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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 1970

Alexander Hamilton and the Idea of Republican Government by Stourzh, Gerald
Press and Cold War by Aronson, James
Unrest in Brazil: Political-Military Crises 1955-1964 by Dulles, John W. F.
The Politics of Brazilian Development 1930-1954 by Wirth, John D.
Filtering The News by Klaehn, Jeffery
Justiz Und Ns-Verbrechen 2 ** by
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Bureaucracy by Albrow, Martin
The People's Party in Texas: A Study in Third Party Politics by Martin, Roscoe
The Politics of Puerto Rican University Students by Liebman, Arthur
The Peasants' Revolt of Banten in 1888: Its Conditions, Course and Sequel: A Case Study of Social Movements in Indonesia by Kartodirdjo, Sartono
Press and Cold War by Aronson, James
Federalists in Dissent by Kerber, Linda K.
Grundriß Des Bergrechts by Willecke, Raimund
Die Zehner-Gruppe: Stellung Und Kooperation Der Zehner-Gruppe Im Internationalen Währungssystem (Bankwirtschaftliche Studien, Folge 2) by Braun, Frank
The International Status of the Suez Canal by Obieta, Joseph A.
MacDonald Versus Henderson: The Foreign Policy of the Second Labour Government by Carlton, David
The Ambassador Prepares for War: The Dutch Embassy of Arnauld de Pomponne 1669-1671 by Rowen, Herbert H.
London Radicalism 1830 - 1843: A Selection from the Papers of Francis Place by Rowe, D. J.
Life in the Argentine Republic in the Days of the Tyrants by Sarmiento, B. F.
Political Corruption: Readings in Comparative Analysis by
Germany East: Dissent and Opposition by Allen, Bruce
Political Groups in Chile: The Dialogue between Order and Change by Burnett, Ben G.
Studien Über Die Revolution by
Studien Über Die Revolution by Kossok, Manfred
Herrschaft Und Volk Im Karolingischen Imperium: Studien Über Soziale Konflikte Und Dogmatisch-Politische Kontroversen Im Fränkischen Reich by Epperlein, Siegfried
Weltanschauung in Den Kämpfen Unserer Tage by Redlow, Götz
Politische Ökonomie. Band 2 by
Ganzheit Und Entwicklung in Kybernetischer Sicht by Lange, Oskar
Allgemeine Probleme by
The Political Economy of Prosperity by Okun, Arthur M.
The Negro in the Tobacco Industry by Northrup, Herbert R.
Memoirs of Peter Henry Bruce, Esq., a Military Officer in the Services of Prussia, Russia & Great Britain, Containing an Account of His Travels in Ger by Bruce, Peter Henry
The Return Movement of Jews to Austria After the Second World War: With Special Consideration of the Return from Israël by Wilder-Okladek, F.
The Thirty Years' War, 1618-1648 by Gardiner, Samuel Rawson
French Politicians and Elections 1951 1969 by Williams, Angela, Williams, Philip M., Williams, Robert
Rhetoric of American Politics: A Study of Documents by Smith, William Raymond
Foundations of Modern Historical Scholarship: Language, Law, and History in the French Renaissance by Kelley, Donald
A Strategy of Decision: Policy Evaluation as a Social Process by Braybrooke, David
The Sokagakkai and Mass Society by White, James W.
Democracy and Reform 1815 - 1885 by Wright, D. G.
Stalin und der Aufstieg Hitlers by Weingartner, Thomas
Greek Philosophical Terms: A Historical Lexicon by Peters, Francis E.
The Idea of a Party System: The Rise of Legitimate Opposition in the United States, 1780-1840 Volume 2 by Hofstadter, Richard
Physical Properties of Plant and Animal Materials: v. 1: Physical Characteristics and Mechanical Properties by Mohsenin, Nuri N.
Party Leadership and Revolutionary Power in China by Lewis, Andrew
Religious Schism in the Russian Aristocracy 1860-1900 Radstockism and Pashkovism: Radstockism and Pashkovism by Heier, E.
Petronius the Artist: Essays on the Satyricon and Its Author by Rankin, H. D.
The Kuomintang-Communist Struggle in China 1922-1949 by Chung-Gi Kwai
"Vpered!" 1873-1877: From the Archives of Valerian Nikolaevich Smirnov by
Kandidatenaufstellung Zur Bundestagswahl 1965: Untersuchungen Zur Innerparteilichen Willensbildung Und Zur Politischen Führungsauslese by Zeuner, B.
Germans from the East: A Study of Their Migration, Resettlement and Subsequent Group History, Since 1945 by Schoenberg, H. W.
Anthony Collins the Man and His Works by O'Higgins, James
Juan Luis Vives by Noreña, Carlos G.
Die Stellung Der Parlamentsminderheiten in England, Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Und Italien by Wollmann, H.
Vom Monarchischen Konstitutionalismus Zur Parlamentarischen Demokratie: Die Verfassungspolitik Der Deutschen Parteien Im Letzten Jahrzehnt Des Kaiserr by Grosser, D.
Copp'd Hills Towards Heaven Shakespeare and the Classical Polity by White, Howard B.
The Moral Philosophy of George Berkeley by Olscamp, Paul J.
Simon Stevin: Science in the Netherlands Around 1600 by Dijksterhuis, E. J.
Guyana: Race and Politics Among Africans and East Indians by Glasgow, R. a.
The Passionate Liberal: The Political and Legal Ideas of Jerome Frank: The Political and Legal Ideas of Jerome N. Frank by Volkomer, W. E.
The Revolution in America 1754-1788: Documents and Commentaries by
The Structure of Freedom by Bay, Christian
Unbind Your Sons: The Captivity of America in Central Asia by Campbell, Alex
Railroads and Regulation, 1877-1916 by Kolko, Gabriel, Kolko
Rechts- und Sozialgeschichte der Juden in Halle 1686-1730 by Kisch, Guido
Public Policy For The Seas, revised edition by Padelford, Norman J.
Selected Writings on Anarchism and Revolution by Kropotkin, Petr Alekseevich
The Social and Political Thought of Karl Marx by Avineri, Shlomo
Analecta Husserliana by
Archives de Jules Humbert-Droz, Volume I: Vol I: Origines Et Débuts Des Partis Communistes Des Pays Latins 1919-1923 by
The Political Economy of the Black Ghetto by Tabb, William K.
Progress, Coexistence, and Intellectual Freedom by Sakharov, Andrei D.
Problems of a Mature Economy: A Text for Students of the British Economy by Meyer, F. V.
Invitation to Hairsplitting: A hypercritical investigation into the true function of the Warren Commission and the true nature of the Warren Report by Zwart, Jacques
Words & Occasions by Pearson, Lester B.
Only to Serve: Selections from Addresses of Governor-General Georges P. Vanier by Vanier, Georges
Social Science and Modern Man: Alan B. Plaunt Memorial Lectures 1969 by Gordon, Scott
The Czech Renascence of the Nineteenth Century by
Politics in Sierra Leone 1947-1967 by Cartwright, John
A Leader and a Laggard: Manufacturing Industry in Nova Scotia, Quebec and Ontario by George, Roy
Le Canada francais d'aujourd'hui by
The Government of London: The struggle for reform by Rhodes, Gerald
The Mackenzie King Record Volume 3, 1945/46 by Forster, D. F., Pickersgill, J. W.
The Mackenzie King Record Volume 4, 1947/48 by Forster, D. F., Pickersgill, J. W.
Change in Communist Systems by
Entwicklung Und Gegenwärtiger Stand Der Rechtstatsachenforschung in Den USA by Rehbinder, Manfred
W. I. Lenin Und Die Geschichtswissenschaft by
Staat Und Monopole Im Totalen Krieg: Der Staatsmonopolistische Machtapparat Und Die "Totale Mobilisierung" Im Ersten Halbjahr 1943 by Bleyer, Wolfgang
Register Zu Den Bänden 22 Bis 34 by Hoppe, Ruth