, Tribucio
Unconditional Love: Letters to an Adopted Family by Wong, Samuel
No Longer Gravity's Partner by Diblasi, Jp
Poetics (Pocket Classics) by Aristotle
Poesie Per Un Amore by Giana, Fabio
25 Poems of the Heart by Anderson, Renee'
I'll Never Play the Hammered Dulcimer by Hanson, Jan
Med bedstefar i hånden: digte igennem en depression by Helle, Josephine
Call Us by Our Name by Canty, Jarvis
Les Fleurs Du Mal by Charles Baudelaire: A New Translation by Eric Gans by Baudelaire, Charles
Hridayankan by Gupta, Rashmi
Meus Outonos by Lobo, Nilton P.
Persephone's Husband: Love Poems and Other Crimes by Katz, Amy Beth
What Is Christmas by Poets, Individual
One Third of Me: A Book of Poems by Nash, La Nita
366 Notas al Atardecer by C. Aguilar, Yonathan
Awareness of Addictions and Recovery from Despair by Jubelirer, Jeffrey David
Inside a King's Mind by Jones Jr, Benjamin
A.B.O.D.E: Aesthetic Bliss Of Divine Entity by Williamsji Maveli
Come Walk With Me: on a path through a collection of original poetry by Horrocks, Michael
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