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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 1965

The Challenges to Democracy: Consensus and Extremism in American Politics by Havens, Murray Clark
Communism in Mexico: A Study in Political Frustration by Schmitt, Karl M.
Germany Tried Democracy by Halperin, Samuel W., Halperin, S. William
The Scientific Estate by Price, Don K.
Diplomatic Asylum: Legal Norms and Political Reality in Latin American Relations by Ronning, Carroll Neale
Actes Du Conseil Proceedings of the Council: 30e Session. Rome. 1964. September 13-18 Septembre by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Actes Du Conseil Général Proceedings of the General Council: Vol. XXXI, 31e Session Helsinki 1965 August 15-21 Août by Thompson, M. Anthony
Political Leadership Among Swat Pathans: Volume 19 by Barth, Fredrik
Political Leadership Among Swat Pathans: Volume 19 by Barth, Fredrik
Intl Biblio Pol Sc 1963 Vol 12 by Europa
Die Chinesische Volkswirtschaft: Grundlagen -- Organisation -- Planung by Chang, Tsung-Tung
Die Subventionspolitik Der Hohen Behörde Der Europäischen Gemeinschaft Für Kohle Und Stahl Und Ihre Auswirkungen Auf Den Kohlenbergbau Dieser Gemeinsc by Bennecke, Philipp
Immanuel Kant: Politische Schriften by
Finanzpolitik by Schmölders, Günter
Intl Biblio Pol SC 1964 Vol 13 by
Rise of Nationalism in Central Africa: The Making of Malawi and Zambia, 1873-1964 by Rotberg, Robert I.
Strategic Hamlets in South Vietnam: A Survey and Comparison by Osborne, Milton E.
Education and the Labour Movement 1870-1920 by Simon, Brian
Buddhist Backgrounds of the Burmese Revolution by Sarkisyanz, Manuel
Politik Im Krieg 1914-1918: Studien Zur Politik Der Deutschen Errschenden Klassen Im Ersten Weltkrieg. Sammelband by
Das Kommende Reich Des Friedens: Zur Entwicklung Chiliastischer Zukunftshoffnungen Im Hochmittelalter by Töpfer, Bernhard
Jahrbuch Des Instituts Für Wirtschaftswissenschaften. Band 7 by
Political Succession in the USSR by Rush, Myron
Magna Carta: Text and Commentary by Howard, A. E. Dick
Suburban Differences and Metropolitan Policies: A Philadelphia Story by Herman, Harold, Liebman, Charles S., Williams, Oliver P.
Louis XIV and the Greatness of France by Ashley, Maurice P.
The Democratic South by Grantham, Dewey W.
The Roosevelt-Litvinov Agreements: The American View by Bishop, Donald G.
The Crossroad Papers: A Look Into the American Future by
Charles Beard and the Constitution: A Critical Analysis of an Economic Interpretation of the Constitution by Brown, Robert E.
Die Macht Des Aktionärs in Der Generalversammlung Der Französischen Aktiengesellschaft by Tiling, Johann
Golonpoui: Analyse Des Conditions de Modernisation d'Un Village Du Nord-Cameroun by Guillard, Joanny
North of Slavery: The Negro in the Free States by Litwack, Leon F.
The Structure of Power in North China During the Five Dynasties by Wang Gungwu
The Future of Canadian Federalism/l'Avenir Du Federalisme Canadien by
Local Government in Japan by Steiner, Kurt
The Independence of the Federal Reserve System by Clifford, A. Jerome
Short Handbook of Communist Ideology: Synopsis of the 'Osnovy Marksizma-Leninizma' with Complete Index by Fleischer, H.
Jean Chapelain Soixante-Dix-Sept Lettres Inedites a Nicolas Heinsius (1649-1658): Publiees d'Apres Le Manuscrit de Leyde Avec Une Introduction Et Des by Bray, Bernard
Nigeria Under British Rule by Geary, William M. N.
The Dual Mandate in British Tropical Africa by Lugard, Lord Frederick J. D.
The Politics of Democracy by Herring, Pendleton
Development of Dominion Status 1900-1936 by Dawson, Robert MacGregor
Party Politics in Puerto Rico by Anderson, Robert W.
The Modern Senate of Canada 1925-1963 by Kunz, Frank
The Politics of Repeal: A Study in the Relations Between Great Britain and Ireland, 1841-50 by Nowlan, Kevin B.
Government and the Railways in Nineteenth-Century Britain by Parris, Henry
Toronto During the French Regime: A History of the Toronto Region From Brule to Simcoe, 1615-1793 by Robinson, Percy J.
Administrators in Action, Vol. 2 by Rhodes, Gerald
The Ombudsman: Citizens Defender by
John Rae Political Economist: An Account of His Life and a Compilation of His Main Writings: Volume I: Life and Miscellaneous Writings by
John Rae Political Economist: An Account of His Life and a Compilation of His Main Writings: Volume II: Statement of Some New Principles on the Subjec by
Canada and Imperialism 1896-1899 by
Judicial Review in the English-Speaking World by McWhinney, Edward
The Irish Question 1840-1921 by Mansergh, Nicholas
Sybel Und Treitschke: Antidemokratismus Und Militarismus Im Historisch-Politischen Denken Großbourgeoiser Geschichtsideologen by Schleier, Hans
Österreich-Ungarn in Der Weltpolitik 1900 Bis 1918 by
Die Englischen Kolonien by Kuczynski, Jürgen
Zur Politökonomischen Ideologie in England Und Andere Studien by Kuczynski, Jürgen
Zwischen Bebel Und Bismarck: Zur Geschichte Des Linksliberalismus in Deutschland 1871-1893 by Seeber, Gustav
Die Organisierung Des Indianischen Lachsfangs Im Westlichen Nordamerika by Treide, Dietrich
Die Alten Englischen Dominions by Kuczynski, Jürgen
Dokumente Und Studien Zu Band 6: Studien Zur Geschichte Des Staatsmonopolistischen Kapitalismus in Deutschland 1918 Bis 1945 by Kuczynski, Jürgen
Dokumente Und Studien Zu Band 5: Studien Zur Geschichte Der Zyklischen Überproduktionskrisen in Deutschland 1918 Bis 1945 by Kuczynski, Jürgen
Krieg, Staat, Monopol 1914-1918: Die Zusammenhänge Von Imperialistischer Kriegswirtschaft, Militarisierung Der Volkswirtschaft Und Staatsmonopolistisc by Schröter, Alfred