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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 1971

The Prussian Bureaucracy in Crisis, 1840-1860: Origins of an Administrative Ethos by Gillis, John R.
Rio Grande Do Sul and Brazilian Regionalism, 1882-1930 by Love, Joseph LeRoy
The Czechoslovak Political Trials, 1950-1954: The Suppressed Report of the Dubcek Government's Commission of Inquiry by Komunistick a Strana
Papal Envoys to the Great Khans, by Rachewiltz, Igor De
The Chilean Senate: Internal Distribution of Influence by Agor, Weston H.
Chernyshevskii: The Man and the Journalist by Woehrlin, William F.
Planning and Market Relations by Portes, R., Kaser, M.
International Privileges and Immunities: A Case for a Universal Statute by Michals, David B.
Theory and Politics / Theorie Und Politik: Festschrift Zum 70. Geburstag Für Carl Joachim Friedrich by Friedrich, Carl Joachim
Geschichte Und Struktur Des Deutschen Parteiensystems by Kaack, Heino
Der Untergang Der Klassischen Demokratie by Stier, Hans Erich
The Political System of the Atoni of Timor by Schulte Nordholt, H. G.
Leonard Wood and Cuban Independence, 1898-1902 by Hitchman, James H.
The European Pentarchy and the Congress of Verona, 1822 by Nichols, Irby Coghill
The Corporate Economy: Growth, Competition, and Innovative Potential by
The Capacity of International Organizations to Conclude Treaties, and the Special Legal Aspects of the Treaties So Concluded by Chiu, Hungdah
Comparative Federalism: A Study in Judicial Interpretation by MacKinnon, Victor S.
The Objectives of Macro-Economic Policy by Dasgupta, Ajit K., Hagger, A. J.
Sino-Russian Relations in the Seventeenth Century by Chen, Vincent
Conversations with Allende: Socialism in Chile by Allende, Salvador, Debray, Regis
The Emergence of Black Politics in Senegal: The Struggle for Power in the Four Communes, 1900-1920 by Johnson, G. Wesley
The Ayub Khan Era: Politics in Pakistan, 1958-1969 by Ziring, Lawrence
The Fear of Conspiracy: Images of Un-American Subversion from the Revolution to the Present by
Compadre Colonialism: Studies in the Philippines Under American Rule by
Judicial Review in Mexico: A Study of the Amparo Suit by Baker, Richard D.
Regnum Teutonicum: Aufkommen Und Verbreitung Der Deutschen Reichs- Und Königsauffassung Im Früheren Mittelalter by Müller-Mertens, Eckhard
Mittelalter Und Demokratische Geschichtsschreibung by Sproemberg, Heinrich
Registerband by
In Exile: Essays, Reflections, and Letters, 1933-1947 by Brandt, Willy
The Downfall of Cartesianism 1673-1712: A Study of Epistemological Issues in Late 17th Century Cartesianism by Watson, R. a.
Politics in the Age of Peel: A Study in the Technique of Parliamentary Representation 1830-1850 by Gash, Norman
Planung und Entwicklung neuer Produkte by Brankamp, Klaus
But We Were Born Free by Davis, Elmer Holmes
Change in Rural Appalachia by
Aftermath of Revolution: British Policy Toward the United States, 1783-1795 by Ritcheson, Charles R.
Crime, Law, and Society: Readings by Goldstein, Joseph, Goldstein, Abraham S.
Psychological Warfare Against Nazi Germany: The Sykewar Campaign, D-Day to VE-Day by Lerner, Daniel
Ibss: Political Science: 1969 Volume 18 by International Committee for Social Scien
Elektronische Datenverarbeitung, Band I by
Fabian Socialism by Cole, G. D. H.
Psychologische und verhaltensbiologische Grundlagen des Marketing by Schrader, Karl
French Democratic Left, 1963-1969: Toward a Modern Party System by Wilson, Frank Lee
Anti-Slavery Recollection Cb: In a Series of Letters, Addressed to Mrs. Beecher Stowe by Stephen, George
Contractual Obligations in Ghana and Nigeria by Uche, U. U.
Die betrieblichen sozialen Funktionen by Mellerowicz, Konrad
Environmental Control: Priorities, Policies, and the Law by Rosenthal, Albert, Grad, Frank, Rathjens, George
Communist International: Documents, 1919-1943 by Degras, Jane
Communist International: Documents by Degras, Jane
Abandoned Duplicate Isbns 3-3-23: William Augustus Muhlenberg by Skardon, Alvin W., Science, American Academy of Political and Social, Destler, Chester McArthur
Truth About the West African Land Question by Hayford, J. E. Casely
Systematic Thinking for Social Action by Rivlin, Alice M.
The Crisis of Parliaments: English History, 1509-1660 by Russell, Conrad
This Is Pearl: The United States and Japan--1941 by Millis, Walter, Unknown
The Early Chartists by
The Philosophy of Georges Bastide: A Study Tracing the Origins and Development of a French Value Philosophy and a French Personalism Against the Backg by Koenig, T.
Diplomacy in an Age of Nationalism: Essays in Honor of Lynn Marshall Case by
Correspondance de Jacques Dupuy Et de Nicolas Heinsius (1646-1656) by Bots, J. a.
Revolution, Idealism and Human Freedom: Schelling Hölderlin and Hegel and the Crisis of Early German Idealism: Schelling, Hölderlin and Hegel and the by Nauen, Franz Gabriel
Emmery de Lyère Et Marnix de Sainte Aldegonde by Kramer, C.
Motivation and the Moral Sense in Francis Hutcheson's Ethical Theory by Jensen, Henning
Inventaire de la Correspondance d'André Rivet (1595-1650) by Dibon, Paul
Barakumin: A Japanese Minority and Education by Shimahara, N.
Metternich's Projects for Reform in Austria by Radvany, E.
La Philosophie de Gassendi: Nominalisme, Matérialisme Et Métaphysique by Bloch, Olivier René
The Political Thought of Bolivar: Selected Writings by
Moravia's History Reconsidered a Reinterpretation of Medieval Sources: A Reinterpretation of Medieval Sources by Boba, I.
Politics and Stgs of Grwth by Rostow, W. W., Rostow, Walt W., Rostow
Families Under Stress: Adjustment to the Crises of War Separation and Reunion by Hill, Reuben
The French Pacific Islands: French Polynesia and New Caledonia by Thompson, Virginia, Adloff, Richard
Studies in British Government by Brasher, Norman Henry
Revolutionary Breakthroughs and National Development: The Case of Romania, 1944-1965 by Jowitt, Ken
Reforming Regulation: An Evaluation of the Ash Council Proposals by Noll, Roger G.
Dynamische Bestands- und Produktionsplanung bei einstufiger Fertigung by Neuvians, Günter
Critical Elections: And the Mainsprings of American Politics by Burnham, Walter Dean
Hegel's Political Philosophy: Problems and Perspectives by Pelczynski
Einführung in die Bibliotheksbenutzung by Kluth, Rolf
The Modern Metropolis: Its Origins, Growth, Characteristics, and Planning: Selected Essays of Hans Blumenfield by
Bismarck and the Development of Germany: The Period of Unification, 1815-1871 by Pflanze, Otto
Commonwealth Policy in a Global Context by
Town and Country Planning in England and Wales: (Third Edition, Revised) by Cullingworth, John
Quebec 70: A Documentary Narrative by Saywell, John
Theatre and Nationalism in 20th-Century Ireland by
Politics in Newfoundland by Noel, S. J. R.
Canada and the Canadian Question by
A Resource of War by Unknown, Spaulding, E. G., Spaulding, Elbridge Gerry
Süddeutsche Jakobiner: Klassenkämpfe Und Republikanische Bestrebungen Im Deutschen Süden Ende Des 18. Jahrhunderts by Scheel, Heinrich
System Und Widerspruch Zur Dialektik in Der Sozialistischen Gesellschaft by Stiehler, Gottfried
Neue Grundsätze Der Politischen Ökonomie Oder Vom Reichtum in Seinen Beziehungen Zur Bevölkerung, Band 1 by Sismondi, J. C. L. Simonde De
Technischer Fortschritt, Kapitalbewegung, Kapitalfixierung by Katzenstein, Robert