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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 1969

York Memorandum Book. Volume III by
Politics in the Altiplano: The Dynamics of Change in Rural Peru by Dew, Edward
Labour's Wrongs and Labour's Remedy by Bray, John F.
Actes Du Conseil Général / Proceedings of the General Council by Thompson, A., Randall, S.
Political Change in Britain: The Evolution of Electoral Choice by Na, Na
Hobbes and His Critics: A Study in Seventeenth Century Constitutionalism by Bowie, John
Take Out Hunger: Two Case Studies of Rural Development in Basutoland Volume 39 by Wallman, S.
Demokratie Im Wandel by Görlitz, Axel
Law, Politics, and the Security Council: An Inquiry Into the Handling of Legal Questions Involved in International Disputes and Situations by Kahng, Tae Jin
Borough Politics: A Study of the Wolverhampton Town Council, 1888-1964 by Jones, G. W.
Wage Policy Issues in Economic Development: The Proceedings of a Symposium Held by the International Institute for Labour Studies at Egelund, Denmark, by
The Gaitskellites: Revisionism in the British Labour Party 1951-64 by Haseler, Stephen
British Politics in the Nineteenth Century by
Early Communist China: Two Studies Volume 4 by Suleski, Ronald, Bays, Daniel
Growth, Equality, and the Mexican Experience by Singer, Morris
Zwischen Fortschritt Und Reaktion: Geschichte Der Parteien Der Liberalen Bourgeoisie in Deutschland 1893-1918 by ELM, Ludwig
Bismarcks "Draht nach Russland" by Kumpf-Korfes, Sigrid
Frühliberalismus in Der Donaumonarchie: Religiöse, Nationale Und Wissenschaftliche Strömungen Von 1790-1868 by Winter, Eduard
Anmerkungen by
Einleitung Und Text by
Britain Faces Europe by Jr.
Coalition Bargaining: A Study of Union Tactics and Public Policy by Chernish, William N.
The Political Thought of Sir Henry Vane, the Younger by Judson, Margaret A.
Michael Speransky Statesman of Imperial Russia 1772-1839 by Raeff, M.
The Assimilation Myth: A Study of Second Generation Polish Immigrants in Western Australia by Johnston, R.
Acculturation and Occupation: A Study of the 1956 Hungarian Refugees in the United States by Weinstock, S. a.
Edward Randolph and the American Colonies 1676-1703 by Hall, Michael Garbaldi
Betriebsverbindungen by Grochla, Erwin
Monetary Vs Fiscal Policy by Heller, Walter W., Friedman, Milton
The Goal of Economic Growth: An Introduction to a Current Issue of Public Policy by
Politics, Law, and Social Change: Selected Essays of Otto Kirchheimer by Kirchheimer, Otto
Education and the Barricades by Frankel, Charles
Cabinet Government by Jennings, Ivor
Social Science and Political Theory by Runciman, Walter G., Runciman, Runciman, W. G.
Democracy in America by De Tocqueville, Alexis
Politics in Modern Greece by Legg, Keith R.
The Army and Politics in Argentina, 1928-1945: Yrigoyen to Peron by Potash, Robert A.
Marxism and Ethics by Kamenka, Eugene
Inflation in Tudor and Early Stuart England by Outhwaite, R. B.
Comparative Government: A Reader by Blondel, Jean
History as a Social Science: An Essay on the Nature and Purpose of Historical Studies by Dovring, F.
European Economic Community Migrations by Bouscaren, A. T.
Literary Figures in French Drama (1784-1834) by Kadler, Eric H.
The Price of Liberty: Perspectives on Civil Liberties by
Regionalism in the Canadian Community, 1867-1967 by
Age of the Democratic Revolution: A Political History of Europe and America, 1760-1800, Volume 1: The Challenge by Palmer, R. R.
The United States and International Organization: The Changing Setting by
The Jana Sangh: A Biography of an Indian Political Party by Baxter, Craig
Elements of Law, Natural and Political by Hobbes, Thomas
Wirtschaftliches Verhalten bei Unsicherheit by Borch, Karl H.
Empire and Nations: Essays in Honour of Frederic H. Soward by
Canadian Economic Policy and the Impact of International Capital Flows by Caves, Richard, Reuber, Grant
The Last Cannon Shot: A Study of French-Canadian Nationalism 1837-1850 by Monet, Jacques
The Franchise and Politics in British North America 1755-1867 by Garner, John
The Anatomy of a Party: The National CCF 1932-61 by Young, Walter D.
Responsible Government in Ontario by Schindeler, F. F.
The Loyal Whig: William Smith of New York & Quebec by Upton, L. F. S.
The Emergence of the Federal Concept in Canada 1839-1845 by Ormsby, William
Speak Out!: Speeches, Open Letters, Commentaries by Grass, Gunter
Die Krise Der Griechischen Polis by
Fragen Der Sozialistischen Intensivierung Der Landwirtschaft (I) by Groschoff, K., Wirsig, H., Jannermann, G.
Fragen Der Sozialistischen Intensivierung Der Landwirtschaft (II) by Anders, H., Tillack, R., Kasten, A.
Spätkapitalismus Ohne Perspektive: Tendenzen Und Widersprüche Des Westdeutschen Imperialismus Am Ende Der 60er Jahre by